Daily Sketchbook Chapter

So this is an art club.

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大人 otona: Adult
気ない nage: Seeming, giving the appearance of, giving one the feeling of.
ない nai: Nonexistent, not being (there). Unpossessed, unowned, not had.
しきょう (司教) shikyou: Bishop (Catholic), prelate.

大人気 daininki: Great popularity, high favour.
ないしきょう (内視鏡) naishikyou: Endoscope.

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That's all for today. I wonder where Ton-chan came from.

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Thanks, user.
Not many people here yet!?

Kate is very ... efficient, when it comes to naming things.

>Not many people here yet!?
They must be practicing Asakura's high level technique.


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Marry: Caucasian (I'm not racist, okay, she's just the best).
Fuck: Hercules (I'd call her Herakles-chan though).
Kill: Sorry, Atlas. Nothing personal.

a jojo thread died for this shit.


I guess onii-chan is also the same as Sora as in this page When was the last time we saw the puppets?
Thanks as always OP.

may she rest in peace

>When was the last time we saw the puppets?
Too long.

I'm sure I will understand these jokes one day.

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You just need the right teacher. Like Keito.

It is not fun, what you get is woodlouse, millions and millions of woodlouse.

>Ah, a turtle
>Ah, a dove
>Ah, a chicken
>So this is an art club...
I think the same thing when reading sketchbook...

Cling film solves drying glue for me.

Isn't this more of a practical invention than art?

Kuro is active for a 15 YO dog!
Thanks OP.

Thanks OP, for dumping but especially your explanations.

And the comfy sketchbook stories always ease the tension in my body. Which is unfortunately necessary.

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I think the explanations are almost necessary. It's not quite Joshiraku levels of TL notes, but there are a lot of jokes that are just confusing otherwise.

>Kate is very ... efficient, when it comes to naming things.
not like anyone on the series have a better naming sense

>Isn't this more of a practical invention than art?
That's just Kamiya's art.

Is Kamiya's brother the guy from the convenience store?

Yes. That was pretty much obvious back in that chapter.

Will Sora be okay?

I forgot about that chapter, but I meant the guy who works behind the counter at the convenience store.


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I don't think they're the same person

>not quite Joshiraku levels
I actually understand Joshiraku cultural jokes better than all the wordplay jokes in this manga.

Joshiraku is full of wordplay too.

something wrong with this chicken


Sensei deficiency.


It's not in a bucket.

I actually read it as Daininki Naishikyou the first time.

>This year I'm 38.
Could this be... A reference to Sensei's age?

I have, too. Not facewash though.

What other things do you keep near your toothbrush that are toothpaste-like? Am I weird for keeping face soap and all that in the shower?

In here we have a famous salve brand that is used for bruises and such, it looks like toothpaste.
I remember putting it in my toothbrush when I was a kid once.

At least you learned and only did it once

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Sleep tight

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What are these things that keep getting posted? Are they from the latest sketchbook?


They're just fancomics.

>There was one that day too
What day?

That day.

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Oooooohhhh, THAT day.

Yes... THAT day.

Wait ... WHAT day?

I think it was a Tuesday.

Oh no! Not Tuesday!


It could also be something like "sometimes that happens too".

>sometimes that happens too
Does it? Really?

Only sometimes.

Tokidoki Art Club?

That sounds like it could be a game.

Spoiler: Sora has depression and Asou is the only sane one.

It's really hard to think of Sora in such a state
my mind just cannot comprehend it

She hides it well.

user stop this blasphemy

Not my fault. That's just how that game works.

I'd rather it was about puppet theory.

Autism is not the same as depression, user.

Why not graph theory?

Puppets are cuter than graphs.


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Me on the left.

I'm rightmost in the second row. But second from left in the bottom row is my graph-waifu.


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I should watch that one. Looks so Sketchbook-like.

It's worth seeing. Some of the characters are similar, but not so much that it's a total copy.

Nature's mysteries

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That's all for today. Poor Negishi, being attacked by that beast.

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inuo joins the fray

14-spotted white ladybug

High IQ Kuga

Thanks, user!

>14-spotted white ladybug
Only 10 spots, not white ... and I bet it's not a lady either!
What a bug!

Better than those countries that call it a ladybird. That's even more lies!

What a boring manga


But, user ... what if it is a bird in disguise?

14-spotted white ladybug

My brain hurts with all that info.
Thanks for the chapter. A Kurihara chapter.
Among entomologists, they use the names ladybird beetles or lady beetles as these insects are not classified as true bugs. According to Wikipedia. Everything is a lie!

>According to Wikipedia.
>Everything is a lie!
But Wikipedia itself is a lie, user!

>true bugs
That sounds like they want to justify the name.


Did it... bug you?

thanks op, nice Kurihara chapter


Is there a Kurihara chapter that's not nice?

Is there ANY Sketchbook chapter that's not nice?

Yeah, the one where it ends.

All good things end, user.
Only One Piece goes on forever.

Why couldn't they do that for their summer training trip?

Dogs like fish?

Aren't ladybird belly's commonly black? So what's the point of naming a ladybird after a feature all ladybirds have?

As if those old fairy tails were not grim enough (pun intended), Kuga just added a whole new fantastic layer.

Cute doggy.

Thanks OP!

>Dogs like fish?
Dogs like anything you wave in front of them that looks like food.


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Not my dogs, they actually turn their nose up at many foods, especially dog treats. It's almost like nothing short of a prime cut of steak perfectly cooked is good enough for them.

My dog is dumb. She eats literally anything that she sees falling on the floor.

god this is such a powerful image

Be careful not to slip and fall when your dog's around then, user. We'd miss you.

I'll be careful.

Are you sure that's not a cat in disguise?

How do you disguise a cat as a dog? And why?

That's classified, nya.

Even One Piece will end someday, because the author will die someday.

>Even One Piece will end someday, because the author will die someday.
Doesn't matter. They can just use an AI to pump out more chapters. Neural networks excel at pattern analysis and reproduction. And One Piece is so repetitive and formulaic that it should be no problem to generate new islands and villains to travel to and fight against. There's really no reason to stop just because the author isn't around anymore. In fact, it will become even cheaper to produce.

Doesn't the copyright laws in Japan prevent that? Since the story is the author's property. But now thinking about it, the publishers could simply pull a Boruto, and then is possibly that One Piece could go on forever.

>Since the story is the author's property.
For Togashi, maybe. All other mangaka at Shounen Jump are themselves practically property of the publisher.
Seriously, though, I do think that the contracts some of them have signed do actually have them give up on most rights to their work (other than the natural inalienable right a creator has to his intellectual property).

When the author dies, don't the rights get transferred to the family? They'd probably give it the okay in exchange for royalties on any related works made.



(Anyone still here?)

Hey, I can pull that trick off too.

But can you do it with the proper comedic timing?

Show us, user!

I'd be down to read something done by AI, looks like it could be comedy gold

Thanks OP!

Now look at THIS Keito

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I don't know if that's legal.

Cute stick

Someone with so few curves shouldn't be this sexy.

that black scruffy dog is similar to the dog on the cover of Takagi-san
Is it a japanese bree?

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You took it too far, user. Delete this.

You have come to the wrong thread.

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Is Kurihara the widest Sketchbook?

Good lad.

I just want to pet the hair

>I'd be down to read something done by AI, looks like it could be comedy gold
In this case, it would just copy every other One Piece story arc and change the names and designs. That's what Oda already does. So I doubt it'd be any more fun than it is now.

Maybe but she is at least the cutest.

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What did she mean by this?

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The sound of her hymen tearing.

Echolocation to find bugs.

Hnnng, cute!

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I see


I'm more of a white summer dress/summer hat yarn kind of guy but this is fine too

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>tfw no art club with cute friends
>tfw no sketch trips and learning about bugs

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A protagonist with a heavy burden.

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掬い sukui: Scooping.
救い sukui: Help, aid, relief.

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That's all for today. I want to go to a festival now. It's almost Obon season too.

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Thanks, user!

Asou looks so damn cute in her yukata. I need more of that!

ah there it is
the page that differentiates Kamiya's brother and the convenience store onii-san

You look cute in a yukata.

All girls look cute in yutaka. The world needs more.

Nagisa is so fucking cool.

>You look cute in a yukata.
T-thanks user.
Please don't make me blush anymore.

the chosen one

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Don't bully the Sora.
Thanks user. What happened to Kamiya's parents? And until now I always thought that Hazuki was poor.

>Sora will never 救い you

There's a global epidemic of absent parent syndrome.

I find the art pretty mediocre

I find your post way below-average.
Please put in more effort.

well? why does it come back?

It's a mystery.
But feel free to share theories.

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It gets lonely.

Physiscists widely agree with this hypothesis.

I want to drink tea with Sora

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I constantly think about that koma.

>Because of a mutation. I made up something suitable. Sorry.

>The fact that Asaka looks unrelated is because of a mutation.
The capital 'B' is a mistake.

>I made up something suitable. Sorry.
As in "I just made that up to explain it."

>As in "I just made that up to explain it."
A sou.

I'd want to take her to cafe Alpha

She already did.

She's already there

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WHAT? Tori-chan is not actually poor?! I thought she was the sketchbook that I best identified with.

Thanks OP.

Saw some articles about this manga ending last month or the month before. Did it actually end? Because most sites still list it as ongoing.

It did. You can read the final chapter on MAG Garden's site.

She's not poor because she's so good at saving money.

>alicia-san is hitting the bottle again

Two guests at once? That's some lively business, user!

Which other one isn't a guest?

Oops. I totally missed Aria there. For whatever reason. (To be fair, we only do see clothes and the back of her head.)

She needs an intervention.

I volunteer.


someone needs to die for this brazen desecration.