Meeting kayano ai in about an hour, what should I say to her
Meeting kayano ai in about an hour, what should I say to her
Kaniknow your phone number?
can i smell your pussy?
show bob
It's a public thing my dudes, no lewd shit allowed
Marry Matsuoka
Kimi no pantso o tabetai
Fuck jannies. That is all.
"Do you hate being here?"
>"i love you"
Ask her to be your mom.
Taipei, friend literally said the same thing, so no
Not anime
Are you a virgin?
Ask her if she'll be my mom.
Ask to smell her farts then cry
Tell her she is cute and her voice is wonderful and I hope she has a nice day!
Then, say you will be her mom.
This guy knows what's up.
Although actually do want to know whether he still talks to her during recordings.
That or she's been demoted to
"Woman ... Communcation.exe Failure"
Ask her when she's going to marry
and who
Her agency said she's not allowed to do autographs in Chinese or Japanese, only English. Anyone have a clue why?
she wants that sweet gaijin dick
>in taiwan
>english only
Is office Osawa retarded? Nip should be fine.
Agency, not her. Also she's not allowed to sign as any of her characters and no handshakes are allowed, which is gay
What about womb shakes?
It's a public thing, I think whoever tried that would be lynched
Nothing unless you yourself have something to say that you think she would find meaningful for whatever reason.
y u no kekkon w/ tsugutsugu yet
Kakate koi
>posting the hotel adress
you're fucked user, there's a package addresed to her with anthrax inside on its way to the place
ask her if she is a virgin
are you white ask her on a date
No that's my hotel, meant to post proof
oh well, nothing of value'll be lost either way
Say/do something to make the news. Anything else is just a waste of the thread you killed to post this.
I'm going to taiwan Aug 31st to visit family. Are there any anime events worth going to?
Set the building on fire
Hyouka S2 by KyoAni when?
Not at that time no
I'll be there until the 15th
gotta BLACKED her.
It's unfortunate but that's how it is
unlucky I guess
Try for beginning of August next time, also are you in the north or south?
family is in Keelung
North is good, south is trash unless you like hiking
If you hit Taipei give me a shout
Are you Taiwanese or a gaijin? I plan to go to Taipei a few times (once for animate).
At least I'll be able to watch Tenki no Ko though. Any idea if it'll be subbed in English?
It's always a bit cringey to see how weeb the entire island of Taiwan is.
Taiwanese gaijin, no subs in English here ever
i might have to fly to singapore to see it then as i heard it'll be subbed in English over there
Taiwan was a Jap colony.
And I thought weeb applied to Westerners
Yep it will have english subs there.
Seeing this just reminded me of how sad Taiwanese dudes are, I should go back one day
is there any way to 100% confirm or deny whether or not Taiwan's release will have limited Eng showings or not? I think it's only being showed in English in select Singapore theaters. I'd really rather not pay $300 to fly to Singapore just to watch a movie unless there's absolutely no alternative
I'm not Taiwanese so I can't tell you but SG has English as their first language so the subs for all foreign movies/animation will be in English. Since it's anime it should contain Chinese and English subs.
Tell her she should just leglock Matsuoka and make him take responsibility for it.
I fucking hate matsuoka so I'm not bringing him up
Matsuoka is gay anyway.
He is a meme seiyuu. I wouldn't talk about him either, I suspect she'd probably be pretty over it.
I actually might start with this
Tell her she's doing amazing job and her roles are remembered. Muginami, Mayaka, Lucy were all amazing.
Well everyone gets like 10 seconds so I didn't get to say much, but when she smiled at me my heart melted.
I can die in peace bros...
Wait a fucking moment, are you all chinks here?
So this is the power of mommys.
It's not NA hours right now bro
The term is SEAmonkey
SEA hours
Fuck off, Taiwan and Japan aren't SEA
Taiwan isnt a country dude, its China.
$2.00 has been deposited into your account
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First off, I imagine this is an anime convention of sorts but what convention is it and when in August?
Read the thread, OP already met her.
What did OP ask her?
I literally had 10 seconds to say something before the next guy came up, because there's a lot of us and not a lot of time. I just basically wished her well and she smiled at me said "ureshii" and I died. Then she said "ganbattene" and handed me the signed board and I died again
Taiwanese are white wannabe so they did the right thing
That's right, Taiwan is the true China.
>He is a meme seiyuu.
Say what nigga? The dude has genuinely great VA chops when he gets roles that let him let loose.
I wonder if Sumipe supports Chinese regime.
>hai deer can you open up your cloth?
If it takes 1 hour to cook a batch of cookies and the cookie monster has 15 ovens working 24 hours a day every day for 5 years, how long does it take the cookie monster to make 6,000,000 batches of cookies?
What make it the real China?
I want to fuck mamako