ITT: Characters who unironically did nothing wrong

ITT: Characters who unironically did nothing wrong

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You know she made violent Asakura again to protect her alt reality. She's why Kyon got stabbed


I see you are a man of culture.

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Based and Yukipilled.

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He just wanted his love to blossom

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>goes through the same things thousands of time for no reason
You literally cannot justify this

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Yikes! have sex nazi.

She has literally never done anything wrong, she’ll probably be the only character ITT that has unironically never did anything wrong

She's good because she did something wrong.

isn't the reason Yuki could change the world because she "used" Haruhi's powers? As in, what Haruhi does isn't exactly 'special' to them?

I feel like i'm forgetting the plot but why is Haruhi herself important if the aliums can do the same.

how many posts have you made on Yea Forums

Did you mean 4channel?

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They had to hijack her powers. Think human vs computer. Computer can compute stuff very fast but can't think on its own. Haruhi is the one who creates all the data and shit. The ayys can analyze and change it, but they aren't creating shit.

what mango is this?

>did nothing wrong
He died.

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What did that dumbass do? holy fuck I should catch up with it.

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Damn, I was hoping he'd actually stay a bro.

Yuki means love.

how many breads have you eaten?

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He didn't deserve it bros

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>inb4 stolen strawberry
Mio is a cunt and Mugi is a hero for fighting against evil.

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Fuck you. I'll fight you for her honor.

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Pretty shitty father

She was given a feminine dick.

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The most correct answer.

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