I told my bf i fineshed Diamond is unbreakable but I'm only at the part where they're going to Egypt...

I told my bf i fineshed Diamond is unbreakable but I'm only at the part where they're going to Egypt. He kept sending JoJo memes and I didn't want to ruin his fun. We're gonna get together to watch the newest season together in 14 days how fucked am i? I have a job so i can't binge all day.

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Is your bf cute?

You're a lying cunt and your relationship is doomed to fail.

>Diamond Unbreakable.
Lying faggot.

That’s the point.

Binge at job. No other option.

If he's a true JoJo fan, he won't mind catching up with you. You're still a lying whore for it tho.

Tell him everyone dies in part 6

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just tell him you lied. why do girls like to start drama and keep it going for no reason?

Why the fuck is this thread still up?

>Were gonna get together
>How fucked am i?

>diavolo dies forever
Actually he CAN'T die and is stuck in a loop pre-death scenarios.

Why the fuck would someone do this?

Is your boyfriend single?

There is no other choice but to sacrifice your enjoyment over knowledge and "getting it". You have to speedwatch and skip boring and slow scenes. That way it's easy to watch 39 episodes in one weekend.
How old are you anyway? I watched D.Gray man that way when I was a teenage, mostly because all the cool kids I was friends with liked it but first episodes did nothing for me, so in order to get all the inner jokes I speed watched it.

>why do girls
They never confirmed that they aren’t a gay boy.

He still dies forever you pedantic fuck

Retard, he never dies. Trish said he is alive.


what? are you some kind of fucking HOMO!!!???

why would you even lie about something as inconsequential as that? you're one retarded woman or faggot

considering that its jojo its probably a gay boy

Binge on the weekend, turbo-tard. Hope this teaches you not to lie.

>trapped in GER, dying over and over again
>"UHM ACKCHUALLY he doesn't TECHNICALLY die because he's stuck in a loop"
It's as good as being dead, moron.

I lied bc he kept sending me memes. He's a big JoJo fan and he loves to talk about it so I didn't have it in me to crush his fun and i love when he gets excited over stuff. I figured I'd be able to catch up before we got to meet up again but it's much sooner than i thought.

just skip to the end of part 3 and binge DiU
not like it affects part 5 much anyways

Girls don't like guys that skip parts, Koichi

Are you a gay male or a straight female?

DIU doesnt effect much of part 5 except for one minor character so just finish part 3

Bisexual Bottom

But are you a male or female?

You make it look like he became isekai hero resurrecting after death. Loop resets before he loses consciousness, that's why he still felt pain right after reset.

Why do you care there's not much of a difference between a gay bottom and a female either way

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also I'm French so like yeah

Yes there is because some women are tops. I don’t really care about you as much as I care about your boyfriend. I want to know if your boyfriend likes other men, because then I might have a chance with him.

OH i thought you were asking so you can be mean to me for being a female. Bf's a straight male tho I'm sorry

Damn, I wanted to cuck you.

Why are you a girl

How fat are you?

Read the manga

105 lbs at 5'6

Why do women always lie about the most inane fucking things. Burn in fucking hell, cunt.

No sane person would say this after learning that an anonymous person on an imageboard lies about how much anime they’ve watched.

I just finished Stardusk Crusaders and I'm hesitant to start Diamond.

The art style change and fashion direction is really throwing me off...


Get fucked. The other user is right, your relationship is doomed to fail.

I’m not OP, but anyone with common sense can see that lying about watching an anime is a very minor problem that can easily be solved.