Kyoto Animation needs 10 billion yen for post-disaster reconstruction
And Kyoto’s annual income is only 100 million yen.
TOEI Animation earns 10 billion yen in just one year
It takes 100 years for Kyoto Animation to earn 10 billion yen.
Kyoto Animation needs 10 billion yen for post-disaster reconstruction
And Kyoto’s annual income is only 100 million yen.
TOEI Animation earns 10 billion yen in just one year
It takes 100 years for Kyoto Animation to earn 10 billion yen.
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make haruhi S3.
Lmao how can the anus of the kyo recover from this, they will also be sued for using their scam awards to steal source material
Kyoto has its own novel publishing house, why make money so little
Moeshitters are brain damaged enough to keep donating to plagiarists, so they should have no problem.
KyoAnus doesn't own Haruhi you retard
That's not doable at this point.
>And Kyoto’s annual income is only 100 million yen.
That's interesting. So the Sentai gofundme was almost 2 and a half years of Kyoani's work.
>And Kyoto’s annual income is only 100 million yen.
Seriously? How the fuck do operate with those peanuts?
The jew tactics never failed
>Kyoto has its own novel publishing house, why make money so little
Because they evade taxes
Look at these fags trying to get much as they can under guise of disaster
>And Kyoto’s annual income is only 100 million yen.
Bullshit. Profit maybe, but definitely not income.
moe magic
if they want the sheckels, they should do it at any cost
Kyoto is a city it earns more than 100 million yen
>a single mentally ill otaku was capable of engendering 100 million dollars in damage
>And Kyoto’s annual income is only 100 million yen.
This is outright fucking impossible unless it's net profit.
No way they were able to produce so much shit, hire so much staff, and own multiple studios on sub 1,000,000 euro a year income.
>10 billion goy, we gotta (((reconstruct))))) our studio
wonder how many goyim will fall for that one, the greedy fucking snakes
100mil yen is less than 1 mil USD, only about 940k, how the fuck do they function?
>paying taxes
>actually telling the goverment how much you are really making
Has this arson finally exposed Kyoani's and Lantis' frauds and tax evasion?
So is it 'income' or 'profit', OP?
It looks like it’s net profit based on the second chart.
Is this common in Japan?
I mean in the US companies, like say Amazon, get away with not paying taxes by investing all profit back into the business in BS ways but you still know roughly what their income was.
>10 billion yen
now this is bullshit, they are just trying to scam people into donating more
I don't know, but it wouldn't be an isolated case.
Toei's annual sales are close to 50 billion yen, and net profit is only over 10 billion yen.
Kyoto Animation's net profit for one year is 100 million yen
They lost an entire building of people and work, if anything it could’ve been higher than that.
Sure is no mods in this godforsaken shithole.
What about the Sentai Gofundme money?
They'll just stop spending; they'll lay off staff and not produce anything for a couple of years, living off royalties.
>mommy mommy he sad bad things about kyoanus ;(
kyoto was massively overrated. Violet Evergarden was nice though.
Why can't you post like a human being?
What royalties? They only produce time flops with no staying power these days.
Silent Voice was better
Violet Evergarden, it was a hit on Chinese streaming sites.
VEG was trash though
What the heck is a time flop?
I don't care, stop talking about Kyoani the fire happened the arsonist was brought to death and the losses were mourned for
every single big company or organization that makes big money evades taxes, in every single part of the world. only wagies and small bussiness owners dont because they dont have enough money to get away with it
>time flops
Kill yourself.
>we'll come back!
>10 billion yen for a system restore
Why can't the anime industry protect its VIPs?
>the arsonist was brought to death
He's still alive.
ky*ani cant keep getting away with it
The 10 billion yen was quoted as recovery and medical expenses for injured employees for the rest of their lives, but you probably already knew that, you slimy bag of shit. Kill yourself.
>kyoani overrated
>violet evergarden was good
>reddit tier meme
This board is literal dogshit now. Yea Forums was the only board without an endless swarm of ban evading shitposters and trolls. Might as well just nuke it from orbit now.
So what's next? I'm sure they'll finish all the already announced projects, but what's after that? Will they really be able to continue the LN contest?
>waaah someone disagreed with my hivemind
>ban them now waaaaaah
fuck off fag
Well, yeah
Fuck off. Asking for 100 the annual income to keep company afloat is bullshit. The number is completely fabricated and same goes for their profits. There is no way they have the staff of 100+, create such popular movies/series and make barely no money.
The books are completely cooked and Nip corporate law lets them away with it
Look up the differences between murrican currency and japanese one
Why the fuck would Kigami change his name so much? Sounds dumb.
>hurr durr kyoani are thieves and scammers
>hurr durr they all deserved to burn to death, based
>hurr durr i'm totally 100% serious and not trolling for attention
Kill yourself.
>frogposter telling others to fuck off
I want Yea Forums to leave.
The money is for the victims you literal shitstain. Kill yourself.
Never said any of that. Imagine thinking everyone on the internet who disagrees with you is one person. Lmao.
>10 billion yen
That's less than half the money Your Name made. Just hire Shinkai!
Kill yourself.
I bet you read manga too, lmao. Back to with you, manga peasant
>The internet message board also showed comments such as "KyoAni betrayed me," and "I will never forgive you guys for stealing my idea." Another post also claimed that "the first plagiarism I witnessed was the movie of K-On!"
>shitposting about kyoani
Not surprised.
Yeah, and of course its others peoples money
He thinks he invented Cute Girls playing instruments in animu?
>they need 100 million dollars
Are you fucking serious? There's no way in fucking hell they need that absurd amount of money; this has to be bait.
That would be KiraKira though
More effective than Alluh akbars
No worries, he can finally buy them out after WWY money comes in.
>some building burns down and people die
lol who cares
>its in nihon
>happened to my kakkoi studio kyoani
why are you so hypocrite, /4channel/?
This board is shit.
>waaaaaahhh muh freedom of speech
>lol jk i just wanna shitpost and spam shit
Back in the days you would be banned just for lulz newshit, 4chink is not YOUR safespace either.
>10 billion yen
Are you pretenting to be retarded or you think this sum is somehow way too much?
Oh fuck.
>implying anime animators having families
Kill yourself.
Right? This place always had edge and casual racism but people nowadays pretend it's something new and/or it's all Yea Forums's fault.
>my little troll can't be this retarded
This is anime board and we are talking about anime studio being burned, it's related to our interests unlike any other incidents.
10 billion yen?
Time to noblesse oblige
>100 million dollars
>35 dead
>24 injured
>Most were low skill, low salary animators
Two million per family. Its a madeup number
m*epigs seething
Here's another shocking revelation:"Most of those animators are woman".
This is some kindergarden level of trolling I swear.
At least you admitted it
I read that total donations were reported to equal 10 million dollars (about 1 billion yen) a week after the attack. Being a tenth of the way there within a week is nothing to sniff at, but the momentum behind crowdfunding campaigns has slowed to a crawl now.
I really don't want them to have to go down the government funding route because of the complications that will bring, so hopefully they won't have to.
user that's not the joke, the joke is because the thing all the events in Yakuza 1 revolve around is that 10 billion disappeared and everyone is scrambling to try and find it.
Why is KyoAni responsible for payout to the families of the killed? They're obligated to an extent, but not legally liable.
I didn't admit shit, dickhead, I only said that we care about something related to us.
I wouldn't even call you retards to be edgelords, because you are obviously just baiting, but to clain that 4chink is all about edge is just a sign of bandwagon newfag, it's all written in your posts
>came here because heard of some le epic place where people post le funny pictures and troll people
>don't know shit about board culture and think every board is the same
You just anothere underage retard who think 4chink made for his personal shitposting, and doesn't even know that shitposting was banned back in the days and no one cares about some underage retards
Do you think they want the families sueing them for billions for having turned off security like retards?
You're projecting incredibly hard. I've known about Yea Forums since at least '07 but sure, keep blaming everything wrong with your life on those evil Redditors/newfags/pol/v/whatever boogeyman you have in mind. Grow up.
Didnt they have insurance?
In case you stll want to donate to Sentai's fundraiser, but can't due to its closure, you can do it through several Japanese fundraisers
(links in the second paragraph)
but you have to at least be familiar enough with Japanese to understand what's going on with the fields.
Or buy from the KyoAni shop.
A shitty meme he's trying to force.
>takes 100 years for Kyoto Animation to earn 10 billion yen.
Kek kyoani is gone
>make another thread about your dogshit studio that contributed virtually nothing to animation, a fact you'd be aware of if you actually engaged wtih the medium beyond extremely superficial levels
>not even their shorts are worth watching and so creatively bankrupt you start to wonder why they even bother making them in the first place
>literally the normalfag and anti-animation studio if there ever was one, comes wtih a truckload of instagram filters and lenseflare as well
How can you be surprised that people are sick of your attention whoring, you animation hating cultists? I sincerely hope you're teenagers, otherwise this would be an embarrassing display. How do you justify caring for this studio full of hacks once you're 18 years of age or older?
>fans are going to pay 10 billions because Kyoani's studio was a death trap
kek, saved!
Kill yourself.
>Kyoto’s annual income is only 100 million yen.
>It takes 100 years for Kyoto Animation to earn 10 billion yen.
That means that every family is going to get 1 million yen per year for 100 years.
How much money do you think KyoAni spent on his employees before the incident?
How does it feel to have your favourite studio immortalized on the media? Now everyone can relate to you
>hurr durr burn victims just magically recover and never need any more medical attention
Fuck off.
So one of the studios they own and a fifth of their staff cost a hundred times their yearly revenue? That sounds doubtful.
The only thing that people don't understand about that number is that, that's the rough number estimated that will cost the ENTIRE recovery or compensation for a "lifetime" to the injured, or deceased people.
That means that Kyoani can actually work with much less than that, as long as they can maintain their business and provide the families throught the years. Money that eventually might add to even more than 10 billion yens.
It would be a pretty stupid move for the families of all the Kyoani staff to sue to shit out of Kyoani to the point of destroying the company what will provide them in the future. Kyoani goes bankruptcy and victims kill themselves.
Also I'm not even mentioning the factor "attachment" for the company that gave them work, and it's a cultural provider for Japan and the world. And most the injured wouldn't want to see Kyoani dying for their fault anyways (that would be like spit in the grave of the deceased and all their work in life for making Kyoani great).
>All residents of Japan are required by the law to have health insurance coverage.
>Medical fees are strictly regulated by the government to keep them affordable. Depending on the family’ income and the age of the insured, patients are responsible for paying 10%, 20%, or 30% of medical fees, with the government paying the remaining fee.
>And Kyoto’s annual income is only 100 million yen.
Retard. This is from disc sales alone, not counting the huge amounts from merchandise.
I fucking knew it
Why is every 1st world nation other than the us do healthcare right m?
How come they need that much money? It was only one small building that burnt down and there are thousands of experienced people wanting to work there.
>touhou makes that much
what has ZUN been saving his millions for?
The op was retarded and the thread only went downhill from there.
Medical bills and family care for the rest of some peoples life
So they can put up a giant glowing neon sign that says "(your name here) is a huge faggot" over the ruins.
Define "right". Lots of countries have """free""" healthcare, but few if any do it "right".
>Why is every 1st world nation other than Japan do fire protection right m?
>Medical bills
Read and . Those are probably going to be free.
>family care for the rest of some peoples life
Read . The families are going to get like 500 times more money than normally.
Nice comeback. Thanks for confirming that you're twelve years old.
Fuck off back to Yea Forums, then.
Based satan
Whoever translated the chart is stupid, it's Toho, the people who published Your Name.
Kill yourself.
>Still obsessed with Yea Forums
How does Yea Forums do it?
>It takes 100 years for Kyoto Animation to earn 10 billion yen.
>Kyoto Animation needs 10 billion yen for post-disaster reconstruction
>Kyoto’s annual income is only 100 million yen.
I see I see. So they put 10 billion yen in the building to make them 1% of that every year.
>calling someone a hivemind
Now who will animate the fluff anymore?
We've been over this user
Japan will bail kyoani out. They called them a national treasure. Kyoani is japan's official studio now.
That makes way more sense. It took me a sec to figure it out myself.
Most people in Japanese society look down on anime culture, probably even more than the west does.
Damn, this definitely doesn't look like an opportunistic cash grab. 10 billion yen is realistic for such huge studio.
>be a triggerfag who've been squabbling with kyoanifags for years using memes and making webms
>all these edgy kids coming out of the woodworks somehow thinks making edgy jokes about dead people takes even a fraction of effort
Kek, you're all small time. I can tell you're still zoomers by all the copy-paste slurs and the dry humor. Me 3 years ago would've at least try harder than this.
thats like saying in America most people look down on video games doesnt mean it isnt popular
I wonder how big of a pathetic loser one has to be to make this ppst.
I mean imagine the long list failures that must occur in one's life so that an individual could reach a mindset to think this is in any form something to be proud about.
Kill yourself.
That's an outdated view.
>Someone said something to get attention on the Internet? How could possibly this be happening???
These fucking shitposters, contrarians and edgyfags are seriously starting to get under my skin
That's an outdated view.
They’ll make that and more through donations and the sales explosion
How can t be that much, it's just a single building.
>the fragility of moecucks
>more e-begging
>more govt gibs
How low can they fall?
Kill yourself.
And tech equipment. And software licenses. And new staff they need to hire.
Not as low as you at least.
Sure is a lot of Yea Forumsermin samefagging in this thread
This is so poor that I can't help but give it a pity (You).
This is beyond kiked, and anyone who can't see that is hopeless.
It's your mistake that you thought we were good people. We only care about us.