I know you really like JoJo, but could you please keep it only a few threads?
I know you really like JoJo, but could you please keep it only a few threads?
>asking spics not to be retarded about their father's substitute
user, i...
jojo memes anyone?
Jojo fans are all White Germanic Aryans. Spics like low trash like DBZ or Saint Seiya.
Sorry but jojo is too epic and based have you ever seen those references? LOL I love memes. Keep the threads coming bros
Shut up bitch.
Seethe harder, OP.
The more you complain, the louder they'll get.
BASED jojochads we are triggering Yea Forums again. We are based and dank lol
>2/10 complaining
>3/10 literally 0 effort falseflags
I blame Yea Forumsedditors like , , and
That’s right those threads are not real jojo threads we are based and epic RISE UP JOJOBROS
this but for jojo threads
weakest deflection and impotent cope of this week
>White Germanic Aryans
Speak for yourself, cumskin
today is JoJo, yesterday was Dr. Stone. Notice the similarity? That's right, they're all published by shonen jump. Wish there was a shonen general or a board to contain all these underages in.
>they're all published by shonen jump
get a hold of this idiot
>Wish there was a shonen general or a board to contain all these underages in
You are already on it
hmmm sweaty JoJo isn't published by shonen jump anymore
Jojo is gay shonen shit with muh poses and terrible filler fights that all end in some asspull or random scientific fact Araki found on google
It's definitive spiccore. HxH is the white man's anime.
HxH is spiccore since even the mangaka is too lazy to work.
Please keep the threads coming I want to discuss more based jojo
Better than having training and tournament arcs, power creep.
You're still a spic even if you live in Southern Brazil
Can the mods ban this schizo already?
or you literally just ignore shitposters, its not like theyre fooling anyone who has been here for more than a few years
and newtrannies who fall for Yea Forumseddits antics deserve the shit taste thatll rub off on them
>obvious false flagger by moeshitter
Both are great.
Togashi needs time to plan out his arcs. It's why the CA arc is the peak of manga. Araki at his best couldn't reach Togashi's level of writing.
So instead you can have a lame Monster of the Week formula with forgettable antagonists only remembered for their meme ability of the chapter.
>no power creep
kek, time stop became shit as early as part 4.
You people are honestly fucking something else. Why do you even pay attention to the number of threads involving things you don't like? Are you so fucking autistic, dysfunctional, and have so little going for you that you have to slide into your big boy pants with a quiver so you can get the courage to say "h-hey!! This is m-m MY board!! keep your shit to ONE OR TWO THREADS because /I/ run the place!!"
No joke dude get the fuck over yourselves and just filter out the shit you don't like, jesus christ. I miss when Yea Forums didn't reek of an obnoxious density of underage pissbabies who won't let you talk about anything without turning threads into a shit show, can't have a discussion fucking anywhere on here anymore. Shut up you fags.
The worst part about the Jojo fanbase is they make it fucking impossible to enjoy Jojo
t. cancer
You’re right based jojobro keep the threads coming
>making threads
I hardly have the capacity to ever talk or respond to your retards, like hell I'm going to make a thread; I'll inevitably be let down at the lack of conversation as it's drowned out by everyone else's ironic/legitimate autism.
Unironically based
Thanks for making it obvious where you came from. You should go back if elitism asspains you this much.
Using one, single term is enough to determine where I come from? Tell me my good friend, where do I originate? If you dare imply the good ol'
>reddit boogeyman
You'll only imply that you're a gigantic newfag with no capacity for original comebacks or legitimate points.
I do like both but we have to establish a relationship of the superior and the inferior. In many ways Jojo is just training wheels for hxh.
Nigga did you really just reply to yourself twice? Holy fuck this board really is polluted
We desperately need chemo. Go whine in IRC that we need a /sh/ board.
>using gon's power up as an example of good writing
Why don't the hunters always make a vow as soon as they're about to lose?
>”Yeah, we did it fellow redditors! We showed those anti-jojo meanies whose boss. *dabs and then cringe poses* Oh, sorry I got to go! My mom wants me to clean the dishes, but wremember jojo is the only manga in the Za Warudo. XDDDD”
Jojofags are a cancer
Lol nah, every small villain from part 5 is memorable and part 4 has alot of them too.
I gotchu
Jojo hasn't been in Shonen Jump since early part 7 15 years ago. Even if there was a shonen board there could still be Jojo threads here, at least for parts 7 and 8.
How is that even possible? Do they come to your house ?
Every time I feel like watching it I'm reminded of the hordes of insufferable reddit subhumans who won't shut the fuck up about it and then I don't want to watch it anymore
>tfw when this is the only place you can get decent unfiltered discussion of less popular anime
>the tide of cancer just keeps rising and rising
I honestly think that's the best way to make something happen at this point. It's still the most direct way to address the moderators. Here's hoping they decide to do something eventually.
And they say Dr. Stone is “ Reddit: The Manga” when Jojo is literally Rick and Morty 2.0
>im totally not a newnigger bro ive been here like 4 years already which almosst half a decade and I atill visit reddit daily so I know that they discovered jojo last week okay bro so all of you who like it must also be from reddit
wow ok cancer
It would be better than what is happening now.
God I hate JoJo
We need more posters like you.
literally >hordes of redditors
stay there on your next "visit"
>Why don't the hunters always make a vow as soon as they're about to lose?
because nen requires strong emotions and conviction. Gon was frustrated over his weakness and was consumed with his desire for revenge which allowed him to make a vow where he would temporarily be at the absolute peak of his power in exchange for all his nen afterwards and his life. Compare this with something like Koichi using Act 3 or Giorno stabbing himself.
So you are just a pussy? sorry about that but it feels thats the case, you can watch a series and never encounter the fan base if you want, but here you are in a jojo thread without even have seen jojo, you need to get better with your decision.
>here you are in a jojo thread
jesus fucking christ user
KONO DIO DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Based jojobros driving Yea Forums into neurosis
Yeah i know ,but still we are talking about jojo in this thread.
jojo gaining popularity was a mistake
BLACKED and Bullpilled
Then Gon is promptly healed by a plot device character and will eventually get his Nen back. It's not much different, only less straightforward.
Discarded. Begone Yea Forumso/v/o faggot
>admitting to being Yea Forums
I wish Jojo never got another anime after the OVA. Those were good times.
Kek, I just googled this zoomer meme to try to convey that all jojofags are most likely underage. Will it make you feel better if I use a picture of crying baby Polnareff instead, so that you can better relate?
People do like Jojo though. Don't know what the point of this post is.
Father, faith is nice and all, but some of those plague powers would be pretty neat-o if you know what I'm saying.
There’s no excuse for posting wojak.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>its a underage newfaggot tries to fit in episode
I hate reruns
/jojo general/
Maybe, just maybe removing generals was a mistake.
Just not the kind you were thinking of.
You gotta be more aggressive, man. Something like
>>the absolute state of Yea Forums
will do the trick. Remember, you're dealing with crossboarders here.
>maybe, just maybe
Post discarded
hey, you leave CHADonball threads out of this
Agreed, we should make an anime general board! Then we can post funny threads with just a couple of words and a cute picture here XD
They all have the same subhuman crossboarders posting in them. Switch the characters' names and the threads are interchangeable.
hella drunk rn
casual reminder that jojo will be sent to like it always has been now that the anime has ended
t. crossboarding newfriend
Do you think Josuke Higashikata takes dabs? Kek, that would be an interesting topic, I should make another thread about it instead of posting about it in the already existing 5+ threads.
I'll post in it bro if you do make it.
I like your optimism, user. Let's hope you're right.
You should see Yea Forums its far worse cancer than here.
Both of you need to fucking die. You are the thing that is killing this site with catchphrase spam. Drink bleach.
This thread is strange. there is a mod watching and deleting posts when they normally delete or move the thread to /qa/ without even reading beyond the OP.
Even mods are jojochads
Nigger, it's not even 7PM yet.
there is no difference to believe this time will be any different than the 3 previous times it has happened
Have kiibou my friend