Attached: 642566.jpg (914x1079, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw newfag that can’t register

I want to play pediatrician with her

>they didn't play doctor with a girl from their class

Why doesn’t she have boobs? Is this a female (male)?

>didn't into the exclusive sekrit club while it was down
Kek newfags and poorfags

What's back?

more like pedoatrician


Attached: 76022729_p0.png (1060x1500, 940K)

Attached: 1539981106435.jpg (512x511, 94K)

Just in time for comiket!

My excitement is immeasurable, and my day is saved.

Still Biyori's for me.

There's something really fulfilling searching all those galleries/artists and seeing them all there.

I'll archive them for myself later.
In the mean time, might as well jerk off in celebration.

Thanks aniki

holland tried to killed the panda

In celebration post your favorite doujins


Attached: 1546853621098.jpg (976x549, 51K)

I heard the dude wasn't really in trouble with the law, just wanted to take any excuse to retire.


He operates that site at massive loss anyway.

I'm at work so I cant check would my old login work?

As they were smote to the ground!


Attached: 1517765390380.png (542x450, 252K)

if you still have the cookie you don't even need to login, i didn't

Attached: 1564516665482.png (840x708, 234K)


Attached: rengee.jpg (1174x1080, 243K)

the region was pounded below sea level!

>Friday afternoon.
>Come home from work.
>See the this thread.
>It's true.
Today is a good day.

Attached: 548716 ass bathing breast_hold fate_testarossa hashidate_kana loli mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nan (4083x5936, 2.92M)

Page won't load.

Attached: 1557092340932.jpg (750x763, 85K)
Kiss and hug your sisters while you still can.

>It really is back
So the power of cunny...not bad...


Attached: 1468285393959.jpg (500x340, 52K)

flat is cringe

user... that's a kid

Well that was anti-climactic


Attached: 1472237635751.png (629x596, 388K)

That's fucking great, I'll still download the most ochinchin enlarging stuff, just to be safe.

Attached: 1557848323279.gif (500x500, 727K)

Forever or temporarily?

You hear that from retards, if there wasn't trouble how do you explain other loli/shota sites from the Netherlands being shut down/changing hosts? Most notably ATF but there was plenty others

Guess I know what I am going to do tonight.

Attached: 1562030811990.jpg (636x1453, 567K)


It's always temporary. Its just slightly less temporary sometimes

Looks like we no longer need to back up the stuff. Thank goodness.
Yea Forums sings when?

>something positive happened in this timeline

Attached: panic.gif (580x328, 2.85M)

no you fucking retard back up shit anyway incase this ever happens again

wrong song

God you're sucha mega baka.

Attached: QLVSzGJ.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

It's clearly a honeypot

but I deleted my bookmark folder...

Don't worry, something twice as bad will happen to counter weigh this event.

Attached: 1564260168636.jpg (1920x1080, 656K)

>My lolis are finally safe locally
Who else bought a NAS because of this event?

Attached: 1541441188594.jpg (298x452, 72K)


Attached: 1564755943492.jpg (1898x1346, 484K)

Final solution to the Dutch problem when?

Attached: Watersnoodramp_1953.jpg (2943x2366, 1.94M)

The ponyfaggot cannot be trusted. Let this be a warning to you. Get your shit.

fuck off cumbrains

I bet someone used a monkey's paw


Attached: 1564083083672.png (848x720, 983K)

Yeah ha boy, I set that shit to expire in 1000000 years

>inb4 it gets taken down again
i dont wanna believe bros

Attached: fuck.gif (300x198, 226K)

Attached: Yugioh003.png (1200x900, 1.6M)

>Update 4: Work is proceeding on Plan B to provide additional long-term resiliency. On a personal note, I would like to thank the community in general as well as some select fellow site administrators (who may not want to be named?) for the support over the last week. This is of course the internet, but overall, the feedback and communication has been far more positive and constructive than I would have ever expected. While some core issues remain, there are no plans to shut anything down at this point, but it should be emphasized that this website - and most websites like it - ultimately have a truck factor of 1. Changing that would be very difficult for several reasons, which means that there should always be usable and independent copies of any valuable data available.

it seems for the moment, but I still downloading all my favorites if something happens again

Attached: 393905363302481930.gif (112x112, 128K)



ok but how the fuck
is there any story on how this happened or is it just super suddenly back up?


Attached: 1560016024459.gif (540x304, 729K)

probably using different servers? not that hard to bring it back up


So then save your shit now retard


they hosting now in Moldova

You can now. Still have to wait for a week

Disgusting. Also,

Attached: 1563251848844.png (566x720, 298K)


Attached: 1564341673386.png (497x501, 14K)

Ithe goodbye image suppose to replace the sadpanda image, im having trouble going in

That's no excuse, when I was 10 I had boobs

So does this mean we're all volunteering as thanks when the 2nd Transnistrian War resumes?

Attached: Romanian_AKM_Soldier 1989 revolution.jpg (1870x2800, 3.06M)

Nigga, i'm not seeing the panda image. Its some shitty kids instead


>retards are still getting filtered

BORN TO DIE / LOLI IS A FUCK / Kill Em All 1943/ I am Pandaman / 410,757,864,530 DEAD DUTCH

Attached: 1562987825230.jpg (1800x1136, 566K)

Thank you Aniki!


post your high quality moldovan flags here

Thread theme

Not everyone is an amerilard, you know?

That souds so sad

Attached: 1549976640489.png (1920x1080, 554K)

Wow I hadn't even posted this yet, though maybe someone else already did

Attached: ching_chong_porn_gone.jpg (1283x710, 471K)

Is it because i have to wait a week, this is a new account i just registered

Attached: 1564179412576.png (305x650, 21K)

No, the bullshit around Transnistria is what keeps Moldova from EU and its garbage information laws.

I know the nips are happy, but the chinks must be absolutely ecstatic that it's back.

It's true. Loli and shota wasn't covered under the law.

Attached: sadpanda exhentai truth.png (1617x210, 140K)


Attached: 1496727489829.jpg (415x772, 90K)

All that crying and fretting for fucking nothing. Played me like a damn fiddle.

But how does he gets the money for the hosts anyways?

>Aniki personally brought the panda soul back from the death.

Really? Are you THAT autistic?


Attached: 7388492995.jpg (452x268, 59K)

Thanks for the heads up

No I wasn't actually crying but I'm sure some people were

It was just a massive collection of works scanlated into so many languages. It would have been a terrible loss for humanity and mark the beginning of the dark age of the porn.

the anthem of angels


not to mention the malware ads every third page

>On a personal note, I would like to thank the community in general as well as some select fellow site administrators (who may not want to be named?) for the support over the last week. This is of course the internet, but overall, the feedback and communication has been far more positive and constructive than I would have ever expected. While some core issues remain, there are no plans to shut anything down at this point, but it should be emphasized that this website - and most websites like it - ultimately have a truck factor of 1. Changing that would be very difficult for several reasons, which means that there should always be usable and independent copies of any valuable data available.

I can't fucking believe it, we actually got a second chance.
Thank you God, I promise i won't look down on people that do it for free anymore(outside this website)

Attached: Feels Goodman 2D.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Yeah, we have the legal expertise of some random user, who also happens to type like an idiot.

You have to wait a week access this shit, fuck off

This is so wild. A singlr source of not just hentai but also fan works, scans of old magazines and art books, etc. And the fact that almost 90% of that shit was going to be gone within a few hours made people realize having literally one website that hosts all that content is fucking retarded

Monopolies are and have always been a terrible idea. And it took a porn website almost shutting down for millions of nerds to realize this

Attached: D22A138C-F59C-4E80-A316-0B0718F7C1C4.jpg (336x356, 49K)

BREAKING: a picture of the unknown Moldovan responsible for the relocation has been found.

Attached: Gtbeing+ok+with+going+to+europe+good+luck+_cb803ccdd6774372ad6b1494b096da87.jpg (1000x676, 142K)



Attached: kumatora dance.gif (1062x750, 1.08M)

The allure of convenience makes people lazy.

>All it's 700k galleries are back


Attached: 1400379495670.jpg (500x500, 46K)

fuck the porn, its the non-h doujin and the artbook you literally cant find anywhere else on the internet. also the link and password for hardcore amateur cosplay torrent on baidu

>the only guy that does it (for free) has a bunch of unique stuff)

>mfw aniki saved sadpanda but couldn't save himself
i miss you aniki, sleep tight

Attached: 1564206256217.jpg (479x558, 65K)

>Inb4 getting DDoS'd

Attached: a033a639c35f355dbd5fbc6fddde4e0d.jpg (480x530, 45K)

I don't think he's blamming the guy running sadpanda but rather people that use only it because of how convenient it was to keep everything in one place.

then monopoly isn't the fucking word for it

I hope you assholes who said its worse than the KyoAni fire feel like pricks


Attached: 1509319391048.gif (1280x720, 992K)


>newfag doesn't know how to register

Post your age Yea Forums

Attached: 1460490018879.png (553x691, 395K)

But it was worse, than the fire. Perhaps still is.
I'm never going to get those days without panda back, user.

Attached: totally gonna burn it.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

old enough to marry Onsa!

Attached: onsa jew.webm (444x720, 383K)


Attached: 1564624403320.jpg (512x359, 26K)

Nah. I won't take back what I said.

The absolute weight of the world came crashing down on me when the Panda died. For Kyoani it was just my generic reaction to every tragedy out there.

I just registered, and still cant access. What now?



Attached: 1563076501124.png (688x416, 795K)

>people literally cannot figure out how to wait a week and delete maybe 3 cookies despite having 10 years to do so

Attached: 7b097af70b893aa0ba0218b2684714d87b0dd21273a7875f7de115f2fb4ad18b.png (363x375, 183K)

registration is locked for ex
if you just registered right now you can only access g.ehentai

I don't understand what's going on ITT

Attached: 1562627743856.png (894x914, 253K)

Of of these is not like the others!

then lurk atleast 2 years

sadpanda is BACK

Attached: hideri.gif (412x577, 164K)

I've been here for 9 fucking tell me

I have to wait a week then?

>a confession
I never cared for ExH, I thought they were pretentious with their signing up method, getting credit for getting works when it should be scan/scanlation groups, and how everyone was simply obsessed with them. Yes I get the technical need for the panda from a law point of view, but really, this day was inevitable. You all have yourself to blame.

If you hadn't all fucking put your eggs in one basket, you never would have been faced with this crisis. I would say maybe try paying attention to other host sites, or starting new hosting sites as well, but why bother.

Moldova saved you for now. But where will they be when comes the next time? Also,

Enjoy getting snared up in Romanian mafia schemes, and having viruses sent to you harder than a primetime MMA virustream.

Attached: _1459106009662.jpg (414x446, 99K)

ohh it's back I see
Well that was a whole lotta shit for nothing, why did you fucks have me save all those doujins then?

Attached: coalburnertime.jpg (270x241, 34K)

You also need to make 15 posts in the forum.

Stop gatekeeping and Let me join then gang. Where am i suppose to go if even you wont let me in.

More importantly, Comiket is saved.

I'm crying now
from my dick

Please provide a better description.

What are you? A fucking boomer?

>Stop gatekeeping

Attached: 1445931559422.jpg (322x365, 24K)

nah youre shit out of luck, you can acess it right now without clearing cookies or waiting if you already got account before the shitstorm. new account only have access to g.e

It was literally the scanlators who got credit for the uploads, you fucking retarded manchildren.

What the fuck? I better see some good shit in ex going through all this

No user, the twice as bad already happened

So even waiting a week wont let me in ex?

how are normalfags reacting to this ? i want to see the SALTY TEARS OF THE RETARDS that celebrated this

Attached: 1564176131439.gif (421x450, 392K)

>newfags permanently locked from the panda

You'll see wonderful things like this.

Yeah, just look at the type v gate...

I obviously cant see it

I live in the netherlands. Loli is illegal, but doesn't really get persecuted often, just like having too much weed plants in your zolder. You would have to be a very large distributor of loli to get persecuted.

A lot of doors are closing behind those of us who are already inside. The western anime fanbase is in bad shape right now.

nice 'cuda

Not him but started to watch anime 7 months ago. Lurking Yea Forums 3 months and I understand. Am I the greatest mastermind of all time?

Thanks for all of the tendon treatment money, guys.

how the fuck does people still not have a panda account in 2019

Retarded normalfags are kept out to avoid a moral panic that will put the site under too much fire to even relocate. Just don't be one of them and you're good.

Concerted effort from a third party that spammed reports of "CP" content to their server hosts. Hosts don't want to deal with the gray area of the law so they told them to remove it.

>You also need to make 15 posts in the forum.
That's stupid.

How does it feel to live in a place where drawings have the same rights as you?

Not everyone has favorable, or mutant genetics you know. I did too but that's besides the point. No bully!

Old enough that we used rely on networks that copied and sent videotapes around the country, and rely on/be weebs in the military stationed in Japan to send us stuff from PX.

Attached: leech ah ah ah.png (327x356, 63K)

any one who isn't retarded could get in in a week


Attached: jahy smug.jpg (1125x2097, 185K)

Dagashi Kashi is getting a third season?

i never posted on forums and can still see ex
what is this bullshit

WE FUCKING WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: Akira dance.gif (308x258, 108K)

Make sense

Never mind it's about some shitty hentai site.


Attached: 1563766954958.gif (666x920, 254K)

stop being stupid

You can register again

Set your asking price to 300 credits and wait. The price is falling, but if you keep buying GP at the current price it'll only encourage sellers to raise it. Let's drive the price back down to normal.

Attached: why yes, i'm a lolicon how could you tell.png (693x601, 247K)

How did it get a second season? Money laundering?

Anime was better when it was a secret club. Westerners have this real bad habit of demanding that everyone cater to their delicate sensibilities once they're on the scene.

>all the retards that saved terrabytes of stuff


>third party
So probably Discord tranny sjws who groom actual children.

Years ago you didn't need to do anything other than clearing the cookies. Then you had to wait a week or so. Then you had to wait a month and iirc post in the forums. I don't know if it changed after that.

My day just got immeasurably better.

>paying for fake internet money

>tfw I sent 500k credits to a fag to save stuff

what's this waiting for a week shit i can open it just fine

WHO /moldova/ HERE????

Have fun panicking when this happens again.

You think I'm talking about buying with real money, numbnuts?

Thats bullshit, you dont have to do that

I heard its why more complicated now but i don't know the details

Haha, yeah, joke's on them, having backups instead of having all of our eggs in one basket. BTFO!

Romanian irredentism time?

Treaty of Trianon best day of my life, Iron Guard did nothing wrong, bless Moldova

Attached: Iron_Guard.png (504x580, 123K)


Sounds like a personal problem.

I believe that pedos deserve death peanlty or atleast getting ther dicks cut but if you ban loli drawings you have to ban mass murder movies or ban Hollywood movies where they justify USA invading countries.

>twice as or even any bad

I don't know user the Panda was gone for a whole week. That's pretty significant.

>People still don't practice 1,2,3 Backup
Have fun when Moldova enters the EU and it gets taken down again.

Kiddies who don't archive will never understand, don't even bother. In the era of streaming and having just about anything you want at the swipe of a screen, most people don't know how to actually own things.

What great news to start out a Friday

>he didnt peg for credits

Attached: 1564760393314.png (990x637, 58K)

I went on a vacation for a couple weeks and come back to that and panda being dead. This ride is starting to get pretty intense.

Anyone here actually fell for the panic donation scam? It was obvious from 10boros very first posts about it.

Time to delve into my best/worst tastes: age gap yuri lolicon. I don't recall when it began but boy i missed it.

This, its the first time i got out of bed happy in a long time

i saw someone say they were downloading all 8,500+ artbooks, any update on that ?

Sadpanda? More like Gladpanda.

Attached: 1543848231222.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

I don't really mind. Small scale lolicon like myself don't really get much attention, and of course I hide it like anyone else. I mean sure, I find the law itself bullshit but as long as it's not harming me I don't really care.

So can I go ahead and delete all this fucking disgusting guro and scat porn off my hard drive? I was only saving it for archive purposes.

Time to get some downloading scripts.

>I was only saving it for archive purposes.

Attached: smugg brat.png (161x166, 21K)


Sure, user-kun.

Attached: 1279011586367.jpg (600x611, 34K)

Thanks doc.

I fucking saved like god knows how many guro anthologies for no reason at all.

Well at least all the bestiality is still good.

I highly doubt they're going to fully rebound. Someone called me /k/ for thinking like this but if you read the writing on the wall we're heading for a paradigm shift with how the internet works. Grab everything you can now, because I foresee a dark age in the near future where your only option as an anime fan will be streaming services owned by major corporations and whatever censored manga is distributed here. Load up those HDs boys, we're going to need our waifus to keep morale up in the bunkers.

Thanks Aniki!

>that fucking Slayers scat
The art was too good not to archive it

I didn't even see this thread when I found out it was up again, I was just revisting the page to mourn. It was like divine fate.

Attached: 1550930846148.png (979x816, 266K)

How many times does it have to be said: There is NO change in Dutch law regarding loli and NO indication (that I have found) that loli is illegal in the Netherlands. While drawings can indeed be considered CP, they need to be difficult to discern from reality and this has been the case for around a decade at least. I don't have an answer as to why those sites went down, my best guess is that people notified the server provider which then got spooked but it is not a legal issue.

Fucking love bestiality hentai. Got to start downloading it first.

Has there ever been a point in Moldova's history where the entire world looked to it in wonder and amazement aside from now?

I'm doing that but only downloading the ones I want. Been at it for about six hours and only on page 68 of 376

ATF is back too, nigger

Yea it's finally--
>Moldova is in Europe

Uh oh

Attached: 1564690304083.jpg (321x327, 44K)

Noooo it's still non biyori for me what the fuck do I do

The one good thing that happened in our lives was temporarily getting back what was taken away from us? I think you've brought forward my suicide by two years.

>Loli is illegal
No it isn't. Drawings can be considered CP but they need to be realistic to the point of being difficult to discern from reality. If you know better then source me.

>somewhere in the world some obscure Moldovan alcohol manufacturer has received an uptake of international orders


But not European Union, which is what actually matters

do your own homework retard

Someone post the Char's Counterattack edit. Please I need to remind myself again of that fateful day when all boards preserved as much as they could.

Yeah but it's not in the European Reich so it's alright.

We can't even hid in our little anime fantasy world, they're trying to take that away from us too. My God these are dark times.

>Looks like we no longer need to back up the stuff. Thank goodness.

Don't be retarded, if this whole fiasco taught us anything is that we need backups, and contingency plans so this doesn't happen again.

Clearly it's taught a lot of people nothing.

You mean when moldova gets tendonitis?

Only by knowing the greatest despair can you know the greatest joy.

It is a good day to be alive.

Attached: 1394086176180.jpg (1920x1080, 172K)

All these morons walking into an obvious Honeypot. The site is in the hands of the gov now.

PS: My first post on Yea Forums despite being here for 7+ years

Attached: sunlover.jpg (700x400, 177K)

>Has there ever been a point in Moldova's history where the entire world looked to it in wonder and amazement aside from now?

Can't stop smiling lads. I guess this is what genuine relief and happiness feels like.

Moldova is the enemy.

Is it wrong to ask God for Lusamine and Lillie oyakodon?

Attached: Lusamine insane.png (1183x637, 656K)

Is it true that you have to wait a week for new accounts?

Holy shit what a blast from the past.


>I saved as bunch of guro and scat for archive purposes

more like a wake up call desu
a reminder to treasure everything you love because nothing is permanent

Attached: 1529934816307.jpg (1280x722, 93K)

Unironically a great song.


Attached: descarga (1).jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Can't access it. What's up with that?

>miraculously sadpanda is back
>implying you are not tracked now

Attached: 53dk8sy4bsey.png (512x512, 92K)


Yea Forums, /jp/, /c/, /g/, /k/, /m/, Yea Forums, /h/, /d/, /y/, /aco/, /cm/, et al. sings When?

Hell yeah motherfucker.

Attached: 1470364436306.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

Because Sadpanda is still located in Europe. It will always have problems until it's moved somewhere safe.

Attached: cu...jpg (1280x720, 165K)


Attached: WE DANCE.gif (376x450, 1.78M)

numa numa on loop on all sad panda related boards when?

Unfortunately, ATF is running a bit slower than it was before it went down.

But a win nonetheless.

Fuck the Netherlands and FUCK Kiwifarms.

Long live Moldova.
Long live Cunny!

Tracked by who? The evil EU coming to arrest you for cunny?
There is no EU crackdown on loli, there was no recent legislation change. Tenboro just needed an out.

Things only ever get worse user, be thankful for this small respite before the entire website eventually coming down, not just lolis and shotas.

Attached: 1563748952629.png (300x300, 148K)

Attached: rip sad panda.jpg (959x8823, 1.46M)

>Long live Moldova

You know what continent that's on right? you know this isn't permanent

>implying we weren't already

VPNs are placebos.
Big brother just doesn't care unless it's hardcore shit like pizza.

Attached: 1564336442202.jpg (1008x343, 115K)

Is numa numa a newfag filter yet?

>implying we all already aren't being tracked now

You can bring Aniki back in exchange for everything on sadpanda being permanently lost forever, including back ups; will you, Yea Forums?

Savor it. It won't be long until the next terrible thing happens.

Attached: 1564121703384.png (845x1200, 244K)

>still in EU
Good luck with that.

Without a second thought. Aniki was one of the few good people left in this world

My wife Lillie is so cute!

Moldova isn't part of the European Union.

Even if things are only up for a week or two it still gives people time to actually back everything up instead of the disorganized 12 hour panic before shutdown. The lolis are saved, at least for now.

Holy fuck it's nice to have a 9 years old account

Attached: EA9HfQDU0AA77Wv.jpg (2048x1536, 606K)

Lesson learned, I will download fucking everything that catches my interest from now on.

Moldova's not in the EU though.

Me too.

Good thing I started a few months before all this happened, my back up is almost 700gb now.

you know alot about alot don't you

Reminds me of the good ol days. I love it when boards come together for whatever reason. Like when /pol/ raided /mlp/ and left confused as fuck because they were already Nazis.

Now all we have to do is wait for kyoani to hit a homerun with their next release and everything will be right with the world.

Attached: 1563466824038.gif (600x450, 140K)

>There are people right now without more than 1TB archived
Are you fucking normalfags or what

Moldova is unironically such a shithole that it isn't getting in the EU anytime soon.

Too late boy, learned that lesson. The hard way.

Attached: kasumi crying extra.png (1011x591, 582K)

>Like when /pol/ raided /mlp/ and left confused as fuck because they were already Nazis.

Thanks for the laugh.



Wouldn't think twice. I miss our boy

Attached: 1564460211303.gif (500x376, 51K)

>spend a few days sad about the disappearance of exhentai
>it's already up again
I'd like my emotions back please.

Attached: 9c39b8c8044d34683483ac6c33164a0bd292faade032635c84abce9403f6976f.jpg (532x531, 58K)


No. He was a fag.

i don't have the room, user

EU membership is not just about internal support, user. they have specific economic and legislative requirements too. otherwise ukraine would already be in the EU.

Attached: 1558165919569.png (780x220, 6K)

still retarded method

moldova is a mafia state firmly in the russian sphere. what the people want is irrelevant.

You should be doing the same with anime too. Someday in the near future torrent communities will be a thing of the past and we will have to share our collections at cons and sekrit meetups.

>eufags making up months to push propaganda for their failing superstate

Attached: 1562715677623.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

I only back up BD rips, but honestly I only care for the porn.


I only have about 100GB of hentai. I'm very picky. I do have about 4TB of anime archived though.

Don't even bother explaining it to braindead retards. Just let them wallow, we'll all be back here at the same point 6mo-2yr down the line. You're talking to people who think they're smart because they (by following other people's directions) got past a panda.

Well, at least archiving efforts coming from this are laudable.

Attached: Hitler feeds Kirby.png (1000x929, 501K)

Inside i see the cope

Yeah, tick tock. I'm sure this will become a big problem in 20-30 years.


1. Move the panda to a safer homebase.
2. Mission complete

Someone needs to make a comic where Aniki does some TTGL tier gar shit blasting his way from the after life with the panda in tow, then a teary eyed goodbye as he sinks back into his grave.

It's literally what they were designed for.


Attached: 1560970657883.jpg (508x590, 158K)

I guess that's fine. You handle the porn, I'll handle the anime.

Did somebody said "9 years old"?!

Attached: 1564738680655.png (1052x369, 159K)

I can't believe I've been listening to numa numa on loop for nearly a good hour now. Makes me feel young again.

Bless Moldova.

If it goes down a second time, it could come back a second time.

The point is the human spirit will persist and men will never give up on what they find truly important. Like porn.

Based tendonbro

Quick, how do i get points to download stuff?

So, what exactly happened?

Servers got moved to Moldova thanks to support. Panda is back.

>He doesn't have pandashekels.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-02 E-Hentai Galleries - The Free Hentai Doujinshi, Manga and Image Gallery System (888x104, 4K)

Owner of panda got wrist problems and loli is banned on the internet. But Moldova temporarily for a few days maybe brought back panda for unknown reasons.

>all my exhentai setting were resetted as if I hadn't had any hath perk
what the cuck

Attached: 1542344579289.png (583x428, 184K)

Why? Can't you enter if you have a newer account?

>/h/ is still using the same sticky
>thread title "PANDA BACKUP NOW"
Heh, they didn't have to change it.

Attached: 1550330362743.jpg (960x640, 39K)

>twice as BAD

Interpol must have been after me for like 10 years now, I don't give a fuck.

Well, they still want to backup shit. This was more or less a wake-up call for them to start understanding Panda won't be around forever.

Can't. Fucking. Get. In.
F5! F5! F5! F5! F5!

>Ufotable gets burned down next

Attached: hu.png (458x333, 126K)

aka kiwis

Are we truly back?
Is this truly our messiah raising from the dead?

Attached: 1505570491445.jpg (965x879, 176K)

Why tho?

Attached: OMx2_JSG.png (323x323, 84K)

Why would someone make this

Don't know, but you better download whatever you can while it's back.

>sadpanda shitting itself with all these people celebrating the good news
>china isn't awake yet

Attached: 1385910014809.jpg (520x678, 69K)

Attached: 241.png (300x100, 30K)

Why does western lolicon always make me feel so much dirtier?

>every single conspiracy theorist and kiwifag BTFO
Based Moldova

I want to fuck Lillie

Press F for all those who committed suicide due to the death of the panda.

Attached: 154792187510.png (286x270, 98K)

Did too many illegal things completely out in the open on unsecured connections. If they haven't noticed me they are the most incompetent agency on this planet. I live off the grid now though anyway so it doesn't matter. This is all in minecraft btw.

Attached: 1501599847176.jpg (438x445, 57K)

I didn't even backup shit bros
I knew they would phoenix


Back it up now then. I spent the whole 10 hours from 6pm-4am that night getting what I could, had to go to work at 6am, then came back and spent the next few days getting even more from the main site.

Didn't rope but I had a long sit and smoke on the porch mulling over my life and future when I found out. I came to the conclusion that I have absolutely nothing in my life if the loss of cartoon porn is this huge of a tragedy.

>closed a bunch of tags that were on hold
>can't even fucking remember what they were
god damnit

My suicidal tendencies go just as far to order a pizza to mourn. Slow, slow, unhealthy death, if you will.

>the furher's trips
>fucking checked
What kind of illegal things, asking for a friend.

yes, he was a good person

>off the grid
>posting on an IP logging website


Attached: 0c0118a5385dd8516d6b7d5cdd8acee3.jpg (927x1223, 514K)

>being proud of being a zoomer who treats the internet like an endless spring

Not him, but I'm doing that. I don't have much to do, though. My tastes are so specific and picky, that my favorites were sub-200, even after scouring most of the site way back.

I hope everybody's learned to BACK THEIR SHIT UP from this experience and to keep the Alexandria site open because who knows when this could happen again.

>Wake up
>Have breakfast
>Log onto the panda to see what's new purely out of habit from doing this every morning for the last 10 years
>It's back up
This is probably going to be my high point of year.

Attached: YEAH.png (300x335, 140K)

Mine are smoking and drinking. Watching anime drunk and stoned is a hell of a time.

Everything is going to be okay

Attached: 1341628905578.jpg (914x1089, 948K)

It's a christmas miracle!

what a dumb question.


Moldovans are treated as niggers in fucking Ukraine.

No it isn't. This nightmare of a reality gets worse every day.


Of course.

Attached: 1509956768213.gif (500x600, 658K)

Very nice.
celebrated this by masturbating to senpai kanojo

Attached: 759.png (726x421, 764K)

Based real China.

You mean European men make their wives fuck Moldovians?

Attached: 21.jpg (490x500, 76K)

>a man's life or a bunch of digital copies of shit we could probably go find in Japan
Of course I would, Aniki had such a pure soul that even being a gay porn star didn't tarnish it.

I like the way you think, user.


Attached: 1564759084538.gif (280x226, 2.72M)

What is back?

Holy fuck that's a blast from the past.God bless Moldova. Moldovan economy is now going to suddenly experience an unexplainable boom.

Very nice joke my friend


why haven't you joined the winning side yet, Yea Forums?
>once upon a time a Discord group decides to raid Yea Forums for teh lulz by forcing a new buzzword: the CB-word
>since Yea Forums likes to fap but a large part of Yea Forums is also contrarian, this buzzword was bound to rustle some jimmies
>they proceeded to false-flag Yea Forums intensely by filling the catalog with threads with a lewd image in the OP, and then calling the OP the CB-word in the first post, on top of spamming the CB-word in every other thread where applicable
>this gave the impression that this was a big problem on Yea Forums, which resulted in two things:
>1) people who were actually tired of lewd threads proceeded to spam the CB-word to call Yea Forums out on this
>2) underage shitposters unaffiliated with the Discord group saw that the CB-word was going to be the next epic buzzword like "have sex" and "incel" and proceeded to spam it as well for (You)s
>within hours, the Discord group managed to control a good portion of Yea Forums to their whims, and so Yea Forums was filled with the CB-word
>anons who were just waking up were wondering where the hell this new meme came from all of a sudden
>but then a miracle happened, at the peak of CB-posting, sadpanda rose from the dead
>by spamming the CB-word so hard, they only CB-spammers only jinxed themselves
>with their beloved porn haven back, it was time for cunny and /ss/, and all the cumchads just laughed at the CB-spammers
>and then another miracle happened: the mods got off their asses for once
>being unable to ignore the sheer forcedness of this meme, they wordfiltered it to gamer
>instead of plunging Yea Forums into a new era of chaos, the Discord group found that Yea Forums wasn't so easy to control after all as their efforts had been thwarted by a turn of fate
>as everyone laughed at their failure, they're still seething to this very day, trying to get lewd threads banned by spamming them in the same fashion
>and their raid went into history as an epic fail

Attached: k7Jsca.gif (320x180, 1.3M)

>tfw i got 50k credits in donations
what were these for again?

Attached: dumdum.gif (384x216, 793K)

Someone add Moldovan to this

Attached: 1564091570216.png (927x654, 643K)

Thanks aniki. You are the boss of my gym

Without a doubt

Thread's songs

Oh no the government of a country I don't live in will see me download hardcore lesbian porn

We move to Holland and breed their women, they're out for the taking.

Based Moldovian 774 hentai.

Attached: YOSHI SHEEP.jpg (607x699, 55K)

Just like Turkey right?

Wow, mods actually got off their asses and did something for once? Colour me surprised. That whole c-brain shit was orchestrated as fuck, it was so forced and obnoxiously spammed everywhere. Felt like I was watching a real-time invasion of Yea Forums by (((them))) at the time.

>he didn't have hope
I didn't even close my tabs.

I closed my tabs but I did it while it was still up and downloaded everything as I did

Let's flood /int/ with Moldova threads to show our gratitude!


Post yfw

Attached: 1538514062392.gif (650x366, 3.71M)

Attached: le shuffle.gif (245x355, 1.9M)

Well, what are you waiting for? Upload something to celebrate.
Download something from fantia/pixiv/enty/patreon and upload it.
Hire someone to scan something for you.


Of course we're being tracked, by a bunch of lolis who found a lot of desperate lolicons.

always believe in the panda that believes in you

Attached: never lose hope.png (1740x218, 83K)

Why are you keeping Yea Forums threads?

>still uses a botnet without vertical tabs

Attached: 1553141506832.png (200x1066, 36K)

jesus christ man

Attached: mohawkboi.png (530x567, 426K)

I would

>wake up
>dont want to get out of the bed
>look at my phone
>get out of the bed with the motivation of a thousand chads

Attached: computer remi2.jpg (385x371, 87K)

Because the art is shit and you just know the guy that draw it is an overweight, smelly 50 years old that lives in a dirty basement

I feel a lot less racist towards Moldovans now compared to the rest of eastern europe.

The power of dopamin release and why anti-depressants actually work.

need to saucenao some stuff before closing them

Attached: 1564517031974.png (112x112, 17K)

I watched Lucky Star while stone and found it was deeper than what I could ever hope to imagine.

Attached: Please look at the WiiU Gamepad.gif (320x213, 1.3M)

Thanks Aniki

But it's August.

I respect this autism but goddamn son.

Attached: 1564423009618.png (537x439, 263K)

time to celebrate LOLI CUNNY with whisky and blunts!

Attached: 1564697373606.png (511x559, 244K)

Yeah, those fungus people are alright.


Attached: 1435958009264.jpg (872x1200, 906K)

Complete mirrors also need to exist. If one day you want to find old content for something you didn't know existed before, personal backups of what you already know can't solve that problem.


Attached: 18A1BE71-FC36-4949-9C5F-AF8F3BE7A25A.jpg (1920x1080, 128K)

Damn, the Slavs and Yuros really do treat them like negroes.

Ty aniki

if you're going to have tabs up 24/7 then why not just bookmark, jesus

Attached: YOU JUST DON'T GET IT, DO YOU?.gif (500x281, 452K)


Attached: 1563161977494.jpg (1600x1143, 793K)

Bookmarks are for the things that will be gone through sometime further in the future, open tabs for the near future. hundreds of open tabs just means there's not enough time in a day.

never understood this meme

Attached: 1562610046216.jpg (787x439, 29K)

I don't think you know what you're talking about.

give source


>Moldova is one of the last bastions of freedom

Who would have thought.

I would do anything to protect that smile.

>Loli and shota wasn't covered under the law.
It is covered pretty much everywhere on the planet that has signed various internet contracts to standardize what constitutes acceptable traffic and criminal traffic However, this is illustrations and not realistic, so not all places have law enforcement that PERsecutes sites with illustrations (imaginary) versions. As soon as the persecution starts, many ISP will give tell the site to get rid of it or even close the site temporarily just to avoid negative publicity from the SJW and #metoo anti-hate-crime crusaders.

Attached: give_to_my.jpg (848x960, 81K)

Even as someone who doesn't do loli most of the time I can respect the fuck out of you guys for helping to keep this bastion of humanity alive.

Attached: OKEY.png (181x183, 57K)

So was it all some sort of falseflag?

When will the counterattack on fakku begin?

Attached: 265163449fd68c6c658c56d303a312cb.jpg (1280x790, 102K)

Eastern Europe in general is resisting the zog, which is why they're always bad guys in movies.

>lose the most charismatic Body Builder and proudly represents the internet sensation they made of him
>versus a bunch of kinky porn and comedy doujins with braindead easy normalfag access entrance levels
You can probably find most of what you're looking for if you tune into the right channels anways, it would just be a cost of convenience.
I need Billy back more.

Attached: file.png (570x837, 595K)

I think you're some sort of moron.

Aniki will still be dead user, some things simply can't be fixed.

Archivers need to start backing up the panda in its entirety now that we've got more time.

Nice wet, dripping pussy.

Obviously. Anyone who wouldn’t is scum, and probably new.

>Looks like we no longer need to back up the stuff. Thank goodness.

Without backups, when a site gets forcibly closed down for criminal violations or TOS violations, the data drives are NOT provided to the website users. Hardware belongs to the ISP and not to the users who signed a contract for ISP access as long as the TOS is not violated.

Everyone that has signed the Berne Convention knows that express permission is the requirement for media distribution. So it's actually pretty easy for any mass distribution site like sad panda to be shut down simply due to the express requirement which cannot be met upon demand.

every time i try to give panda a chance there's nothing of higher value that I can't just find on other sites.
Years ago you fucks told me this was supposed to be a gold mine.

>Fapped last night to let off steam
>Sadpanda is back
Gommenasai, penis-kun

obsessed cumbrain

What browser is that because that would make my tabs so much cleaner

firefox with tree style tabs
i'd recommend switching anyway since google plans to kill adblockers

Attached: 1556117934975.png (957x688, 294K)

wtf is ATF

Welp, back to the fox then. Thanks

Probably BS. Google wouldn't throw away the market share they've worked so hard to conquer. They know that's a battle they can't win.
they're not killing them, they're just crippling them. normies won't care.

All Terrain Fapper

Attached: 1392664471998.gif (80x92, 27K)

>I thought they were pretentious with their signing up method

That's because you have a narcissistic personality. That attitude prevents you from seeing why it was done that way.

Attached: mivit naked towel.jpg (3025x1600, 2.68M)

as this user said Also i would probably fill my bookmark to the point of not beeing able to find anything.

Attached: those where just EX tabs.png (1736x986, 797K)

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is a federal law enforcement organization within the United States Department of Justice.


Attached: org105503_0_744271.jpg (1055x807, 290K)




Which part of Moldova are you from lads?

Attached: 1481088512113.png (398x370, 215K)

rio de janeiro

Tons of money from Gold users after they donated to access the blocked ex.

>Anime was better when it was a secret club
>Social Justic Warriors have this real bad habit of demanding that everyone cater to their delicate sensibilities once they're on the scene.

The mermbership thing as weak as it was, kept that content from having its URLs posted all over by asshole high school kids trying to annoy people. That's a good thing. Their uncaring horseplay would only bring negative attention to the site and get it closed much much sooner.

Attached: [mtu] Takanami (kancolle).jpg (1024x1280, 440K)

>getting snared up in Romanian mafia schemes
ok gheorghe dinca

What happened? Did they change the location of the servers or did someone else take the reins?

Attached: 1513725484838.png (756x673, 449K)


Someone helped him find a new host.

We /numanuma/ now, our lolis are safe for the time being.

OP is a slowpoke

Do I have to make a new account or can I continue to use my old one?

I guess i downloaded all that rustle for nothing...
Still gonna keep it just in case

I am building a crawler with puppeteer that will download everything according to the tags given

I won't get fucked again and hoard all the things

Global warming will take care of them.

Now keep it safe forever, you can never know when you're going to need it the most. Remember that in some timeline, Joe didn't warn people to make backups and the site died out of nowhere for a week.

>died out of nowhere forever

BREAKING: Russia mobilizes to protect previously unknown ethnic Russian minorities being oppressed by drawings in Moldova.

Of course someone that posts Perturabo is gonna be jealous of other people's accomplishments.

What is 2ch or Futaba whatever saying about the ressurection of the panda?

Attached: 4-43aeaec5c435.gif (203x129, 36K)

Sounds like a fucking trap to me

Post old classics that would be lost with ex

good because i forgot to download that one dagashi kashi dojin before it went down

Wani was right.

Attached: [Atelier Dr.HEAD’S] Iede Jounen Mucchiri Ketsuman Hitodumaka Keikaku 003.png (2150x3036, 2.09M)

Not part of the European enslavement

does this mean hentaiverse will be eternal


Day status : made

Attached: 1471046968295.png (437x439, 124K)

I’m pretty sure it was on any hentai site out there


Attached: 545362.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

Thank you Aniki. We miss you.


>tfw have 3 gorillons GP but don't know how to donate

Attached: 1477689613489.png (1000x563, 676K)

>he doesn't backup his bookmarks

It's probably a trap.
Be careful anons!

Reminder to download and store yourfavorites before some shit happens again.

>retards actually celebrating this
Likely just a temporary measure, but if this actually happens panda is going to go the way of every chan that isn't cripple- or weedchan.

>people bought 1kGP at 25000 credits

The idea is that the country is such a shithole that they have a "town rapist". Like it's a common thing like town jester or newsboy

ITT: Modern cringe-fest
>in4 newfag

I heard that Madokami is still somewhat active
Not that I can confirm it but ex will stay alive for at least few years

Aniki continues to bring hope to our lives.

>Sadpanda got saved thanks to numanuma meme land

Weird timeliine


>Likely just a temporary measure
The admin literally said it's permanent. Feel free to stay upset at the fact that people you dislike are enjoying things.


Attached: 1564440649332.jpg (336x500, 104K)

>newfags confused and looking for SadPanda on knowyourmeme

That's good though. Keeps the retards out. Heard registrations were restricted for now too

i can live without doujins. in fact, i use my own imagination to fap. i dunno why i'm itt, though.

Pretty much

Attached: 1564080232128.png (617x107, 4K)


I can understand needing a more modern method to keeping the shitters out of the site, but even a retard like you should be able to understand how permanently locking every new (or returning) person out of an all-in-one future-proof archive is very bad.

I'm pretty sure the registrations are already back though. They were only closed because the site was assumed to be closing down and the admin was in a rush to bring it back so he conveniently forgot to enable them back right as he did so.

So e-h is now a closed site? Nice but how would new tl or uploaders get in.

Working on it.

>The admin literally said it's permanent

What's a good trade rate?

Completely closed communities are destined to die out, yes, but not the case here and as for the goddess' that's a case of the admin stopping giving a damn about the site and just letting it run as is, if anything breaks it's broken by the looks of it.

By fucking off, I have enough shit uploaders to blacklist

I've got no idea what the actual plans are. If he has to temporarily disable new registrations because of the new host or as an attempt to keep out opportunists looking to target the site when it's in the spotlight like this then whatever. If it's permanent then that means the site will die, completely defeating the purpose of it existing in the first place, and braindead chimps celebrating it now don't deserve the site at all.

Check the forums, the same post that says everything is ending has a bunch of updates.

It 404's on me.
Dont play with my feelings like that, I havent fapped since that day. Its just not the same anymore.

If you're still around, you can donate to me through Mooglemail. Go to Hentaiverse (the game) and you can donate GPs through Mooglemail. I archived a few hundred GBs worth of stuff through donations during the 12 hours, but now I have none left.

That's fucking pitiful, you don't deserve erections if you can't achieve them without external stimuli.

I bought at 273c/1kGP, which is still high. Normal rate is around 200c, 230c.

That is nothing but 2nd hand infos. Its not an official statement

By fapping I meant actually cumming. I can get an erection.
For me 2D is porn and a high form of art that hits all the spots.
What the fuck do you imply?Am I supposed to fap and cum withe internal stimuli?Power of mind?

Attached: itstrue.png (1920x1080, 102K)

>second hand info
>from the admin himself
user please.

I've been touching myself all day user, it's true

We are back in business, boys!!

>tfw he used up all his energy to save us but he burnt out

Attached: 1564753360016.jpg (512x511, 12K)

Damn, talk about huge ripoffs, then again for all we knew the site and the trimmed version were doomed for so credits, GP, hath and such were worthless. In the end some people still win I guess.

I wished i had more credits to buy haths. Those lucky bastrads got them for 3/4 of the original lrice

>not just using a vpn to get past the credit limit
I made out like a bandit on that night, I got everything I needed and exceeded the limit ten times over without anyone giving me credits.

Hmm it seems I had to type out the full url in order to connect. Fucking bless the souls that helped .

So what about the Moldova postings? Are the servers hosted there now? or are the anons from there?

Holy shit hahaha

Attached: moldova.png (1054x61, 8K)

seems like that's where it's hosted now

I am so proud to be from there now.Hope they dont care about 2D cunny that much.

Bribery is always an option. Сам знаешь что на лапу можно в любой момент дать. >t. Мимо хохол

>the panda will literally save Moldova and become a national treasure, protected by their government themselves

Boss, we've moved from the caribbean to the seychelles, this is our new home
>duplicate file exists here
ill add a flag

I know.
>t. Мимо хохол
eto sinonim moldovanam?potomushto ukraina riadam

Это намёк что я не с Молдовы, но примерно понимаю что по коррупции та же история что и тут