How can I runaway from life?

Hey anons, I'm 18 and I'm someone who has been contemplating running away from my life. The reason why is because of how depressed and unhappy I am with my life, I feel hopeless, useless, and it feels like I'm caught in a dead end no matter what path I take which is why I feel like I should just runaway and seclude myself.
The rough idea that I've had so far for it is to cut my hair after bleaching it, and possibly getting sunburnt on the day/night I leave. I would take as much as I needed from my checking, not everything but just enough. I would buy myself new clothes with cash and on the night I leave I'd wear them and take buses out of state. I don't know what I'd do from there, probably just find some place to make a new home, even if it's a tent in the woods. Maybe find work on a farm, something like that. Something where I don't need an identity.
I'm sure that no one would miss me, and anyone who did would grieve and move on as that's just how it works. I'm too much of a coward to commit suicide, so this is the only thing I can think of. I see no other way to be happy. Every day is just another day I get closer to a mental breakdown. I simply can't take it anymore. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

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Just off yourself, you can't even post on the right board.

You got your whole life ahead of you.
Have you graduated high school?

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Dumb frogposter

I have, and I know, but I don't know how else to cope with the life I currently have. I find comfort in the idea of running away and finding a different life as unrealistic as it may seem.

Honestly, I didn't know what picture to use, I literally just looked up depressed pepe and used that.

Sorry, where could I post this? I posted it here since it's an advice board.

Go to community college.
You might have missed the boat this semester but apply for the next. Talk to a career counselor or think of what interests you.
What is your situation at home?

I'm gonna pretend this isn't bait for a second If your honestly to retarded to understand that pepe is not welcome on Yea Forums or post on a Yea Forums board you don't know anything about You really should just kill yourself

You somehow clicked on Yea Forums instead of /adv/.
Oh wait, no you didn't, you just wanted to shitpost.

>Anime & Manga
>advice board
You can't do anything right.

I don't think I could afford it. There's only one place nearby that is affordable, but I can't study and work full time. And I need to work because there's a few things I need to pay for. And I don't want to take out loans if I don't have to


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Do you have any friends that are working? You might be able to get a job through your connections.

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>looking up pepes
you're even worse than regular frogposters yikes

Why would you ask Yea Forums of all places?

Maybe he wanted to learn how to get to Gensokyo

*ding ding ding*
*clears throat*
AND *breathes in* I WANT TO LICK CUNNY

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This isn't Yea Forums related. Stop posting frogs, and stop spending so much time on the internet.
If you think no one would grieve for you, what makes you think anyone on this board is going to give a crap? Don't come to Yea Forums with your sob stories.
We all have problems. You can't escape yourself by running away. Meet your problems and except your faults.

You can runaway from your home, your school, your friends, etc but you can never run away from yourself.

tier post.

>and except your faults.
and he fumbles it

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I'm sorry, user... Looks like suicide is your only option left if you thought that...

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You’re gonna feel worse if you just run away. You’re also probably not mentally ready to just start a new life and live in a tent in the woods. You’re not ready to become virtually homeless

God I'm smiling way too much to get embarrassed about that now.

Just say you're 1/16 of some kind of native american or part nigger and they'll throw scholarships at you. Not like they're gonna actually check.

I think you accidentally posted on the anime board, you're looking for

user I had to stand up up and pace around my chair for 30 seconds trying to think of way to get myself out of the situation you now find yourself in.

>Hey anons, I'm 18
Stopped reading there. Just don't be an idiot and get a job. Everything will be fine.

No shame their, Yea Forums is for the neurotic.


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If he wanted that, he should have gone to /jp/

>I don't think I could afford it.
Work harder, work smarter. Change jobs if you need to, look for opportunities around and far away, if you have to travel half a country in order to double your pay check don’t think twice.
>There's only one place nearby that is affordable, but I can't study and work full time.
Find someone to share the rent with.
>And I need to work because there's a few things I need to pay for.
No shit nigger.
>And I don't want to take out loans if I don't have to
Don’t take loans, period. You fuckface.
Whhaaah muuuh liiife.
If you have fucking time to post on 4ch your life is not a problem it’s your fucking rotten brain.
Do more, browse less.
And for fucks sake get the fuck out of Yea Forums.

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bruh you're only 18 and still got plenty of years ahead of you

go to college, learn a trade, have sex, do whatever

“I don’t want to face any of my problems, I just want to run away”
user, literally every human being wants to run away from their problems. It’s practically instinct. Go watch evangelion.


Run away to first, most of us couldn't handle situations like yours ourself.

OP you can start with killing yourself

nah portal instructions originated on Yea Forums