Who is the best literally me character?
Meaning this very specific type, not people like Satou or Tomoko or Shinji
Who is the best literally me character?
Literally me.
8man is my favorite out of the four. He is hypocrite and eventually owns up to it. 50% is so out there I don't feel like he can be compared to the others. Pandagirl's oniichan always has a comeback to everything that it's unnatural. I don't remember what anticurious guy's personality is like which says a lot.
I'm most like Oreki because im always fucking tired.
Sakuta is perfection of the literally me archetype, he only recycles the good aspects. Everyone else is budget 8man.
>being able to self insert into failuer
you need to be 18 or older to post on this site
>that episode where the mascots give Sento a love confession potion
best episode
Needs a second season.
Are you me?
Worst forced meme in Yea Forums's history
Literally me.
The dude on the computer looks like a guy I used to hang out with in high school, he's gay now lol
I'm not gonna lie, this is actually me.
S1 Hachiman is the best, S2 Hachiman is the absolute worst
Stand aside lads
Aren't all of these.people described as somewhat handsome?
So if I asked you to clean my room for me you'd do it?
shit opinion
Just like me
Shirou and Hachiman aren't so different, you can't dispute this. It's impossible.
>being less than 9/10
What would your waifu say?
8man doesn't think alarm clocks are degenerate.
You're an honest, trusting, upstanding guy with a ripped body who does anything someone asks you to but also suffers from severe survivors guilt that makes you throw youself suicidally at any danger, disregarding your own life completely, just for the small chance of saving another person?
dis guy cuz he's literally me
me on the left.
Me too.
I relate way more to Haruhi desu, Kyon is a dishonest faggot
literally me
Sakuta doesn’t belong there, he’s a normalfag who thinks he’s one of us.
Woth thr user tis I
the white one is literally me
Minor differences, but they don't mind being useful to others. Shirou does things because he feels like he has a debt he cannot possibly repay and 8man feels like as soon as the club ends he's going to be alone again. Both are willing to go to great lengths to protect something they hold dear.
Being a chuuni autist alienated me from my friends, so pic related was suprisingly relateable.
Honestly, society just not worth it anymore.
It is literally him, he just isn't handsome so women will treat him like shit.
literally me
I'm Takumi but I drive a truck and don't like driving
based, shirou knows how to handle women
literally me