This film is boring

This film is boring

Attached: myNeighborTotoro.jpg (960x540, 84K)

Watch Madoka Magica

Well you're a nigger

No, that's Totoro


niggers and spics should stick to super powered retards punching each other. it's the only thing they can relate to because of domestic violence

>anime beloved by many 15 year old girls
>not pleb

>having worse taste than 15 year old girls

>defending the same movies 15 year old girls watch

Is that cat-bear looking thing on the right supposed to be very light or what?

I love Totoro, one of my favourite movies for sure, if not my favourite

>not knowing every single anime ever created was watched by 15 year old girls
niggers are really retarded

First anime thing I remember watching. The truth is the first hour or so is pretty much just the girls giggling, though

it's the best Ghibli movie though, absolute 10/10

No, but this one is.

Attached: MV5BMTU4NDg0MzkzNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODA3Mzc1MDE@._V1_.jpg (1080x1600, 656K)

>Not realizing we're all cute little anime girls here


naked lolis

So can anyone actually articulate why this is good?

Not my favorite Ghibli by any means but its still pretty cute and fun. Kiki is the one thats boring as shit.

This. I would rather watch any other Miyazaki film (except Ponyo).

>This film is boring.
things boring people say.

No, it's just a very strong branch.

you wouldnt want to be a child right now living in a peaceful countryside in a big ass house and make friends with forest spirits?

A good easy going all rounder.

Kill yourself

Totoro and Ponyo are the only things I've given 10/10