Anime takes place in moldova

>anime takes place in moldova
>main character is a town rapist who resurrects a sad panda

Attached: 1564149313033.png (360x360, 183K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Update 4: Work is proceeding on Plan B to provide additional long-term resiliency.

>On a personal note, I would like to thank the community in general as well as some select fellow site administrators (who may not want to be named?) for the support over the last week. While some core issues remain, there are no plans to shut anything down at this point, but it should be emphasized that this website - and most websites like it - ultimately have a truck factor of 1. Changing that would be very difficult for several reasons, which means that there should always be usable and independent copies of any valuable data available.

Attached: 1564738370700.png (761x920, 151K)

KEEP ARCHIVING, normalfags are raiding us in panic to discourage us.

What's a moldova?

wtf why are they all a panda


One of those slav countries where CP gets made so they don't care about loli on servers

Just a picture of a panda?

Attached: honey.jpg (290x290, 18K)


Yeah, I thought it was a really cute and funny panda so I felt like sharing.

bismillah one day your kind shall be eliminated

Wait what the fuck happened? I haven't been keeping up since I thought all hope was lost

Attached: buh.png (191x240, 50K)

>it's actually back up
holy fuck

Attached: 1562393873547.png (525x590, 376K)

Not sure, site admin says he got help and trying to set up something for long term, everything else is speculation and the usual trolls. Keep saving your favourites to be secure.

They are not slavic. They are gypsies

Site admin faked sadpanda's death for that sweet donation money.

I hope everybody learned to BACK YOUR SHIT UP from this experience

No that was fake

Guys don't you think we shouldn't keep talking about this and not have it draw too much attention?

sweetie let the adults talk okay?

Since we are here, is there a fucking way to search for tags without getting shit that barely even have those tags (like they are semi transparent or they don't even appear at all).

This. I'll be grabbing art books this weekend, just in case.

>sad panda rose from the dead
>tenboro has said no plans to close and working on the long run
>server has moved elsewhere
>download and archive everything starting with the stuff you couldn't download when fjords closed
>kiwifarms got cucked twice
>plan a+b still in motion but in the meantime sad panda is back for good

I was assuming the site was in Plan A and would move into Plan B over time or if necessary