Has there ever been a more based female character?
Has there ever been a more based female character?
Literally nothing wrong
Does sympathizing with Kokoro make me a manslut?
It makes you based.
and by based you mean a unfaithful, treacherous, shallow walking vagina baby factory. sure. she didn't deserve my boy futoshi anyway.
Fatty doesn't know
I hope her children agonize and painfully die to some nasty illness, miscarries any future spawns and end up sterile and empty like the slut she is
>Still seething to this day
Oh Trigger what have you done
Are you guys still bullying the fatty because he's basically the only 2D person you consider lower than you
Reminder that girls that unironically use the word "daddy" in a sexual manner are cringe and should absolutely be fucking gassed.
Dis boi is about to break 556's hymen for a second time.
Watching and liking Ditf already makes you a faggot so make of that what you will
We don't need these whore man MGTOW for life! I am no one's tool!
Was pretty great. Not only did she nicegirl her way into mitsuru's pants, she was court marshaled for her thirst, but instead of backing down, she gave the court marshaler PTSD and then ran off and fucked the guy they were just telling her not to fuck that same night. She was honestly so much fun to watch.
lose some weight
In a scale from 1 to 10. How euphoric are you?
NTRfags must fucking hang. Least based girl, possibly ever.
Nice sage, fagot.
have gym
Yabuki improved their story, they’re the only reason why I still follow the manga, Genista looked sleek and curvy, and didn’t need any rescuing. Mitsuru realized his feelings without any input from Hiro, and Kokoro confessed her feelings.
I know Yabuki will deliver the Eden chapter much satisfyingly than the anime did.
Aw yeah
>learns about procreation
>immediately picks the better mate
Take notes gents
Lose weight
Have sex
Lose some weight, fatoshi
Lose some weight fatass
whorekoro is shit
>mfw Yea Forums sided with that whore instead of futoshi who is pretty much Yea Forums incarnate
Yea Forums hates itself
Futosh is reddit, you spacing faggot.
"Waaah I didn't get the person I wanted" is the most pussy bitch form of NTR.
mitsuru is reddit
MyFitnessPal is free. Just cut 1000 calories from your TDEE, walk 10000 steps a day, and you'll be fit in no time!
Ahem, you're forgetting someone
>encouraging 3DPD behaviors
Since when did Yea Forums became r/anime?
Have sex
Mitsuru is a sadboy normalfag. Futoshi is a reddit fedora who appeals to r/incels.
Stay fat
Lose some weight
The angle of her arm in this shot has always pissed me off
>Yea Forums still doing that thing where they pretend they don't relate to Futoshi because he's such an accurate depiction of the average Yea Forumsutist in their teenage years that they can't help but hate him for it
Fat people are just meant to be used and spat out, only bishies can be loved.
I see franxx still attracts the biggest retards of this board
At first, I wasn't really interested in DitF but hearing how based Kokoro was hooked me in. She truly saved this anime.
fat bros rise the fuck up
>not thinking this couple is adorable af
What's wrong with you?
Kokoro made the right choice. Mitsuru is so cute with her. Look at these fatties and incels though. Pathetic as ever. Crossposters from reddit probably, because they cant shit on her there
Lose weight fatass or kill yourself if you are not even studying or working. Waste of air
Lose weight.
>tfw realising you’ll never have this kind of happiness
Literally considering suicide
Such a sweet family, fatfags never understand.
>so this is the power of ningen
What did manga serotsu mean by this?
>all these salty replies
Based. Whorekoro a shit
In space, like Hiro, the eternal virgin otaku self-insert?
Hello Incel-kun, please don't shoot up a theater.
I'm not the one being rejected by women fatfag.
>anime became Mitsuru and Kokoro, the darlings in the Franxx
>manga also became Mitsuru and Kokoro, the darlings in the Franxx
Truly, Mitsuru and Kokoro won the entire story so hard.
In his prior life, Mitsuru must have been a saint among saints, a hero and a caregiver who has accumulated endless good karma to be rewarded such a great ending, while Hiro's former incarnation most likely was an Amerifat cannibal rapist pedophile schoolshooter who played Fortnite, if he was reborn to become an eternal cucklord who never manages to put his dick inside the hot pinkhaired girl's flesh body.
Was futoshi's character really necessary though? They could have paired her with mitsuru since the begining and nobody would have complained. Why did they go for NTR?
Do it. Stop postponing the inevitable and get it over with. Your life will literally never have anymore value than it does now. I recommend live streaming it.
Please don’t project your sorry state on me faggot
Can't be NTR if it's a beta orbiter.
Guess they wanted to pad runtime with drama
Hiro and Futoshi both represent different aspects of otakukind.
Hiro is the kind of character that otaku wish they were (brave, handsome, talented, smart, a troubled misunderstood character who is just waiting for the right gal to turn them into the awesome hero they were always meant to be), whereas Futoshi is whom they really are (fat, ugly, unlikable, talented in a completely worthless skill like piloting shitty dumb mechas in pointless wars).
Both were cucked by the unassuming and untalented Mitsuru. Hiro had to beg 02 to please ride out with Mitsuru to save everyone, and Futoshi had to marry Mitsuru off to the beautiful Kokoro.
>A series created for the Otaku audience
>Cuck's the self-insert character
What did they mean by this?
Otaku a shit, riajuus a good.
Why does the Fat and ugly but kind hearted guy never win? It's fiction anyways so why not?
Why are they shitting on their audience? How does that work?
They're just dumb otaku. They only exist to buy worthless stupid merchandise crap that has pink-haired girl in it because pink-haired girl looks cute and is they're waifu.
Otaku know this, but they can't get out of it. They must spend a considerable amount of their income on otaku crap, while taking the potshots and the verbal abuse. And they will like it while they pay for it.
> Slut (n.) - Girl who won't have sex with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
What a disgusting species. I'm glad I don't live in japan
People who hate Kokoro are the same kinds of people who hate Ueno. They hate girls who have their own head and aren't willing to make compromises when it comes to romance.
Kokoro is fluffy goddess and people only hate him because she gave them a reality check they needed badly. Funny how these people who call others "jerks" or assholes like Mitsuru are actually the most grumpy and violent people out there who hold grudges for years. I have already accepted that this is the next "ERASED NTR". God, some people are too pathetic even for being NEETS
I don’t have a space suit or dino waifu so just in front of a train tbdesu
Hey, dont bother others lives. Some may lose their jobs if they are late from work and think about the train staff who has to clean all that shit up and how traumatizing it's for children
There's no place you for fatfaggots. Back to irrelevancy you go. No ones like your fatass. If you like fat characters, at least like decent ones and not incels like that uggotoshi there
couldn’t give a fuck
Ueno is just a real girl. Just like pic related
Literally the only side characters to actually rebel against the shitty dystopian society
Everyone else never made it far beyond the papadrone stage. No rebellion arc and space ending was a mistake.
Hey, all the fatposters and "anti" NTRfags are here! HAH, still mad I see. You have created a monster called "Fatoshi", Nishigori!
Anime character that bends the reality of 2D and triggers countless people around the globe. A character so pathetic, his creators gave up on him.
Drawn like loser by Yabuki. Hated by the voice actors of the show. Self-insert for incels, cucks and losers around the world. Person who is lower
than anons and only got wife as consolidation prize because director was fat himself
While the fatfaggots keep posting shit to make themselves look even worse, have a pic of the best couple. Might take some time, until they get screen time again in the manga, so see you then if this manga/fandom still has fans when ep17 thing happens
How many babies?
Not today
Was Mitsuru bisexual or just heterosexual?
Heterosexual in canon, but liked Hiro a bit too much to be considered just a friend so probably bisexual. Doesn't help he were paired with lesbian originally so makes sense he is at least bisexual. Kokoro killed those gay thoughts with her maternal skills and her thighs though
>Has there ever been a more realistic portrayal of females in anime?
You say that every single day and endure prolonged misery because of it. Enough with the excuses. There's only one solution that will work for you. you know It's hopeless, save yourself.
Fat people dont deserve love
Based & redpilled.
more like blue and cringepilled
Still my favorite girl in the show, probably long after the manga has ended.
If Futoshi wasn't fat but Kokoro still treated him the same way, would Yea Forums still be so virulently hateful towards him?
Didnt happen. Now fuck off fatfag