>Geten gets bitch slapped by Giga
>Shiggy is beyond punished
Reminder spoilers without proofs are fake and gay
>Geten gets bitch slapped by Giga
>Shiggy is beyond punished
Reminder spoilers without proofs are fake and gay
Posting spoilers from previous thread
More pics coming
Jesus Christ how big is he right now?
Geten is seen being flung far away. It is not confirmed that she is dead at this point
so much kino. this arc will look so good in the anime in fucking 2 years
Wow, this arc is still going on.
Meme from a mistranslation.
Oh okay thanks user
Here's some more
I remember the liberation army saying that like 90% of this city was made up of their supporters.
I feel bad for those last 10% completely normal citizens who now have to experience mass murder and the destruction of their city because of a gang war.
>Geten had a father who loved him for who he was.
Poor Dabi
Who the fuck is Geten? Ice guy?
Any Dabi in this chapter?
Seriously how many people have died in this arc so far
How are pro heroes not aware of an entire city getting obliterated by the league. You would think they would show up to investigate
>entire army loses to 7 people
How fucking pathetic.
Yes, I have no fucking clue when he started getting called Geten, translations originally called him Apocrypha.
Every last person in the city is stupid for not calling for outside help when the city is being destroyed and people were being slaughtered. People are not perfectly obedient, this is fucking dumb.
From viz
oh. So guess this confirms no powerup for Dabi yet.
Not like its that impressive on Giga's part.
We cannot tell, but huge sections of the city have been laid waste. Also, it depends on whether you consider all the Twice clones individual deaths, or as not counting.
it's a city in the middle of the hills
Viz is as garbage as the other ones
Why is Shiggy so cute?
The LA cut communications with the outside world, have been jamming transmissions, and keeping people from going in or coming out. And all of this has taken place in just an hour or so.
Yeah...I know. The only way get can read it at its purest form is the original raw. But some of us are uncultured swines...
This is why I don't like this arc at all.
The bodycount seemed in the double digits until Shiggy's eyes glazed over and he started killing blobs of people, and with Giga appearing and knocking down buildings who knows how many people will end up dead from this.
I vaguely recall someone saying the heroes were on their way, but we did see liberation-allied heroes blocking the roads and saying everything was under quarantine because of villain rampage, so either the liberation army has closed off communications into and out of the city, or the heroes are being stalled elsewhere, or this war is taking much less time than it appears to be.
Just imagine those people who aren't in on the cult's ritual killing event and legitimately called for help that isn't coming because almost every single other person in the city is a homicidal nutcase cultist.
>Hand limiters gone
>Quirk upgrade
>Raspy ass edgelord voice gone
He's almost there.
Aren’t they on a building piece? Could give better chance of survival
He takes after his paternal grandma.
>One invincible giant monster
>One one man army
>Toga took out like 30 people
>Shigaraki could destroy half the city with his power up
>They didn't even need spinner, compress, and Dabi
Oh he is 1000000% surviving that.
Well, that's going to leave a mark. But the body is still intact, so MAYBE...
GODestro will win.
Post some Compress pls
One winged angel
Twice himself is a one man army and is a giant monster, the MLA defeat was actually believable
They were on the back foot before twice healed himself. Shiggy was only doing well because his quirk started to pass from person to person which made the superior numbers a threat to the MLA. But Twice has been the mvp so far if say
>Train your quirk SINCE BIRTH , ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG for like 20 years
>The perfect soldier, can create and manipulate all the ice in a whole city
>Gets slapped away like a bitch by this random Giganigga who just showed up 5 seconds ago
It feels like a Onepunch Man parody.
As a side note, are her titties okay?
huge man demolishes parka-wearing loser more at 7
Shiggy don't even need to go through faceapp.
It may be that the state inaction is because they are planning to use this massacre to radicalize society against an enemy in common... but possibly it's just bad writing.
The whole premise of a bunch of people fighting and surviving against attacks from all directions is kinda stupid.
How proud is AfO going to be of his boy?
Yeah no that’s absolutely survivable in manga. Geten is going to be back for revenge. Probably next arc that revolves around the Todorokis.
On another note, how likely is it that hero society will completely collapse after this arc?
Yep this. I remember praising BNHA like 3 years ago because of how "realistic" it could be and the mall scene with Shigaraki telling Deku
>If you scream, I could probably kill 30 people before someone stopped me, maybe more?
It felt threatening and dark in a realistic way. Like, this guy is a real murderer and knows how this all works.
The new Shigaraki would kill everyone in the mall and then go outside and destroy a few more city-blocks until Endeavor shows up - but he still has the same Quirk. And Stain too only went around killing Quirked people because he attacked them at dark alleys alone and got in trouble once he had to deal with 3 kids throwing shit at him at the same time.
And it's damn bullshit that no citizen called for Pro Heroes - or the fact that there aren't any pro heroes shown at Deika city, just random civilians.
>You would think they would show up to investigate
They had heroes working within the city blocking incoming traffic and shit so they have moles within the hero community I guess.
The better question is how does an ENTIRE FUCKING MEDIUM SIZED CITY become part of some terrorist cell guerilla army without anyone finding out.
I don't care how influential the upper echelons of the liberation army are that's an entire fucking city that drank the koolaid and nobody is aware of it.
Completely? Doubt it. Will this shake society to it’s core? Absolutely an entire town was wiped off the maps and we know there’s video footage. This shit is like 9/11 if they flew planes into some town and killed everyone.
its like scientology but even more competent
yeah but one of those people IS an army
>bleached white hair
>no shoes
Is Hori going for some kind of twisted Jesus?
how do people feel about the sudden upgrades to deku and shigi? I like the character development/flashbacks we've gotten but the sudden powerups feel a bit shoe-horned it, as if to keep up with the power creep of OFA like with what we saw against the yakuza. (not to mention deku's 7 quirks)
Not. The terror level will increase dramatically, and the government and heroes will be more frantic, but it's still just one city. The LoV will become the main bogeyman, but people will see heroes going about fighting crime, and feel the odds of their city being attacked are small, so there won't be collapse.
looks pretty survivable to me
thank goodness, the mega milkers are safe
I think the manga is a complete shitshow that is not worth following and I'm only reading for my favorite characters.
6 people plus unlimited human clones, each of which can clone itself as many times as it wants
So you’re actively wasting your own time, by your own logic.
>Shiggy becomes villain Jesus.
>The Father (AFO), the Son (Shiggy and the holy spirit (Gigantomachia)
That's one of the saddest fucking things ive ever heard holy shit.
to be fair that's kind of how i got through most of the final arcs of bleach
until i dropped it that is
Is part of Shiggy’s character growth putting on some moisturizer?
Yeah, I’m trying to understand how his quirk getting stronger is affecting his clothes like this. Unless he’s disintegrating them.
Clearly just battle damage and dramatic wind.
Shiggy lost a hand and a foot
>Dabi jobs so hard he needs to be saved by Giga
Endeavor was right, he is useless
Full metal shiggy
Deku's seven quirks were unexpected, but logical once I thought about it. And he's still a long way from being able to use them or OfA at more than a fraction of his ability.
Shiggy has been being dismissed as a major threat for a long time. A good planner, yes. A dangerous hand to hand combatant, yes. But a guy who could bring everything down, heck no. Shoot him from a distance, have Aizawa cancel his quirk, hit him faster and harder than he could manage, all that would defeat him. Now... now he's become a living weapon of mass destruction, capable of laying waste whole sections of cities. Now he's not a joke. Now, total destruction becomes a possibility...
been out of the loop for a month or so, Is it still the favorite theory that he's Shoto and dabi's brother or not?
Trying to resurrect his mother and bring back Hana, yes, everyone saw the first episode user
I don’t mind the power ups although there could have been more of a lead up to Deku actually unlocking black whip. I am kinda pensive about the powercreep but at the same time one of the first characters we met had a black hole as a quirk so they’ve always been kinda insane.
have you taken the blue pill yet?
*The Father (AFO, The Son (Deku) and The Holy Spirit (Shiggy)
And apparently not speaking with a raspy voice anymore
You can get robot prosthetics, its no biggie.
Once this is over I'm gonna do a smiling Shiggy collage.
Virgin Mary (Inko)
Who’s the doc? And All Might?
What the hell is this color scheme
*a smurf made for fucking
Gabriel and Lucifer respectively.
Even All Might
>Fast way to power/teaching over earned way
>Ultimate demon, comparable to no other
>Power manifest as a descendant of a gift of god (AfO)
So when is Mina's mom's funeral?
>Emo fire fag couldn't even solo the Eskimo boy
Christ. Endeavor was right to throw him away.
>There are people who genuinelly think Dabi could kill Endeavor
He'll just bitchslap the little brat who can't even win a fight against a side character
>after moisturizing with his own blood
>Chad Shiggy riding Gigachad into tartarus to free Chad teacher
a mere brainlet like you would never understand the meaning of those beautiful colors
>bit shoe-horned
lol, try saying completely hamfisted
>MHAtards soiling their diapers again
>Shoot him from a distance, have Aizawa cancel his quirk, hit him faster and harder than he could manage, all that would defeat him.
And nothing has changed in that aspect.
>Now... now he's become a living weapon of mass destruction, capable of laying waste whole sections of cities. Now he's not a joke. Now, total destruction becomes a possibility...
let's not exaggerate either
Dabi is afraid of a fucking rabbit.
Arc almost over here are the new league power rankings
1. Shigaraki
2. Giganto
3. Twice
4. Toga
5. Compress
7. Spinner
8. Dabi
But twice can create an infinite amount of shiggys
>5. Compress
>7. Spinner
>8. Dabi
Damn shame they didn't get any real development this arc. Dabi vs. Ice climber was such a tease.
Very unlikely. The narrative of the manga is that the Heroes are what keeps society together, so there can't be an unraveling of hero society until Endeavor loses against the LoV.
All of which are extremely weak
their development is for when the league crushes oji harima's fuckin phantom thieves or whatever
The worst is that Dabi will turn out to be strong only when Hori decides to 'reveal' his todoroki plot twist
Any new Leaks?
to be fair she has thighs that can kill
Compress got shafted hard this arc. Has he done anything?
Weak in defense but now that he knows what shiggy can truly do the copies can do the same
He´s at this point the one of the league that isnt going to need major medical care, if thats a achievement, seriously.
>Shiggy lost half a hand, probably half the bones in his body also broken.
>Toga got exploded.
>Twice has two broken arms.
>Spinner has spikes everywhere and all.
>Dabi is 5 degrees away from well done.
>Compress lost half a mask.
Think parka boys dead from being slapped by gigan?
I'm almost expecting Dabi to never level grind so he gets more and more left behind just so shoto can drive home "I'm stronger than you because you never let go of the past!" or some shit.
compress can just drop shiggy clone capsules in populated areas and destroy blocks with no effort needed lol
Dabi is an eternal jobber this arc was his chance to get a win and he just embarrassed himself, I don't see him ever getting a win now
The lov has insurance
He'll win when he fights the OTHER ultimate jobber: Shoto.
Can Wash defeat Dabi?
I wouldnt trust insurance when your doctor is motherfucking Ujiko.
Looks like his leg is fucked as well.
look into his eyes and see what he's seen.
>he doesn't know
Your average user could probably defeat Dabi
(Ignore the first two seconds of the video)
Gigantomachia bitch slapping dog boy
There is a Pro Hero, remember? Slidin' Go
._. I felt that
Wash is probably an extremely strong or at least competent hydrokinetic
Haha upvoted
Did we see the same chapters? Dabi had no reason TO WIN against some final-boss tier villain who always trained his Quirk. I mean, if Dabi had trained too and they were on equal conditions sure, but this was an uphill batlte -
AND DABI WAS STILL MATCHING GETEN. Dabi can just throw city-engulfing fire blasts.
He's actually pretty busted as a long range fighter.
gimme a glock 21 .45 acp ill pop that fag
>130000 soldiers
>We're only shown a pro hero blocking the trafic outside Deika city
But I understand Hori. The whole suspension of disbelief would fall apart if they showed the LoV taking down Pro Heroes as if they were mere jobbers. Snatch alone was a team effort to take down
>dabifags on damage control
the tides can wash away even the mightiest mountain
to be fair, 130000 across the entire country isn't really a massive number
based bimbo
>killed off while having those huge milkers
What a fucking waste
Are you sure all the soldiers are in the city?
i want an arc where deku gets molested
I'm sure you'll get your arc soon Toga
It has to be specifically all the citizens from Deika City, otherwise we'd be shown people calling for outside help and running away in panic.
Now, if it's all 130000 I don't know, maybe 200 or 300 are on a vacation but it doesn't matter.
>It has to be specifically all the citizens from Deika City
why does it, though
when they said "130000 soldiers" the panel was specifically of japan as a whole
So busted his dad dropped him like hot garbage
Ah, its a chick.
>Its actually shoto's SISTER
Geten is merely Rei's cousin and Hori will treat it as a shocking twist
Imagine it’s Rei’s brother?
>Oh no hes hot
>Shiggy getting an upgrade to an already OP quirk
>Toga has an OP upgrade to her quirk
>Twice is now OP as fuck
>Giga is soon going to respect and obey Shiggy
>Doctor is developing 8+ High-End tier nomus
>Doctor is also going to start manufacturing quirk-erasing bullets
It's amazing how in one arc the League is going from shit to one of the biggest threats in the manga.
Shiggy WILL shoot decaying blasts/beams. Mark my words. That way he can be shooting shit at Deku clashing with his air blasts in the final battle.
It's Rei's twin sister and she will molest her nephew dabi
>Use Quirk Erasure bullets on Deku
>Gets rid of one of the 6 quirks from One For All
That’s how you fix your overpowered protag.
dont open
Mommyfags are pathetic cancer. Glad that whore is dead. How can Toga even POSSIBLY get more based?
ok this is epic
toga is cute!
toga is a nasty slut who pleases old men for money
>the manga ends next arc
>the League just fucking wins because no one can stop 11 High Ends
>the manga is Deku's life flashing before his eyes after being dismembered and left for dead by Toga
sniffing Eri's hairy armpits
>mirio not allowing eri to shave her armpit hair until it's long enough for him to harvest
I don't know who these people are but this image makes me feel sad for some reason
She's too young to grow any body hair yet.
Best ending possible
Harvest for what?
I claim this thread for clover Chad's who are taking over from hunter Chad's while their Manga is on break
To make into clothes
go back to your own threads you obsessed negros
>The doctor betrays the league of villains
>its a team up of the students and the league to stop the Nomu-apocalypse
>Dabi dies jobbing to save endeavor's life, but endeavor finally admits he's not COMPLETELY worthless, giving the family a happy ending
Have you guys wished her happy birthday yet?
I hope this handsome boy gets a girlfriend soon
Holy fuck why does she get so little attention? Best A1 student by a landslide, wel,, maybe Mina gets close but Jirou is perfect. Perfect short artsy hairtyle, nice teen skinny body, the best fashion sense, and the kind of personality with little self-esteem that would make her a great girlfriend.
What kind of clothes?
>Twice is now OP as fuck
i liked the league better when they were underdogs.
i think hori buffed them a bit too much.
he will marry a cute electric pervert
they should give eri to gentle and la brava to adopt
socks and gloves
I can't believe that is how tall they actually are
I hope he sleeps wearing them
>Hori confirms we're going back to school shit once this arc ends
Everyone laugh at this faggot
he didn't confirm that
he said that we're going back to deku and co
which doesn't necessarily mean school shit
Nice. I can't wait for Eri's first birthday party arc.
Oh wait you're serious
Having sex with Eri!
Just how high is Shiggy right now? Is he going to be like that from now on?
man fuck them kids
but if there's pro heroes involved ill deal with it
Ahahaha the LoV consists of one person with a crazy power, and then a group of somewhat weak losers that like him and consider him their friend.
Shigaraki is now on the level of a national terror but the rest of his poor LoV members (aside from maybe Twice now) are still only just mid-tier villains. Makes you feel really bad for them that they will now truly be considered enemy no1 of society just because their boss is so damn crazy and powerful.
I loved the Gentle arc and if the manga focused more on the school I'd be more happy. Just plain ol' SoL with an undercurrent of X-Men is fine by me.
She's gotten more attention than most. At the very least she got her own little mini arc with the culture fest. I'm still waiting for Hagakure to have more than one line of dialogue every arc.
I guarantee that this is Nine and not Destro
Hori subverted everyone yet again
Literally my first thought lmao.
Rent free, clovercuck
I don't see why everyone hates the school stuff. It's nice for the breathers in between LoV shenanigans and character interactions. The culture fest is still one of my favorite arcs.
>one person's opinion
Wow. That's sure to change mine.
I can't wait for Eri's first time
Gigantomachia scares me
he should
I'm seeing double
Whose the guy with the flowers supposed to be?
>just so shoto can drive home "I'm stronger than you because you never let go of the past!"
Only to have Endeavor get defeated because a couple of the other members of the league show up and help Dabi. Dabi then spouts that he did become stronger. He found the power of friendship and realized that one person can not do everything themselves.
But yeah, Dabi isn't Endeavors son. Anyone that thinks so are kidding themselves. Dabi is just some random fire user that probably wanted to become just like Endeavor, but almost killed himself while training and found out he could never become a hero. That would explain his whole personality really. I.E he is a guy that didn't get accepted into the hero academy.
I smell your cope
Feel free to join the rest of neo/a/ in the village of wrong
I'm happy. You're not. Sorry.
Is this an ANN article? It reads like an ANN article and I refuse to take anyone's opinion there as anything other than the trash it typically is.
Can it not just be a field of pretty flowers?
No no, I'm talking about the already plucked ones at the top being held by a man in a suit. Not the panels that is clearly only supposed to be a field of pretty flowers.
>90% of the caps are obvious funposting
this image makes me laugh every time I see it
imagine taking "compress playing noumu pokemon" seriously
It's almost like you hate fun
>implying i'm mad
Why do keep thinking I'm coping? Smells more like some hard, hard projection.
What, you stopped liking it? Because you got into another series and wanna start series wars like a faggot? Because you "noa" how well that will end, if you "noa" what I'm saying.
You know, you could always just fuck off the reddit with the rest of the unwarranted optimism
why are you so bitter lol
y-yeah haha...
Happiness and optimism aren't automatic qualities of Reddit, retard. Matter of fact, round here it used to be that happiness and optimism were the norm. Skepticism and anger is more of an elsewhere internet thing, like Tumblr or Twitter. Always getting angry like a herd of crows at a scarecrow.
And the scarecrow smiles and stands there anyway.
I noa the last time we had a school arc it objectively ruined the manga
There was literally no problem with SEVEN QUIRKS.
>Begging for attention on an anime image board
Fine, just take it
>being this cynical over discussion of a children's comic book
>Have you guys wished her happy birthday yet?
As soon as this finally releases I will.
I guarantee these kind of posters are the same cumbrian faggots sperging during spoiler threads about how based and kino everything is.
But Yea Forums has always been about fun and dumb shit. The only things we are supposed to hate as a collective are woman and tumblr. So get in here and join the fun already.
Jesus just look at Hagakure. How does she get away with being so lewd?
i want an arc where it's just deku's mom doing mom things
>he bought the internet hate machine meme
we have fun here
>Yea Forumsshit reaction image
>Yea Forums buzzword of the week
please just fucking kill yourself
I don't usually consider anything in BnHA "too" good. I'm both the anons you replied to. I'm well aware BnHA has its flaws, and objectively it's pretty middle of the road.
But I enjoy it for what it is, and I don't care what others say anyway.
>saddling Yea Forums with that word
It's discord trannies.
Yea Forums is an entire board of discord trannies
and you should go back there
>fujo bait with a plot that goes nowhere
Literally the E drones of anime.
I unironically would like this. It would be a great little seaway into the reveal of AfO as Deku's father.
>posted that shitty edit literally once, 2 years ago
>still get to see it around sometimes
i can die now that i know i have left something to be remembered by user, even if it's shit and just a little
Isnt discord an mlp character is he trans now? What does that have to do with Yea Forums
But who is the baby?
Could All-Might at his absolute peak have stopped this disaster had he been made aware of it?
So is Shiggy not going to be wearing hands anymore? Symbolically I get it, but it was his trademark look
>spend 3 years giving everyone upgrades and backstories
>never do anything with them
never seen him at his absolute peak
Maybe newborn Eri?
>Endeavor is bringing flowers to his wife.
That's actually a really sweet little tidbit. I thought that was going to something brought up again later.
Didn't a movie have an All-Might prior to injury? Is the only estimation we have of his strength him saying that he could OHKO Noumu in his prime but now it took him 300 punches?
Well consider what feats debuffed All Might has done. Just look at Vigilantes
>Runs across town
>Smashes the debris from falling tower
>Catches dome holding 50,000 people in it and safely puts it down
>Does all of this in under a minute
>Didn't a movie have an All-Might prior to injury?
>Is the only estimation we have of his strength him saying that he could OHKO Noumu in his prime but now it took him 300 punches?
he's a big sweetheart alright
Don't forget how he literally changed the weather with a single punch with the slime rapist.
i love everyone in this thread!
if Deika city was truly under complete MLA control he'd just punch the city away, probably.
If he showed up randomly in the middle of the fight he could probably knock out Shiggy, and physically match-up to Gigantomachia and Re-Destro. I don't know how much of the city would be left after that. I assume he can beat Giga in a 1v1, if only because AfO had Giga flee into the wilderness instead of fight All Might.
>deku will be more than 100x stronger than this at his peak
if I was bakugou I'd be feeling pretty suicidal
all might isn't a murderer
except when he is
Deku is going to be THE hero of the entire planet. He'll be able to race to different countries like he's Superman
Just how fucking strong is Gigantomachia?
I feel like Hori looked at the Juggernaut, and said that that's what he wants to put in his manga, and just changed him into Gigantomachia. Like holy shit, I've literally never seen a villain this dominate since the juggernaut himself.
We don't even know how many quirks Gigantomachia has. Furthermore, he's AFO's fucking bodyguard. BODYGUARD.
So I'm confused, the whole "You can turn things into dust as long as you touch it with all the fingers on one hand" was just like a mental block kind of like Crawler's "you need to be touching the ground with at least three of your limbs" and in reality Shiggy has some kind of weird aura of destruction?
His new look is his shining smile
>jobs to spider-man
shut up high schooler
Anyone else anticipating Rei coming in to save the day? It's probably going to be Dabi related I'm sure. Her ice quirk is probably broken as shit
tricking her when shes in dum dum mode into sex
man i love togafag's autism
>deku will be more than 100x stronger than this at his peak
>they still think Deku will have OFA by the end of the manga
>they still think Deku will just be All Might 2.0 + 7 quirks
>they don't see that he'll sacrifice OFA in a last big punch to delete AFO and OFA
Since he's embracing his desire to just destroy everything does that mean he's not going to be itchy anymore?
>420 blaze it
He's high as fuck now.
i love you!
I love happy stoner shiggy
Well he did think he killed AfO, so he was never particularly against killing for the sake of necessity.
he's a walking calamity
can quirks that require using your hands/touching still work with prosthetic?
Imagine all the rape
Basically childhood trauma was preventing Shiggy from going all out, and arguably is the reason why he's such a neet (socially stunted). Now that he fully remembers his past, he's no longer held back by family ties. He honestly doesn't give a single fuck about anything anymore, and wants it all destroyed. What's scary is not just the the aura of decay not needing five fingers, but the chain reaction of decay he can do
Good bye Jirou's birthday, see you next year
but can he control it now? if he doesn't need all five fingers, how's he gonna touch anything
I'm so sad for his missing feet.
See, I feel like if you have a character with that kind of a personality, you can't also give them a genuine bond with their comrades. Like "I'll destroy everything... except the things you guys like. I guess."
rei was perfectly happy to be impregnated and carry endeavour's children
yeah, but that was AfO
bit of a different ball game to a city full of civilians
Hori is a disgusting hack.
I hope she had a nice birthday surrounded by her friends.
>Like "I'll destroy everything... except the things you guys like. I guess."
that's literally what he told them already kek
it was a good enough answer for Toga, at least
Yes they've implied he can use it whenever now. In fact he could probably pick up a rock, start the decay, throw it at a poor sap, and then the chain reaction would kill them as well
the question is, would male!jirou still be shy when it comes to lewd?
God this series is so boring now
Considering Shoto's firepower is pretty much the exact same as Endeavor's (with the added benefit of being able to cool down...) and his Ice side is equally powerful, that means Rei's own quirk is indeed stupidly broken.
And thinking back on it, I doubt Endeavor just went for any random ice quirk. He must have been sure that Rei's was STRONG. I mean for exampl Fuyumi supposedly has "steam" but it doesn't work at all for combat purposes, probably other people also have "ice" quirks that amount to making little ice cubes to cool their beverages.
you gotta feel sorry for kouda
I can only imagine the scars that will cover Toga's face now. But she's just going to call herself beautiful
naw i mean like, if he holds something, can he prevent the object from decaying? like can it be voluntary
Fucking Koda I want to use him like a punching bag, I want to kick his face so much till he can't breath anymore. He's a very nice boy.
>this is technically a win for Zeldris
I know I wish I was reading hunter x hunter or black clover instead
It was ruined when Hori made Toga too tall and older than Deku. Fuck Hori! Fuck Hori in his stupid ass!
Hori is indeed disgusting.
she'll always be beautiful, people shouldn't call themselves anything else
Fuyumi having a steam quirk is just someone's headcanon based on her hair that gets pushed as fact. There's 0 evidence for it in the manga
>"And that was our first date. Here's a photo of your father talking to your grandfather, signing my life away. Aaah.....memories"
stop fucking dogs
>Making togas design even more annoying to draw
I doubt it but if she actually does Hori is a masochist
Yeah, Toga has some kind of psychosis induced by her quirk and Twice has severe dependency issues and already bonded with them. Spinner... I feel like deep down he knows that this isn't at all what Stain was about but he's too much of a follower to go do his own thing, Dabi seems like he just kind of sucks, and I don't really know what Compress is about beyond a sunk-cost fallacy with his missing arm.
Yeah I just said he could.
Very based.
don't worry, Toga's real love interest is confirmed older than her now
you'd be surprised how common a sex slave / rape fetish is among women
well we all knew giga would show up and the liberation army would be exterminated so I guess this is it.
spinner and ice fights also canceled maybe due to editor demand/ rush too. for the best I suppose since they all would have jobbed anyway. with how ice likes power over everything maybe she'll end up defecting to the league.
Well, in any case she has something related to either ice or fire but was considered a failure. There's probably many people like that and Enji wouldn't choose them but he went for Rei.
wait till the manga returns to the fun shenanigans of the hero classes!
>this is technically a win for Zeldris
>Implying Jirou won't get cucked by Kaminari when he dumps her for momo
Hug the Frog
>I've literally never seen a villain this dominate since the juggernaut himself.
Calm down Gigafag, so far this is the first time we've seen him go all out against a literal who match up from this arc.
Why is everyone down on Dabi just because he lost to the one person who was the worst match up for him?
It was like Atomic Samurai fighting Black Sperm, just a bad match up for an otherwise usually powerful fighter.
*unzips dick*
>rei actually went insane not because endeavour started abusing her, but because he stopped to train shouto instead
Dabi is eternal jobber of the league.
I just want to know what the hell Spinner's deal is. I don't mean backstory, I mean why the fuck is he even in this manga? Unless he gets a mutation from doc or some sort of boost, can't say I care much about him. He's just a loser who will follow any cause to feel a sense of belonging
>LoV disbands after this arc
>manga continues forgoing every other character for Deku and Bakugou vs Shiggy endgame
I guess the Naruto parallels weren't obvious enough.
but isn't deku 16 and toga 17?
>worst match up
He's fire, fire melts ice
She's literally wrecking Dabi, though. That's no "failure". She just doesn't have fire, that's all.
I bet you used the same excuse during joint training
Almost as pathetic as Dekufags and Todo/Bakufags.
Twice is 14 years older
>Fire vs Ice is a bad match up
I didn't realize Dabifags were an actual thing until I saw this post, cool, or actually, very cool, since Dabi lost to an A/C unit on max.
Dabiclone lost to Aizawa and in effect that means Dabi lost to King Jobber. so that makes him below even Eraser. not to mention he lost to a womanlet nomu.
that's DEEPLY unpleasant
yes, and?
Lol no.
Why? Kaminari is so chill. I would love to have a friend like him.
>They are actually the same flowers.
That's actually cute as fuck, he even went in a suit. What chapter was that?
Where’s the chapter
the one where we see the flowers in rei's room or the one with shiggy's speech?
No one cares
t. kaminari
I mean this is probably canon. She had the fucking time of her life fucking raw nonstop all day long with Endeavor, a millionaire hulking 200 kg CHAD that dedicates his life to solving crime, lifting and producing children.
Just how many years it took them to produce Shoto I don't remember but she was probably blissful.
So are heroes allowed to use lethal force? When Endeavor found out that one Noumu could talk and reason, if anything that just made him try harder to kill it, and it didn't seem like he'd even have to file a report.
All Might killed a bunch of AFO's high level underlings, so presumably yes
>baku and todo couldn't avoid this
So how does Shiggy lose against Hero society now? He has Giga, a dozens of high end nomus incoming, and his quirk has upgraded to a Death aura.
Shitposting is nice but Geten explicitly trained so her ice wouldn't melt, since she controls its temperature and is cooling it down even as it clashes with fire.
Aw yes, really high quality posts right here 1-2 word posts here. They definitely fit the role of nu-Yea Forums and what this site has become. Thank you for your service now fuck off please
Fuck off
I still highly enjoy this series and look forward to what's coming next and there is nothing anyone can do or say in these threads to stop that. You guys take shitposting way too seriously.
Both; the flowers in Shiggy's speech are the same ones from Rei's room, which confirms that is indeed Endeavor.
>he posted it
the absolute lad
This is actually disturbing how well this is fitting all together. She was frustrated because she served her purpose, and she was the one being neglected because Shoto became Endeavor's new project. She burned Shoto's face because he was the reason why their marriage became distant. A constant reminder of the hot dick she wasn't getting
i want deku to protect me from bullies!
He was trying to take it in alive at first, but it was too intelligent so he just fried it.
The students got a lot of flak for almost killing Stain but their lack of a hero license was the focal point of that conversation at all times. So presumably if Ingenium managed to kick Stain's head off, he'd be hailed as a hero
(or the fight would be kept a secret as AM vs AFO, actually it's possible the fights against the AFO underlings were secret too since it'd damage the kid friendly image of All Might)
holy shit bro, jirou is racist against mutants
Lethal force is prohibited. Nomu's aren't recognized as people, but artificial monsters you're allowed to put done. Most are mindless, and have regenerative quirks thus enabling harder force
Ice can cool down shit. Dabi had to constantly up his flames, which is a dangerous thing for him to do, as Endeavor showed. And if he's the son of Endeavor that actually DOES have stronger flames than Endavor, than that means he burns out quicker than Endeavor does.
Dabiclone was just there to buy time anyway and wasn't outright fully exerting that much effort. Miruko is strong as fuck and it's a huge risk trying to fight her.
>This small thing...
>Chapter 238: Liberation
>Freeing himself from the hand that held him back...
>I don't need it anymore.
>Dabiclone was just there to buy time anyway and wasn't outright fully exerting that much effort.
>it technically wasn't a loss for dabi when aizawa btfo him
>STRESS 100%
>Even so...
Why are Kamicucks so triggered lads?
no one cares
society is pretty fucked so i think they have to let things like that slide
you cant hold back if a villain happens to have shotguns for arms or something
Storytime, it storytime!
Jesus Christ. Should have just called him Mister Hiroshima
Why do shitposters like you have terrible justifications and miss the point of that post entirely?
>Sincerely, it's no big deal if I destroy that before you use it.
a walking calamity...
What is dabi doing?
It's got nothing to do with "match up". That just means Dabi's fire isn't hot enough, meaning he's trash.
>CHADminari takes a step towards Jirou
>Immediately the beta orbiter feels intimidated and thinks up some shit about smiles to gain her back
Horikoshi can't be drawing this at random, he's definitely laughing while fanning the flames of the shipwars
Did Destro just fucking lose both his arms in one panel?
>Nigga youre attack aint shit
>Talking normally
>Dat smile
Cry about it.
I haven't seen any rips from danke-Empire lately regarding Toppu GP. Has anyone ripped chapters 37-39 of Toppu GP yet?
hey kiddos, you may not know this but we used to get fully translated shonen jump releases on wednesdays when i was in middle school.... now i'm 27..... and we have no chapters on fridays.
t. shitposter
You make any thread you touch 10x worse, you're like the fucking plague.
So is this a classic case of "The madder Hulk gets the stronger Hulk gets"? In that every second Shiggy continues to still be alive just stresses Redestro out more and more until someone kills him in one blow?
that feet will hurt as hell
Imagine going back to schoolshit after this.
keep crying
it'll do nothing
ascended Shiggy is cool as fuck
>father hand has never once hindered him
>but let's say it did because drama
>not liking tall girls
how would the fandom view it if it had been a Female yandere hero forcing a guy to marry her to make a quirk marriage instead?
Jesus, Shiggy is getting obliterated.
I'm well aware of that.
They made a change 2-3 years ago and now "official" VIZ scans are free.
This has been the case for a couple of years now. They are literally cracking down on it more now.
>It's looks like you only have size, huh?
>Hey, I just got it, man. It's fun to destroy the things you don't like.
>My power is only a mean! A mean to liberate the people! A mean to turn the will of Destro into reality!!!
>What's this sensation in my chest?
>Could it be fear? No, it can't be!
>My quirk also converts fear into power!
>Then why...
>That one from Re-Destro seems to be pretty stuck.
>We lived hidden during various generations. You'll be the one to turn Destro's will into reality.
I hope your favorite characters are never relevant again.
My boy Shiggy is so happy
alternatively alternatively
>Those eyes in the top left panel
Holy shit hes legit turning into AFO.
Just look at this smug bastard
Keep seething Kamicuck.
Cry about it
he's gonna hit 200 stress and get a heart attack
shiggy is naturally a destructive asshole, his thoughts do not reflect reality.
not quite, but he's getting there
>prodigious size holds no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be a virtue
>The regrets of Destro are now on your shoulders...
>Why are my stress levels regressing>
>Ah, really?
Hulkbusters never work
What the fuck am I reading
>All that 100% stress power that may even put a dent in All Might and send Gigantomachia flying back from where he came from
>Shigaraki no-sells it and calls it easy
I understand ReDestro having fear now. Shigaraki is OP now that he has the speed and reaction times to merely block whatever they throw at him.
my fuckin dick
Shiggy is high as fuck.
>Shiggy even knows how fucking dumb this shit is
>it's cool because he's directly emulating his sensei which is what Deku was told not to do
Dude it's like heroes and villains are similar but different
10/10 kino this is based
>Mechsuit super stressed golem vs ascended Shiggy
This is so god damn amazing
it's like the old Godzilla tv show i used to watch
can we admit hori sucks as a writer now? finally?
Yeah I don't think this semen slurping manga is for me anymore guys
I know one guy that will
Go back to /heem/.
Bases hunterchads
>the hack physically cannot go one arc without ripping off Marvel or DC
Okay really, you shouldn't be surprised the rich guy had a backup plan/support gear in case shit went south
Aaaand chapter fucking ruined
>But how great.
>Ow ow, my arm!!!
>Be careful not to get too close!
>He still hasn't noticed us!
>How good that they still have't come after us, but...
>It's too strong. If we can take this chance to regroup with the others...
>The bastard, for a change, he woke up early... if we face that thing now, it will be the end of the League...
>Seriously... I was about the incinerate that ice bastard!
>Doctor, you're listening, aren't you?! Please, teleport us! Machia is out of control! We're all going to die!
I meant it in a good way.
Don't bother, this is how they entertain themselves. It's like watching downies play with their own shit.
Waiting a week was worth it
town level FTL powercreep confirmed soon.
H.. How is this making him more stressed
>compress shitting himself in terror
He just needs a minute to decompress
40k Imperial Fists' Pain Glove.
Sexual stuff
the inside of the helmet has pictures of his mom getting fucked by mutants on it
>Compress living up to his name and shitting diamonds instead of bricks.
FUCK. Destro's gonna die isn't he?
You ever get your dick caught in your zipper? I imagine it feels like that, but all over his body.
>suit is literally iron man armor
>you can't make fun of it because it makes sense in context
Fuck off dambo
>>Seriously... I was about the incinerate that ice bastard
They honestly think Robotnik cares if anyone other than shiggy dies? And it's dubious even with that guy.
It plays his dead assistants hairline jokes on a loop.
DUH. Either Destro dies or Shiggy, you can't have both in this particular scenario. Since Shiggy is the main villain of course Destro has to go.
I've never wanted an antagonist to survive as badly as now. If Destro dies, I fucking drop the manga and kick Hori in the dick
Oh you can totally make fun of it, it's so ridiculous it circles back to being fun
>dabi is as delusional as his fags
>Are you trying to kill John?
>John gets tonsillitis every time he teleports something.
>I don't care, do it! Wait, that's a lie! Weren't you using him all the time a while ago?!!
>I have not the slightly intention of involving myself.. whose location is being traced by people on the outside.
>Only come into contact with me again when you free yourselves from the Liberation Army.
>Shigaraki's going to die and you're going to do nothing?!! He's the sucessor of All for One, you know?!
>One more reason why he needs to be cornered.
What I'm not sure about is why he was becoming less stressed, since Shiggy no-selling his attacks should just be making him more angry and scared and thus more stressed. I guess he might have reached the point of just plain old despair, which doesn't count as stress?
Calling Geten 'Apocrypha' is as inaccurate as calling Midoriya 'Green Valley'.
The other members of the MLA are written as the English word would be said, Geten is the exception.
>Re Destro stressing himself is canon now
The wishing energy from these threads did its thing again and no one notices
Welp. Pack your shit up boys. Fun while it lasted. I'll forever remember these Quirk Liberation threads
Lol see ya
Why? Destro is a literal who and as shallow as a villain can get.
Get some standards.
haha woah the FUCK in your post lines up with the FUCK in the guy you're respond to's post
Please kill redestro hori I'd be so happy
John is pure suffering.
god I love ujiko
>>John gets tonsillitis every time he teleports something.
fucking kek
This nigga is evil
Either that or Shiggy disintegrated a good chunk of the power hes putting out with that.
>This doc
Fuck why is everything about this villain team so good
The prophecy is nigh
yeah compress dont you care about johnchan
I don't care if its' a fucking ninja turtle. I don't want to see anyone job to Shigaraki
>Of all the abilities utilized by the members of the League, the one we need to be most careful of...
>Is with the fire-area-of-effect attacks from Dabi.
>Geten, you're the keystone of the Liberation Army.
>Forgive me, Re-Destro...
>For worrying you like this.
>We reached a point where Ujikos just fucking with them now.
based ujiko
>He's the sucessor of All for One, you know?!
kind of an interesting line, there
does compress care about that, or is he simply trying to get ujiko to help?
>babby's first mad scientist
>That thing...
>I need to protect Re-Destro.
>Ugh- guahh!
Clearly just trying to use some clout to avoid fucking dying.
So he turned into Braggo?
>dabi is the biggest threat
Wrong retard. Shiggy is the shallow villain here. .
Definitely just using that because he knows ukijo is connected to AfO.
He was pissed when Mange died so I think he cares for the league but is probably more focused on living and getting a replacement robot arm.
>plus ultra
>Enter Geten
Bye Geten.
their vague memory power ups are no match for 3 full chapters of bullshit "muh childhood" flashbacks.
RIP liberation army.
turning your own family into mindless abominations for giggles is some mid level mad science, at very least
>>Of all the abilities utilized by the members of the League, the one we need to be most careful of...
>>Is with the fire-area-of-effect attacks from Dabi.
the only competant fire user in the entire manga is Endeavor
>Liberation instead of repression...
>The use of special abilities without limits is nothing but human nature...
>That guy...
>Could this be what "Plus Ultra" signifies?
>Trumpet despite half the city collapsing is still riding his pimpmobile.
This is the real miracle here.
>>the suit has extra room for his nose
I love that Giga is showing what looks to be concern.
>They thought Dabi was the biggest threat
No wonder they lost
>"Holy shit Geten vs Gigantomachia"
>Go to play some music on youtube
>could redestro be what plus ultra is all about?
>lololol what a fucking loser time to just kill him. my dad hit me once you know.
>his nose is armored
holy shit ahahah
Oh shit niggas, Shiggy is gonna PLUS ULTRA!
>Redestro realizing his own ideals are gonna be what fucking kills him
O i am laffin
Man the LA really got their data about everyone so wrong, no wonder they lost
I actually kind of hate shiggy now; he's not anywhere near as good as Destroy as a villain, I'm serious here.
Destro has passion and a purpose, Shiggy is just an autistic retard who's literally had everything handed to him by the Villain's version of Jesus and STILL failed to do anything up until this asspull powerup.
This would be like bakugo suddenly going "oh yeah, I can detonate reality on a molecular level, don't question it, I just realized I could" and going super saiyan.
>Giga’s face
What is that expression supposed to convey?
Its the small things.
>It's as if he had been liberated of everything and everyone...
>I understand, then that was the sensation in my chest.
>From loyalty to faith, everything is destroyed in the middle of an attack capable of changing the world.
Shiggy has powered up and thus liberated his quirk. Knowing this makes Re-Destro calm.
RIP Iron Hulk, you will be remembered fondly.
Mhm, that sounds like good writing.
this arc has such great low-level humour in it
I mean in fairness, the League of Villains really did suck until now.
>The use of special abilities without limits is nothing but human nature...
>Truly, he was a my hero academia
Did Re Destro just get off-screened?
>it is not gigantomachia but shigaraki who will turn the city into a crater
my body is fucking ready
>redestro already getting btfo
this is wishing energy tier
>Could this be what "Plus Ultra" signifies?
To go plus ultra you've got to become an animal. let go of your morals and ethics.
Fuck lolis and shotas.
We see him disintegrating.
>S3 theme is I keep my ideals
>one year later
>Gigas face
That is the look of someone who has had their loyalty earned by an absolute goddamn madman.
no we don't
It was good while it lasted, good bye Redestro. You were the biggest nigga
MLAfags on suicide watch
CHADgaraki wins again
We do but I say "offscreened" as in
>The battle wasn't even worth showing
Come on Redestro, Shiggy is pulling his big move as end of the chapter. By Hori rules of writing you got one last HOWEVER ready.
The 2nd panel shows the armor half gone with the rest crumbling
Well, that's that.
yes, we do, retard
>yfw we are stuck in namek while Giga takes less than five minutes to get to Shiggy
Its not a battle. Shiggys destruction was that strong there was nothing redestro could do
it ended up being even more of a wet fart than I was fearing
press S to spit on redestrofags
>a shocked gigantomachia
this is even better than panicking compress
F for redestro
Never call a literal neet a chad, it's unbefitting.
Armor gets destroyed, ReDestro survives
>making a character retarded strong as redestro just to kill him in the same arc
bravo hori
He's fuck. Spinner jumped into his bus.
so hamfisted i like it
Well Redestro...was nice having you. Atleast you didnt end up a bitch like Overhaul.
is geten okay, bros...
I really hope the Doctor will be a better villain then Shiggy. Who just want to destroy everything, for no other reason then I want to destroy everything.
I wish AFO was the main villain and not Shiggy, he just not interesting and does not have any charisma. Every chapter with Shiggy in it just get me more and more bore with him as a character
>another cliffhanger chapter
Fucking hell it's yakuza all over again
Just get on with it you neet fuck
So think Geten will end up becoming redestro's successor swearing revenge against Shiggy for this and be a recurring force against him in the future with the survivors of the QLA?
It's not over until it's over.
redestro isn't necessarily dead
>Redestro not shown dead
>Trumpet still alive and heading towards him
>Geten prolly booking it back to the fight
>Dat cliffhanger
This aint over.
Does slippery Peter Griffin really count as a hero
Cope harder faggot, Chadgaraki is the best
curious falls and dies. Understandable. She's only human and shouldn't be able to-
>this chapter
What? The "angular stone of the liberation army" got bitchslapped in 1 page by Giga and ReDestro was trembling in despair until his erasure at the end of the chapter. There's nothing more to do here.
It's over bro... At least he died like a champ
So it seems like both Shiggy and Toga have kind of a mental compulsion attached to their quirk that makes them compelled to use it above everything else, I gotta wonder how common that is.
well. breaktime.
Yeah this
I can forgive hori for the 7 seven quirk even deku was eventually going to be already stronger than all mighty but now even shiggy immidiatley after deku
Shiggy passed from destroying every thing who touch, at the start of the chapter, to spreading the decay to, now, instantly destroy everything in 5 km radius
feels good to be a villainchad. I knew my boy Shiggy would pull it off
Yeah I don’t think it’s ever that simple
I Kind of expect/hope the doctor will end up being the true villain of the series, who just winds up and manipulates Shiggy to use him like a living weapon, and shiggy will end up temporarily teaming up with deku to take out the Doctor's final creation (or a nomu he's put his own brain into) in the end before dying.
Just like any capeshit comic.
Wouldn't Redestro's HOWEVER be him just saying "Well I seriously misjudged you, how about you take charge of the criminal enterprise I spent decades working on"
What if people who decide to become heroes have the same condition, except in milder form? Most people in the world are acting as if they don't have quirks and only a select few use them on a regular basis.
Redestro thought Twice would be too traumatized to use his quirk repeatedly and didn't think he would overcome it.
They underestimated the league big time.
>Geten is the key to all of this. He's the most liberated man we've ever seen. If we can get him working, the rest of the pieces will fall into place
They will be fine next arc
he already used his hulkbuster armor to 0 effect.
unless it and his black armor magically ate up shiggys bullshit rot nuke turning him into original form he's dead.
if hori has him live and grovel at shiggys feel I'm ufucking done with this shit because that will be the clumsiest most contrived bit of writing yet.
It's possible, it might not even be milder if it doesn't hurt anyone to use their quirk.
Also I'm not sure if the desire to use your quirk correlates to how strong said quirk is, like we don't know if there's anyone with a really strong quirk with no desire to use it outside of maybe Todoroki's mom.
so shigaraki just destroyed everything within his range in an instant?
is that his powerup?
Its his original power he had locked away
Stop being a subhuman.
Learn how to talk without using canned buzzwords, kid.
Give him a break, thinking is hard for his type.
So it looks like just speed-blitzing Shigaraki is no longer a valid strategy if he as AoE attacks, and it's possible that if someone just shoots him with a gun again then the bullets will disintegrate before they hit even though that seems really OP.
Guess Deku better hope those six other quirks are winners.
...Also is the whole manga going to end before he leaves his first year of hero school?
>A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear
The memes were real!!!
fuck off you reddit nigger
seeth more
Bet 1 BTC you start samefagging your own posts with pic related.
stop arguing with retards and stay on topic
arguing with retards just makes them keep being retarded and they end up filling the thread with more stupid and its all your fault because you think your meaningless words would do anything
most times retards will stop if enough people call them out for rightfully being shitters
from all I've seen it just turns into a shit throwing fit between multiple retards and shits up the thread even more
like wouldn't have spiraled into the mini autism fit it did if that one fucking post had been ignored
sometimes its better to shut up or else you fuel the retard fire