I just recently bought Pokemon special Volume Set. And my question is, if I should but the rest of it...

I just recently bought Pokemon special Volume Set. And my question is, if I should but the rest of it. What's Yea Forums opinion on Pokemon special?

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Have you tried reading them first to see if you want more?

It's literally the best Pokemon media outside the games for the first 4 regions. After DPPlt I'd stop collecting, but up through that is fantastic.

What happens after DPP?

I read these as a kid at my library and it was good. Don't know if I'd still find them entertaining 15 years later.

If you like Pokemon, you will probably enjoy this manga.

Later arcs just aren't as good as previous ones. BW is okay, B2W2 is meh, XY is okay, SM is meh.

Oh, did they finish b2w2 arc already?

at least read DP
pt is sort of optional but completes the experience

Will do. Anything else?

It's good

BW, then speed read until BW becomes relevant again on B2W2

I was collecting it for a bit until I saw that they censored the pokeball tits scene, motivation to keep collecting it really dropped at that.

I got all the volumes up to the end of GSC. Then the first 3 DP, then I stoped collecting, I think mostly because it was troublesome to find. I still haven’t read any of Hoenn, but I did read the rest of DP(Pt) online, as well as XY.

I think they’re very good, there are some sorta weird things. Unfortunately there’s decidedly less crossover once you get to BW from what I’ve heard, RGB all showed up once I guess though,

It isn't actually all that good. It's better than the anime, that's for sure, but that isn't saying much. If you're a hardcore pokemon fan then you might find some entertainment up until the end of HGSS (yes, even the remakes get seasons based one them) but gen 5 and up is pretty shit with maybe the exception of ORAS. If you need more pokemon in your life read it I guess but it's not that good as a stand alone piece

It's fanfiction and not even close to complete but the best pokemon story you'll probably find is a Doujinshi called Festival of Champions. Great art, it's what I was hoping adventures would be

>Festival of Champions
I've read it. It's great. Though I wonder when chapter 13 will come out.

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it's a passion project so the guy works on it whenever he feels. it could come out this year or it could come out 2-3 years from now.

The best Pokemon thing outside of the first three gens of games. Everything up to Platinum is mint.

No it's still going. But probably going to end soon since Black is back.

hey dude. Heres my advice. read up to the end of gold and silver and then read the spin off series (dp adventure is good). the mainline manga wasnt very good for gen 3+.

Wrong. Hoenn is one of the best.

maybe, but its not my cup of tea. I found the ending of joto was rushed, and hoenn just didnt engage me. Probably depends when you started reading it i think. for me it was around the dp games (diamond was my first game, yellow was my second)

I started when Yellow was coming out in the states in a flipped format.


RB is kinda its own thing and doesn't have much to do with the games, but it has some cool ideas

GS is a bit meh and doesn't bring much to the table, but Gold is a fun lead so there's that

RS is a romance so if you're into that or want to self-insert then it's good

DP has a funny trio and the dynamic feels fresh, but gets more serious as it goes

BW gets dark really fast, BW2 is a bit boring since it relies on BW and its open ending

As for third parts (Yellow, Kris, Emerald) they're new characters in each region. Aside from Emerald they're ok

I wonder when that autist from /vp/ will show up. His outright hatred for this series is pretty entertaining and he shows up in the chapter dump threads here since the dumps moved over from /vp/

BW is the stopping point for me, although the manga has been losing its steam from Emerald arc onward. The author has been trying hard to differentiate all the blank-state MC for each arc, but BW is where it crossed the line into ridiculous.

Is he an anime autist or a game autist?

R/S arc was personally my favorite

Idk, i would buy these for only the nostalgia desu. Like said it kinda dropped off after dppt but if u want the full collection then have at it

anime autist

Classic lmao. The anime is awful and the Pokemon brand alone has carried it for decades.

What Pokemon manga besides Special worth reading? I have hard time getting into the games after Emerald due to even slower battles, but i love the setting and cute monsters, so i want more

The only other one I liked is The Electric Tale of Pikachu. Get the uncensored version for Misty tiddies

>(dp adventure is good)
What's wrong with you?

you know i actually rethought that after i posted it, i actually hated it and stopped reading 2 volumes in.

What said. Gen 1 and 2 stories differ significantly from the game's stories and some people find that off putting.They are still good, and I would even say for gen 1 that the change was necessary because the story doesn't hold up when it is the main focus instead of being an accessory to the game play. The stories are very good for the most part, and the characters 9/10 times are the best versions of those charters across all media.

The Golden Boys and Diamond and Pearl Adventures are suppose to be good from what I've heard, though I've never read them myself.

What went wrong?

wasnt engaging and very 1d characters compared to the other series iirc. i read them around the same time so it wasnt an age thing

What a shame.

Pokemon Adventures/Pokemon Special Black 2 and White 2 Chapter 21 (Part 1) :

Pokemon Adventures/Special Sun and Moon/Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Chapter 33

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Is it true that one of the Black/White protagonists is a sociopath? What does he do?

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Black 2 is the sociopath. He fucks bitches and kills people.

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He just doesn't feel anything.

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Why the fuck you link to a random post instead of the OP?

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What happens after this? I've never seen past it.

Does he actually do anything bad or is he just emotionally dead inside?

Read it yourself.

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Link me to that page and I will

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>Black is released
>White is happy
>N is kidnapped
>Black and White meet Lack2, they immediately hate him.
>Black and White meet Whit2, they immediately hold hands with her and dote her with positive friendship.


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Huh! Thanks.

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>Manipulates girls feelings without care.
>Gives top secret information of the international police to shady individuals in exchange of equipment.
>Steals a very dangerous pokemon (Genesect) from the international police.
>Doesn't give a shit if he pushes a pokemon too much, "i will just heal it" he says.
The only the reason why he hasn't gone Dexter is because they hardcoded laws and regulations in his Sociopath brain since he was small.

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>Sun's chapter.
Fuck this shit.

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I wanna read special but i've never been able to find scans of the early volumes at decent quality/ not using the viz scans which have censorship

I hope Guzma himself comes to save Lusamine from Plumeria, imagine her shock.

The SM arc sucks because it focuses on Sun, not Moon.

Who would ever confuse Plumeria for Moon?

Well, Plumeria is far away so Lillie can't see her completely other than her moon like clothes.

I hate the fact that I know who you are talking about since he spergs out everytime someone dumps pokespe here

Don't fucking jinx us now.

Best moment in the series.
>Inb4 Ruby and Sapphire confession.
It was retroactively ruined by the ORAS arc.

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Don't summon him.

The fact they're using Toshiro Ono's stuff in an Adventure setting is bothering my autism.

>no boxes for the uncensored german versions

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Quite frankly, this chapter reveals Moon to be far worse than Sun with her poison obsession and equally selfish motivations.

So for the SM chapter. Are they going to do the rainbow rocket thing? Would be nice to see Red in Rocket uniform.

For fuck sake, i hope they don't.

Fick off, Moon is cute! CUTE! And she is trying to fix her mistake, Sun's money obsession cost him and Moon six months trapped in the ultra space and six months of UBs doing what they wanted in Alola.

Why? Would be interesting.

No, it RR suck ass, is just nostalgia pandering.

They released a game per year and the author has rushed/incomplete stories

>nostalgia pandering
But let's go eevee and Pikachu are getting their own chapters.

No, they don't.

Well, they should.

Hell no, you want them to basically redo RBG?! That shitty game doesn't have "new material" that can be use for another "remake arc", all them until now took elements the remake added (sevii islands, arceus plot, delta episode) and used then for a new story, but LGPE doesn't have anything new at all.

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So she's the MLK of the Pokemon world?

Attached: x16.png (846x1200, 727K)

Fuck. That's cute.

Yeah, she basically confirms she focused in pokestars to avoid falling in despair.

like Jojo it depends on the part
though it seems only the Emerald part is hated on Yea Forums

Red was so OP they had to nerf him after his story

>Emerald part is hated on Yea Forums
A damn shame, if you mind me saying. Emerald is a gold chapter.

Red used to be like Joseph Joestar, then that bitch Misty ruined his casanova tendencies and now he is pathetically scared of romance and bails out at the smaller opportunity which ironically fucks up Misty.

I think it peaked by the Yellow arc, but the ending was kind of a disappointment.

I wish the anime adapted that manga so it were part of My childhood

he's exactly like joseph

from badass to "lol your old!"

Luckily we have gold as the new Joseph Joestar.

Are you sure? From my experience, Adventures in general reads better when you're binging it than reading it monthly. I fucking hated BW when I first read it, but when I went back after the series finished and read it at once, I ended up loving it.

The more important question is: who is best girl?


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I seriously hope you didn’t buy the Viz release, but since it’s accessible, you probably did. They censor a number of panels and dialogue. Chuang Yi used to translate and release volumes in Singapore and used to be expensive to ship them overseas, but they were worth it. Now Chuang Yi went out of business and pretty much the only place to access Special is through the Viz releases or online scans, which are usually of the Viz releases. Shit sucks.

>I wish the anime adapted that manga so it were part of My childhood
maybe one day, it will happen. Maybe one day.

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What are we supposed to see?

That hilda is not half head smaller than Rosa, like everyone thought for months leading to inaccurate fanart and shitposting.

Ah, how cute. You couldn't bother to make a dedicated thread to this chapter, so you dumped this turd just in this thread with the hopes that I wouldn't come to shred it.

But, to your fortune and misfortune, I won't do it, because seeing Plumeria dressed as Moon was more than enough for me that this thing is retarded.

An to good OP, don't support this piece of trash. It's a bad thing to good shit like this a good image, and more so to support fat rats like the author and mice like his fandom.

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Thanks a lot, moron.


This is so amazing! My posts are so powerful that I really became a public enemy to this sperg fandom. Come to think that just last night I found out that Spergcord is on a witch hunt for me. This is so pleasing that I should kiss you all for it.

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>It's literally the best Pokemon media outside the games for the first 4 regions.

Not even close.

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They would have been announced and started long ago, Kusaka completely skipped them.

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>Already 18+ years old.
>Still as flat as she first appeared.

I want Pokemon cartoon more

>Chuang Yi went out of business
Weren't they one of the bigger manga publishing businesses in Taiwan? Or was it just their Singaporean arm that folded?

Is that like their own version of the pony autist

He got banned.
