Animes that are highly rated but are actually garbage
>Doesn't know how to meme arrow
Faggot OP is gay
Second half was garbage till they went to space
my favorite aneeme is sex
Good for you champ, you posted it.
>Having tastes this bad
they're all boring for different reasons.
The entire IP of pic related.
>nice b8 m8
are you twelve or what?
MiA was okay but the rest was a snoozefest. Only tried cause some people on Yea Forums recommended it but I don't think their garbage, it just doesn't suit my taste
Nope. Just seen enough anime.
Honestly this. Shit made no sense
So like, 4 episodes?
Go back to gaia
Still haven't been able to finish this upto this day due to how bad it becomes halfway
Imagine getting pleb filtered by Gurren fucking Lagann.
as a big fan of this show how does any one think it any thing but trash is beyond me
I really should go back for old times sake and look what changed.
>nobody has posted clannad yet
I see this board has already improved!