>fire fighters who fight fire with even hotter fire
This is dumb right from the premise
Fire fighters who fight fire with even hotter fire
>he doesn't fight fire with fire
Do you even shonen battle anime?
>what is controlled burn
>that mid drift.
Just about everything in series is dumb
>See this image
>Think it's her regular outfit
>It's not
fucking dropped
Would watch an anime about a fit fire witch with this outfit......actually. Be right back
Nekomimi not good enough eh
It's not special if it's her regular outfit. This is why firecat and her default whore outfit is inferior.
>conveniently leaving out the pyrokinesis
really makes you think
You do know that explosives, flamethrowers, steam cannons, and jet engines are all used in extreme scenario firefighting right?
Having actual command over fire or carrying a turbocharged cutting torch isn't strange. The real ridiculous part is dragging a priestess into a burning building to say last rites.
Chief a best. Doing it the old fashioned way.
Don't shitpost with my wife you mongoloid niger.
Gorilla loving faggot
I'm not gonna defend the premise at all, it's a fucking shounen
switch your brain off bro
Animeonly fag here. Why did they rush the tournament Arc so much and are they(8th brigade) basically Fire Fighter Schutzstaffel?
>being this gay.
>Why did they rush the tournament Arc so much
Because it wasn't a tournament arc, it was just a simple drill to test the new recruits
Please don't call her a muscle-brained cyclops.
That's uncalled for.
Maki is the better MC.
Reminder MakiXIris is OTP
Why don't the girls in Danberu look like this?
Danberu is a fucking scam
Muh Onegai muscle. Only the based boy has muscles
Endgame ships
Shinra x Iris
Hinawa x Maki
Obi x Hibana
Juggernaut x Tamaki
Sho x Arrow
Iris x Maki is the only ship i'm pushing for.
Men have fire protection outfits that completely cover them up.
The women have to show cleavage, tits or stomach to know they are women and get fanservice.
Fuck this series.
Real endgame ship:
My cock x Your Dad
What are you, fucking gay?
I love Okubo's art and characters designs, but man his stories and characters are horrible.
Will Rekka be episode 5?
maki covers up actually. It's really just tamaki
stopped right there. Fucking retard.
Shut up and enjoy the fan service, whatever isn’t censored from the manga at least..?
user are you telling me you don't know how to overcome things by being more intense than it?
>mfw the anime cuts the Potato x Tamaki scenes
Also Iris and the captain cover up the most because they are normies with no fire resistance.
Is this the part where she gets her clothes torn off
More previews from twitter
What design has Okubo not yet used for a character's pupils?
The generalist pyromancers don't need coverage. Why would you wear 5 kilos of gear that isn't as fire-resistant as your own skin and will?
Hard to believe this would occur in epsode 4 unless they rush/skip the court house infernal.
Mistakes happen and burnt skin is the worst.
>epsode 4 unless they rush/skip the court house infernal.
>mini-arc about a serial murderer who bursts into flames while on trial and promises to murder even more people with fire
Maybe this is one of the things they've decided to edit out?
>fogging out their butts
this should be illegal
Actually nevermind, the last preview pic on the website is adapts this panel which I guess is about where the episode will end
>they all have fire powers
shit gay dumb GOOFY series
Something that's useful if somewhat hard to control during wildfire, completely useless in an urban fire
>user wants to see gross butts
lol fag
I just started watching this. My God MC's mom in the flashbacks is 20/10 MILF tier. Those fangs holy shit. My dick is diamonds. Nips better be making some doujins with her I swear to God.
Not true. en.wikipedia.org
Fight fire with explosions. The controlled burns stopped the spread of fire. In a large disaster if you had control of fire magic it would be very handy to fight fires even natural ones inside a building. You could consume the oxygen in a controlled manner. They don't just start fires to fight fires they can magically manipulate fires to fight other magical fires. On the scale of unrealistic things fighting fire with fire isn't one of them.
Did you miss the latest chapters featuring a female Machio?
They wont
And now I know
Yup. I dropped this after the fire.
yes, i pick up this after the fire
explain this shit Firefag
Literal divine intervention.
You can also put out fires using bombs. I see nothing wrong with their logic.
Spoilers when?
Of course.
Same mangaka so...
Chapter 183 spoilers:
>Karim and Lee sitting in Company 1’s park.
>Karim’s thinking if Burns has really joined the White Clad and if he’s preparing something.
>We see a small part of Shinra’s fight against Burns.
>The Butchers are waiting for Company 8.
>The remain ones reveal their faces, one looks like a male Sadako and the other one like a thief with a f on his forehead.
>Hinawa uses his gun barrel to pierce a hole in the prison’s wall.
>They notice that Arthur is missing because he fell off the truck.
>Tamaki is facing Gold for backing up the group.
>Hinawa shoots Gold but she sends the bullets back.
>Maki senses that Gold is not using fire, but heat.
>Licht is behind analyzing Gold’s ability thanks to Vulcan’s VR headset.
>Vulcan is giving two small objects he just created to Tamaki but we don’t know what these are.
>Licht has maybe found something about Gold’s ability.
>Company 8’s standing in front of Gold and the other Butchers for battle.
I want to lick her tummy
>Karim and Lee sitting in Company 1’s park.
I guess they're too far away to do anything in this arc then.
>>They notice that Arthur is missing because he fell off the truck.
Of course
I for one would want people that can control fire to deal with the fire.
>They notice that Arthur is missing because he fell off the truck.
Company 8 needs to work on keeping their all-solving idiot locked down, maybe a leash.
speaking of the sister, what the fuck is her job in the fire force
>inb4 just pray
can't she just pray outside of the emergency zone instead of being a burden?
Her and the other nuns are pretty much just religious support and believing their easing the souls to the after life. In other words a liability. Also other nuns are shown during that small scale fire creature invasion that they stay a distance away from the fight.
They live in a theocracy. Their religion is deeply rooted in their state. They firmly believe that if they kill an infernal without proper last rites, they condemn them to an eternity of suffering or something like that. So yeah, they believe they need someone trained by the church there to send off the souls of the dead.
Is there a page like this but with Arthur? I can't find it
>war veteran
She was the spooky black demon thing they tried to bring her up in the manga again but dropped the plot point
Why do so many anons struggle to understand how important religion can be to people?
You know they fight fire with explosives in RL, right?
is Soul Eater any good?
probably because how how much damage was caused by religious zealots through history
The ending sucks
God I want her to break me in half
I started reading it, the beginning is slow but it picks up after 3-4 volumes. If you like Fire Force definitely read it, it's more over the top and so far I like the characters more. The art keeps getting better too, you can see that Ohkubo had fun drawing every bit of it
it's one of the best shonen manga
Black Star > Kid > Maka
Liz & Patty >Tsubaki > Soul
Stein is best boy
Medusa is best girl
Crona is best everything
Soul Eater is better
LOL . No! The last chapter was just a bunch of boobs like fairy tail
superior firepower
They aren't even real fire fighters. Real fire fighters are a thing in universe as well, while Shinra and others only deal with Infernals.
I was really surprised when he died
"zealotry is bad" isn't the same thing as "zealotry doesn't exist". If anything, seeing historical examples of people doing stupid or evil shit for their religion should make it easier to understand that people sometimes do stupid shit for religion. Like send nuns into warzones to pray, potentially.
My original design. 2x2 checkerboard
Dammit fuck why did I unconsciously click that spoiler what the fuck is wrong with me
how can other girls even compete?
>Obi x Anyone
He's dying in this arc.
Nah, it's going to be Lt. Hinawa while saving Obi
How much longer until episode airs?
Subs in an hour
But Hinawa needs to impregnate Maki.
so this is the shinra kicking the car like a badass episode right
I need to impregnate maki
>threesome ending
blackstar was the worst
>blackstar was the worst
He's the GOAT in the manga
the anime loses out a lot on what makes the manga art interesting
Soul Eater Brotherhood when?
>Not liking Black Star
He should’ve been the MC instead if that useless flat slut
Imagine the amount of bullshit that would occur if these two ever interacted
Or excalibur
It's not like its competition this season is any more "intelligent" or thought-proking.
Kid was more autistic than both of them combined
Muscle witch would be better with short hair
Best boy
>not embracing it fully and have them have the power of water or some shit
Show isn't even about firefighters
Haven't watched this show but more females should look exactly like this
Iris please calm your lewd mind.
Never. It’s shit and the manga ended in boobs
Finally a man of taste. Fucking physical fighter with long hair is just asking to get grabbed and pulled into the dirt.
Tamaki makes a comeback this episode to voice Mamoru-kun.
No, fuck you.
Am I only one that likes Shinra x Hibana?
Reminds me of luffy and boa...
God damn fucking brown goddesses
Shinra is a serious faggot to not fuck the shit out of that, she can also literally rape you with her heat syncope crap.
I was wondering
t. Nishiofag
Those pink eyes make her a god tier waifu, Im sorry Iris and Maki I am now a Hibanafag.
>Hinawa x Maki
This is the only thing I approve.
I hope they fuck like rabbits.
Can they bang their weapons?
of course, Black Star cum inside her eveyday
best fanarts
Nobody gives a fuck what you think about anything. Why do you think you even are? You know what's really dumb? That two people bothered to spawn you. That you weren't a blowjob instead.
who cares I want Maki to break me
i want Hibana to step on me
So you mean to say there is hope?
this scene kinda more sastify in the manga
In the manga we saw here pussy
manga did it better
yo-you too
Why would they cut out the panty shot? It's not like this is some sort classy highbrow show or anything.
tamaki fanservice is ok but no this really DP
>that inner thigh muscle
This is good in its own way.
>Black Star starts off as just a loud obnoxious Naruto copy
>Actually gets the biggest development in arsenal and kit out of anyone in a way that naturally evolved and had some of the most development out of the entire cast
What the fuck.
ok, spermhead
>50% of the budget blown on that fire hose
don't worry. next episode the nun will get stripped by here sister
Maki chad rise up!
Go figure, this episode was so cheaply animated.
As a manga reader get me past this shit arc already. Only good part is Arthur BTFOing of the infernal.
This arc will provably last 2 more episodes at most maybe 1 if they rush it. Then we can get Rekka kino
My wife Maki looking cute as always!!!
cute witch
You wouldn't a gorilla?
would you a gyarus?
So did they reveal how it was gunna be censored because of kyoani?
>having these kind of expectations from anime
You should've just given up learning about stuff like Akikan! and Kill la Kill.
Hibana jumped at least two stories to the ground and her leg bones are fine, thats a superhuman feat.
I don't know why people hate on the Excalibur episodes so much, they were literally the best episodes of the entire series.
its a separate universe. its right there in the name
there might be some hope for the blue ray.
I knew she was pure
>It's not like this is some sort classy highbrow show or anything
The storyboarders and director obviously think otherwise.
You're joking right? Did you think the still frames in the previous episode was because of artistic merit too or are you that fucking stupid.
I didn't give my own opinion. But it is obvious that the director isn't treating this like a normal seasonal show. He is obviously trying to establish a mood, which is quite clear from the pacing and use of photography.
>Did you think the still frames in the previous episode was because of artistic merit too or are you that fucking stupid
I don't know why they did that, but I would say that it isn't out of place with the rest of the show.
Did they censor anything noticeable with the fire?
the bald infernal guy killed some people but that's it
Is it 24 or only 12 episodes?
24 or 50
Apparently 4 cours.
>Apparently 4 cours.
That can be a positive it there isn't any filler.
Why the fuck did they decide to make 4 cours out of this shit?
50 is 4 cour, retard
No shit
The author is popular, would be my guess.
Soul Eater got a similar amount of episode.
Fighting fire with a gun.
he needs to step up his game
The director is trying to take it seriously but there is just so much he can do when the material is so bad.
Me on the right.
>animes arent allowed to be funny
> animes
it's not according the official site
Why is Beldar helping the 5th?
What do you mean? The official site doesn't usually show the amount of episodes.
>white pantsu
> linking to ANN
> what is split cour
The source for the 4 cours also said that there would be a break in between which would mean they wouldn't announce the BDs for that part yet.
that second panel is a gold reaction image
Other are crackship
I definitely would.
What the fuck is up with slow pacing in every scene?
To make it something more than your average battle shounen.
>meanwhile in the mind of a narutotard
Never watched naruto. Barely like shounen.
Well now you have a personally tailored recommendation.
Most anime aren't paced like this, but they do exists. The pace kind of remind me of 70's movies.
And by slow I mean there are so many pauses in both dialogue and animation. Sometimes music too. Doesn't flow well.
So he was talking out his ass
The """source""" was a random guy on twitter
He might have been, but that would damage his credibility. We will just have to wait and see-
The source is the sakugabooru guy.
And why should anyone trust a literally who
Aside from him having a track record of knowing these sort of things, it doesn't really matter, what ever the episode count is we will know when the time comes.
Kinda reminds of Monogatari desu. Did Shaft get a hand on this or something?
This show is just so boring. There are so many dead air moments in the dialogue, everything feels slow, too many air time fillers and obvious animation shortcuts, all the sound effects like a car that has 80 subwoofers in it.
Switched from dub to sub multiple times, it doesnt help. Dub is absolute trash while the sub is just trash.
Go back
I'd pierce all that muscle with my penis if you catch my drift.
It is made by Shaft staff that left Shaft.
I like the fire witch.
A huge amount of the staff is ex-shaft. The difference is the timing of cuts and other elements flow better in shaft works.
The timing in other Shaft shows flow differently. I prefer this show pacing to most Shaft shows.
they cut panty shot?? dropped
Thank you. I thought I was the only one. Pacing is fucking glacial. The "funny" moments also just fall flat. All things that maybe an entry-level anime fan would laugh at. Maybe thats the target audience.
According to thisthe pacing has been about 4 chapters per episode which is faster than most anime adaptation.
>psycho arsonist
I've seen this somewhere
I want to take her on a date so bad.
nun > witch > cat
he didn't imply otherwise, genius
Cat >>>> witch >> gyaru >>> nun
Wasnt talking about the chapters per ep, but the gaps between the dialogue and scenes that drag on. It's like watching a sitcom without the laugh track. It doesn't flow well and feels like they are just trying to fill space for that 22min mark.
luckily it was "just" a plain serial killer
I doubt it is to fill time, in that case they would just have added the things from the manga that they cut.
>like they are just trying to fill space for that 22min mark
It's more like they deliberately drop/reorder bits from the manga to allow for the slow shots.
a gun is a firearm
Nun > Witch >= Cat > Gyaru
uuugh violet evergarden, why are the japanese so fucking autistic sometimes!
Those balloons don't belong on my Maki
That's not even a haircut, that's literally Anshin'in fucking dying.
Gorilla > Cat >>> Nun >>> Gyaru
its actually brilliant. effects animation is a discipline on its own (thunder,fire,water, etc.) most shows only have a one or two fire users that show up fur a fight never to return and you get stuck with abilities and powers that dont carry a punch when it comes to visuals. by making the whole story revolve around fire and giving everyone fire powers ohkubo can make every scene/episode fun to watch and fun to animate for the team. its crazy nobody thought about it before.
he is probably shitposting. anybody can tell they are going for a more cinematic approach with the use of quiet moments and snappy cuts.
its both more tasteful and hotter. for all you know she may not be wearing panties in the anime
i like the ED
The censorship seems so fucking weird. Like, we can't see their heads now. Big deal. They still on fire dawg.
Oh my faster than light kicks. They both get help from a god from a fire dimension with perpetual fire and wacky tabacky physics
Atleast MC is decisive and will kill his enemies when necessary (at least at the moment). That puts him above 80% of other shounenshit MCs already.
Shhh. It’s just the Adora Burst/Link. Don’t worry about it. Look, Tamaki lost her clothes again!
Worst girl
Could she create a fire strapon to peg someone with?
Asking for my anus.
>not fighting fire with friendship speeches
Why the fuck didn't Shinra lick it?
>tfw I didn't notice Gold was a woman.
>no Juggernaut cover for the volume that contains 158
You had one fucking job Okubo
I find it even worse this girl's motif is witch when she's a fucking gorilla
I just realized there are two girls in the show, literally thought that Fire catgirl and she were the same.
Why is he so damn weak?
He doesn't have his shotguns yet.
The anime makes him seem weak.
>last episode
Hey Shinra the rest of the Fire Forces might be corrupt and dangerous, we need to stay on our toes while we carefully investigate them.
>this episode
5th openly assaults 8th members and steals jurisdiction, straight-up admits that they are doing shady shit and not sharing info.
>Shinra somehow being surprised that there is negative public sentiment towards firefighters and Fireforce, even though he should know that already by just being a citizen
I want to like this show but all the shit fanservice and dumb quirky stuff is not charming anymore
If anyone dies because Hinawa's aim was slightly off I'll laugh my ass off.
He wants Arthur's excalibur instead
>admits that they are doing shady shit and not sharing info
They didn't do that, it was implied
>those gloves
20 YO is enough for 1 Tour in USA,
1 tour is enough to be a "veteran"
gay ship, fujoshit BTFO
Iris is so wet over Maki's muscles and spirit.
Maki husband looking good!
The ED is still censored, how ghastly.
KyoAni chad did it again!
That fight was so fucking cool