After years and years I'll take the bait. i want to get into hunter but i don't know how...

after years and years I'll take the bait. i want to get into hunter but i don't know how. should i watch the anime and then continue on manga? is there any movies i need to watch? how do i hxh?

Attached: hunter-x-hunter-899x600.jpg (899x600, 115K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Pic related is where you ought to start. Both anime adaptations have their merits and flaws, but the manga is the definite version of Togashi's story.

Attached: Hunter X Hunter v1-005.jpg (2037x3056, 1.27M)

Read Chapter 1 of the manga
Watch the 2011 anime.
One part at the start was skipped in the anime.

Is overrated as fuck but still good(well it's a shonen so thr quality is not very good).

read the first like, 5 chapters of the manga then either anime. Some people like the darker mood of '99, but I prefer 2011 for the juxtaposition of adult themes and a softer artstyle. If you watch '99, when it ends switch to 2011.

Anime > Manga
The soundtrack, voice acting, etc adds to the overall experience. Plus fight scenes are better seen animation than in pictures.


99 anime or the manga. 2011 version completely butchers the first arc. I'd recommend watching 99 then continuing with 2011 after yorkshin arc
>t. retard normalfag
go back

That's just a buzzword. No one rates a series intentionally higher than what they think it deserves. Unless you're gonna tell me you gave it a 10/10 despite saying it's not very good.

are the cut part a huge spoiler so that's why they skipped it in the anime ?

Not a spoiler. But the MC will meet someone important in the later arc.

No,I'm saying that's overrated from my perspective,meaning that most people said that this is peak shonen when I don't think the same way.That's why I think is really overrated,they don't value the series correctly.

that's not what overrated means

Watch the 2011 version and if you like it then read the manga

>they don't value the series correctly
There is no wrong or right way to "value" a series. It's all subjective, including whatever standard you have.

HxH is peak shounen. Nothing is better than it.

I almost always feel like anime adaptations are worse than the manga. But Togashis art is so bad that I have to strongly recommend the anime instead. Same for YuYu Hakusho

>overrated = have a higher opinion of (someone or something) than is deserved

Haha,of course...

>It's all subjective
That's objectively wrong and if you actually think like that you need to go back

Same for Attack On Titan

Name one (1) shounen anime that's better than HxH

yu yu hakusho

The concept of objectivity doesn't exist when it comes to art.

>HxH is peak shounen.
Mfw that is wrong

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1 Piece.
Bettercharacters,storytelling,world building,foreshadowing and at least,tomorrew there's a chapter.Can't day the same thing with Hiatus x Hiatus

for me it's dumb they skipped gon's father pupil and anyway why would they cut Maha Zoldyck too in the 2011 series ?

Wan Piss is for children

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>obvious Dr. Stone false flagger

>not for children
choose one

Nah, just felt like shitposting, but i do find both Dr.bazinga and Wan piss to be more way more fun than HxH
But overall I gotta say that I find Yorknew to be my favorite arc in all of shounen

You're kidding right? The only plus OP has over HxH is the regular releases.

HxH is not a shounen

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>how do I hxb
Make sure you're the the most obnoxious shounen fanbase and you're good.

Cope, Stonefag. We own your threads.

Attached: 1538416926871.png (365x480, 146K)

See, OP, this is how obnoxious you have to be.

>but keeps clicking HxH threads
You secretly love us.

>hxhfag telling anyone off about going into other threads

Oh feel free to visit our threads. But don't pretend like you hate it. No one forced you to come here.

Watch the 2011 anime. The 1999 has fillers & it only looks good as images but the animation mostly suck.

>our threads
This is a question thread, and I answered. You don't have any threads. Remember that thing called a hiatus? You'd think you'd remember by now.

>he didn't deny it

Haha yeah,of course


Well, I did.
You don't have any threads because the manga is dead. How am I supposed to enjoy this if you have no threads?

There are 3 HxH threads in the catalog right now and there is always 1 or 2 HxH active threads everyday, even though we've been on hiatus for 8 months.
No other manga ges this much activity after 8 months of hiatus.

Read my comment above again.

HxH is a shounen, it is objectively for children.

Other manga threads keep to 1 thread instead of spamming up the board
And even with your 2-4 threads you keep shitting up every other thread you can.
Its a great manga, but the fanbase is as cancer as madokafags.

Jojofags are even worse. They encompass a mass variety of different annoying retards, from tumblrfags to /pol/tards.

t. Jojofag


Attached: HxH seinen definitive proof.jpg (1948x1424, 469K)

Yea Forums isn't /vg/ newfag

And that makes it okay to spam threads then?
Having multiple threads for different aspects of the same show is okay, but 3 "general" threads is spam.


What the fuck are you even trying to prove, no one cares newfag go back to your low IQ dr reddit threads.

Can't defend the shitty repetitive arc writing in One Piece has to resort to the "haha sure kiddo", meme tier argument, unironically neck.

Welcome to the most overrated thing on earth

What I am saying is that hxh fans spam threads the same way you spammed buzzwords in your post.

I started reading it yesterday, got up to Volume 10.
When is it supposed to blow me away? Am I missing themes or something? Is there a massive payoff later down the line? So far it's just an admittedly great shounen, but absolutely nothing special compared to anything outside of the genre.

The good part of the series are the Phantom Troupe arc, then greed island has its moment but very mediocre overall. Chimera Ant is the actual peak of the series. It really is worth it to watch the whole series (even if its just okay at times) just for this one arc, its too good.

Also watch the 2011 anime

Listen to this based user

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literally no the fans are just insane and for some reason cream themselves over it. Like they genuinely believe even the first 10 volumes you just read are amazing works of art.

It really does not improve.

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My advice is to read the manga and watch the anime afterwards.

I politely inform you that you are wrong


watch 2011 anime user. It's the best way to experience HxH

Read Chapter 1 of the manga
Watch the 1999 anime.

Watch the 2011 Anime then finish up with the manga. '99 is so fucking bad, especially if you watch the dub but only a retard would do that. Anyone that recommends the 99 anime is just being a contrarian.

watch the 2011 anime and remember it doesn't get great until episode 116
however, E111-135 are probably the greatest thing you will ever see in shounen so its more than worth it

what's so chad about those guys? They look like average normal people

> it doesn't get great until episode 116
Was just about to post about how it's been pretty mediocre so far 102 episodes in. Can't believe I have to endure 100+ episodes before it's supposed to be good.

Yuyu Hakusho had great art. The problem is a flubbed ending

you ve got baited by the memes man. If you don't like adventure genre it is not worth to go 100 episodes for 1 sub-arc
Btw the best part starts a little sooner than 116

>Maha Zoldyck
wait, there's another one?

Why you would start something that will never ever end?

>No one rates a series intentionally higher than what they think it deserves
Yes they do because all the retards around think other wise, you've never watched something years later and realize it was shit?

lol, did a 12 year old on DeviantArt make this?

I do like the adventure genre, but I don't feel like there has been much adventuring so far. Feels like every other episode is a boring training episode. Also not a fan of all the power level bullshit, but I guess that's bread and butter for shonens.

Yu Yu Hakuso is shit compared to Hunter x Hunter.

Then change your rating if your feelings have change. I don't see what the problem is.

Guess what, 2011 had fillers as well among cutting or changing stuff

You must be really pathetic to watch 100 episodes of something that you don't like.

Fillers are non-canon stuff. What were they?

yes, power level things are pretty common in shounens

I don't dislike it, but it's absurdly overrated. I wouldn't rank it anywhere near jojo or fma, though I guess I still have about 40 episodes to go.

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how HxHfags cope with Stone be the most intellectual shonen of all time

How did you came up with the idea to use that?

of course user followed up by this

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I don't understand how you can force yourself to watch 100+ episodes of something you consider mediocre and boring. Just drop it and go watch Mob or MHA

>with Stone be the most intellectual shonen of all time
Stonefags, everyone. You don't even have to do anything. They'll simply trip over themselves.

Attached: tse17.png (396x403, 116K)

also very weak falseflagging

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Just watch the 2011 anime. That's all.
Ignore the manga (shitty art style), 1999 anime (not faithful to the manga) and movies/OVAs (at least one of them is not even canon).

If you actually finish the 2011 anime and you like it, then you have to continue with the manga where the anime left off, but you shouldn't worry about that yet.

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Yet you are the biggest retard of all of them.

next time when you dislike something drop it and one day you may eventually pick it up again
forcing yourself to watch is just huge waste of time

Is this thread a quintessential summer or just larping?

I'm watching everything airing this season in addition to HxH, I don't think it's all that unusual for an Yea Forums NEET. Most of the episodes are engaging enough for me to finish with the exception of the training episodes.

Read the manga (VIZ) first
Then watch 1999 anime
After that the 2011 anime
Reread the manga again

Attached: HxH main friends.jpg (3274x4465, 2.86M)

>1999 anime (not faithful to the manga)
99 didn't delete Kite or make up a new origin for the Chimera Ants to later retcon it away.

A little bit of both, Hunterfags are like this all the time

It's because hunterniggers are in an eternal state of coping with the fact that HxH will never live up to its maximum potential because togashit constantly shit years of his time away doing fuck all only to show up bait them with endless promises of awesome plot points he only halfhearted commits to. For fucks look at how little impact the Chimera Ant actually has on the narrative post arc, and dispite all of the dicksucking this arc gets the only actually been show to effect the narrative is that Netero died and wanted niggers go to the DC will everything esle came and gone. Hell, the Succesion arc already shaping up to be another copout with it endless stonewalling and just might by design be the excuse this fag needs to abort the DC arc itself. But Hunterfags will never be honest about this, nor even entertain the notion in good faith. They will only spout endless Yea Forums lingo, and constant derailing threads of other series to attention whore since its being cancer is all they have.


Yeah user,
those huntertards aka hiatusfags are always
making those useless hxh threads and yet they almost discuss nothing.
most of the time those threads dont even reach bump limit let alone 50. but they dont
seem to get the message.

hiatus...i truly pity the hunterfags

Coping whisperfag

>make up a new origin for the Chimera Ants
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
Care to explain?

Also, I think removing Kite from episode 1 was a good choice. First of all, Kite is totally irrelevant in the context of the first 3 or 4 arcs and there wasn't even any guarantee the anime would get to the Chimera Ant arc. Second, it's probably a pain in the ass to get a voice actor under contract but not have him say any lines for 80 episodes (that's over one and a half years). Third, while Gon's motivation for becoming a hunter is definitely important, I think they didn't want to anger the audience by introducing the coolest character ever in episode 1, and the not show him again for most of the series. People would instantly hate Kurapika and Leorio just because they're not as cool as Kite

You are both stupid fucks, HxH is a shonen simply because it releases in WSJ which is a shonen magazine. The rest is irrelevant, something like Aria is considered to be shoujo by a lot of people, but since it was released in Monthly Comic Blade which was a shonen magazine, it is also classified as shonen

The show said that the Chimera Ants are from Kakin and had Killua almost bitten by one. They were always from the Dark Continent.

Removing Kite from the first episode? Fine. Introduce him just before he dies? Absolutely retarded. It takes awat all impact from his dead.

>Voice actor contracts.
Just get someone else who is also in the cast to do the voice. Maybe one of the Spiders.


Eva and JoJo used to run in a Shounen magazine too.

Is Gon back yet?

Yes, they are shonen

>something like Aria is considered to be shoujo by a lot of people
Those people are wrong and retarded, so who cares?

According to your logic, they are seinen now because they run in seinen magazines.

That's correct.

That's the definition of shonen or seinen, it literally just comes from the magazine they release from
It's also why anime isn't classified as shonen or seinen
It doesn't mean a shonen can't be mature or read by adults though

This is what Madhouse created

Read the motherfucking manga you little worm.

>The show said that the Chimera Ants are from Kakin and had Killua almost bitten by one. They were always from the Dark Continent.

Well they come from the DC but now they're in Kakin

If the magazine is the only thing that differentiates between shounen and seinen. Then shounen like Jojo shouldn't be able to move to a seinen magazine and seinen like Dorohodoro shouldn't be able to move to a shounen magazine.

Watch 2011 anime.
Reading 1 chapter of the manga is recommended

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Kite is the reason why Gon decides to become a hunter, and the person who tells him about Ging, since Mito lied to him and told him he was dead. 2011 skips all of that and it's not mentioned when Kite is later introduced either. Mito's character doesn't make sense in 2011 and you don't know how Gon learned about Ging and the hunters. They barely recognize each other when they meet in 2011, even with the flashback their connection is nowhere near as strong and meaningful as in the manga and that's exactly why every day we have retards claiming Gon's character in the Chimera Ant arc makes no sense

>Then shounen like Jojo shouldn't be able to move to a seinen magazine and seinen like Dorohodoro shouldn't be able to move to a shounen magazine.
Why not?

Why not? A shonen magazine might want to get something different in its line up to attract new readers
Or a manga can shift tone and change magazine
It happens often

Because the content and themes in JoJo didn't change when it moved to seinen and the contents present in Dorohodoro didn't change when it moved to shounen. Therefore, it doesn't matter in which magazine they run.

Well, then, when we judge a manga, we shouldn't categorize it based on what magazine publishes it, but we shold categorize it based on what kind of themes and tone it has.

Gon barely knew Kite. Like lmao imagine you met a dude once a few years ago and he told you something about your dad. Yeah not gonna cry rivers over his death.

JoJo did have more sex when it moved to a Seinen magazine, though.

Contents doesn't matter, it's about what demographic publisher tries sell manga to

>Because the content and themes in JoJo didn't change when it moved to seinen
Part 7 and 8 have female nipples iirc and Jojolion is way more focused on sexual themes

Part 4 and 5 had a lot of gore and violence

OP is for a 25 to 50 yo demographic.

Attached: 1522295171401.jpg (468x263, 26K)

Will we ever get another moment like O MY RUBBER NEN? Something that will shake Yea Forums and all the other HxH threads? Something that will look like a event.

>Saves your life
>Gives you a purpose other than stay in a deserted island doing nothing all your life
>As a 12 year old with no father figure, no friends
>Dies because of you
As I was saying, dumbfucks like this faggot are Madhouse's fault. Even if they've read the manga afterwards or were told the truth, they still have 2011 impressed in their mind as a first and prevalent experience, that's why they keep on vomiting retarded shit like this.

Attached: 99 is a joke.gif (400x279, 1.67M)

That's the average age of people that read it, not the demographic the series is aimed it.

*aimed at

Where precisely do you get the 25 to 50 years number from? The graphic shows that the vast majority are aged 19 to 49.
It sounds like you arbitrarily chose to exclude 19-24 year olds to make it sound like One Piece is more mature than it really is...

Might be, it's not uncommon for Togashi to willingly force himself into an extreme situation that calls for an extreme and controversial solution. Most of the times it's a poetic stroke of genius like the Rose, last time it was NEN GUM I BESEECH YOU. Gon-San and Alluka are also other examples, they're still controversial whatever your opinion on them is. Lots of wacky abilities and situations in the current arc so something that fits the trend is probably gonna happen again

Cause 1 to 18 is only 12%. That leaves 88%. If we eliminate age 19 to 25. We are still left with 75-80% that is age 25 to 50.

OP is more than half the sales of weekly shounen jump and if OP readers are over 25, then WSJ 's demographic is seinen.

I reject your hypothesis.

>it's retards argue which children comics more mature: the thread

If that were the case then it would just be Weekly Young Jump
It's retarded, I know

Here we go again.

Attached: gittarackur chill.png (371x480, 171K)

No no user, what I was trying to ask is
will get a surprise or twist of events like Hisoka rising from death or Shalnark and Kortopi getting killed. That sort of thing
that will turn Yea Forums and hxh threads upside down.

Kinda like this thread:

WSJ is more established, so it wouldn't benefit them to change the name. Also WSJ is running Chainsaw man, which has a lot of sexual themes and vomit fetish and a lot of gore.
The fact is that you can't tell a manga is shounen just because it runs in a shounen magazine.

>The fact is that you can't tell a manga is shounen just because it runs in a shounen magazine.
But you can
Baki is gory as fuck, has sex, and has been running longer than most of the demographic has been alive, but it runs in a shonen magazine and is therefore shonen

I still stand by my position that HxH is a seinen.

Attached: 1555434268964.png (1634x800, 1.27M)

Well Gon-San is a hell of a twist, the Rose too I'd say, if they happened two years ago I imagine they would have had a similar impact on Yea Forums. For this arc, the climax of Hisoka vs the Spiders might come with a twist of similar proportions, Hisoka dying for good this time perhaps. Other than that I don't think we can expect anything else because the Troupe and Chrollo dying is kinda expected at this point and whatever happens with the princes will never have the same impact. Some would say Kurapika dying but I'm sure it's not gonna happen

Succession Contest is the most seinen HxH arc to date. kids and teenagers won't read arc about people talking and having internal monologues on whole page

Attached: 77834.png (227x242, 32K)

Then you do that.

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Yr face.

HXH copy itself but goofy enough for a kiddy book.

Fullers are enjoyable comedy.

Yes but that happend way before Hisoka rezurrection and the deaths of Shal and Kort. Do you have a link of that thread? Anyway I'm kinda curious how the succession war arc will proceed. I hope for some kind of plot twist or a legendary scene.

>kids and teenagers won't read arc about people talking and having internal monologues on whole page
That's exactly what they're doing though

Started out at Part 4 defined. Jojo's fully engaged as seinen manga.

Sound more like your making excuses for the 2011 anime. Removing Kite and the reason why Gon wanted to become hunter was the biggest retarded mistake Madhouse could ever made and you fucking know it.

>People would instantly hate Kurapika and Leorio just because they're not as cool as Kite
Those subhumans are braindead retards, plain und simple.

imagine if madhouse didn't include kite, what then? would the story be 5 times better without kite? an chimera ant arc without kite really makes you think

HxH>YuYu even though is it really good

what about being soft-seinen?

If you value characterization, subtle world building, and dialogue/actions that are re-contextualized in following arcs. I'll like HxH

>So far it's just an admittedly great shounen, but absolutely nothing special
Can't imagine typing this out and deciding that it was an acceptable sentence. Just chatting wass isn't it.

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Manga first, then '99 if you want a different take on the story up to Greed Island and if you still want more, tread lightly with 2011.

>The 1999 has fillers
2011 has fillers and TWO recap episodes all before Yorknew of all things along rearranging a very important scene that ruins the would-be impact that it has later on.
Manga > '99 > Great Hiatus > 2011

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Kurapika looks like a girl...

Not him, but it is true. It have a lot of good moments, but honestly it also have a lot 14 years old-tier philosophy in it, dubius ideas(the nen>guns from the not!New York was definitely something I desliked, for example), and the fights rarely are actually interesting to watch, even if the logic behind them is actually interesting(see Kastro vs Hisoka, for example).

Not what I meant, it's just moronic to call something great but also nothing special immediately after. If you believe what you say then it's nowhere near great.

Watch 99 anime up to the first OVA, don't watch GI OVA crap. Then watch 2011 anime till the last episode. Once you've done with it you can start reading the manga from the first chapter.

>Not what I meant, it's just moronic to call something great but also nothing special immediately after. If you believe what you say then it's nowhere near great.
Again, I am not this guy , and I think HxH is generally good with a few truly great moments(the Kastro vs Hisoka explanation was great, even if I desliked the fight itself), but the guy did said that it was when compared to things outside the genre.

>uncontrolled laughter

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Watch the 99' anime, then after it's over either read the manga or continue where it left off with the 2011 anime.

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Literally me

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Kurapika Kurta

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Where is Abengane now?

This is the only way so you can appreciate manga and both anime

Real answer here. You can either watch the anime (new version 2011) and then read the manga up to chapter 339 and drop it there since that's kind of the ending.

If you don't want to do that just read the manga until 339. Don't read past that since the series is always on hiatus, the quality has declined and it will never end.

Watch 99 imo. It's overall better than 2011, but it got that old school Shonen pacing. 2011 is alright and it has tighter pacing.

99 unironically has better animation than 2011. Even if it didn't had great animation, it's still compensated with very good direction, which is something 2011 lacks and hurts it in the long run.

1999 literally only has 4 episodes at best and a bunch of padding.

This is why I don't debate with 2011 fans. They never argue in good faith

Attached: IMG_1309.jpg (800x450, 33K)

Please, you fucks! I'm dying here! Where do I get Viz scans?!

If you can't figure that out on your own, you probably don't belong on the internet

Defend this 2011fag

Attached: badhouse.jpg (852x478, 126K)

>Real answer here
>watch the 2011 anime
>the quality has declined
Good one user. 2011fags need to be lined up and shot.

Jesus.. i was almost memed into giving 99anime a chance but holy shit what is this

I just stated watching. About to start the ant arc.
So far its your average quest anime. Its good, but its way over hyped.
I know the ant arcs gunns be good. But I donno how 1.5 manga arcs that havent been adapted could add that much.

Probably a shounenbabby who didn't read the manga but read through the wikia and thought some guy's shitty summary was a good way to meme about HxH.
You can almost smell the 2 digit IQ, it's the same guy with the same filename everytime. They are extremely transparent.

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I don't understand why people say Togashi's art is terrible, it's like they can't appreciate clean minimalism

Because people who criticize Togashi's art pretty ignorant in this field.
pic related

Attached: TogashiView.png (651x156, 110K)

Mrs. Kurta

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Those fansubs are incorrect, and it's foreshadowing to her lustful controlling nature.

I don't know what you're on about, that's pretty funny

I still preferred his chops in Hakusho

I want a Kurta gf and purposefully come home late every night to piss her off so I could see her beautiful scarlet eyes, then cuddle with her to calm her down.

I love his brushwork in CA

Attached: TogashiBrush214.jpg (1066x1600, 270K)

Just read the manga, stop at greed island out of frustration, and then watch the highlights of Chimera Ant on youtube and pretend you've read the whole manga like the rest of us.

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>Yea Forums shit
Checks out

Gore and violence are absolutely normal in Shonen manga. Look at Fist of the North Star.

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Togashi is a good artist.

Attached: gonlua.png (1717x1568, 794K)

Ridiculous, Chimera Ant is like that but heavier and deeper than the SW could ever hope to be. It's the goat story in manga, SW is looking to be a major storytelling mess and generic. Yorknew 2.0 down there, Hisoka and the spiders make this series look like Naruto.

>Chimera Ant is like that but heavier and deeper than the SW could ever hope to be
SW is not even finished yet.
>Hisoka and the spiders make this series look like Naruto.
How? You know damn well that this conflict will be resolved in much interesting way than anything in Naruto. It's fucking Togashi, have some faith

Attached: InOrderToDestroy.jpg (784x1145, 669K)

Why do some retards says that succession war is Yorknew 2.0?
Is it because of muh mafia muh Hisoka and muh Spiders or something? You do realize in this arc; Hisoka and the Phantom Troupe are enemies right? That the Spiders work with one of the 3 main families while also doing their best to avoid a war at the moment? The 3 mafia families are enemies to each other and each mafia is looking for way to emerge victorious in the three way battle.

SW kills speedreaders

So it seems

Start at the chimera ant arc and if the highest point of this shitpile doesn't make you want to read it then you saved yourself some time.

Attached: 1557388938707.png (3352x1296, 2.29M)

Cancer und bullets kills speedreaders as well.

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What if Welfin, kalgo and Meleoron become the next protagonist or POV characters of the Gyro Arc?

Read chapter 1 of the manga.
Watch the 2011 anime.
Continue with manga from where it leaves off

I know "deconstruction" gets thrown around a lot by retards pretending to be smart, but is HxH a true deconstruction of shounen? It really does feel like it at points.

By asking that stupid question makes you not any better than those you called retard. Therefore, you are a retard and should find out for yourself.

There's literally nothing wrong with the picture you posted none of the information is redundant

leave Meruem to me

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Hisoka will die of old age.

No u