"according to Mamoru Osoda, this scene..."

>"according to Mamoru Osoda, this scene..."

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Still the best episode.

"...had a lot of floating rubble for some reason. Taichi was lucky to not get a concussion. Make sure to be safe in dangerous zones."

>confirmed incest
This is real, right. This wasn't a dream, right?

Will they fuck in the new movie?

Can we stop for once with the incest meme? Their bond is more like this imagery of "absent parents" children and siblings being together during rough times present in japanese collective unconscious. Is a very popular trope

Nah, incest is more interesting.

Perverts see incest, normal people see close siblings.

This. Literally the episode I remember the most.

I really like Bolero

We're all hoping so user. We're all hoping they deliver.

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Incest is wincest

They took a bath together when they were younger.

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You didn't bath with your siblings?


Hikari is legit a brocon. That carries over into Tri, as well.

>You can either see it as a story about a beautiful love between siblings, or something that goes even further, with a somewhat erotic feeling to it.

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Best girl & a good imouto.

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What episode is it? I don't recognize it from just the picture.

That's a normal thing to do in non-amerimutt countries

She went full despair after Taichi "died".

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Is Digimon worth watching if you're a Hosodafag?

It´s worth watching for anyone.

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But Hikari has lusted after her brother since the moment she laid eyes on him.


Yes, this is true. The only one I have trouble reading is Taichi in terms of what he feels for Hikari, desu.

Why didn't Taichi stopped this, what did he do wrong, how do you stop your imouto to turn into a whore like Hikari?

>how do you stop your imouto to turn into a whore like Hikari?
If your sister acts like Hikari the only thing that comes to my mind you can do is fucking her yourself.

That's Yamato and Takeru.
Taichi and Hikari actually have parents and Agumon.

Of the 01 kids, whose Digimon would you like to have if you were a Digimon Trainer? I like Yamato's. I forgot his name, though.

Yep. It was a surprisingly surreal episode.

At least on Hikari's side it's not a meme at all though


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Real answer, not really. The show is a great kids show (in Japanese) but it isn’t well directed besides the hosoda parts. At least watch the original movie.

Come on, if you've watched Adventure, you'd recognize the episode instantly.

shouri zen no still stuck in my head

>either way is kino

But it never will be canon anyway. Why still deluding yourself?

Who cares? The story has ended

*obligatory smug reminder*

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Kari being a siscon is canon? It isn't that important a detail within the main story, why are people so upset about it?

The producer confirmed this interview fake on twitter.

Stop posting, Takeru

Taichi will never return Hikari's degenerate feelings. And that's a good thing.

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Nobody cares about the Sorabowl anymore, this isn’t 2009.

I don't know what to tell you. I've watched all of Adventure twice, and it was forever ago. I remember the arcs but not really any individual episodes.

I wish this artist would draw nothing but Kari forever

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His Misty is really good too


The three Hosoda things (Digimon Adventure (the pilot movie), Our War Game and episode 21 of the first anime) are, but probably not the rest of it.