Set a Record
Fate Earn $670,000,000 First Half 2019
Not anime
i think the fate series is overrated
Who keeps making these garbage threads? Why don't you just keep your buddies over at /vg/ updated?
I can't comprehend the gacha player's state of mind.
>be Takeuchi
>mindbreak your dumb mushroom classmate with your amazing nippin D
>force her to include your waifu in every story
>become a billionaire
>Not being the Chad Fate, ubw, garden of Avalon, and fgo fan
>only actual content is gacha shit
>everything else is either delayed, cheap, underwhelming or all of the above
The ESL.
He worked to support leeching Nasu and himself before they form Type Moon.
It's a passive agressive ESL guy who actually it's trying to piss everyone off.
why is that garbage so popular?
Tm is so bad that their only good material is gacha. LOL
It's not so impressive when you remember that they squandered most of that money on Last Encore and the Apocrypha adaptation.
imagine getting upset by this
Is Fate the Capeshit of anime?
Nasu is in full denial mode, if lostbelt 4 is any indication
All that money and no Fate adaptation
I hate this franchise so fucking much, holy shit why doesn't it just DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!
You think the people that play F/GO actually cares about Fate?
That's cute.
How does Lostbelt 4 refute Last Encore's lack of success?
That would be mha, the LITERAL capeshit anime.
It was Netflix money though.
It's story is too simple since most of the crazier memorable shit happens in the other two routes. At best, you should wish for a full-length movie.
Imagine the collapse after new big game overtakes FGO.
FGO already looks ridiculously dated.
Looks like garbage numbers desu. R*, Nintendo, Blizzard and EA still dabbing on the games revenue
I don't know why people use this meme so often, like UBW it's generally slow up until the last few days and then lots of things happen
i have never consumed a single piece of fate media lmao. shit may as well not even exist.
It doesn't. It only shows how Nasu is willing to double down on elements of his worst material. We can 100% expect it for prototype since we already got three doses of Extra garbage.
It's a toss up for lostbelt 5, if he's gonna herc wank or if he's gonna insist that extella is good by having MATH MAN shit things up.
How does he do it?
Porn sells whats new?
I don't give a shit about fate, but I enjoy masturbating to the art people churn out for it. So this is good news for me.
It has my waifu
Like This Art ?
Fate Grand Order 's Horny Art
I'd like to see the numbers split by character, on which whore are the whales spending the most?
>Last Encore and Apocryphashit costed $670 million to make
Mastervation Art
I want matervate his leg
People tend to forget that Typemoon has always been about milking the trends.
>Kara no kyoukai
Tried to milk the newest and hottest fad, modern fantasy.
Tried to copy Underworld with porn, actually succeeded.
>Fate Stay Night
Went for more Underworld with porn except this time they have a moment of originality with the characters. The plot was still mediocre and generic garbage, a justification for porn.
>Fate Hollow ataraxia
Fate with SoL, nuff said. You can say Bazett was some original thought but shes like 05% of the content on the disc. Even then the story of repeating your actions is ages old and we only scartched the surface with Bazett
>Fate Zero
More edgy modern fantasy, just like everything in early 2000s
You see the trend?
>The plot was still mediocre and generic garbage, a justification for porn.
three sex scenes out of a title longer than the lord of the rings trilogy, that's some justification
Fate is not the hardest or longest porn game
Fate is not a porn game
Fate Vn Play time avarage 70 hour
Porn scene lenth 5 minute
Yeah yeah, semantics. Eroge is porn.
Doesnt really matter.
fuck off idiot
There are rules on Yea Forums that allow people to talk about things normally bound for Yea Forums if these are adaptations of quintessentially anime or manga properties.
There is no such rule for Yea Forums and /vg/ things. This thread shouldn't exist.
Fuck off newfag. Its really easy to spot you when you say "but it has other content". No shit, it was created in early 2000s when majority still whacked to VHS. By the standards of the time it was created for porn, for taking off your pants and beating to it when you got the chance.
I don't know they still keep this façade just start making porn and thus finnish conquering nippon.
Sunken cost meme, also japs have nothing better to do during their daily 18 hours of "work" than to play phone games when no one is looking.
video game phone apps is not anime and manga
To the moderator reading this: check this asshole's IP history for once so you can finally realize that you need to ban his country.
what happen
But he wasn't even writing lostbelt 4. Even if the ideas were his.