I legitimately dont get this part. Who shot johnny? It was never specified that d4c had this kind of ability to mindfuck people around it.
I legitimately dont get this part. Who shot johnny...
Other urls found in this thread:
He just brought another Valentine to shoot him.
You shot Johnny. Don't you remember?
Dio, funny, and the other steel ball dude. Now Fuck off jojo fag. Go to your general thread. We have like 10 jojo threads
People also saw dio and that other dude tho
People can make any anime threads they want, fuck off if you don't like it.
Araki is a hack and steel ball run is loathsomely the best out of the garbage that is jojo
We need 10 naruto threads now, I wait for them
Its implied that araki had a different stand ability in mind for Valentine's stand. It was supposed to make realities collide within each other and exist simultaneously. It was rapidly scrapped for being too much of a convoluted idea to work
this was before araki rectonned the main villain power
Based and redpilled. He's so hot girls.
The D4C introduction arc is the worst written and most convoluted garbage I've ever read.
>jojo youtubers
I can't wait to see that trainwreck animated
Even Heavy Weather was easier to comprehend.
>t. Retard
fuck off xforts is /ourguy/
It just works.
>somebody is making us snails
>no it's because of prehistoric angles of the sun beams
it was put out clear on paper.
meanwhile on D4C: two/three different people remember shooting Johnny(Valentine also "shot" him), the kids remember both Wekapipo and Dio as the shooter.
it's just a big mess up and all araki's fault.
>I can't read
Araki must have realized how retarded it was since he retcons the stand.
He's a bull. I wish I were a girl so he could breed me.
D4C is such a wasted stand. Love train was a mistake even if it will probably look good animated, more than half of the time funny isn't even attacking, just running away.
Now that I know xForts fucking posts here I can't ever be in a JoJo thread again.
Go fuck yourself you piece of shit.
Please point me to the post that xforts made.