Koko wa Ima kara Rinri desu

Volume 2 of E T H I C S begins

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want me to help dump? i was just about to start a thread, heh

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Sure, I'll just do the first 21 pages

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i was thinking doing it alternately but that's easier, alright

>that cold gaze
>was just as if he was looking at trash
TL is memeing

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Aw yeah. Time to learn.

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Last page from me, I'll let the other user takeover now.

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Is every volume going to open with a student being thot patrolled?

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Love me some ethics

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turned down to the end

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This is beyond even the most extreme friendzoning. Poor loser

I feel like Sensei’s outlook on the idea of a student and teacher forming a romantic relationship is, in a realistic sense, sort of outdated and rudimentary. It’s very lawfully neutral for lack of a better term. Like I feel like it’s too fueled by rigid constitutional and authoritarian principles rather than focusing on the actual unwanted feelings the student could potentially harbor from this sort of situation and how such a relationship could affect their psyche and future.
This girl is disgusting and probably the most cruel and psychotic character yet, I kind of hope we don’t spend too much time on her

>Shot down that badly to the point where he now knows she hates him
>girl swoons a little bit for Ethics Man too
>outed himself on liking a student to boot
>rest of his students hate him
Jesus wept, this dude has a crummy life.

At least he has science.

Yeah, yeah, the science of virginity.
But still, pretty sad for the guy.

It's like GTO if Onizuka was some autistic yaoi man.

How much do you think ethicsman can squat? Those thighs are absolute units.

>like he was looking at walking garbage

Thanks for dumping this.

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What's best in life?

Yeah, Ethics Man isn't taking context and the actual state of the individuals into consideration when he makes his judgement.
He's judging a teenager-adult relationship the same way one would judge an adult-adult relationship, even though that misses the reason that sort of relationship is controversial.

Crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of their women.

Welp here we go.

Damn this is deep man.

Post the next page alreadyyyyyy

Ah shit, I'm about to go to bed. Thanks OP for the dump again.

Just when I thought the E T H I C S train was over. Thanks, dumpanon.

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Ethics Man says that "If those rules are standing in the way of genuine love...", which implicitly addresses the reasons the student-teacher romance is so maligned; the laws and regulations are meant to prevent the possibility of foul play from a grown-up abusing his standing, using coercion etc., however the point sensei makes is that there is /prima facie/ nothing wrong with the 'genuine love between a man and a woman' and so, ethically, these factors have no consideration. The law was created to protect against bad actors, not to inhibit honest activity (unless you subscribe to the theory that all law is first and foremost, politics). Physics-sensei's dilemma isn't whether the law ought to allow this to continue, but whether he himself ought to pursue the relationship, which are two different questions, since he knows he himself isn't a bad actor.

My take on the situation is that its really unlikely that a teacher and student can be 'genuinely in love' in the scenario presented.
I am assuming the the girl is 17-18 and the guy is early 30s.

Like Ethics Man said, neither of the two parties are particularly experienced in love, and the girl especially is underdeveloped mentally as all teenagers are. Even if the girl believes she is given a couple years when that brain chemistry and development finalizes, will she still be, and for the Physics Teach, when he gets over the shock of the first female showing him attention in his life will he still be attached. Ethics Man did mention these issues, but only on the side.

In my mind Ethics Man made the mistake of applying philosophical principles to the situation without Logically considering them. Not that he wasn't logical, more so that he didn't consider the scenario as it exists in the real world, and influenced by real world issues.

Fucked up on the Punctuation, whoops.

I’m Taking this chapter into consideration, everything you’ve stated is by all means the truth, it’s just I feel like you’re misunderstanding what I meant.
What I was saying was that Sensei’s initial speech on his own opinion on the morality of a student/teacher relationship was, in my opinion, thought from a contextually awkward angle. His only qualms about this sort of relationship seemed to stem from an unnecessarily statutory basis rather than actual ethical one. I just feel like he took the situation at face value when instead he should have put more actual thought and imagination into the dilemma at hand. Instead of “this relationship could potentially become harmful to the psyche of each involved persons” it was “this relationship could potentially get you arrested and make the student’s parents upset” which, to me frankly, just seems like a weird and almost contrarian outlook to have realistically.

I've been reading the raws up to the end of volume 3.
It's so damn long with 200 pages/volume and a lot of words/page and I can relate to Takayanagi's students having difficulty at understanding his lessons. So many difficult words.
And I like this scene he's talking that every human lives to pursue happiness
>my happiness is... *blush*

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Is this drawn by a woman? Or maybe a gay man? I swear these full page panels are always drawn with giant yaoi hands.


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This artist has either drawn poor or should really start doing so, because their art fits that genre well.

teach that thot some E T H I C S

I’m sure she’s got a bunch of self-drawn BL doujins secretly stored away somewhere. I want to see them.

I would respond by saying that 'genuine love' does not need to have the vaunted requirement of being eternal, resulting in a stable marriage, etc., I believe that 'genuine love' can circumstantially happen between two parties regardless of whether it would be wise to pursue the relationship. Certainly, whether you love someone is based on your preference and their person; both can change over time, and so the compatibility may no longer be there in the future. Perhaps this sounds like 'moving the goalposts' in terms of coming to a different definition of what genuine love is, but I didn't erect these goalposts in the first place so I don't mind. This is the case with all relationships, that they should be entered with the caveat that people change over time, in both personhood and preferences, and whether a relationship persists will hinge on how drastic the change, and how tolerant of this change are the people involved. In conclusion, just because the relationship has a low chance to succeed in the long-term based on the teenager's person and preferences being in flux, does not mean that two parties cannot experience genuine love in the moment, and have a falling-out later, as is otherwise accepted to be a possibility in regular relationships.
Is it not the case that among what you would consider "ethical qualms" are the possible emotional impact of having an unwanted confession from a person in authority and the weirdness that follows in day-to-day life? In this case I respond that certainly a failed confession from either party can make it weird for both of them, but handled tactfully, it does not need to be. Other possible ethical qualms would be that the relationship may be ill-conceived due to naievity of the teen and the flux described above, but it does not make it ethically wrong to pursue a 'genuine love' relationship based on that, as, if it were, perhaps we'd have to scrutinize all 'first relationships'.

>waiting for chapter to end

He's not his student. Of course he won't meet him again at the time of ethics.

even the teachers have much to learn from our Master of Ethics.

>Other possible ethical qualms would be that the relationship may be ill-conceived due to naievity of the teen and the flux described above, but it does not make it ethically wrong to pursue a 'genuine love' relationship based on that...
Well, on that note, I think I’m going to have to agree to disagree as I think that this /is/ an example of a rather ethically and morally grey scenario. Sure, I guess you could say that as long as the fact stands that the relationship is founded on a purely genuine bond between two loving individuals, that there’s truly nothing ethically wrong in theory; but, considering the, as you state, mental naivety of the student and the fact that they have other priorities they should be taking focus on in order to enrich their quality of life and to some day achieve their goals, this sort of relationship is by default harmful to the student. And it’s my belief, albeit it being likely contrary to the common person here, that once a certain boundary between the two persons has been broken and an official relationship has been established, the adult, who will always be the more mature and wise person (discounting severely disabled individuals if you want to go there) in question is to be thought of as the root source of any potential issues relating to the controversial relationship the student may experience - be they psychologically or stigmatically - and any fallbacks that may prevent the student from excelling intellectually and academically, by default. In my opinion I think Sensei just wasn’t thinking outside the box enough.
This is a more fitting topic for /pol/ though so I’m gonna stop here

That is good.
But not the best.

after a quote like that, "very beautiful" is quite the veiled insult

/g/ and /sci/ btfo
How will they ever recover?

If we are assuming that Ethics Man is giving genuine life advice to Matsuda rather than a lecture on "Love and Relationships in a Sterile Environment", then we have to take into account the long term here and what the real world means to a partnership.
While atm an adult and a child could very well be greatly in love, one has to consider the long term before they enter into a relationship - especially one with such emotionally volatile members as this one. Logic and Reason is needed along with Ethics.
Telling a person that one can see is liable to emotional distress and overreacting to enter into a relationship built on a shaky foundation is to me morally and ethically unsound as you have a high chance of causing more pain to them and others than if you recommended them to never do so. Matsuda would be harshly effected by what is an almost guaranteed break-up, where he a more level headed man then this wouldn't be as much of a consideration, but he is not shown to be one. Take an emotionally fragile friend of yours, would it be decent of you to tell them that a relationship that is likely to cause them great pain is a good idea to enter into?
Takayanagi is taking the situation from a purely outside view. He's ignoring any context and saying 'If two people are in love there isn't any reason for them to not be together', this is a sound belief, but context is needed to make an intelligent choice.

Teenagers don't have the higher reasoning ability an adult has, nor the ability to be properly autonomous so for them to enter into a standard romantic relationship creates a power unbalance that, even if the adult is is a fantastic partner, can impede their development as a person. By telling Matsuda that the only reason that he shouldn't do this is because there are rules against it and because its possible both parties are not entirely 'into each other', Takayanagi is ignoring what the possible negative consequences of this romantic engagement could be.

Not really /pol/ more Yea Forums if anything.

Kinda wonky chapter. I liked that Takayanagi was interacting with another teacher which gives a different dynamic compared to his students, but the conclusion of the chapter was kinda eh, not much progress on the student has been done (Physics teacher's stuff has been concluded by the first half of the chapter). She seems to have got away with her machinations (in addition to her past doings), so I wonder if the author will visit her again someday in another chapter.

Taka could report her, but he'd be fucking over Matsuda doing so. The girl is self-destructive and unwilling to accept help, there isn't much he can do to help her - especially given their rocky past together.
Its an 'eh' ending because its too complex to be wrapped up neatly in a single chapter, this situation might be too rough to be wrapped up neatly at all.

>ethics teacher

I want to say that I've really been enjoying this series. Who ever is translating this is a bro, mangadex doesn't give much info.

At least it doesn't seem like a JP->CH->EN translation. I wonder who exactly the TL is.

To be honest, you're right when it comes to their relationship being a bad idea for the reasons you mentioned, and for Ethics Man to encourage this relationship is probably rather unethical if he is giving advice as a counselor, someone privy to the emotional turbulence of all involved, since it is such a bad idea. However, there are some interesting things to notice here. Ethics Man is advising Matsuda as an Ethics Man, not as a Counselor Man. Ethics Man probably ranks 'experiencing love' as a very 'eudaimonic' thing to do, in line with the classics whom he likes to quote so much; "better to have love and lost..." and all that. However, many ethical things are Bad Ideas in practice, and vice versa.
On your paragraph about the limitations of teenagers, I disagree. A teenager is only hindered by ignorance. To say they don't have some 'higher reasoning' because they make stupid decisions sometimes is simply a casus belli for the paternalistic jurisprudence we exercise today. Similarily, as long as they know how to set goals and follow them, regardless of whether those goals are ill-conceived, we know they are autonomous and exhibit self-determination. When we say 'minors can't consent', that is a legal fiction designed to protect them from worldly ignorance, and not some kind of damaged faculty of reason. The way it works out, these preconceptions concerning teenagers' minds are fantastic in creating laws to protect them, since many are indeed vulnerable. However they are semantically incorrect as to the extent of their inability as proven above. Imagine requiring an intelligence test or a wisdom test in order to vote, or marry. "Adults are /prima facie/ 'wise enough' but teenagers are /prima facie/ 'too ignorant'", is a fantastic assumption to hold when making a law (to protect as many as possible), but not necessarily in making an ethical deliberation (to act in a virtuous manner). The law need not be in line with ethics to be sound in its conception.

Holding comment to keep us alive.

Yeah, I'm not sure if the student caught that immediately or if she just blushed because of the compliment itself. Probably the latter

Thanks for the dump anons.
How does someone like this even get hired at a school?

Well, the students are pretty shite too

You make a great point in that Ethics Man is a romantic through and through. He does most likely think that he's being very logical - or at least giving advice that is most likely to make everyone happy.

As for teenagers not having higher level reasoning skills, I'm talking about how biologically our brains are still growing well into our 20s (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2892678/), and those still

>Every once in a while a great teacher stumbles into the school system. I've ran into a couple that really shaped who I am.
I was referring to the bumbling mess. I don't imagine he would interview well.

Depends on what they teach, science and specialty teachers get away with more than other kinds from my experience. Its down to rarity I suppose.

>science and specialty teachers get away with more than other kinds from my experience.

Less of them. I had a physics teacher that used to fuck with the circuit breakers on the floor as part of his lessons (electricity), he even did some low voltage (no UV) welding. If another teacher did that they'd have been fired.
My HS was an engineering school, and the standards of conduct for the 'normal' teachers and the 'specialist' teachers were totally different. My Elec Eng teacher could come in wearing Hawaiian shirts and ratty jeans when other teachers were held to tie and button down with dress pant standards.

why is sensei's body so erotic?

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Thanks for the dump, yesterday was lovely too
This manga is like that one monster teacher done right, can't wait to see what sort of fuckery turned this teacher into what he is today

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you mean assclass or Jimmy-sensei and the F4?

>Jimmy-Sensei and the F4

Kek, now that I realised it does feel like HYD but gender-flipped and with a teacher as the MC

anons, I don't understand this chapter

What was the point to its abrupt end?

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Our Delinquent Friend started to change, and thats all the story needed to show. It also means more if the kid screwed up and told Sensei rather than Google the plot of the film and try to cover for himself.

Would it be ethical for an ethics teacher to have a harem of students?

ESL here, what does this quote mean?

The fact that he actually wants to go to class is the resolution for his arc at the moment, since he was bored out of his mind before.

He's saying that there are people who are physically ugly and beautiful, and that they should regularly reflect on themselves (the mirror). This way beautiful people with ugly personalities can get rid of those negative parts of themselves and get a matching beautiful character. Likewise physically ugly people can lessen their ugliness by being intelligent, well mannered, sophisticated, etc. like Bill Nye the Science Guy.
The girl is beautiful but her personality is disgusting because she is still a butthurt child who sees herself as not good enough because nobody probably told her she was, only comparing her to her sister, so she uses what she has in order to fuck with people.

If you are attractive you should make your 'inside' mimic your 'outside'. Build up your inner beauty to reflect your outer beauty.
If you are unattractive you have to make yourself intelligent and talented enough to make up for it. No one cares that a genius or inventor or other intelligent person is ugly, they make up for it many times over.

So he just stealth insulted (maybe not deliberately) both the teacher and student, huh

It sounds that way but not really.
The teacher most likely knows he is ugly and has terrible self-esteem, but he is saying that even though he is ugly his ability to self-reflect and his education makes up for it, so him being ugly isn't everything.
Meanwhile the girl is awful cunt who has never thought about herself and just lived impulsively, but she is still beautiful and she can change to be beautiful inside and out.
It's supposed to be encouraging for both of them.

I like it

This is really good. Shame that all the plebs at mangadex are shitting all over it. God bless the fast translation by the scanlator.

It's cause she doesnt thinks she's beautiful, dumbasses. He was doing a bait and switch with the quote.

>Read one chapter before going to bed
>Feel good waking up
Nice. Wish I had a good teach like that back in the days.

His issue actually got resolved, unlike this chapter. There was no need for an actual movie review since it wasn't the point.

Its a manga that heavily benefits from the quick release schedule that the translator is doing. If it was released weekly I probably would have dropped it as the first chapters were toeing the line of overly edgy and the characters weren't quite clear yet.
The story seemed more shallow and weak early on than the later couple chapters have shown it too be. It seemed to be more like 'Ethics teacher quotes Philosopher, student becomes happy', without any depth to it. One of those manga that have a surface level gimmick that is a cover for it actually being generic.

It has a ways to go before it gets great, but it is good. I hope the quality keeps rising.

To be fair is this really any edgier than GTO?
Hell, in that the entire class was actively conspiring to ruin his life from the start.

Not really any edgier than GTO, but times have changed. Edge was more acceptable back then.
And GTO had more humor to it than this story has. You can be as edgy as you want if you laugh at the same time (See Dorohedoro).

Not too mention that Onizuka was almost fun too see suffer, Takayanagi isn't as fun as Onizuka was.

Kind of a meh chapter desu. Teacher actually didn't do anything, and I'm not sure either of them learnt from their mistakes, at all

But the issue here was also dealt with. For the first time ever, the student got told she was beautiful, without her having to ask for it. But with that comment, he also meant that she now needs to refine her inner beauty. If she does it or not is something we have to see, but look at that face of her.

>The story seemed more shallow and weak
That is subjective, and just your view man. You made a lot of assumptions, while not baseless, also in itself shallow. Reflect. Hell, the binding of ch1 and ch3 with the glasses guy made the whole thing several steps above a lot of episodic manga. Their back and forth continued in the other chapters too, subtle.

New chapter when? I need my daily dose.

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I bet he was a prostitute before becoming the ethics man


Well, they got a famou a-tier VA for this. Anime when?

Can’t say I would’ve imagined he’d fit the character, but somehow it works

Why not both?

Glad they established that he was normal straight guy from the start. Shaving off the annoying yaoi crowd is a good thing.

I am sure that as an ethics teacher he can be convinced towards bisexuality.

I think it's a fundamental requirement. He's even wearing a turtleneck.

Who says he’s straight? You could play devil’s advocate and assume that he’s bi, he never outright stated that he’s straight
It’s not as if there are any gay pairs a fujo/homo could come up with in this anyway, not as of yet at least. But you act like that stops them from reading it for Sensei’s erotic body

In the Raws, there is this one dude that wants to hold hands with sensei. But sensei gets a bit disgusted with how clingy he is. Sensei and nurse try to fix his clingy problem.

You don't really think something like that is gonna shave them off right? I also like women with class but I'm still a faggot that would take a cock anytime.

I mean, I haven’t read it so I don’t have the full context of the scene, but he could have been put off simply because the dude was being grossly clingy. Unless he literally says something to the effect of “ew sorry, but I’m not a fag,” the ambiguity still stands in my opinion.

Philosophers have been bisexual since Socrates. There is no way sensei limits those thighs to only the fairer sex.

It would be unethical to do so.

>Unless he literally says something to the effect of “ew sorry, but I’m not a fag,” the ambiguity still stands in my opinion.
I hope someone makes a version of that "no way fag" with him and the clingy dude.

New chapter is up

I was wondering why he was so lewd too, then I found out this is by the All Out lady.

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>Hug me.

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There's no way this artist hasn't drawn porn

Dump it

Fuck that was a rough chapter.
I'm unable to dump it, if someone else will pick up my slack that'd be great.

Porn isn't necessary, I've fapped to this page many times.

Chapter 7

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Very virtuous of you user.

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Thank you

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If only he was a girl...

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I can't tell if this chapter shows the mangaka doesn't like BL or likes BL.

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BL is

This is the author of All Out, that should answer your question.

The mangaka likes hot boys, the rest is irrelevant.

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No one can convince me someone that draws this isn't a fujo.

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There is nothing homosexual about sports.

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Don't post images during a dump.

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>popular with boys from private school
>lots of physical interaction
>locker room homoerotic banter
Rugby blows all other sports out of the water.

Well you are a mentally ill tranny, so your post has zero value. I would have respected you more if you were one of those clean normal faggot people that like to fuck ass.

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Shut up while there’s a dump

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holy shit this little fag is obsessed

I could dump twice as fast if I didn't get captcha errors.

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You being a faggot makes me want to shitpost all over this thread because you're so fucking obnoxious. Why don't you shut up?

If someone can take over please say so.

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I’m not the guy you replied to autist. If you’re gonna shitpost for the love of God do it in another thread

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poor kid

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Christ, does the author always have to draw him so uh...sexy looking?

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so i am gay for ethics now?

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It turns out if you want sensei to touch you, you need him to walk in on you getting fucked.

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>same-sex relationships aren't uncommon

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>our job isn't to get him better but to get him to graduate

As someone who is always in contact with teachers but is not one, I've heard this phrase in some kind of form way too often to find it alarming. I thought teachers were suppose to take care of their students and guide them to be better people for a better nation? And not just paid unemotional tard wranglers?

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Class sizes and work load are too heavy a burden for this to be possible. The culture of 'do anything outside of the rule book and you will get sued' only makes things worse.

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>I thought teachers were suppose to take care of their students and guide them to be better people for a better nation?
You know deep down you never thought that at all. I don't know about Japan's teachers but in America the low pay, heavy workload, and teaching for standardized testing will beat the spirit out of a new teacher within a year easily.

Would you hug him, anons?

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No way. He'd get tears and snot all over my turtleneck sweater. Dry cleaning is expensive.

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>dry cleaning on a teacher's salary
Absolutely unethical.

The boy's got it bad.

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I'd give him the ol no way fag

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fucking hell this chapter

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I just noticed this, but I think there might be some sort of scar on Tokigawa’s forehead, possibly from an instance of abuse from his mom. That or it’s just some sort of weird shadow from his hair, but it doesn’t really seem to align with any of the strands that are in his face.

oww my kokoro

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shit you are right

Oh yeah I didn't even notice that. I guess that's what made ethics-man freeze up.

I really like that ethics man isn't always stoic but actually shows other emotions.

End of chapter

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Yeah, you can look it better here

Teacher is 100% unironically gay. He wouldn't have been this flustered doing the same with a female student.

Thanks for the dump user

Oh no, the gay is making him break down.

I feel bad for teacher, his class is full of wackos.

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What is this expression trying to convey?

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Thanks for the dump, user

>Feeling guilty over helping someone
That's just the worst.

That's how it is in a "how do I reach these keeeds" series.

Thanks user.

the pleasure of being cummed inside

Imagine how shitty it must be in the other classes.


Wanting to be fucked in the ass doesn't make you a tranny user, especially if it's by sensei.


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Or maybe he’s just a severely empathetic person and he can mentally put himself in the place of those in lowly situations and dispair, due to his own experiences with those two things in his past. I’m pretty sure there’s some morbid background to Sensei that we’ve yet to dig into, and this will all make sense once in revelation.
He’s definitely a cocksucker though no doubt

>"S-something hard is poking my butt!"

I bet his quest to save people is based upon a traumatic experience he had, likely he treated someone like shit which made that person commit suicide.

All you need is to look at literally the first chapter.

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i could see that being the case

Why is he smiling here?

he got hugged by those thicc thighs of course he is happy

That's a nice face of despair

>teacher is mindbroken in some corner
>boy walks satisified away
Just like my doujins

His college professor that got him into smoking looks like a typical faceless mob doujin character. I wonder if sensei wanted that ojisan cock.

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Shit I could actually see that being the case and it being the event which contributed to his current mentality. I doubt it though, but it would be an unexpected twist

Jimi-sensei, GTO and E T H I C S vs Monster teach when

Reminded me to catch up on the latest few chapters. I hope 'cute volcel teacher reforms thots' becomes a whole genre. It'd be interesting if someone makes a female teacher with this formula.

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yeah, but I might accidentally touch his butt

>THOT tries to blackmail you with false rape and sexual harassment charges
>He uses the motherfucking reverse uno card on the THOT
absolute madman

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It would answer why he wanted to speak to a smoking teacher specifically

Wait, isn't this chapter's teacher and smoking room teacher the same person?

I don’t know where else to ask this but does anyone know the status of All Out’s translation situation? The last MS translation was from a year ago but the manga is still ongoing in Japan. Did it get licensed or something?

Volume 10(ch. 63-70) came out in May so it's going to be a while before it gets caught up.
Scanlation-wise it's probably dropped

Ah so it is licensed. Shame that the scanlators dropped it, and I’m kind of surprised that some fujo group hasn’t picked it up after so long. I guess it has to do with the fact that it is licensed

The average teacher has like 90 kids and far less pay than is reasonable.
They don't have the time or ability to deal with all those children and their problems.

Poor Guy.
Thanks for the Dump.

>, considering the, as you state, mental naivety of the student and the fact that they have other priorities they should be taking focus on in order to enrich their quality of life and to some day achieve their goals, this sort of relationship is by default harmful
Not him but I'm confused are you saying that the relationship will always be harmful because the student has a goals that they should prioritize outside of their relationship if that's so aren't all relationships harmful what do you think relationship with your partner should always be the most important thing in your life

>This is a more fitting topic for /pol/ though so I’m gonna stop here
Threads are always more fun when they get a little off topic and this would be a fucking shit discussion if we were on /pol/

he has Autism right?
he really behave like a person with autism

Just because something has a high risk of failure doesn't mean it's unethical to advise i also think you're making a lot of assumptions about the information that he has about science teacher man as far as we know this is the first time they've ever talked so he can't really give any deeply personal advice you

This chapter was heavy.
Thanks for the dump, OP.

Takayanagi can tell that the Phys Teacher is on the verge of a breakdown.
And from his actions and personality (Masuda told Ethics Man both of these straight up) you can tell that the guy is unstable.

In that context, I think it was more pointing toward "I am under-qualified to do this and this was not in the job description, what can you expect me to do!?"
However, it is sad to hear that that kind of phrase is common, even though it might not be realistic.

I read the korean scans, and he have connections to those in the drugs scenes as well. He got acquainted with him when one of his students turned delinquent, and they talk about E T H I C S and philosophy together.
Hopefully they get explore in more detail in the coming chapters