
Chapter 162

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did she officialy enter the tomobowl now ?

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What are you guys talking about? Watamote isn't g...

And that's it.

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>You are empty inside like me Tomoko, right?

Kek. Get bent purityfags!


2chan Archive:

【谷川ニコ】私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! 喪505

5ch Archive:

nemo is a whore

Who the fuck's Mike?

Based Yuri, trying to help Asuka and Tomoko get closer.

a cute whore

>another chapter that goes nowhere
Thanks W3.

Poor Nemofags

> Mike's wish.
Man I don't if I want a gf like that or not. I think I'd insist to cook together our lunch.

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Girl who is terrible cook and has a boyfriend.

Nemo is right: purityfags are idiots.

Kouhai and Nemo is the chaddest, damn. How can Uchi, Asuka, and Yuri even compete?

purityfags on suicide watch !
will they ever recover ?

it would seem Tomoko still has her's even after shlicking so much

Will have to be to get her foot in the door at the ol' VA factory.

She's more of a magic wand kinda girl, dildos are too masculine for her to handle.

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Girl who found true love. He's been eating her terrible cooking for years

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>kouhai has all the male attention in the world but she'd rather be with senpai
based nico

won't she offer her hymen to the first girl winning the tomobowl or will she lose it before university because she's afraid they would treat her like a loser if she still has it by then ?

> Tomoko fisting kyaing Kouhai in front of boyfriend who didn't even got to touch her butt.

Doujins, plural, when?

She'll use a pencil, then pretend to have been gangbanged by, like, eight guys at the same time.

Welp, good on mikey then. Good on him.

I want to marry Koharu-chan

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If she did that I wouldn't want to be one of the poor bastards she said was involved since the harem will want your head on a pike. She'll ask Wada to take it for her and he'd be safe since no one would believe was him.

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Remember that time Tomoko spent two hours pretending to get a stuffed animal off with a vibrator?

Tomoki calm down, you can't call her your wife when you've only hung out with her during lunch breaks. I'm sure she'd still be happy to hear it though.

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i am happy with my 1 komi panel thx nico

What does the paper next to Fuuka's wish say?

So this is how NTRfags look like huh.

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Mike Hawk

>Komi-whatever wish

So, Baseball > Tomoki's dick.

Even Nico is acknowledging that there will never be a 2nd season

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That was really gay.

Is he gonna be okay?

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I can't believe it's now been almost exactly 8 years since the manga first debuted, how much it has fallen from grace since then.

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disturbing lack of Ucchi in this chapter and thread

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Nemo confirmed wanting to whore her way up into the anime industry by sucking executive dicks

Nemo a thot!

And people say this isn't a healing manga.
Come on.

So, the standard?

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She should write isekai novel where MC based on her but gender flipped would get harem in alternate fantasy game esque world based on her friends.

It's not gay if it's girls doing it.

thanks W3!

Yep, inb4 doujin and Bokuman commission of Nemo on the casting couch

Dykes. Dykes as far as the eye can see.

Thanks W3

TY W3!

Kinda forget it's a coed school sometimes.

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>Minami on the cover
>no Minami in the chapter

Megumi-senpai will always be the best girl

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KuroKouhai is the pairing of the Chaddest of Chads.

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What will be Fukka next step into madness?

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Purityfags not just on suicide watch they're on the ledge hanging on by their fingertips.

beg to be a part of Tomoko's harem

She really is a lewd pink.

>ywn be Japanese Harvey Weinstein and intervew Nemo for a role in the new anime your company's helping to produce

Lol Nemo is horny as hell

But user they're coming back next month. Your wish has been granted.

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Naïve Nemo, far too naïve.

More like naïve Tomoko, she can't actually think all those idols and seiyuu are really virgins right?

I believe in our girl

me having sex with her ponytail

Why does Ucchi keep on trying when she literally thinks Tomoko is a player that flirts with multiple girls?

What do you mean poor? I'm Nemofag and I'm happy with this chapter!

Everyone would read it and call it unrealistic

Thanks World Three.

This was a great chapter for Nemo alone
Class S, you dumb faggot

Yes, she has a very normal view of her sexuality. Anons who cry over a character's virginity should probably stay on their quarantine It's easy to forgot how savage Nemo is when she doesn't get any panels for literally a year. A savage among savages

>Yuri makes sure to cover for Tomoko because her friend is an idiot
I love best girl

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Being literal worst girl


The more Fuuka goes crazy, the more it looks like she's gonna go full Ucchi for Asuka. Although she seems more open about liking Asuka.

They've explored this before.

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>all the yuritards trying to meme Asuka as gay and it ends up being her seething Stacy friend that's the gay one

I love these dorks so much

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This reminds me. When are we actually getting this sleepover arc? I swear it's been hyped up for half a year now.

after graduation

Then I'll be sure to let my grandchildren know when the chapter drops

I don't like Fukka for the same reason I don't like Asuka's yan tendancies: She feels like she's treading ground we've seen before. It feels like the cast is quickly boiling down to just "girls who are lowkey yandere for Tomoko" and "normal girls who wander into a web of misunderstandings without meaning to" (Emoji having been both at different points).

If it's just Tomoko, Yuri and Nemo it'd say I hope it will be soon. If anyone else were to be a part of it, I hope it never happens at all. Maybe Yuu would be an interest addition but that's it

This sounds good!

>Tomoko, Yuri, Nemo and Yuu in a closed small room
Imagine the smell

Who do you think showers the least? I think Yuu and Nemo shower fairly frequently to get the scent of semen and pussy juice off their bodies.

Yuri probably showers when her mom remembers to tell her to. I'd say this happens twice a week

Stop projecting

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>If anyone else were to be a part of it, I hope it never happens at all.
Not even Yoshida in her Disney pajamas?

>Yuri's mother is heading out for an office party
>"Oh right, I almost forgot about her. Yuri! Make sure you shower before you go to bed. And remember to clean up all the legos when you're finished playing. Also you should devote some time to studying for those entrance exams you have coming up"

>Yuri's mom hears her coming out of the bathroom
>"Don't forget to wipe, Yuri!"
>Yuri's mom hears her going back into the bathroom

>And remember to clean up all the legos when you're finished playing.
I laughed more than I ought to have
Are Yuri-sperg stories going to become a common occurrence in these threads? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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You disgust me.

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No, fuck off

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>Yuri. Do you mind explaining why the contents of our fridge is organised alphabetically now?

Yes, because the Nemochads are riled up

>"Yuri, you've spent an awfully long time playing that building game... Maybe take a break and call that nice Mako girl? Hang out?"

Summer break soon, they'll at least go to the beach or something. Maybe road trip with Yoshida

>Yuri, what happened to all our peanut butter? We had like three ja-

that's hot

>Scrub your skin and wash your hair on a daily basis
>Wonder why your hair is frayed and your skin is dry and infected.

Mako has been corrupted by the delinquents, she wants to drive with Yoshida without seatbelts and one-handed.

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>"Stop pacing when I'm talking to you and look me in the eye. I've talked about th—"
>Yuri punches hole in wall

>Ok Yuri, you're going to stay with your grandmother for a few days while me and your father are away. Remember to say hello to grandma.
>"Hello to grandma."
>No, Yuri. You just need to say 'hello'
>Ok, again, what will you say when you see grandma
>"Hello to grandma."
>No, listen Yuri, it's just 'hello'
>"Just hello"
>*sigh* Yuri, just be sure to say 'hello' when you get there
>"Hello when you get there"
>Not to me Yuri!
>"Not to me Yuri!"

She's got lofty goals and realistic expectations for how to accomplish them. Good for her.

>stick shift
>roll cage
Is Mako trying to get her into downhill or rally?

The yurifag fanart for YoshiMako is cringey but I do like delinquent Mako Again YoshiMako is so terrible it burns the eyes

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that's borderline retarded
>Yuri hates her parents so much she pretends to be retarded

I think she might not be doing it. Educated guess
>"Not to me Yuri!"

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that's not really

well, you do you W3

>fanart for YoshiMako is cringey

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>Yuri, do you mind telling us why our tv is stuck in audio description mode?

>did you even have any friends
Harsh but fair question.

>twice a week
Try twice a month.

>No Yuri we can't point to you on this color spectrum. That's not what we meant.

Yuri surprised me here, and it's adorable how she clams up when the wind fucks her over. Good girl.

last panel Tomoko calls Yuri out in her head, by the way. She says "You...! Why!?" Poor Yuri

Also only just now noticed that Asuka has the Yuu sweats of embarrassment here. I think that's the second or third time.

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Love vignette chapters. Nemo is best girl. 3 weeks till next issue - this sucks.
Also fan-artists gone mad with this chapter, specifically Kyonshi Yuri. Just like sad Asuka with her cup of tea back then.

Anons who cry over virginity shouldn't be reading a manga where its main character desperately wanted a dick in her pussy for about half of its runtime.

Nemo's back is erotic

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It's not a vignette chapter. Those are the ones with titles for every few pages. This is just a normal chapter about Tomoko interacting with a bunch of people.

well in the first place, never forget the facts they believed
>We're never gonna make it to three volumes
>This manga is gross
>It'll never get an anime, but whatever
>I dunno, fuck it

thanks W3

Cornering Tomoko while she's alone and demanding to know how far Asuka and her have gotten

I love the "it's not gay if you act gay, dudes" anons. It's like I'm back in 2013.

Never, they're too old for sleepovers. Best you'll get is a trip over the summer or something.

>Too old for sleepovers
user, I...

Does anyone have sleepovers past middle school?

Tomoko has been the one acting gay. Asuka just seems to be indulging her. We don't know yet and until we do, it's just wishful thinking to assume Asuka is gay.

Okay user

I'm not saying you can't be right but your reasoning is delightfully naive.

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Any high school/college party with enough booze turns into a sleepover

Every inch of Nemo's body is erotic. There's a reason she's Lewd Pink.

Tomoko only started acting gay for Asuka after Asuka acted gay first though. She initially thought that Asuka was a textbook Stacy that was making fun of her. It was only after the Disneyland trip that she started to consider Asuka a friend.

that isn't what a sleepover is, it's specifically a "I'm going to come to your house with the express purpose of hanging out and sleeping here" not "I'm going to come over and if I happen to get shitfaced, well, what happens happens"

All that flowery gay shit is Tomoko-vision. You need to think about what Asuka wants out out of their friendship and we're still in the dark on that front I'm not saying she couldn't be gay, all I'm saying is that reasonable doubt exists
Actually Tomoko became enamoured with Asuka because of the class mom fetish she seemed to have, especially at the christmas party and on the ride home after the trip. As for Asuka she only really started becoming interested in learning what kind of girl Tomoko was because she defused the Nemo/Akane feud.

It is lacking titles but chapter structure feels like vignette with emphasis on Tomoko. 3 different groups of people in total.

Good Nemo chapter
Last page give me hope that we will see Megumi again, she will be proud of current Tomoko

Now I understand why aka likes her. Based.

>became enamoured with Asuka because of the class mom fetish she seemed to have
You're misremembering. While she noticed that she didn't start blushing around her until the trip. I'll find the page.

Prior to that she didn't melt like she does around Yuu or anything, she just acted awkward (which is the norm for Tomoko)

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ughhh i want more!


calm down user, they're all huge dorks, they're having a sleepover, deal with it

first blush was this

That said after this she doesn't particularly care about Asuka's presence and doesn't blush when Asuka talks to her. Basically she blushed because Asuka was touching her (fake ears)

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>n-no this manga is now a yuri harem!
>what do you mean it's a coming of age story about a high school loner that slowly becomes a more developed and mature person?

and this is the actual moment that the spark for a crush was lit

The train ride home later sealed the deal, considering Asuka let Tomoko drool on her without batting an eye.

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Btw Tomoko used to cover her eye with hair. And now both her eyes are visible.

I only ever had sleepovers in high school and college.

You realize that most readers call it a yuri harem as a joke, right? Especially since it's only maybe two characters you could debate are romantically involved, and one of those two isn't considered by the protagonist whatsover.

It's a joke the manga itself has literally made, right after the Kyoto Trip. That's the joke, and it was supposed to be more of an inside joke for people who were reading the manga. Have you really not noticed how the only people seriously saying it's a yuri harem are those who aren't reading it and just assume it's a generic slice of life?

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what the fuck, are you right?

I mean definitely, I remember that, but has it been a long time since she covered one eye? I wonder when she stopped

Yes, it's a joke but within a certain group of people there are some who don't know that

1, nothing wrong with me

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Tomoko can be so fucking oblivious sometimes

Both the Lote and herself are the underdogs. It's a double-whami of a wish.

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Heh, her girlfriend is going to talk him into doing a threesome with another girl for the wrong reasons. Soooo, it's kind of a wash?

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>fallen from grace since then.
Yeah there's only about three daily Watamote threads. Truly the nadire.

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That's where your sewer-mouthed waifu belongs!

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>Yuri, Katou, Ucchi and Ki all find out Tomoko is going to do this and insist on Joining in.
>Boyfriend becomes overwhelmed and broken at all these girls coming into his room.

My wife isn't gay you cunt.

>new chapter
>Fuuka is the latest girl to turn into a dyke thanks to Tomoko's autistic pheromones
Will the manga end with one of the girls driving a stake through Tomoko's heart to make everyone straight again?

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> Nemo: "I don't want a bunch of virgin neets, whom I do not perspnally know, to have a say about my sexuality"
> Incelfags: "That means that already had so many dicks before! SLUT! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN MY WIFE!"

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More like one of the boys driving a dick through Tomoko's hymen.

It's like Yuu all over again
>has a steady relationship with a boy and has sex with him
>break up with him because he kept pestering her for it
No wonder so many Watamote fans find early Tomoko relatable, they're just as dumb as she is.

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Went through all the recent chapters. While she doesn't cover her eye as MUCH, she still does so at least once a chapter for near all the chapters.

hope that imae and tomoko wishes to be granted

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>Tomoko can be so fucking oblivious sometimes
>so fucking oblivious sometimes

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No but she's impressionable.

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That was Domo-kun

Yuri always has beautiful legs.

>Tomoko's wish was the same as Imae's
Fuck she really is one of the few who can stand up to Kouhai.

Teaming up with ucchi to get Asuka away from tomoko

I don't want Fuuka to go down the Ucchi route, anons...

Nemo being based as usual

when did Tomoko stop clutching her clothes when nervous

stupid sexy Yuri and her fat legs

A diet of crayons and paint chips will do that to you

incels BTFOd

wut? most girls have done that in all industries. Nowadays with gay CEOs and managers, men can do it too.

So this is how is going to end with Tomoko writing a light novel about her lonely life in school or reavealing that this is the novel and the friends we are seen are all made up?

Wow blew my mind. Hey, what if Squall and link from Majora mask were dead and the game was an elaborate self-delusion based on the stage of grief? That'd be also, "Woooooooh Bro"!

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Do you think Tomoko and Minami will ever bond?

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Minami is just Tomoko with no empathy

She has empathy
She empathized with Pinapple being frustrated with Tomoko's group and tried to cheer her up.

And how did Akane thank her? By bullying her and chasing her away.

Arent the crazy ones actually able to figure out if the idols are virgins

An accurate depiction of my high school life, and actually social life now in general.

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>She empathized with Pinapple being frustrated with Tomoko's group and tried to cheer her up.
No she didn't. Empathy is understanding and she completely had no idea why Akane was upset. She shittalked her friend and another girl because she didn't realize Akane was angry because Nemo hadn't told her a secret. She just thought "ha ha what fucking losers".

After Tomoko becomes Minami's bride's maid since no one, not even Mako, would do it and Tomoki begged her to do it to make Fang happy. They got closer from there, and Tomoko is looking forward to being an aunt of a half-sabretooth baby.

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That's mindreading, not empathy. She could tell Akane was upset, and she knew it was because of something Nemo did and that it had to do with Kuroki.
Noticing that much, and wanting her to feel better requires empathy. It's Akane's fault that Minami didn't understand why she was really mad. It's the same reason she shot down Asuka and Yoshida's attempts to cheer her up too.


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>That's mindreading, not empathy
No, user. She read someone being generally upset as "spiting losers". That is a total misfire.

Anyway bait someone else.


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I want to be a pro gamer

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>Akane just wants to have fun every day.
If she's willingly hanging around Tomoko I guess she finds Tomoko fun.

Full To Love Ru level lesbo nudist beach chapter when?!?

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>Kuroko takes Nemo's virginity
>Has character in her LN that's a fallen/disgraced Idol who she wants Nemo to voice.

They think they are.

Will Fuuka get her wish?

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>Minami's wish
Now I feel bad for her

Why is Itou so cute despite looking so plain

Mike Matei

Thanks W3

Based hairy mom

Will it ever end?

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How do you infer that was Minami's wish? Could've been anyone's really.

Facial symmetry mixed with intensity.

she still does

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Tomoko thinks she's actually jealous of her and Asuka so she publicly lets her know that it's ok to be gay.

Why does Ucchi chase after Tomoko when she thinks Tomoko is a lesbian player?

idk, that's a really weird thing for a straight girl like Ucchi to do, user

Because that way she still thinks she has a chance (even if Tomoko is only bi-curious at best)

Based Tomoko, spreading the gay.

Same to Imae's wish?

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Emojis don't stop until they are the absolute best at what they do. Ucchi knows she's up against a harem of thirsty bitches and she intends to come out on top no matter what. She'll be the one to make the gross girl monogamous.

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This gets explained in every thread, Ucchi's brain has just been scrambled by Tomoko's hyper-autism. She can't think straight even though she is straight.

No, Itou wants to observe people so she could learn everyone's habits and blend in as human

Will Glasses ever return or even notice Wada's feelings?

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I didn't remember, but yes.

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Imae, user


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Shit sorry. Yeah, same wish as Imae

Fuuka's wish won't be granted

My wish is that Fuuka returns to being a minor irrelevant character. My other wish is for Tomoko and Futaki to play video games together

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If she can't get to see Asuka's hair, she'll need another girl to experiment with. Who are the likely candidates?

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Objective tier list of all the Watagirls (or at least as many of the most relevant named ones I can recall)




>Asuka (almost B-Rank)


Nemo is disgusting get the fuck away from kuroki

The disney arc was really good. I hope we get more chapters like this.

Nemo is the strongest character

Nemo is just one of those girls that are done caring what other people think of her. She's being true to herself and isn't going to have her life dictated by purityfags

She's gonna develop a voyeurism fetish and actively work on getting Asuka and Tomoko to fuck or be intimate while she watches. I assume she'll clash with Ucchi since they would have conflicting stalker ideologies

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Best part of this chapter! Screw Asuka, I need moar wholesome KuroNemo interactions like this.

Though I must admit, this part was cute too.

Who's the one she's wiping chocolate off of?

This but I want to add Yuri in with them.

She really was Tomoko's idol. She could really throw an interesting wrench into the Tomoko-bowl. I wouldn't even object if she won it in the end.

What the hell is Ucchi even doing?

What do you think her wish was Anons? did we already see it?

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>I want to be popular!

Nemos wants the dick

A safe delivery.

>I want to be a pastry chef
We don't see the name but I want Fang to learn to make delicious steak pies. But it was probably some bitchy wish like 'let me get a boyfriend and be popular'

I'm fine with any girl winning the Tomokobowl as long as it's not Asuka.

lol no Nemo is one of the better Watamote characters.

It’s just so weird to get so much fanart after several years

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Thought so. Why is she in that class?

There must be rumors about them by now, especially after Asuka openly offered to let Tomoko grope her tits and then they both went off somewhere.

She's entittled too.

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>Yuri in S
>Asuka not in F
>Kii-chan only in B
>Ucchi not in S
However based for remembering all these randos

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She asked special permission to the teacher (Male), because she "missed" her own chocolate making class and really doesn't mind cooking with senpai.

I hope it's fucking sad like "To have friends" or "To not be hated" or even something like "For Mako to continue being my friend"

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Those first two would require too much self-awareness on her part

So are we all at least in agreement that Mako's wish was for Minami to be a nicer person? Even if she didn't put it up on the tree or even write it down.


> "I want Mako to choose my career for me because it's, like, too complicated and boring of a decision for me to make, lol."

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I'll choose a career for her. JAV whore then crack addict then pregnant crack addict then pregnant crack addict JAV whore then dead


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No, minami is physically cute, but she's just naturally mean-spirited. Really makes you wonder about how her and Mako's friendship came about. Anyway, she's one of my fave, in little doses.

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Did... Did Tomoko just rejected her? Damn girl.

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>Minami and Mako are hanging out eating lunch
>Yoshida walks up to Mako and says she want to talk about something
>Minami, desperate to keep Mako with her interrupts
>Yoshida, in her rather abrupt way says "Who was talking to you?"
>This sets Minami off and she insults Yoshida and they get into an argument, which when others come to break it up Minami gets into an insulting rampage and says rather mean things to all of Tomoko's friends and then storms off.
>The next day Mako and Minami are walking out of school together faced with everyone else calling Mako over
>A little more aware, Minami takes her leave not wanting to make trouble for Mako
>Yoshida starts by saying that she should stop hanging out with Minami and that everyone agrees
>Mako tries to put up an argument and turns to ask Tomoko what she thinks
>Indifferent to the matter, but not wanting to disagree with everyone says "I've never really liked her..."
>Mako concedes and says she'll stop hanging out with Minami if that's what everyone thinks
>Unknown to them, Minami was hiding behind the corner with tears streaming down her face covering her more as to avoid making any noise
>she walks back to the tanabata tree and tears up her wish.
>it reads, "Be a better friend to Mako"

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>I hope everyone's wishes are granted
D-Deja vu!

Are Jav actress often drug addicts? I feel that even in their sex industry the japanese like to keep things proper and professional.

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Meh. That's too melodramatic and Yoshida doesn't to tell other what they can or can't do just as she doesn't like people telling her to do. If Minami insults her she's going to explode in her face in anger, making Minami cower behind Mako, then Yoshida would bury the hatchet the next day and think nothing of it anymore. Yoshida mostly live for the present (But she has pals in Anna and Mako, who presses her to think about her future. She's well surrounded.).

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I missed last chapter's discussion about Yuri suddenly doing a miracle comeback into the Tomokobowl. What did you guys think about that?

Not often but there are a significant number of them who were coerced into the industry, usually by sweet talking guys pretending to be interested in them who then they slowly start to pressure them to take drugs and do other things they normally wouldn't like agree to do. The sex industry in Japanese is incredibly shade, especially when it comes to the ages of some of the girls involved.

>I missed last chapter's discussion about Yuri suddenly doing a miracle comeback into the Tomokobowl
You need to take off your yuri goggles, they're causing serious nerve damage to your eyes. Yuri has become a much better friend to Tomoko over the last volume or so of chapters but there is nothing to imply or even suggest that Yuri thinks of Tomoko in that way. Yuri and Nemo are strictly friends with Tomoko and nothing about that is set to change Also people that use 'bowl' in a non-harem series need to be taken out into a field and shot

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That's depressing. I'm sure Mako is going to talk her out if doing that kind of stuff and Minami is just goin to end up being your cute toxic office coworker instead.

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That's just them being pals, c'mon. She's not salivating on Yuri like she does on Asuka and Kouhai. Tomoko's type is the tall and gorgeous boy/girl.

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I guess Tomoko isn't into her, but Yuri definitely wants her.

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is Itou an alien?

She's possessive when it comes to sharing her friends. Remember when she made a scene because Mako decided tom accompany Minami? She probably has abadonement issues. She probably already lost friends because of her behaviour.

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I still think i'd be funny chapter to see Minami lose her one and only friend. Maybe It'd make more sense if Nemo or Asuka went up to Mako. I still think the argument beginning between Minami and Yoshida makes the most sense but perhaps others who dislike Minami would use this to cut her out. Yoshida would probably be indifferent to the matter, but I can't imagine she'd defend Minami.

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nemo will arrange for wada to grant tomoko's last year wish

Never change, Ucchi.

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Seems like normal behaviour among friends. Not like all that gay shit with Ucchi and Asuka.

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Actually do change Emiri. EMOJI UP AND ASK HER ON A DATE, BAKA!

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>but Yuri definitely wants her.
That's your headcanon user. So far Yuri has only shown intent to be Tomoko's best friend at school and rub it in Nemo's face when she succeeds. On that note I don't think Yuri is actually competing with Yuu when it comes to being Tomoko's overall best friend (that role is probably going to be filled by Asuka)

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>that tit bounce
Why isn’t Ucchi real bros?

So she's getting a girlfriend in the spin-off manga right? Surely all this suffering can't be for nothing.

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She's an alien observing Komiyama

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Itou a slut!


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>chiba enkou

Why is Minami dressed up like Itou?

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Nemo looks like Wada. Tomoko still looks cute. Yuri isn't Yuri without her pigtails. Asuka looks like an ftm tranny.

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I can imagine her empathizing with Minami's isolation, it's all up to Minami to admit Tomoko's popular now.

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>somebody posts genderswapped fanart
>negative reactions
so we're all in agreement that people only want characters to be gay is because they're cute girls, right?

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I legitimately think Ucchi is mentally ill. Her behavior is erratic, paranoid, obsessive and possessed. Sure it's cure, but it's unhealthy and a product of Stockholm syndrome. The fact that she calls her gross and romanticizes her for it even and build her interests and routines around her is more than just being a a creepy stalker, it's being a mentally ill stalker

Attached: UcchiGang.png (425x354, 116K)

>anime reaction image
>thinks tomboy hair is genderswap
Checks out

>I legitimately think Ucchi is mentally ill
The fact that she's attracted to other girls would be the first hint, yeah

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She's just a seriously repressed homosexual. She's kept it hidden for a long time even among her friends but this thing with Tomoko has pushed her into over the edge and she's slowly started to have sexual feelings for Tomoko. I hope we get a reveal in a future chapter about Ucchi having asked a girl she liked out and for the girl to laugh it off and say she was being 'creepy' then after that she did what Nemo did and didn't express her true feelings because she was afraid to.

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So when is he granting Tomoko's wish?

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Why is Minami pure sex?

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What happened to this fag? I forgot he exist except you other fags(male) keep bringing him up. I thought the male love interest was the glasses guy who, apparently, keeps looking at Tomoko.

He's the love interest for glasses guy

>yurifags are so afraid of a het ending they desperately latch onto this homo pairing so they can eliminate glasses from the mokobowl
How cute

I hope I mae visits the school for the culture festival out of curiosity and nostalgy.

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That face is saying "jesusfuck, my girldick".

>implying he's anything but a homo

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More like Minami has been ruining Yuri's relationships since at least middle school, trying to isolate her for some reason.

Wada probably sucks more old man cock in a day than Asuka could in a whole weekend. But glasses isn't gay.

Wada will end up in a wholesome relationship with Tomoko and you're going to like it

>But glasses isn't gay.
You're right. It ain't gay if it's Wada.

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I can't wait for Tomoko to become Wada confident who's going to tell her his adentures as a boywhore, fucking tons and tons of old men. He'll even have some videos to show her.

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>Was I born the wrong gender?

Tomoko confirmed FtM?

Glasses is too much of a normie, I don't see him and Tomoko working out at all.

Would have probably made me cry if I was like 14 when I read

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It's a reveal that the manga is just an autobiography.

Hum... Tomoko, Imae probably wouldn't have tried to exploit a moment of weakness to get a date out of somebody... oh well, nice try.

Are we going to get some twist that Imae was just like Tomoko in the beginning but changed for the better when she met her own Imae-senpai?

She wasn't trying to get a date out of her. She was trying to comfort her like Imae might but Tomoko tripped up over her own stupidity and accidentally said something perverted. Poor girl

Now look here, Wada is good but Asuka is no slouch. She takes pride in her work as a professional prostitute and her vixen heritage and I will not let you slander her skills like that.

>yfw Tomoko falls in love with her and Mae wins the Tomoko bowl

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Marriage of convenience until Japan legalizes gay marriage and they could finally get with their significant others.

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>was I born the wrong gender?
She should ask one of the local lesbians how girls could love other girls. The UFO seems to be a popular meet-up spot for them and she could get some first-hand experience too.

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Male Yuri should have a rattail

Why is Tomoko such a chicks magnet?

mentally ill /u/fags won't buy the manga otherwise

Nah, /u/fags would be happy with just Yuri, Asuka and Uchi.

Will this shit just end already?


Stop including Yuri, she isn't romantically interested in Tomoko. It's only Ucchi and Asuka at best

Ucchi before Tomoko was a healthy, athletic young girl with a solid cadre of friends. After Tomoko she turned into a demented lesbian.

I blame homosexuality.

It will never end.

She smells, but the smell is that of her succubus heritage except she got it from her father who is an incubus. The universal sign of an incubus in the Watamoteverse are the ringed eyes. That is why she is surrounded by very "friendly" girls and the only reason it's not worse is because she's subconsciously holding herself back. It makes sense since incubuses are usually male like her father and brother and she's a rare female specimen. The moment she realizes that she doesn't need to be a guy to munch rugs is the moment the floodgates fly open. No girl in the city is safe.

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I don't want it to end per se, I just want something significant to finally happen

What significant event are you looking forward to finally happening?

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I don't know, it just seems to me there's nothing going on for the last 50 chapters

based and redpilled.

What a progressive pineapple.

Surely there is someone that can stop her right?

No she was obviously a closeted dyke back then. I doubt she was actually happy deep down

Yoshida finally figuring out who Tomoko's brother is

When you think of Katou as the girl, Fuuka as a childhood friend, and Tomoko as the creeper guy the childhood friend is suddenly all over, it really feels like a soft NTR plot.
>Be one of the sportiest members at school, considered an ace, and basically the hero jock
>BFFs with the hottest girl in school, people say you look great together, but you aren't dating
>suddenly she's super close friends with this shifty looking creep you've never met
>on their first lunch with your group, they talk about wanting to touch boobs
>your best friend literally takes the creep away to apparently oblige the request
>neither of them are willing to be frank with you about what happened after that treating you as an overall outsider

Man, I fully understand Fuuka's slowly breaking sanity at this point.

>I want to get along with everyone

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kek, pineapple belongs to high melanin gentlemen with big genitalia

If fuuka has the perfect life you describe i don't think her finding out that things wont go her way all the time would be that harmful

I can't wait to see them dating.

Agreed. but there will definitely be an Arc for him. They gotta give Tomoko closure about all the times she made fun of him behind his back in year 1.

The Yoshinori Arc will about him asking Tomoko for Help confessing to Asuka or maybe Minami.
Maybe a chapter of people wondering if Tomoko and Yoshinori are going out, just to fuck with Ucchi.

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He seems more likely to end up with Pineapple than either of those two.

I feel like it will be addressed at some point but Nico will probably chicken out and Watamote will go out on an open ended note, at least on the romance area. I could definitely see Ucchi being pissed at Tomoko for liking boys


This is why people use Pinapple instead of Akane in the first place. fuck. Forget I said Asuka. Asuka isn't in the equation.

Anyway, Akane's a good default choice, but Since he's confessed To Nemo before, I'm less inclined to think he knew her this long and only just now decided to ask her.

What makes Minami an interesting choice, would be that him talking to Tomoko about Minami would be a round about way of Tomoko facing the meaner side of herself, and realizing that the side she usually kept hidden and buried can be seen as brash and cute by some people.

Not actually dating, just meeting up to talk about this stuff, and people getting the wrong idea.

That's what i was implying

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Will she ever stop being BTFO?

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Don't forget that her own "friends" were making fun of her before she arrived. W3 fucked up the TL though


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Tomoko will save her

somehow im starting to feel bad for her

I don't know much about Tanabata Etiquette, but I feel like requesting a specific person by name and putting that wish on the tree for everyone to see is bad form.

Fang is a gossipy cunt and deserves every bit of bullying she receives.

>He seems more likely to end up with Pineapple than either of those two.
She holds absolutely zero sexual or romantic interest in him.

This is actually a fucking retarded fanart considering that Yuri was being really level-headed and considerate for Tomoko in this chapter and she even freely admitted she didn't have any interest in writing a wish.

he showed up a few chapters ago, before the suspension

>Since he's confessed To Nemo before
user, that was not him.

They went to different schools.

She has to... otherwise her chances of progress with Kuroko are none.

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>Don't forget that her own "friends" were making fun of her before she arrived.
post it? Or what chapter?

He's not wrong, though. They ARE happy with Yuri and Yuri is one of if not the most widely-supported ship, whether or not Yuri is canon gay (she could be but even if she is, she doesn't seem to be romantically interested in Tomoko)

I totally thought that was a chick the first time i read it.

Got a twitter link?


Thanks, user

Remainder: Tomoko will get a boyfriend

No, they want Yuri to be included as being a romantic interest of Tomoko. /u/ fags want this to be a yuri harem which is definitely not what Watamote is or needs to be. The whole reveal of Yuri being a massively uncomfortable introvert has been a great development on Nico's part and has give us insight into how other characters in this manga have coped with social isolation. It's been so much more refreshing and inventive than say giving Yuri a romantic attachment to Tomoko as a reason for her closeness to her, something that so many /u/ fags clambered for after the trip.

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What they say is, straight up
>Koharu-chan's coming over to 3-4...
>She's been coming way too often lately. It's hilarious.

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>No, they want Yuri to be included as being a romantic interest of Tomoko
that's what I said, yes

W3's take is a lot less biting than it should be. I'll break it down
this means "too much" in a, usually, negative sense. Mostly literally what the girl said is "Hasn't she been coming to this class too much?"
This is the real damning thing. This is what "popular" type bitchy/douchey girls and boys, including Minami, like to say when they're making fun of others. Means "hilarious~" like "what a fucking joke". It can be positive, like "すぎ", but the context here, and dropping it at the end, is blatantly "pff, what a loser, she keeps coming here because she has no friends"

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Your life? Hopefuly.

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But Tomoko's a cute! Cute!

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Minami will look up and shout "Save me!"... and Tomoko will look down and whisper "No."

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Oh yeah I remember that. I would say they insulted her, perhaps they were insinuating something but it wasn't explicit.

there's really not any slicing it, this sort of talk isn't ever done in good spirit

Based Sensei. Thank ypu

OVA, anime, anything?

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Poor Fang

She could only be defeated by another incubus, but Tomoki is too weak. But there is another....
Sleepover Tomodad NTR doujin when?

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There's only one person in the entire series that holds any regard for Glasses.

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>50 chap
Last 50 chapters? Do you even read this manga?

- Valentine day arc.
- Graduation of Imae and Tomoko in tears.
- Class Party at bbq bar
- Beginning of the 3rd year. Nemo reveals her true self as Otaku
- Disneyland trip.
- Yuri meets Yuu
- Komi & Akari as Dick sisters + Sayaka.
- Komi - Yoshida confrontation
- 3 college visits
- Nemo special
- Anna, Rena and Futaki enter the game
- 2 sport festivals. Flower crowns etc
- Ucchi and her gang. Failed confession
- Asuka groping incedent
- Suspension arc

And these are only significant events (even not all of them) happened in the last 50 chapters. Incoming culture festival, exams, graduation, maybe trip. I know you are exaggerating, but you can check like last 15-20 chapters. A lot happened!

Has the yuribaiting gone too far?

Clearly user is not entertained by the manga anymore. What I wonder is why he wants it to end instead of dropping it.

Not him but I want to see it end before chapter 200 because it would definitely be dragged out. One of the biggest problems, especially in third year, is how far Nico has expanded the cast. They're having to juggle far too many plot threads and because of that vignette and multi-character chapters are becoming too common. I'd like to see Nico actually do a few solo chapters for a while to properly address certain characters and give them the right amount of focus instead of what they are currently doing which is handle little bits of everyone each chapter.

You know I could really go for a MOMMY chapter with Sensei, Tomomom, Delinqmom and Katoumom. Why would they be together? Who knows, parent-teacher conference. Don't care, would read it.

I don't agree on the grounds of reception and general format. Fact is, (almost) all of the characters are well-liked (the more minor ones like Komi don't have lots of fans, but they have fans) to the point that when you do a focus chapter, you basically are excluding all other characters. This is why Nico *does* do focus chapters, but extremely rarely. There was an Ucchi chapter recently, two Yuri chapters recently, an Asuka chapter recently, and though it might seem like a long time ago even Nemo got one, but the more you do something like that, the less opportunity you give others, and in the end it's less entertaining.

Maybe more solo chapters couldn't hurt, but I don't think they've struck a bad balance as is. Within this chapter due to the format, we got more Yuri character progression, more Kouhai prominence, a sincere moment with Nemo, and even Imae in spirit. Outside of that we had Ucchi being Ucchi, Asuka being Asuka (I say that as an Asukafag, she didn't do much of anything this chap beyond being herself), and Fuuka being Fuuka, but most of the chapter was instead dedicated to fleshing out three instead of honing in on one. Personally, I liked that a lot.

More chapters like the Golden Week arc would be good. It allowed for different characters to get the spotlight without feeling like anyone was being left out (like Akane) or forced in (like Fuuka).

>forced in (like Fuuka).
This. Why should I care about Asuka's friend Fuuka now any more than Ucchi Gang or Yoshida's group of friends who don't get the same amount of chapter attention compared to her? She was a totally needless addition. It probably would have been easier giving Kaho focus since we already knew her as Asuka's friend and she was established as a minor character. Alternatively give another girl who actually is in Tomoko's class, but not necessarily connected to people she already knows, some attention. Like this girl, who's name we still don't know.

Attached: watamote6.png (516x486, 202K)

This, I fucking hate her, what a boring, pointless character

Because she's funny. Those other characters don't really have anything funny going on.

I wouldn't care about her being used so much but her entire character is just a lesser, Frankensteined version Ucchi + Miyazaki + Akari. I think she's a good example that maybe the cast might have reached its limit regarding characters because there's nothing original about her and she's just the same joke repeated endlessly but Miho has shown more despite having like a half-dozen speaking lines total because spirited, easygoing popular girl who likes dirty jokes isn't anything really covered.

So unless she somehow gets massively reworked the takeaway is that yeah Fuuka's just a shit character.

The same could be said for Asuka herself though.

No. Y'all can't go a single thread without saying the same thing, though

Please tell me, what part of Asuka's character or relationship with Tomoko isn't forced, and how does her presence enrich the manga?

>how does her presence enrich the manga?
hotcakes, japs love muh perfect class mommy

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Why should I tell you again, you're just going to disagree

Seriously, if you're just ignoring everything what exactly are you expecting? Me to suddenly convince you otherwise? And I mean it, it's not as if there haven't been several posts, an image gallery, and discussions over what makes her interesting or why her character works. Read those. Personally I find it incredibly fucking ironic how people can simultaneously say most of the characters are good but Asuka is bad although Nico has written her using pretty much the same exact techniques he's used for everyone else.

This. I love the manga but I have no delusions about how bloated the cast has become and how that has made Nico's job writing compelling chapters more difficult especially since it limits what kind of stories can be told. Solo chapters like Tomoko walking home in the rain with Yoshida and Imae or going fishing with her dad would probably be cut back on. It's happening already if you consider how infrequently Tomoko has solo chapters with Tomoki now.



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Komi-shit looks a dorky succubus. Would do, then regret putting dick in crazy.

YuriNemo is cute but they'll only end up being friends

>have cake
>eat too
Pick one. She has several moments on her own, anyway, and has had at least one chapter half to herself. The baffling thing is that you call "basically 4 other characters" bloat. Yuri, Nemo, Yoshida, and Asuka. Which, is bloated by 1 major character addition, since Nemo, Yuri, and Yoshida used to be the only other major side characters. MAYBE you can count Shizuku, as 5. Oh, there are minor characters with panel and page time? That's definitely new, and it's definitely not something that has been a factor forever.

Ucchi was like that and arguably still is, save for a handful of chapters and moments where she isn't. Kii is like that and whenever she reappears, the entire chapter is dedicated to her. Komi is like that, though she doesn't always take the entire chapters (but even recently, she did). Itou is like that, as well as Akari and Sayaka, all characters who basically only serve to repeat their gags.

However we also have Anna, Rena, and Akane now, who aren't bloating anything considering they are only friends of friends. While they also have time given to them here and there, each one of them is pretty unique and not dedicated to one or two jokes. That said if they WERE given focus, maybe we would ACTUALLY experience bloat as then there would be 8 major side characters in the series, who all need focus and development. If you REALLY focus on Minami, that's 9. Honestly I expect Minami to become elevated, but not Tomoko's friend, at some point. She actually has an interesting character arc.

As it stands, Yuri, Nemo, and Asuka get the most focus outside of Tomoko herself, including standalone chapters, or chapters that have most of their page-count dedicated to them. When Shizuku shows up she gets significant focus usually, but she hasn't shown up much. Yoshida actually doesn't appear as much either, but is obviously important and gets important treatment as a result.

itou looks like she is about to land a fat crit

>Komi-shit looks a dorky succubus.
So like usual?

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Reasons to dislike Asuka
>She starts being a character and one of Tomoko's friends largely out of the blue, unlike all the previous characters, who were typically introduced with a specific event.
>She's arguably the moment where the cast starts becoming bloated. Prior to her, it was largely just Tomoko, Yuu, Komi, Nemo, and the three from the field trip.
>She's presented as a romantic interest, and generally played straight, unlike Yuri and Nemo, who are primarily friends and anything romantic is ambiguous at best, or Ucchi and Shizuku, who are gag characters who you aren't required to take seriously.
>She's really not as deep as you think she is, having flaws does not a deep character make, and what you see is all you get. Posts like really don't make a convincing argument here.
>She's overbearing
>She's a discount Imae

Does Asuka even have any sort of joke?
She's mothering I guess, and Tomoko idealises her too much?

Go away Fuuka autist

The cast is bloated you sperg. Before they were irrelevant background characters but now these characters have names, motivations, unique traits and their own (minor) plot significance. I just think focusing on Fuuka is one step too far considering Nico had to take the time to properly develop and adapt her into the plot, which in such a short time could be construed as being 'forced'. This is especially true since there was already a suitable character for the role Fuuka filled in Kaho.

>The cast is bloated you sperg
Prove it, then! How? I told you why it isn't, tell me why it is.

I love my wife Yuri!

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It's like fucking 3 where I live. I'm not going to indulge for like 30 mins to an hour you since you won't accept my response anyway because of how steadfast you are in your convictions. Whatever, the cast isn't bloated I'm going to bed.

Does she need a joke? What?

And honestly wow, that's a lot of opinions mate. So
>ignoring that Nemo was introduced to Tomoko out of the blue
>bloat claims, see
>>She's presented as a romantic interest, and generally played straight
You can dislike her for that but mercy is it a very, very "to you and only you" opinion to have. It's not even something I'm denying. What was asked was why is it reasonable, and to ignore that Asuka has reasons for becoming interested in Tomoko is, like I even said in the first place, ignorance. You're ignoring things. Like, holy shit
>>having flaws does not a deep character make, and what you see is all you get. Posts like (You)# really don't make a convincing argument here.
What even is this? I didn't say having flaw makes someone deep, what makes her deep is that beyond the surface level there is more to her character. You can find out more beyond "is pretty, likes makeup, is forward". That is depth. You idiot, that's the same you can do with Yuri or Nemo
-Yuri is usually listening to music and in her own head
-Yuri is relieved when she realizes all her friends are in the same class
-Yuri stutters when she first calls Tomoko her friend, because she's awkward
What that's not depth? Or, that IS depth, but not the facts
-Asuka doesn't interact with others outside of 2 close friends + Tomoko if she can help it. The few friends she does have, she values greatly even though they're in different classes. Further you can determine that "friends" she had before don't actually matter to her particularly because she DOESN'T interact with them
-Asuka is despondent when Tomoko is suspended
-Asuka tries to make excuses to avoid dealing with people she dislikes

She is overbearing but personally that trait of hers interests me.
>>discount Imae
That doesn't even make sense, they're not alike at all and not themed in any way similarly. If anything, Tomoko is a discount Imae, trying to become the genuine article.

I'm not talking about Fuuka at all, I'm talking about all the minor characters in this series filled with minor characters

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# (You)
Crossboarding faggot. I guess you're not satisfied until your autism seeps into both boards. Your wall of texts analyse of every post you reply to is a fucking eyesore. Why can't you be succinct or simply refrain from going on a rant every time you discover someone doesn't share your (obviously correct because you wrote them) views

Get a sense of humor [X] autist

>Please tell me, what part of Asuka's character or relationship with Tomoko isn't forced, and how does her presence enrich the manga?
>Please tell me

And if I don't say anything, and just don't agree, I'm asked to explain. If I explain, I'm called an autist for doing what I've done with the entire cast of Watamote. It's really impressive how hating lesbians and anything related to them makes you so up your own ass that you become perfectly unreasonable. Watamote is a well-written series, you can talk about it a lot. If I do, though, it's a bad thing according to you.


>hating on lesbians
You know that isn't the central issue. People's reasons for disliking Asuka cannot be dimunited to that level so easily. Regardless of how hard you try to steer in that direction. Asuka is a bland, boring character. That's a opinion that is no less subjective than your own opinion, no matter how strongly you draw on evidence to the contrary. Evidence tainted by your own biases and prejudices. Shove your own head up your ass, narcissist faggot.

Having a joke would at least give her something to make her chapters more interesting.
You don't need to like Ucchi herself to appreciate the jokes in an Ucchi chapter. You do need to like Asuka to care at all about an Asuka chapter, because you're certainly not gonna be getting anything else from it.

>Romantic interest
This being played straight is a problem because having a romantic interest that's taken seriously significantly changes the tone of the manga, is something it certainly didn't need, and overshadows the other characters by comparison.

Regarding depth, this is difficult to for me to appropriately word and talk about, so I'll just say the only time I saw any sort of depth in Asuka was in the Aoyama chapter when she's talking about why she wanted to attend.

You've clearly never had to deal with anyone like that in real life if you think it's interesting.

>discount imae
It's simple and perfectly sums up Asuka's character and relation to Tomoko.
The Tomoko-Shizuku relationship isn't meant to parallel Tomoko's relationship to Imae, it's meant to blatantly parody it.

Wow you make Yoshida and Mako bigger bitches than Minami. Nice writing, Nico should hire you.
Popular ones of course. Fuck Kuroki.

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I'm really not narcissistic whatsoever. To be honest, I'm a fan of Tanigawa Nico. What you are saying to me is that, Nico, they're written shittily by using exactly the same means they've written almost every other major character. Objectively, I am pointing the details to you where they have added depth to her character, and core reasons to her motivations. Do you have to like her despite that? No. However, if Katou Asuka is bland, then so is Tamura Yuri. You are full of shit, that is what I am saying. And you're being a cunt. I don't think Nico is flawless, far from it. Fuuka is a glaring example of their often-employed use of really simple joke characters only there for jokes. However, the major characters (bar arguably Yoshida) all have the same sorts of techniques applies to them: you know something at base, however if you read closely and look again there are significant character details. You won't even grant me that, and that's fucking insulting. It's not insulting to me, but to the author. THAT'S bias. You're looking at what they've done, coloring it with your own dislikes, and reading it as poorly done although it's exactly the same.
>You know that isn't the central issue
Then I'd love to know why it's the issue most anyone ever brings up aside from a certain Ucchifag whose primary complaint is that Asuka is "yuribait". The sentiment is always very much the same, even in your post. Go back to /u/, yuri is ruining the manga, yuri fans are fake fans, fucking dykes, delusional shitters, so on
so forth

You claim I'm narcissistic when all I want you to do is chill the fuck out and stop being such fucking dramatic, tribalist fucking faggots.

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The nips really liked the scene of Yuri getting tagged in the face. There's lots fanart for it.

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Not him, but
>Fuuka is a glaring example of their often-employed use of really simple joke characters only there for jokes.
She's meant to be a joke character?
Why wasn't anyone laughing then?
What is her joke anyway?
It's certainly not misunderstanding, because she's going straight from what Asuka and Tomoko have told her.

>Having a joke would at least give her something to make her chapters more interesting.
I completely disagree. Until very recently Yuri had no jokes associated with her, and when she began to have jokes people were complaining (and some still do) that she had been reduced to one joke: she is autistic and she punches. People ALSO complain about Ucchi, even outside of here. The only complaints I haven't seen anywhere except for when the cafeteria lunch seiyuu chapter hit are for Nemo. She has "a joke", but not really. She has a rivalry of a sort with Tomoko and she embarrasses easily, but these aren't jokes. Your character doesn't need a joke. Tomoko doesn't have a joke, Nemo doesn't, Asuka doesn't. Yuri used to not, and she was praised as the series' best character.
>changes the tone of the manga
This isn't an inherently bad thing, this already happened, dramatically. Compare then and now, and Watamote simply is not the manga it began as.
>in the Aoyama chapter when she's talking about why she wanted to attend.
I'm curious why you think so, because a character plainly stating what they want to do and why isn't generally depthful unless it's worded a certain way, or in a certain context. It isn't what I'd point to.
>You've clearly never had to deal with anyone like that in real life if you think it's interesting.
Is interesting supposed to mean likable? I wasn't saying you were wrong about that being a reason to dislike her.

I don't agree with your Imae point at all. Also I'd disagree that their relationship is just a parody. It's directly going to show how Tomoko is improving as a person. She started off completely hating Shizuku, and now she cares enough about her to keep responsible for her and try to comfort her

>She's meant to be a joke character?
>Why wasn't anyone laughing then?
>What is her joke anyway?
user don't be obtuse. Contrary to the load of bitching here, the reception in Japan and most places is high for Fuuka. A lot of people like her. I don't because I don't really like any of the one-note characters in Watamote, except Kii who I used to hate, but they did alright with her in her last chapter.

The joke is Fuuka, Fuuka is the joke. She finds herself in embarrassing situations and gets completely shamed by stumbling through them and completely lacking the right context, words, or whatever. You are meant to laugh at her as a fool, like Tomoko in the past basically. And no, I'm not saying she's "as good as Tomoko", I'm saying that's the concept: this person is an idiot, laugh at her. And if you think that wasn't the case for Tomoko, you're lying. While she was sympathetic at times, for the most part Tomoko was a walking failure who tended to bring failure onto herself. Never forget vacuum hickies, for one

It takes a real asukafag and yurifag to write all these seething tl;dr posts trying to defend a shitty forced character who is for the most part responsible on making the manga worse


This, I never had a problem with any character until Assuka happened

Needing a joke was more about her role as a romantic interest, the dynamic is different for that compared to with a simple friendship.
Yuri and Nemo don't need jokes because they aren't presented that way and are, though you may consider this subjective, better characters in general.
Yuri's punching annoyed me too, but more because it felt like a cheap drama grab than a joke.

It could have stayed as it was after the field trip, just Tomoko and a small circle of friends, and I would have already been very happy with it.
That's also not a big jump from what came before, while the subsequent expansion of the cast and romantic tones being added was.

It's the first time we learn anything about Asuka's family or background, or get anything at all about her that's not just her relationship to the class and Tomoko.
You might not understand it, but this is the only time in since Asuka's initial introduction that I found anything interesting about her.

It is, the events are similar to the ones between Tomoko and Imae, but with the characters and their motivations totally twisted around.
Tomoko starts off caring about Shizuku, but her opinion of her gets worse and worse the more she learns. Shizuku is presented as a bad person with zero self-awareness, and as someone with less chance than even Fang of recognising that and changing herself.

Isn't that just dicky-chan's joke? That girl made more sense because its a filthy joke not unlike
sending dick pics on twitter to a female mangaka. Something is lost in translation when its just about hair or covered boobs.

It's a combination of that and Ucchi.

I don't think it's about the perversion, though, it's about social faux pas.
-train: Tomoko shuts her down for being impolite despite openly talking about pussy licking
-cafeteria: Asuka shuts her down for being impolite despite talking about breast groping
-Tanabata: she accidentally writes something perverse in a social context, embarrassing herself

Her obsession and extremely angry reactions are also meant to be funny

tomoko is my life

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They are better characters. They've had more time and are *more* unique than Asuka. I still don't see why you think a joke is necessary at all. Personally I'd put Asuka as third best for being generally subversive and surprising, while having a load of detail written into her that I was only able to find by reading more than once. However compared to the thoroughly complicated Nemo, or Yuri (who simply has had far, far more time to show off everything about her, not all at once, and in bits and pieces), so far Asuka is third place. I don't think I'll ever consider her higher, even if she actually becomes Tomoko's girlfriend and expresses some true feelings; Nemo is simply way better, and Yuri more relatable and interesting.
>That's also not a big jump from what came before
It kind of is. We went from what was essentially a full on cringe gag manga to a thoroughly detailed interpersonal light drama with coming of age themes. It *works* because the transition was gradual. Romance, mind, would also be gradual at this point if it happened. No matter what's said, Asuka *has* had a large amount of buildup. She's been at least somewhat interested in Tomoko since chapter 106, and it's at 162 now. The transition to a different kind of series in the first place really began and 69 and solidified at around 120 (the Class Party). There's been time.
>You might not understand it, but this is the only time in since Asuka's initial introduction that I found anything interesting about her.
I certainly don't. Why do you find her relationship with Kayo, largely built through the background and through expressions, uninteresting compared to exposition? I mean it was nice having a little backstory, I guess, but that doesn't inform much about her compared to "goes to lengths to stay friends with one specific person, and nobody else".

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Imagine hating both Fuuka and Asuka when Nico is positioning Fuuka to take Asuka out of the Tomobowl without bloodshed. Hating both is self-defeating, let Fuuka see Asuka's hair.

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>>I'd disagree that their relationship is just a parody
I'm saying it is, just not only. Also you're blatantly ignoring that Tomoko literally cares about her more than ever. She STARTED with a low opinion, and felt worse for her as they talked. Yes, at times, she pisses Tomoko off, but Tomoko still is dedicated to trying to help her. What the hell? How could you misconstrue that?

Also ignoring the capacity for change. She's still in her first year. Tomoko herself says that change didn't happen for her until midway through second year.

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Fuuka is literally mashed up bits of other characters' stuff. That's what makes her and her getting shoved into every fucking chapter so egregious. There's other characters around that may have roles or whatever that aren't fixed (Kaho calmly eating while Asuka is being melodramatic over No Mokko, in one panel, gives you a great set up for the two of them for instance). Even if Fuuka was just limited to being one of the Kaho/Fuuka/Miho trio she'd be bearable.

But she's not. That's what makes me annoyed by her.

Kaho, Kayo is no-pupils girl, friend of Ucchi

>doujins written around the latest chapter coming out within a day or two after the chapter released
With this kind of supports, why there is no news of S2 yet?

Still bugs me how long it took for Tomoko to admit she and Yoshida are friends.

This was chapter 143 and she still hadn't really acknowledged it.

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Well, Tomoko’s VA is studying in England for a year

Yoshida acting violent towatds Tomoko, even when Tomoko didn't deserveit didn't help.

She's a yurifag she must like the new developments.

Yoshida acted violent towards her own delinquent friends

But she will give gifts on a good day

What is yuu wearing? A nachos dress?

... Cherries? I think

She wants the D

Why wouldn't she? She's human after all.

These spikes are cherries? What? Do I need my brain checked? Again?

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I definitely thought this was off-model Mako the first time through.

What I need to know is if this is manga is still legs centric.

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It never was.

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Why did she even lie?

Desperate to be liked by Asuka so she'll respond in a way that she thinks Asuka wants. If Tomoko had said she had hung up a wish then she'd have gone against what Asuka believed.

Do you think that Tomoko keeps that outfit in her closet just in case Tomoki changes his mind about it and her?

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I'll double what said and add that she's just awkward. She's still not exactly what I'd call "good" with people, so she wanted the best case scenario (okay, I already wrote something, but she wants to write something first time with me, I'll just write something "new" now and make her happy, otherwise she'll be disappointed)

But she's got enough awareness to immediately realize that is stupid and it would've have been fine if she said "actually, I have written something"

Those are the cherry stems, look closer.

Where are we at in their 3rd year? Google says the school year begins in April and ends in March. Wikipedia says the Tanabata is held in August. I thought they were close to graduation?

Why do you retards go on about s2 so much? Too much time has passed for it to get another season and the manga is only moderately more popular than it was a few years ago and it still isn't as popular as when the anime aired

We're towards the end of their first term. When exactly Tanabata is varies with the region and August would be in their summer break, so it must be July right now.

Ah, I just checked. Tanabata in Tokyo is July 5th to 9th. So I guess that's where we're at.

Is there anything in-between Tanabata and summer break?

i doubt she'd throw it away

So barely a month has passed since the chapter about Tomoko's skirt.

>I want to see it end before chapter 200
It's been 40 chapters since third year began and we're just now getting to the end of their first semester. At this rate we'll easily end up with over 200 chapters.

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final exam

Yuri is a possessive and spiteful character sometimes who prefers to have something destroyed than let anyone else enjoy it, much like the replies in this thread that want the comic dead, and personally attack people trying to discuss it.

In contrast, Minami who has generously given up her seat, and works hard to spread laughter amongst her friends.

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When you put it that way, I like the idea of an irl Yuri who keeps posting about how she wants this comic to end already.

Do it Tomoko, her boyfriend would be better off without her.

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Can't wait for the Asuka boyfriend reveal

The chapter straight up says that Tanabata starts July 7th so it's still in the first week of July.

I legitimately think a few Asuka fags would kill themselves if that happened which isn't a bad thing

Yeah, I love the idea of Tomoko being forced to pose as a boy for Asuka's upright parents, and Ucchi being fully pushed over the edge after seeing it.

>imagining any girl's boyfriend stands a chance with Chadmoko around

i wonder if she does sexual favors to her guy friends

Good thread

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