Samurai 8 ch 13

Master Daruma finally showing one of his techniques, fucking hype

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friendly bump

Thanks, probably this thread will die or will be infested of hate since many here dislike Kishi or Naruto. Maybe we will have discussion once the anime is announced in 2 years probably

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Daruma was pretty kickass here. Still some story obfuscation going on, but hopefully we'll get it explained through Hachimaru's curiosity.

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I don't know where Kishi is going with this series but at least the past chapters have been entertaining.

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Here it is

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You sound like a nice person so I'll catch up tomorrow and try to post a bit on these threads when they're up.

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Kishi really went all out on the powerlevels this time.

Daruma is not Kakashi-tier he's more like Jiraiya or Madara.

So I guess even a toothpick can cut a star?

Well, it's a cosmic scale manga. They are already doing early DBZ tier stuff.

If you use the right move, then sure. It seemed that evil dude was worried Daruma was just gonna detonate the planet they were fighting on.

Dump the rest

The manga is getting better

Yeah. I'll take a slow start like S8 over series that burn out after 20 good chapters.

>Only Kishimoto can do Sci-Fi justice!
>It's just giant attacks like Naruto.
Go back to actual sci-fi themes you fucking hack.

OP seems to have left so I'll do it.

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I wonder if Hachimaru's father is kill or will he find a way to keep him alive.

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And last page.

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Well, he did mention in the earlier chapters that any sword other than those bone lightsabers are mere slabs of metal to a Samurai. I'd wager he could hold a twig, as long as he has something that lets him channel the technique. I mean, look at . Compared to that magnitude, the comparative size of a sword or toothpick is basically the same shit.

Really cool chapter. Hachimaru got to shine a bit, but was still outclassed and bought just enough time for Daruma to take care of the rest. Some more tech lingo about sword attacks, but that's ok. I'm sure Kishimoto will get to that eventually. My question would be why Ata went through the trouble of searching for Hachikaku, if those other seven are already all they need and Hachi is, as he said, an unneeded leftover. I guess he still wanted that red sword. Also, I wonder if those "key clones" were made, then are they the real deal, so to speak, or are they artificial and there may be the 7 actual keys still out there in the galaxy, waiting to be found. As for the art, I think Okubo finally got the hang of things. Some of the stuff looked even pretty nifty at times.

so Daruma is confirmed as a planet/star buster?

I wonder what will Ata with his real body be like.

>complain when there is not enough action
>complain when there is too much action

Shonenshit wars are more autistic than console wars.

I hope those are staffs or sword handles on their backs. Would look a bit silly if those clones had a stick antenna mounted on their heads.

My only complain so far is that samurai only stuff can get boring long term. With a space sci-fi setting there should really be more options than just one.

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The vibe I got is that his body is shutting down and their tech isn't enough.

Well, he did manage to wring out 70 volumes just about ninjas. I'm pretty curious how Kishimoto does the long term setup for the series, how the space adventuring part will look like, how diverse a place the galaxy might be. All the stuff now still seems like a prelude. At this point, I hope the series gets enough traction to let Kishimoto tell what he wants to tell, without the editor breathing down his neck too much.

I’m new to this series, why does the left side of his body look naked in shots like this?
But here he’s back to normal?

The only thing I can think of is if Ann and Hachimaru dig up another locker ball and try to turn Hachimaru's dad into a samurai. There's a good chance it'll fail, but he's dead if they don't anyway so why not?

He regenerated, his clothes are part of his body.

I'm sorry you think I'm someone else who said there's 'not enough action'. People disagree. Who fucking knew.

Ninjas are far more diverse than samurai though.

>At this point, I hope the series gets enough traction to let Kishimoto tell what he wants to tell, without the editor breathing down his neck too much.
I don't think you understand how much of a cock buffer his editor is. Read that interview in MangaPlus and tell me he's not just going to lean over while Kishimoto does what he wants.

Interesting, thanks

In chapter 1 his entire body, including his attire were remade by the gooey looking stuff. I guess, kinda like the armor that he can form from his familiar's space goo.

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I like Ann's dawning realization that all the people currently around her are nigh-immortal regnerating clay cyborgs, so cutting off an arm or impaling them won't kill them, and everyone just auto-healed in front of her.

I'm not that concerned about it. "Ninja" was just a moniker for wizards in Naruto, that kept throwing outlandish shit at each other and even swung Dragonslayer type swords about. I'm sure, the Samurai will also come in plenty of variations.

So unlike Naruto or Sasuke it would be impossible for him to ever be shirtless ?

>Kishimoto writes a manga about wizards, but calls them "ninja"
>Kishimoto writes a manga about cyborgs, but calls them "samurai"
What's next, he writes a manga about gods and calls them "pirates?"

>Kishimoto writes a manga about blessed wizards, but calls them "samurai"
Fixed. This is going to be closer to Star Wars

That's the small kind of shit that may get addressed in some Q&A or gag page (like ) someday. From what we've seen, he could probably either simply will his shirt out of existence, or take it off, just like the armor can exist without being directly connected to him. We'll just have to wait and see whether Kishimoto wants to address it later. I guess right now he has his hands full with getting the series stable and away from the chopping block.

El Hermano?

Yeah, the samurai + energy swords lend themselves to Jedi comparisons. It's a pretty good play by Kishimoto. IMO most will depend on how he envisions the galaxy and how lively he plans to make it, both in lore, politics and potential adventure. In short, how good the world building is. After 13 chapters, I want to see more, but it's still too early to tell how well thought out the whole thing is.

t. Taguchi

That's not too bad

Yes. Ata destroyed the moon and killed a planet guardian. And he was an apprentice of Daruma.

If this is not kishimoto, would you faggots still read it?

No, and I didn't even like Naruto that much

Bro i can't even find 2ch discussions about this series.

wasn't whats his name samurai supposed to be strong? Hachi did more than him in the whole fight and he's been a samurai for a week or less

This reminds me of naruto war arc

Pinned by 4-5 swords to the wall must have something to do with it. Didn't Daruma confirm that the guy had still ground to cover as a Samurai, when he asked about the inner sight thing? Besides, the planet's guardian was obliterated by Ata, so, while the Samurai with Ann probably was considered hot upcoming shit on the planet, it's quite another thing when you come face to face with guys who can cast shit like "star breaker".

To be fair Ata's been alluding that Hachimaru is a renegade supersoldier extra or something. He and his brothers were likely made to be inherently gifted at being a samurai.


>What's next, he writes a manga about Artificial Intelligence and calls them "pirates?"
Fixed. It would take place in a TRON vistua world and they would be stealing program upgrades. Think about it.

Now hold on, we don't really know what her power level is. Maybe she's a spine floating in an empty exoskeleton too.

>Kishimoto essentially recreates the plot of Tron 2.0

After the first 3-4 chapter, I'd have probably kept a bookmark and revisited it after half a year if it didn't get axed by then. If I had read all avaiable 13 chapters, I'd follow it actively for the time being, even without Kishimoto's name to it.

Btw before everyone assumes they're out and about blowing up suns for breakfast, the word in use is probably "hoshi", which JB has translated as "star" so far, while Viz, and I think MS too, have opted for "planet". I think "planet" makes a bit more sense, since the attack shown was apparently using the planet's own atmosphere to inflict damage.
I fear discussions for S8 will be a lot of "fun", considering how much of the tech babble and world building will depend on a decent translation, or where the translation may need future context to to choose the right wording.

Hachimaru is a pretty cool guy. Defintively not bitch-made like Saskay and Nardo