
Will there ever be a good adaptation? Is it even possible?

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1997 was good

2014 movies

No puck makes it automatically a bad adaptation

there was no reason for puck to be thre, no point in introducing a sidekick for one episode

>*brand of sacrifice activated*
>"Mhmm..Bleeding alot....a apostles™, gotta be"
>"Come on, puck"
>*follows the road*
>Apostles™ appear
>"Shit kill yourself" *sets apostle™ on fire,guts bleed and scream alot,he nearly fucking die and they stumble and recover immediately after a few chapter, does a cinematic slash and cuts monster™ in half"
>"™ sacrifing loved one™......better fuck off for the night
>"Come on, elf™ "
>*run on road and try to sleep*
>Magic ghost appear
>"Just some ghost™, Fuck off *cut ghost with dragon slayer™
>Chapter complete

haha, nice bait newfriend!

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I dont want an adaptation , I just want the manga to finish and to see guts get his revenge against Griffith and hopefully get some closure

Is this supposed to mean something

Well first the manga would have to get good.

The Dreamcast game was good, also what introduced me to Berserk

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This, Hirasawa's score will make every other adaptation of Berserk inferior.
No Puck is fine, but Donavan should've been included. Other than that the 97 version is a perfect adaption of the Golden Age.

Who do you actually think is gonna fall for this bait

>no Wyald
That aside, even with it's complete lack of budget, I really love the 97 adaptation.

It's a witcher copypasta with names changed
yeah, altough he also made the ost for 2017 it wasn't as good

I think they made that choice to make the last few episodes more shocking. but mostly because of censorship. A lot of people foolishly assume the anime was trying to be a good adaptation, when really it was it's own thing. Same with the lack of Skullknight and Puck

The whole point of Wylad imo is just to remind manga readers about apostles before the eclipse I mean yeah Zodd was in golden age but it had still been a while

As for Puck, it would’ve been pointless and Skull Knight as well since the anime doesn’t cover stuff post eclipse I mean it literally ends right before Skull Knight saves Guts and Casca

Unironically I am half serious. I get excited and hopeful at the start of almost every arc and then the excitement slowly gets sucked out of me. I just want it to end, a satisfying conclusion has been ruled out for a long time.

Wyald will probably never be adapted because he's too hardcore for general audiences.

he was in one game, so technically he was

Which is a real shame, because his fight is one of the best in the series. It's up there with Rosine's with how far Guts has to push himself and actually strategize instead of just rip-n-tearing shit.

>berserk gets multiple adaptations
>"will there ever be a good adaptation?"

you should be happy you even got several.

two animes, three movies and like 3 games

I thought the movies, while flawed, were pretty good.

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A lot of the 3d didn't age well, so I prefer the anime. The movies were more accurate to the manga tough.

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The 3d doesnt look great, but the 2d shots look nice. I loved that they included all the stupid gay undertones that the anime left out, it's such a big part of the story. The team that animated those things KNEW Griffith was supposed to be angelic, they spent more time on his hair during the hilltop scene than any of the actual sword fights.

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>gay undertones that the anime left out
no such thing

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No such thing that its gay as fuck, or that the anime left it out?

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There's nothing gay about Guts' and Griffiths relationship

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>cut out several of the most important character building moments like the bonfire of dreams talk
>add in horribly animated scenes like the ballroom dance to fill time
Nah, the movies were a mess.

Well that's just wrong, you're actively ignoring the most important part of the story user, the driving force

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this misses the entire point of the original witcher pasta

only ass guts' is after is casca's

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no they weren't. they ruined several key moments and never built up the same dreary and gothic atmosphere. one example is the murder of adonis. making it a complete accident removes guts responsibility. in the manga he could clearly see the silhouette of a child but decided to charge in and kill him anyway and has to live with that split second decision for the rest of his life.

>I loved that they included all the stupid gay undertones that the anime left out
wtf are you talking about?

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You're just wrong, I dont know what to say
The hilltop scene wasnt nearly as dramatic.

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fujo pls

the music alone from the anime makes it more dramatic than the movies

>too autistic to understand interpersonal relationships and the absurdly obvious hinting at each other
>speed reading too fast to even see every obvious panel
The perfect storm

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>autistic fujo can't differentiate between bros being bros and sodomy

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>bros being bros

>hey bro, I thought about you the entire time I was fucking the princess, but no homo
>hey bro, I destroyed my entire dream because I was so heartbroken over you leaving me
>hey bro, I specifically told rickert to bring you to me while I was showering so you can see me nude

>hey bro, I'm going to blush like crazy while staring at my ass
>hey bro, I you left because I need you to justify my existence, no homo

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Honestly, it's easily possible, and I'm thus not sure why it's never been done.

not gay

What is this expression supposed to represent?

I like the cut that spliced together the movies and the anime.

David Pro seems like a people who try really hard to stay close to original and hey are passionate.
Maybe when they are done with part 8 in 2026 you can ask them for Berserk adaptation.

that's the expression equivalent of 'yikes'
post it
it'd be garbage. Davidpro has one good series, they'd butcher berserk. even part 5 wich is dicksucked all the time (only because its currently popular) has tons of QUALITY

It's called Berserk Redux, I remember watching it on daily motion but it seems to be up on YouTube.
It can be a bit weird when it jumps between the two animation styles but it's an alright watch.

>wich is dicksucked all the time
Before anime everyone hated it.
>has tons of QUALITY
Not going to deny this. However it also has a lot of good shots too.
And most of the QUALITY is usually fixed in BD releases.

When Berserk ends three decades from now.

Puck could have easily been readded if they continued into the black swordsman arc. Wyld being cut is something of a shame but for the sake of time understandable. Skull Knight was kind of a pisser. You needed that.

theres obviously some homoerotic undertones ,like in the portrait of dorian grey, but their relationship is still platonic. its almost too strong to be sexual.

>Before anime everyone hated it.
more like newfags like it. The part 5 cirlcejerkers are the most obvious crossboarders. i'd still say DP isn't the right choice for berserk, if a character is too far in the shot he stops looking like himself. The '97 studio would do fine, assuming they'd use the same techniques, palettes and talent.

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I think what really hurts me the most about the new shows was that you ever so occasionally had these small bits where shit kind of looked not awful and if the whole show was done with that kind of care it really could have been something

It's clearly cel animation while every studio nowadays is digital only.
It would be waaaay too expensive to do today

>if a character is too far in the shot he stops looking like himself.
Still better than CGI

>>hey bro, I'm going to blush like crazy while staring at my ass
I recall all the other ones but which one was that?

Such a shame. this industry is getting shittier and shittier
I suppose, but it's still choosing a turd over diahrea. DP actually showed some competent use of 3D in seasons 1-3 but they stopped utilisng that studio after that.

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Best boy

he let guts' have casca for himself like cuck

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Guts looks weird in the movies. His eyes are too far apart

Yeah, '97 looked more like the manga. 2016 looks weird aswell, can't say why, the proportions are just off

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He was a bro to the end.

so the return of berserk was literally just one chapter?

Yup, it's so good that a lot of people think the illustrations (like pic-related) were done by Miura. They were actually the work of Shichiro Kobayashi, the '97 art director

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I’m reading the manga now, just got up to the boat

Do you rike it?

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It’s a good manga, really nice art. It’s a shame it got caught in hiatus hell.

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What's your favorite arc so far? Character too.

he only made one track for the new anime i think

He NEEDS to make a new adaptation
Really? Wich one

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Conviction would be my favorite arc so far, though all of them have been great.
As for characters I quite like Serpico, and Guts of course.


The manga isn't even good anymore so how can you expect an adaptation to be good?

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ISn't that from the movie tough? I think he did the whole ost for 2016/17
nice filename retard

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I think one can make the argument that Griffit is gay.

Yeah, having characters shout out named attacks in Berserk like it's a Shounen WAS pretty retarded

I was wrong, it wasn't blood and guts, it was hai yo

What about ash crow?

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>'97 anime is badly animat-

>2016 anime has great opening with recap of Golden Age with top tier animation
>Last 6 seconds reverts to disgusting CGI

That 10 seconds of The Eclipse scenes got me more hype than most actual shows, damn shame it was such a bait and switch

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anime has great opening with recap of Golden Age with top tier animation
Eh, the color palette is fucked up, and guts barely looks like himself during the frames

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>2014 movies
The first one was fine, can't remember why exactly, but didn't like the rest of them.

fugged up greentext

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>Flashback chapter to Band of the Hawk once Casca regains her memories

Please, I need more Judeau. Truly best boi.

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Yeah, it's not perfect, but I still think it showed a lot of promise. At this point, I would be happy to take something in the style of Bones; they manage a lot of action and still maintain a 'traditional' style.

I watched the '97 anime first and tought he and rickert were related

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True but I fit the character.

Wyald feels like a filler inside the manga.
Nosferatu zodd was the only demon in Golden age arc, until we meet Wyald. But Wyald was the King's trump card... he never used.
He could have used Wyald in the war, but never did.

Wyald would ravage the countryside and kill many innocent peasants

>Will there ever be a good adaptation?

>Is it even possible?
It depends how many factors you want to exclude. In today's worldwide animation industry, no.

Any one else think Judeau was a girl at first?

I think that was joke for shonenfags,I mean do you really remember guts shouting an attack?
I don't, just side N' and literally who characters did that

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It's explained in the manga, the Black Dog Knights are a bunch of savages who pillage and rape every village they pass, that's why the king keeps them as war away as possible from the kingdom until he really needs them.
Also I'm pretty sure the king didn't know he could turn into donkey kong

It fits him but is also the only time it happens from what I can remember, also fuck you cunt Conviction is on the top tier of Berserk

I don't think they're jokes at shonenfag's expense. Miura just likes corny anime shit but has the good sense to at least regulate it to already jokey, slightly meta, characters and not his brooding serious ones.
Gigantomaxia was completely full of them.

The real question is why/how Wyald was even a prisoner in the first place.

I imagine he was bored and let himself get imprisoned for shits and giggles.

Post gutses or whatever

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>going back to Casca while anyone in this thread is still alive

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The movies were great

Why is her hand so detailed and realistic compared to her face, its kinda weird

But that's literally the cliffhanger we're on. We just keep getting chapter's about Griffith's tax policy, pic related is literally the last Guts chapter (this was fucking 18 months ago mind you)

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So uh any info on when a new chapter arrives?

the only flashback you'll be getting is rereading the golden age for the 5th fucking time while hearing about griffiths orphanage
my guess is the 30th anniversary (october?)

next chapter will either be rickert or this. More likely rickert because we haven't seen his perspective for a while

>in 3 months, we get a Rickert chapter
>then another 17 months before we go back to Guts and Casca

Rickert chapter confirmed

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What guts mean by this?

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But what miura MEAN by this?

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is this what the australian localization of berserk looks like?

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what does this image mean?

miura is just a tasteful man that wants a quite life

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That he's not sure whether guts' beast of edgyness is something that exists only in his mind or if it's something actually real and physical, for schierke to be able to touch it

Schierke is a witch so she can see and touch such things, it is also the reason she can keep guts from going BERSERK (tm)

>top tier animation
Yeah no scenes during the eclipse fight look horrible, that shot of Guts raising his sword with the moon in the background and also why is Casca so white

if Guts likes Griffith but is in love with Casca, if Griffith is in love with Guts but is possessive with Casca, if Casca adores Griffith but is in love with Guts, why didn't they make a treeshome?

Jesus christ Miura.

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As a young woman Casca seemed like a boy more than Griffith, and Guts was horny, he is a homosexual, although tomboys are best waifu

fuck off retard

He's not trying to be subtle

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But user in the last chapter the child takes control over Griffith ....

Yes, but casca was only acouple chapters ago while rickert hasn't had one for a long time.. I'd ove to be optimistic but it probably won't be a casca chapter

When you’re so traumatized that literal dick demons haunt your inner psyche

This is what trannies see in their sleep.

>Guts likes casca
>Berserk guts likes cunny
Based miura

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Guts exterminating some of the greatest shitposter besides kangaroofags

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Give me a few years.

Wrong, he considers her a brat, just not annoying one like isidro. Guts likes musclegirls like casca

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What's going on here?

Berserk Guts is him giving into his primal instincts, he'd probably fuck anything if given the chance when not in rip and tear mode

Beast of darkness touched schierk cunny

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delet this

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>Already used goods at 13
Isidro better go for the mermaid cunny.

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Guts helping schierke in a magic ritual

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even the art gone to shit why you fags love to suffer?

Delete this, you degenerate

Schiekr is slowly winning the guts

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This was a bit on the nose, glad the anime left it out

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He would be gentle?

There can't be. Berserk is one of those works that just doesn't translate well into other media.

Considering what he did to Caska that one time I doubt it.

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translated very fucking well into 97

i dunno man, the first anime was quite good

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Griffith doesn't like this , he added another girl to the blacklist

>homosexuality and rape are constantly the themes in berserker
Is this a degenerate comic or an enlightened one?

Griffith on suicide watch right now

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Its a manga about how fucked up humans are. So fucked up they made a god that only does evil.

Why casca so smol?



Enlightened because that stuff is contrasted with the lighter stuff. Berserk is a hopeful story at the end of the day

would be better if it were Akagi and Kaiji

that ass belongs to Isibro

The monkey belongs to the fish.

is fish fresh?

>the ultimate dark fantasy

name a better one

Isidro and Schierke are OTP same as Puck and Ivalera fish belongs free in the ocean

That monkey can't have the schiekr if she's busy being a good wife to guts

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No , and it doesn't deserve an adaptation, the manga is mediocre.

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Whisper louder so I can hear something.

casca and guts will get married in elfhelm next chapter bro, isidro won

Are you sure about that?

she needs to learn how to overcome her fears and darkness without escaping from what happened, and guts love will do that, they both need each other to heal

oh wow

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i want u


>Wyald feels like a filler inside the manga
Holy shit this so much

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The only way a good, full length, true to source adaptation is made is if some guy who grew up as a berserk fan is now a millionaire and throws trucks worth of cash at making an R rated several series long adaptation over the course of several seasons with a good studio and taking a net loss on it financially. It's not going to happen. Maybe if we all write letters to Bill Gates he'll put it in his will to fund one

Even then it'd still most likely be modern garbage without cell shading, wich gave so much atmosphere to '97. Imagine if '97 adapted EVERYTHING, would probably be the best anime OAT

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The 2016 2017 adaptions were perfectly fine once you get used to the animation after an episode or two

"the 16-17 adaptation was perfectly fine" Holy shit this has to be bait

'97 was pretty good...and so was Dark Souls, I guess?

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how old are you ?

>Mfw miura literally add a character to he party that doesn't has personality to make the monkey get laid

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He's trying to flesh out his magical mystery group. Need a mermaid or else childhood fetishes wont be fulfilled

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If next chapter is ANYTHING ELSE but Casca catching up on what the fuck is happening, I'm killing Miura myself

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I'm writing a film script on the side. What should be in it? What should be omitted.

>assuming we get another chapter

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>implying he is not dead

>in it
golden age, black swordsman, lost children, pretty much everything leading up to the port city. Griffith filler and the development of falconia + world tree
fight at the port city, the pirates, basically everything between meeting the handsome guy with the boat and arriving at elf island.

>Will there ever be a good adaptation?
when the manga is completed , so never.

>making 1 episode takes as long as berserk itself

>next chapter

1997 was great
Puck haters are faggots

Good things take time.

>Guts leaves Griffith
>Griffith goes crazy and ruins his own life
>Thinks about Guts for a year straight while being tortured
>Gives Casca the evil eye when he realizes that she and Guts are a couple

Is Griffith the ultimate jilted gf?

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Spamming "" to every post is really annoying. What's wrong with you?

twitter cancer doesn't belong on this board

Wyald was stupid filler that made the eclipse in the manga much less impactful

i really enjoyed his fight, and it would have been awesome to see him in the '97 style, but yeah

Yeah but what does that have to do with Yea Forums? Why are you obsessed with that board? Did someone from Yea Forums bully you at school or something?

just go back jesus christ

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based guts, repulsed by gays like he should be after what happened to him

Iiterally me

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Made the pippin death in the eclipse more sad

bone bandit

Chill out

Pippin got it fucking rough. Hollowed out and then waved around like a puppet by a fat slug bastard.
At least Corkus died hugging some titties.

Go back to what? Are you retarded?

It was very satisfying to see them avenged, shame it wasn't in the anime

What did you said about bone warrior?

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Yeah the Black Swordsman arc is the best arc for rereading once you finish Golden Age

Holy shit this animation is comedy gold and its played straight which somehow makes it even funnier

Damn that's amazing

There are people in this board and dare i say this thread that unironically believe that he was in the wrong

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>Corkus treats Guts like shit
>Guts still values him
>Guts fucks a literal demon in order to avenge him
>Guts still misses him
>tfw you will never have a friend like Guts

It hurts bros

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next episode will be literally rickert chapter
screencap this post

I hope so

Mah boi Rick is a based and redpilled man now

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He's going to roll up to Falconia in a fucking mecha mark my words

well he is one person sooooooo

This, seriously how long can you play fucking idolmaster

Maybe he's not playing idol Master anymore, maybe he's playing with our souls and suffering

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stop that

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This thread made me start re-reading again and now it's 2am.
Fuck you.

I Love you

Have you noticed how characters' eyes, specially Farnesse's, get bigger and bigger as the manga goes on

His style has changed considerably over the years, hoping he gets better with the new tools he is using though.

>film script
>multiple arcs in the manga
>film script
>including lost children

what world do you live in?


Here's a goblin slayer guts

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This thread made me start going to the gym again

>goblin slayer
man what a fucking disappointment

He didn't deserve that infinite loop dead, fucking Giorno, he's worse than dio

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Idk man,I like that dead stare of GS guts

It was fine, but still suffered from cutting a bunch of stuff and the action scenes being a fucking joke

I'll help you to forget the pass

I literally finished the manga today.
It was bretty good.
Looking forward to seeing what happens with Casca in a couple years, her regaining her sanity will finally start moving the story forward faster

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The "unadaptable" meme is so fucking stupid. Obviously it can easily be adapted. Just censor the most gruesome shit. Not a big deal.

But if they do that then wouldn't be berserk

i didn't like berserk because i got to see clear drawings of people getting raped or decapitated. i care more about the characters and the story.

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>i care more about the characters and the story.
Yeah i mean,black swordsman and lost children arcs brings nothing to the history of berserk,miura should stop killing demons too,and demons seems too offensive here comes the DOOM eternal joke about the demons we should call them mortally changed

You get the point?

lost children arc is overrated garbage and you can censor a scene without removing the scene.

This year Berserk makes 30 years. In fact it already completed 30 years a few months ago.
And it's kinda sad how there's absolutely no event, special, OVA, or a mention, OR EVEN A FUCKING CHAPTER go commemorate it.

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go back to pleddit. The graphic detail is part of what makes Berserk such a gut churning story that makes you feel for the characters

shutup dumbass. 1997 was a great adaption and they can just do that. the point is that the extent to which they would have to censor the anime is not much. there would still be plenty of graphic detail.

>sh-shut up dumbass! I get triggered easily by mean images :'(
you HAVE to go back and you HAVE to kill yourself

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>I get triggered easily by mean images
what the hell are you talking about? are you illiterate?

>wh-what are you talking about
>just censor it enough so my little boy mind can handle it :( it's too scary

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ill send this bastard after you

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why the did they decide to use the 90's abc family commercial tier narrator? fuck, that's awful

>Lost Children's arc served no purpose!
>Wyald was filler!
>Berserk doesn't need any blood and gore to enhance the story!
Any more plebbit tier opinions?

Hopefully no,they need to fucking go back

All the adaptations are faithful.
Just get to the point, you want Berserk to be good

Do any of you have any hope for the Netflix Castlvania Pajeet in doing Berserk justice?

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I dont like the new jrpg party. I guess growing old and childless took a toll on Miura, but he really should stop adding so many little girls to the story.

Wyald wasn't filler, but the story works fine without him.


Whoa there pal

Oddly enough the last film in that arc is considered to be the goriest movie ever released in Japanese theaters.

And even that thing is pretty much saying "man, I just bring their desires to life, I don't think up any of this twisted shit. You guys are pretty fucked in the head. "

The movies made my dick rock hard bruv, the 3d animation was clunky in the first but they got exponentially better each film. The third one looked so pretty.

Band of the Berserker when

I just decided to start buying the manga in the deluxe editions that have started to trickle out.

Never read the manga and only saw the first of the newer movie trilogy. So far, it's been pretty good.

Lmao goodbye paycheck.
Seriously though, been a dream of mine. Too bad it’s like a $500 investment.

I remember i first got into berserk because i learned it had a part where slug barons wife was caught in a hot nasty orgy and i wanted to fap to it. God damn i wasnt expecting to get so invested in this series.

still waiting on one that covers Black Swordsman Arc in full

Meh, just a 30 dollar hit every 4 months or so.

Besides. I got very little bills and make over 4k a month for dicking around money. Most used to be spent on board games, but I got married recently and the little lady pinches pennies hard enough to make Lincoln scream. Not the most expensive book run I've had, but it is up there.

The real question is: Will there ever be another chapter in our lifetimes?

Falcon of the milenium empire best arc by far

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the PS2 game was the best Berserk adaptation imo.


It doesn't adapt anything from the manga tough. And yes, I agree it's pretty great.

He should just drop Berserk and make more big guy x loli adventures like we know he wants to.

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I can hear his gay silence

it adapted the female apostle arc and when Guts wore the armor

>big guy x loli adventures
That's what Berserk is though at this point

wait, wich game are we talking about here? I'm talking about this:

>not only will the manga never finish
>we will never get a good anime

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>'97 bad

No, he's forced to keep Casca and the other whos around.

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>not playing the greatest Berserk game ever made

Looks better than 2016

One thing I don't like about Berserk is how Miura didn't develop Guts and Puck's relationship.

Not to mention Guts doesn't need to drink loli juice as a powerup.

>What were the Lost Children and Binding Chain chapters

>The SS Hiatus was so long that the last time we had any plot development was when the PS2 was the main carriage for games.
It hurts, guys.

that's so nice