Summer 2019 Preorders thread

We're now a month into the new season, time to see how the shows are doing on preorder rankings so far. Rankings courtesy of Mingzuozhibi.

**98位 Ensemble Stars!
*165位 Symphogear XV
*278位 Takagi-san
*322位 El-Melloi
*329位 Danberu
*522位 Danmachi 2
*622位 Accelerator
*861位 Machikado
1107位 Okaa-san
1226位 Star-Myu
1421位 Uchinoko
2294位 Cop Craft
2731位 Hensuki
3446位 Fire Force
3892位 Astra
3978位 Given
4325位 Arifureta
4751位 Araburu
5116位 Re:Stage
8509位 Naka no Hito Genome
8713位 Isekai Cheat Magician
9133位 Joshikousei
14054位 Sacred Beasts
27727位 Try Knights
29909位 Granbelm
37706位 Wakanobu
37742位 Dr. Stone
83798位 Vinland Saga

Attached: 1564456162235.jpg (1280x720, 144K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>37742位 Dr. Stone
>83798位 Vinland Saga

Machikado Mazoku actually within 3 digits? Wow!

>9133位 Joshikousei
I thought this was popular? Why is this so low?

>2294位 Cop Craft

Attached: 1509934324352.jpg (112x168, 8K)

>37742位 Dr. Stone
>83798位 Vinland Saga

Attached: 1559983449585.jpg (499x498, 65K)

>37742位 Dr. Stone
>83798位 Vinland Saga
Hahahahaha holy shit

Everything below n°1 is a flop and/or underperforming.

>29909位 Granbelm
Poor Eir Aoi

>3892位 Astra
Poor Nonoc
Poor Riko Azuna

>*622位 Accelerator

Ya see that? Ya see what happens when you replace a punching-bag shounen lead with one that FUCKING blocks and punches back?

>37742位 Dr. Stone
>83798位 Vinland Saga


Why is Joshikousei not doing well? And why isn't Araburu doing well? I thought Japan liked Okada.

>37742位 Dr. Stone
>83798位 Vinland Saga

You got me for a second there

Attached: 1563592583666.jpg (700x392, 21K)

>37742位 Dr. Stone
>83798位 Vinland Saga

Hmmm, Hensuki isn't doing quite as bad as I feared, with Takagi-san, El Melloi and Danmachi being the vanguard of decent anime here, though I don't know how relevant these ranking are anymore

Satania is doing ok, good.

>picked up Ensemble Stars on a whim
>it's actually fun
Feels nice to be on the winning team for once.

>83798位 Vinland Saga

Attached: 1414901263322.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Vinland Saga is cheap and boring but stonecucks said that it was very popular in Japan what’s going on?

>manga has shit sales
>anime has shit sales

literally all touma does is block then punch

>disk sales

>8509位 Naka no Hito Genome
>8713位 Isekai Cheat Magician
>9133位 Joshikousei
>14054位 Sacred Beasts
>27727位 Try Knights
>29909位 Granbelm
>37706位 Wakanobu
>37742位 Dr. Stone
>83798位 Vinland Saga
All making profit in streaming, merch and source material boost.

this shit has to be upside down

How the manga sales for Stone and Vinland?

>Dr Stone
>manga sales

Attached: 1563107040066.png (540x540, 122K)

Stone actually didn't even reach 100k even with an anime, lmao.

Attached: 1564718648030.png (1119x536, 49K)

>37742位 Dr. Stone
>83798位 Vinland Saga
What the fuck is that gap? Is Vinlandu Saga really shitting the bed that hard after the anime had all those advertisements?

Attached: 1564517445252.png (1444x1080, 2.62M)

How the fuck is Symphogear so fucking high on the charts?

That looks worse than most anime adverts. Is it actually any good?

Those ads look pretty awful

Complete the following sentence


I would presume it has the usual tickets bundled with the BD.

What do the numbers at the beggining mean?

Attached: (645x729, 75K)

Give it some time faggot, people have to buy the previous volumes too.

Is the manga even remotely popular? Basing on nips taste right now, something like Vinland saga won't be the type otaku will get into.

Number of sold copies.

Pre-ordering rank, the lower the number the more people that placed a pre-order

>case files
ah pretty based

>hurr durr muh back log sales

Then explain why Kimetsu, Promised Neverland and even fucking Black Clover exploded in manga sales within the first 3 episodes and Stone's sales STILL stagnated after 3 episodes which were probably timed as the new volume released

>case files

Attached: 1553318447329.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

>9133位 Joshikousei
This show is so good and so fun, I don't understand why it's doing so badly.

>fiery backgrounds
Vikings confirmed for studio arsonists?

>83798位 Vinland Saga

No wonder we get 100+ Isekai/fanservice/ecchishit and girly cute shit yearly and only a handful of something like Mob Psycho or Vinland saga. Fuck nips and their shit-taste. 2 nukes weren't enough.

Attached: askeladd_punch.gif (540x304, 2.77M)

Based Symphochads dabbing on shitty adaptations

Manimefags utterly BTFO

>why no on enjoys my epic manime
good thing they will never adapt farmland saga

Attached: YbOZveT.png (386x391, 148K)

Sales DO NOT EQUAL FUCKING QUALITY. Do you also see star-wars and marvel movies as the pinnacle of cinema? Go fuck yourself.

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Good thing it has neither

He didnt say anything about quality tho. He simply said you got BTFO which is true

And neither does the lack of sales indicate otherwise. Or would you like to say that My Sister My Writer (which didn't even register in BD sales) is the pinnacle of quality?

Btfo about what? Nips have shit taste(like most of this board),why would I be suprised?

It's the pinnacle of QUALITY, also imouto love can't be bad.

Vikings BTFO by little girls drinking tea

Decision to air 3 episodes then nothing for 2 weeks is the dumbest ever, and has certainly killed a lot of hype for the series. Won't read too much into it cause I do expect the rankings to rise in future weeks.

>Otaku degenerates would rather buy more dvd's of little girls doing whatever for extra fap material instead of norse men rowing boats and pillaging villages.
Wow,we truly lost,manimebros...

Attached: askeladdo_smug.jpg (1920x1080, 203K)

>another flop season
Fucking KEK

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Whcih one is about tea?


I hope you realize that it's all because of airing 3 episodes at once and then followed by 3 weeks break for no reason. All momentum and hype are lost and 0 exposure.

>BEM not even on the charts

And chink streaming didn't even save the "acclaimed in West (Stone and Vinland)" shows; checking the series popularity's in streaming sites most of the chinks are watching shit like Takagi, Oka-san and Danmachi, AHAHAHAHAH

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Oh no no no

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>83798位 Vinland Saga
Imagine being the guy that said "Yeah, let's do dead air for 3 weeks, that'll really move units".

What's the difference between Mingzuozhibi and pripri?

Foreigner streaming rights are sold lump sum. There might be some bidding war (lol just kidding everyone has near monopolies in their respective countries) but once you get the rights that's pretty much it.

Do you really think it would be any different if it aired those 3 episodes weekly? Nips have shit taste and this doesn't surprise me in the least.

All chinks taste are about the same.

>37742位 Dr. Stone
oh nonononononono

Joshikousei being that low makes me really really sad.

Alright calm the fuck down about the anime sales for Dr. Stone and Vinland Sage. Dr. Stone's anime is produced by Toho Co., Ltd. so if the BDs are doing poorly they'll just compensate with profits from Weathering With You which are making billions in the theaters right now.
As for Vinland Saga's anime, it's funded by government money since it's aired on the NHK national TV channel, so it's already paid for. That's why they're able to air 3 quality episodes at once as their production is ahead of schedule and they have the blessings from Shinzo Abe himself. Calm yourselves, children.

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Shhhh,let the retards have their fun.

Does this board pretend to hate Vinland to fit in or something? Its seriously a shame that an actual good show is performing poorly, or do you actually enjoy eating shit

Onegai Muscle doing good, good taste nips

>this anime is doing absolute shit, better have another one save it

You do realise how stupid you sound, right?

We memed so hard it truly became Dr. Flop

Ganbare Shamiko

Attached: machikado yuko hop turn around.webm (746x996, 1.37M)

NHK isn't on the community for Vinland. You obviously have no clue if you think Weathering With You doing well will save Dr.Stone. You can't bring up manga sales for Stone as the anime didn't boost it.

>37742位 Dr. Stone
>83798位 Vinland Saga
Based Japan

>people watch anime for cute girls. not for manly vikings
Who would have thought.

>highest number is 98
so nothing is going to reach 10k again? how long until the anime industry collapses

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Yes but Accelerator didn't have to make a long-ass speech and take tons of damage beforehand.

Also, he doesn't sleep in a fucking tub for some bitch.

Seeing manimefags getting BTFO for the umpteenth time never gets old (see SnK BD sales last season). Also fags going my taste > your taste getting shat on is never bad

Kadokawa funded almost half the series airing this season including the isekai and sol/moe, they know what they're doing since they're worth over $2 billion and all.
Most fans already ordered their shit so ensemble and symhpogear will pass 10k easily, might pass 20k too.

Is this season going to have even worse sales than the last two?

Do you think "manimefags" get btfo by some source-less numbers? Do you also "btfo" art-house filmfags when disney's soulless live-action adaptation rake in billions while original and artistic films barely make enough to get back their budget money?

If El melloi get >5k im happy, anime sales are so low now that i just read them to now how dedicated the fanbase in nipland is

If their arthouse is not cute, then it's worthless.

I thought loli cop was doing it fine
what happened?

>equating the fags spouting Yea Forums-tier terms such as "moenigger" and those who work on the anime
>equating the absolufe control of the Disney monopoly on all media in the western hemisphere to the relatively free anime market

Despite Kodansha's chokehold on the market, almost anything can and have the chance of achieving success (see Kemurikusa). Meanwhile manimefaggots want anime to cater to just them with swirly explosions and what not , ironically like those Disney execs you hate who just want capeshit in their repetoire.

>first sentence
>second sentence

A couple of sentences more, and the acceptance will visit us.

>*278位 Takagi-san
I mean, is an ok series but I hate how much it sells, that's all.
>*329位 Danberu
A reminder that absolutely nobody in the world gave 2 shits about this show before it started(except some /fit/ autists in this chinese cartoon board)and now look at it, top on popularity on both Japan and the west, now that's a pleasant surprise.
>*861位 Machikado
>1107位 Okaa-san
S2 enough? Hopefully.
>37742位 Dr. Stone
Sad, really good show and will totally check out the manga after, but this series is basically done, you hear it all the time how the manga is going down on sales and now this, oh well.

Somewhat surprised to see El Melloi do so well (at least relatively), I figured no grail war would make it flop hard

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>29909位 Granbelm

That's just sad. Sit back for another upcoming year of shitty LN adaptations

Attached: Granbelm - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.05_[2019.07.28_06.31.25].jpg (1280x720, 81K)

>absolutely nobody in the world gave 2 shits
People started caring about it here since the references got posted regularly in the daily kengan threads back when a chapter was being translated everyday
So people did care about it before the anime

Isn't it? Sales make people lose their collective minds, never minding that one of the most influential anime movies in history sold like total garbage, yet it's still recognized by everyone all over the world.

These doubters, like people who judged Akira from its sales back then, will prove it again that they're on the wrong side of history. Vinland was already popular before, and I have no doubt it will stand the test of time once it ends. Meanwhile the memories of these haters will fleet off, like the foam in the sea.

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Why pay for a shitty adaptation when you can just read the LN instead?

Maybe they should have made the mechas look not shit and not have Yuri.

Just because people RESPECT Akira doesn't mean there's studios lining up to make more like it. When every season for the past decade has been some flavor of isekai, battle harem or other LN bullshit, BECAUSE THEY GET SALES, people are going to look at this with disgust and spot the trends.

Attached: Shino cross.jpg (357x386, 64K)

Now that anime is dead, what will replace it


I for one welcome the return of zoetropes

Attached: zoetrope.png (509x349, 90K)

>Dr Stone almost last
based Japan!
(then again the top is fucking shit too; Most of the good ones are in the middle imho)

Visual Novels. It will always be the superior medium where most of the stuff is untranslated, which keeps EOPs away.

>99% male cast
>men chasing their dreams not letting anyone take it from them
>absolute chads even the most limp dicked shota has thousands of girls begging for his dick
How is ensemble stars not Manime?

Why is Case Files so popular?
It's just a fateshit but boring and even more pretentious.

>case files

Attached: DD5C3034-8686-46C5-9638-53310955C763.jpg (362x447, 62K)

>nips have such a shit taste they will swallow anything Fate related
Hope you are ready for FGO shitty CGI fest anime to sell better than your favorite.

Fujos continue winning.

Why does Yea Forums hate Fate?

Case files is just bad

But it's the best Fate anime we've got for a while?

You say like it's an accomplishment to be proud for.

Attached: 1448673900300.jpg (1440x1080, 170K)

Any Fate anime that doesn't have prisma in the title is automatically garbage.

Manime wins again

Ensemble stars is good


>it's popular so I want to be a contrarian and hate it

Who tf is Manime?



Because every time I try to google King Arthur now all I get is waifu garbage.

Imagine: a couple of centuries later old myths will be forgotten and only Fate versions will remain.

>*861位 Machikado
Room for improvement, but not bad.

Attached: momo's prehensile elongating appendage.webm (1280x720, 203K)

Thanks a lot, weebs. You completely polluted human society.

>27727位 Try Knights
Even this QUALITY fest with cheap fujobait is selling more than Dr. Stone and Vinland saga?

Attached: Try-Knights-01-06.jpg (853x480, 52K)

Could be nips preordering it for kicks only to cancel later. Fujodollars are all going to the top seller in enstars.

>but muh vikingz are epic n shieet
I'm glad retarded westerners got punished for their shit taste.

Is it popular with gaijin? They do want gaijin's attention as they provided official english translations of the staff and cast comments. Just like how C&T has an english version of their official site.

anime about a friar beating up virgin viking pagans when

More popular than your favorite series will ever be.

Attached: Yikers.png (680x605, 425K)

>no argument
Fatefags are truly cancer that pollutes Yea Forums.

It is the power of Jews.

Attached: Rosenthall.jpg (1280x2093, 336K)

Nah, that'd be shounenshitters

>and not have Yuri

Yeah dude, Love Live, Manaria and Symphogear sell like shit.

Attached: 2018 LL.png (555x625, 26K)

VN's are a dead medium.

I can't believe anime is actually dead.

Attached: 1563545632445.jpg (711x620, 35K)

Fate is a shounenshit as well retard.

Sunshine movie is by far the top seller of the season. Every other 2019 season was won by yuri too.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Sunshine!! S2 - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.44_[2017.10.29_02.52.02].png (1280x720, 1.68M)

No it's not. It's more like KnK than Fateshit.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Lord El-Melloi II Case Files - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.56.760.png (1280x720, 1.7M)

Another season without big seller.

BD sales are sure declining fast in Japan.


Retard. Fate is garbage but it's not shonen.

>dead medium
That's anime.


Sunshine just sold 80k on first week. Nanoha did 30k.

And multiple shows should sell around 10k.

Anime industry revenue is growing over 10% per year for 8 years now. Only phone game industry is doing better.

Ah okay, so you are just a retard.

Anime isn't dead, it's BD/DVDs that are dead.

Without KyoAni, anime is as good as dead.

There was no big VN hit in years and there are like 5x less of them released than 10 years ago. Meanwhile anime is thriving and making insane money. With the current rate of growth it will surpass Hollywood next decade.

Their last good show was like 7 years ago. All they did recently was shitty LN adaptations.

>With the current rate of growth it will surpass Hollywood next decade
Sure, sure.

VN was always low profit business. And now people expecting full voice acting in VNs most companies can't are incapable of paying for VN productions.

Fuck yeah, Spiderman is saving anime industry.

Attached: Untitled.png (731x182, 73K)

Idolfags and fujos ruined the industy
>Hensuki being that high
fuck everything

Attached: never.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

VN companies are dropping like flies and the ones that are still around are branching out to either the Western or Chinese markets, or other revenue streams such as gacha.

>*165位 Symphogear XV
What went wrong?

Attached: 1561265660598.jpg (1870x610, 415K)

God, these numbers are pathetic, how this shitty industry is still afloat?

Maria was in it.

Revue is theater not idols


I only hope good shows flying under the radar like Cop Craft and Astra get to 3k.

>83798位 Vinland Saga

Attached: 1559349893265.webm (224x226, 170K)

Even if they weren't the character songs would probably rake in the cash anyway.

When will idolshit die out?

>no argument
Just accept TM as a whole was never good.

>*329位 Danberu

Attached: 1554644007732.png (1920x1080, 1.29M)

>**98位 Ensemble Stars!
>*165位 Symphogear XV

Why is Symphogear second? C'mon, announce concert tickets already!

the most boring arc
nips don't give a shit about vikings
no otakupandering

In the end the Rosen were the jews

I just hope Canute raises some fujobucks. He's our only hope.

Attached: canute.png (550x550, 619K)

Nah, no way is Astra going to get 3k

Why not? Is the manga not popular?

Manga won the Taisho Awards this year. Sales aren't important.

idols =/= pop singers

Enjoy your vacation

Looks like a genetic abomination.
Put on your trip. I can smell your butthurt.

Idolfags all look like that. Some look even wors—
Never mind. It's impossible to be less attractive than MKL.

Onegai Muscle!

Attached: 1564597321349.webm (960x540, 411K)

With disc sales being this bad for three seasons straight, I'd say yeah, anime is dead. Mobage is the future.

Streaming is the future more like.

>83798位 Vinland Saga

Attached: 1549939236163.jpg (395x401, 31K)

Just kill yourself, you worthless subhuman. How is it possible that someone as ugly as you has not yet committed suicide?

Reminder to never take this Narutard tripfag seriously.

He's also:
>A little bit of trivia: I have the same blood type (B) as Naruto Uzumaki t. Mami Kawada Lover
>This user has Autism
>This user is a member of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines.
>LGBT supporter
>loves western singers like Bruno Mars, One direction, Adele and Nicki Minaj
>loves American idol
>likes dubs
>This user's waifu is Tomoyo Sakagami
>This user's waifu is Madoka Kaname
>>>> waifus
>This user is a fan of Sword Art Online.
>>>>This user wholeheartedly believes that Love Live! is the greatest television program in the history of the world and parts beyond.
>This user will watch Nisekoi at every opportunity.
>This user likes the following television program: Sakura Trick.
>This user is a fan of Kill la Kill
>user uses Google Chrome
>This user is a Roman Catholic
>One of my philosophies in life is, whenever I see a YouTube video saying "No Copyright Infringement Intended" when they technically are infringing copyright, I think to myself "If you don't own the rights to it, then don't upload it!" My motto in life is the motto at the top of this page.

Attached: 1533765134634.jpg (720x960, 91K)

Do you also think Blade runner is a terrible film based on its initial box office? Its still AOTY and we're just 4 episodes in.

Attached: cinegrid_vs_ep1.jpg (5760x3240, 3.79M)

jesus christ user spoiler that shit

So much this. I actually wanted to give vinland a try, but all the obvious redditors acting high and mighty in the threads really left a bad taste in my mouth
I hope they finally get some reality check

Danmachi is outselling Accelerator! I'm surprised.

>I won't watch an anime because some people.
Wow,what a faggot you are.

Nice try, Yea Forumsedditor. Judging from this thread the people that shit on Vinland seems to be fags that use shitty Yea Forums memes.

>3446位 Fire Force

>37742位 Dr. Stone


>So much this.
Holy shit, salesfags confirmed redditors. Go back.

Not enough Chris and Kirika.

Doesn't seem too trustworthy

>industry grows bigger while disc sales shrink
This thread is full of retards

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>37742位 Dr. Stone
>83798位 Vinland Saga

Attached: 1537956712256.jpg (1280x720, 403K)

>He's still going

Anime is done for.

sales/studio wars in general are Yea Forums culture

Disc sales only matter for shitty niche shows.

Why do redditors keep defending Vinland Saga's bad sales?

Why is Joshikousei doing so badly?

You are literally the only redditor in this thread. Go fuck yourself.

Because it's shit lmao.

Vikingfags remind me of Megalo Box fans who couldn't accept that their shitty manime is a flop. They unironically think it's going to become a classic. They are retarded. They are underage children who think vikings are "so ossom."
Fuck off, redditor.

>3446位 Fire Force
>37742位 Dr. Stone

Attached: laughinghunterchads.png (400x400, 184K)

2294位 Cop Craft
3446位 Fire Force

How is it shit?

>2294位 Cop Craft
>3446位 Fire Force

This is literally Yea Forums: the thread.

When's the new chapter hunterfag?


Attached: 1549785770709.jpg (1280x704, 55K)

Yeah. I can't believe there are so many people who like Yea Forumsinland saga on Yea Forums.

how is cop crap doing it better than fire force?


Fire force is shit.

I can't say it doesn't deserve to flop like that after the horrid episode 1 and those CGI abominations. The only thing that makes me sad is that there are not going to be Yue doujins.

the power of loli

Attached: 1563161977494.jpg (1600x1143, 793K)

>"haha vikings r gay!"
>"now leave me, I must watch my [10 minutes of Jibril best moments] compilation"

Just accept your anime is shit fireshitter

Can you speak human tongue?

Aren't there suppose to be sale numbers too?

The story is actually good, Murata's art make it even better.

Can you read?

i wouldn't call it good
more like the story is not your another harem/isekai shit

>*329位 Danberu
Fucking how? It's not not even good

It's better than Stone, at the very least

t. liftlet

its reverse isekai tho

It's good so far but kind of uninteresting.


>/fit/ trash
>better than Dr. Stone

fuck off

>*861位 Machikado
good taste


Japan supports /fit/

Last two episodes were mediocre and trying to redeem people who murdered 100k civilians is idiotic.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Online Alternative - Gun Gale Online - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.51_[2018.0 (1280x720, 1.45M)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.47.716.png (1280x720, 961K)

Elder god tier cope right here bros

That's actually really good for a cheap adaptation of a niche novel.

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For gameplay ranking of the clevelands
Monpelier -> Birimingham -> Columbia -> Cleveland -> Denver

What's the estimated number when a series hit top 30?

>3446位 Fire Force
>37742位 Dr. Stone
位 Vinland Saga

I was gonna make fun of Dr. Reddit but the absolute state of Virgin Saga is too much. Firechads let's be humble in victory we got away with best animation, best plot, best characters, best ost, best VAs and now sales too it was never a fair contest for them.

I'm surprised to see El-Melloi that high. I guess it successfully combines fujo pandering with lolies.

Onegai muscle!

It got me lifting again

Attached: 1564595144324.jpg (1616x909, 261K)

I always wonder how do producers of the low ranking series feel. Especially with anime like dr. Stone or Vinland I'm sure they expected much more, probably thought that it would be big hits.

looks fine to me.

Attached: winter 2019.jpg (1037x126, 42K)

Vinland Saga will pick up. It's time for the plot to kick in

Where did you get this chart?

So Kimetsu no Yaiba is ranking really high on Amazon right now. C

Could it mean it’s gonna be a 10k seller? Also when will it release?

Two days ago

Cumbrains will buy anything with cute girls in it.

But series like Sacred Beasts is objectively much worse animated and have more cliche and boring plot then Vinland Saga or Dr Stone. I don't get it. I can understand why series with more cute characters will be higher, but Sacred beasts is literal shit tier and looks extremely cheap.

Based Firechad. Plus with today's asspull stonevirgins are done for. I like Vinland saga tho.

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Reminder that if it sold primarily because of game codes or event tickets, it doesn't count.

>83798位 Vinland Saga

Attached: clench those teeth.jpg (866x710, 208K)

>*322位 El-Melloi

Fateshit garbage always sells well.

Average sales for Manaria is 24951

Go Toubun averaged over 7k for 5 volumes

You're welcome, faggot.

>mobagetrash will be the top selling in Fall because they will include some gachashit bonuses in BDs

Attached: 1549907844825.png (1920x1080, 789K)

Streamimg ratings are the most important now anyway. And China is unfortunately in charge of taste since they give the most revenue.

FGO will actually have a good story though.

swap symphogear for love live

>good story
>Berserk 2016 CGI director
It's going to be a glorious shitfest.

Sorry manimefag, vinland isn't at the top in chink streaming either.

Attached: 1563398804885.jpg (1769x1506, 624K)

>last encore
At least we have some non event tickets/mobage presents anime selling something each season like kaguya that time or el-melloi in this season

>rated 6.9 on MAL

*165位 Symphogear XV
I really doubt they will end this at season 5 as they said this shit print money by itself

This year is really bad year for anime. Sales gone down all across a board, mediocre and out right bad seasons in years, Kyoani tragic etc etc.

It has bishounen and loli. This can't go wrong, they get fujobucks and otakubucks.

All three of you are flopping dipshit

Where did this meme about streaming come from? Nips don't care about streaming at all. Studios pay for tv channels to show their shit. And foreign streaming is 1% of overall sales.

You have to go back.

Streaming anime has payed for more seasons and is common knowledge that it's now a big factor when it comes to anime. What cave have you been in for the last 3 years?

Why don't you show us a toplist then.

Shit bait

>is common knowledge
Source? Do you have any numbers?

You can always google "streaming revenue anime" and do some work yourself

Doesn't look very good.

Chad Ensemble Stars! single-handedly funding that Stone Ocean anime.

You haven't been following BD sales for years

Why are you leaving out Kemurikusa?

I'm making this statement because I follow BD/DVD sales actively for a decade.

>Retards on Yea Forums are still posting about how bd sales are what decide the success of every anime series

Attached: ohohohoh.png (500x374, 181K)

So you don't have numbers. Thought so. Streaming doesn't mean shit for anime.

>83798位 Vinland Saga
Made my day its garbage yet vinlandfags will shovel that shit into their mouths while screaming it's the most amazing thing.

What else decides the success? Western ratings?

Western market viability is a big consideration but hard to gauge. MAL scores are one factor that the industry takes pretty seriously, as well as how many upvotes the discussion threads get on

>source material boost

Attached: IMG_20190803_030111.jpg (720x261, 69K)

What does it say? Is he crying?

>P-please spoonfeed me common knowledge user

Then you'd know a 20k and 10k in a season of sub 5ks is normal

Cope harder. There is no common knowledge about it, you just making up shit.

Imagine being this proud of being ignorant just becasue you don't want to look it up

>37742位 Dr. Stone
>83798位 Vinland Saga
Jesus christ they are getting axed mid season aren't they

well 20ks aren't normall but I mean 1 or 2 shows only being in the 10k+ range. while the rest are low

There is nothing to look up. As I already said streaming doesn't matter at all for anime profit.

Staff of the publisher told the bookstore worker Even if people buy our (K-on) comic, not even a yen of that would go into Kyoani's pocket so please don't put them at visible place as we won't be happy even if a lot of that can be sold on this away

And studios actually spent money on them if you look at animation. Sad!

I'm having trouble comprehending it. I knew japan's taste was shit but this is something new.

I'm doing planking everyday thanks to the show, it's so simple it's perfect for lazyfags like me.

Vinland Saga maybe, but Dr. Stone? The art and animation are extremely mediocre.

>Fucking Try Knights is just above the two anime Yea Forums always circlejerks against
This is definitely fake.

Attached: 1563498062263.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

Good thing the publishers are actually involved in these anime so they will make money.


Attached: stoned.png (169x130, 5K)

Post composition of their production committee
And why should publisher put their own gain into production committee for others?

Pripri stalker if someone is interested.

They don't track preorders anymore, they track Twitter followers now (which is an even more useless metric)

Well shit I'm slow.

What happened to Granbelm?

Only if you're in the Twitter section. Pre sales orders are here.

Attached: IMG_20190802_140501.jpg (1080x1744, 814K)

Oh they brought back preorders? Last I checked the site owner said they'd quit tracking them.

I still enjoy it but it's really always the same. It's the same template every time and they just change the design of the enemies and their names and the artefact, it's always the same dynamics and the increasement of the main group is getting annoying. Also, trying to make a 70k killer relatable is a really risky thing, it might work for certain cases when there is a bigger plan and shit behind it but in this case it's just some psycho loli murdering people for fun and you cannot make her likeable by showing that she has some private problems.

As expected. They're targeted to foreigners.

They want the Scandinavian audience.

They want the western audience who has a fascination with vikings and WE WUZs them.

So Scandinavians and Americans who got 3% Norse on My Heritage?

Vinland saga is not flattering to the vikings at all. It excoriates their entire ideology.

WE WUZ is bigger than genetic heritage. Its an identity acceptance of a culture that you relate to. The niggers going "WE WUZ KANGZ" have almost 0% relations to Egyptians. The "WE WUZ VIKINGZ" crowd are equally retarded larpers for that matter and chances are they have close to 0% relations to actual vikings. However the ideas are population enough that good majority of those westerners and basketballs pick up on them easily and identify with them.

It'll probably rise to top 100 after tomorrow's episode.
Plus, there's always music disc sales.

Any surprise flops this season?

Its just your taste this time.

Attached: t57hyaw.jpg (413x395, 20K)

What are Kimetsu no Yaiba Blu-ray sales?

waiting for the extras and concert tickets announcements

They'll be out sometime next week

Seeing Arifureta that low is strange considering the light novels seemed to be popular and how it was supposed to air way back last year but got delayed.

Not yet, but right now it's ranking well in Rakuten and Amazon

>danberu so high
>weebs also love it

>popular anything

Popular shitposting material

Crunchyroll and Funimation paid a shitton for Dr. Stone and Fire Force. That should hopefully mitigate any losses for the studios.

Attached: D-eJRgHXsAAa4bK.jpg (768x1024, 176K)

Imagine seeing this faggot's face whenever you go.

The anime is utter shit.

Attached: QUALITY Bear.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

Golden Kamuy no longer has the worst bear in anime.

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Based fujostacies.

Were they always intended to be made for a Western audience?

My fucking sides

t. fatass

Yes. When Yea Forums hears "made for a global audience" they think it means anime will become more like western cartoons. When really all it means is shows that you don't need to be Japanese to enjoy. Something like PTE will never be mainstream in the west because every joke is a Japanese cultural reference. BnHA is made for Western audiences and still takes place in modern day Japan.

Attached: TNsanity.png (891x3000, 2.3M)

Vinland Saga deserves to fail. That shit hypes you up with Thors then bait-and-switches you by having him killed off, replacing him with his angsty emo son, and every other character sucks. And yes I read the fucking manga.

My husband Keito is booping!

Attached: IMG_20190206_054006.jpg (861x900, 146K)

>29909位 Granbelm
>original anime doing this badly

It always felt like it wasn't promoted well. Like before it aired it simply had no hype to it.

Original mecha is dead, they should have made it mecha musume instead.

The thing about Granblem is that it wasn't only a mecha show but it also had elements of gridmark and magical girls. So it was less than a rip-off of Gundam but more like inspired by YuYuYu.

>**98位 Ensemble Stars!
>*165位 Symphogear XV
shit taste, japs, shit taste.

The robots make it look like a children's cartoon. Saw some screenshots of the first episode and passed. Now excuse me while I enjoy manly anime

Attached: 1564700723350.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

Granbelm's rank went as low as 52,332 a few hours ago. It's really doomed.

>ep airs and it goes down
I blame salty madoka and gundamfags.

Yeah, they should be even higher

they're the most cookie-cutter shows ever. they have no redeemable qualities whatsoever.

It went back up to around 6,000, but that's still a terrible rank.


Has Dr. Stone replaced Bokuben as Jump's biggest failure of the year?

>original series
>cute girls
>no CG
It's doing badly because it's too good to be real, so people don't realize it exists.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.43_[2019.07.21_12.10.06].jpg (1280x720, 374K)


Not him, but you're the one living in a cave. Streaming is at best 1-2% of anime revenue. MD + games are the big things. Games aren't officially counted for anime industry revenue, but you only need to look at gacha revenue numbers to see how much money there is. Overseas revenue includes overseas MD sales, most of the overseas money comes from Chinese otaku buying official MD. Blibli is public, they're required to release their financial information and are the top player in the most important streaming market. Total 2018 streaming revenue is US$85.2 million.
The 2017 China International Cartoon and Animation Festival sold over $290 million worth in MD and goods. A six day event, two years ago (in a growing market), had more than three times as much revenue (in MD) as the entire streaming sector of Blibli had in 2018.

Dr. Stone has always sold less than Bokuben though. In fact, it only sells more than Yuuna and the newbies in current Jump

Dr no sales

Fate spin-offs always seem to sell around 4k to 7k.

Well it's still better animated than this

So does this mean Dr. Stone is getting the axe soon?

>paid a shitton
How much?

Isn't this the show that got delayed for a whole year? Couldn't they have fixed its problems in that time?

Yeah because big shounen, gundam and kids series make over half of the anime revenue.
Take those away and streaming is big and now necessary for a show’s success, more and more series are going streaming only skipping tv.
Bilibili funds entire anime and and gets good profits from them.

>Streaming is at best 1-2% of anime revenue
That's exactly what I said.

The delay probably caused it since they had to change staff and character designs. Which basically means scarping everything they had done so far.

All of the new series are shit, so no. However, at this rate Dr. Stone will become outsold by every non-axed manga.

>Selling anything

Attached: IMG_20190720_203715.jpg (1334x750, 65K)

>blessings from Shinzo Abe himself.
How much impregnating is going on in the anime?

I see your mental illness streak continues.

It has some but it’s mostly war so it’s to make the watchers more manly and go fuck women.

Based idolshit making part 6 happen


>david is the studio
What the fuck

>good animation
>good writing and relatable characters
>tons of fanservice
>original concept and theme (not many SoL shows about weightlifting)
>relatively faithful adaptation of a popular manga by a popular studio

Azur Lane is guarenteed to sell at least 30k next season, regardless of quality.

Imagine being this wrong.

Attached: overseas.jpg (729x229, 59K)

>Azur Lane
>actually being relevant in Japan

not really.

Didn't expect Dr Flop to do worse than Granflop

>average anime costs around $100k - 300k per episode
>Foreign licensing fees on Pretty Cure alone make Toei over $3M and their episodes are on the low end of budget
Literally pays for itself

Attached: toei.jpg (720x1041, 159K)

Now when enstars have bd bucks they better make nendoroid of my hasubando.

There were others who talked about streaming revenue besides this guy. Assassination Classroom was just the easiest one to remember and look up.

Attached: assassination classroom.jpg (1230x385, 92K)

Takagi-san should be on top. It's by far the best and most consistent anime of the season.

Attached: 190802232549.jpg (1441x2048, 269K)

people still care about sales when charts year and year show how insignificant physical disk sales means to revenue?

Mizuki Nana and also they will have concert tickets on their BDs eventually.

>good animation
>good writing and relatable characters
Well it's better than Shounen garbage, I'll give you that.

Symphogear literally stopped being decent and enjoyable after partway through season 2. It's just retarded at this point.

They won't axe anime, but they could axe BDs release altogether for it and Vinland if they'll realise that it would cost more to produce them and there won't be any profit.

>29909位 Granbelm
Especially considering it's an original

It's still revenue and to anime originals that aren;t related to netlfix or nhk it's highly important.

>>paid a shitton
>How much?

Don't know the exact amount, but getting billboard ads on freakin' Times Square must have been ridiculously expensive

Still better than shitland saga and I don't mean this based on just preorders, the better sales is just icing on the cake.