The Promised Neverland

Leaks when

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Other urls found in this thread:

really, where. we must make sure that rey is useless as always

I want to take a massive shit on Ray's head.

Is Posuka trying to tell us Norman's less bald now?

Attached: EA5OEbmWsAAvMjv.jpg (594x930, 93K)

God, he's so sexy. I would destroy his boipucci in. a heartbeat.

His hair fluffed out when he got older

Happy 3 year birthday, Neverlandbros.

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Suddenly i think i need some hair tonic too

Good luck with that, Ray.

Pouty ray

Cool hat.

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Here's to another 3 years (if TPN even lasts that long) of comfy threads!

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It's probably ending sooner than we'd like but let's make the best of the time we do have.

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Plenty of new lewds this week. Weird.

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Noman is hot

That is correct.

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Lambda also invested in dozens of cures to modern day problems like male pattern baldness

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They all look like men.


5 minutes

thank you!

Barbara is only 16.

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Ray can only dream of getting that much attention again. Poor bastard. Emma, please, stop turning him into your dog. That’s Shou Tucker’s job.

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But user, if Ray's not a dog then how will Emma find Norman again? She needs her hound to sniff Norman's scent and guide her in the right direction. Ray is useful!

Tonight i'll fall asleep while listening to isabella's lullaby

Zazie is 5?
Iasbella/Leslie shippers BTFO.
Isabella loses again!

They really thought Isabella could pull an Emma.
EmmaCHADS always win.

Attached: dabs.jpg (1146x1200, 105K)

Shut up Emma.

Spoilers: Emma die

Spoilers: Ray die


Okay but real talk, why are they so fucking late this week?

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Giran is all of us.

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why leaks are so late?

Because leakers are cunts.

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Emma and Ray snitched about Norman being a sickly fuck to his squad.

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What did they say?

Quick, put the pillow in his face.

Smug Ray a cute!

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I want Norman to destroy me.

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We know Emma.

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Is it just an illustration of his tablet or is Vincent using telekinises here?

My questions are how does he charge it.

Probably the former but the latter would be funnier.

Posuka and Shirai are cute and canon.

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Tl for the omakes?

Leaks are mega late this week.

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Ray a stinky shit.

Emma is so cute!

spoilers: Emma fuck Norman...

Based and Emmapilled!

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The real reason the leaks are late is because we have very graphic panels of his enlarged and ravaged butthole.

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oh I didn't know that, thanks user

Anons, I think I want to marry Anna.

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But she's already my wife.

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I would agree with Ray’s usefulness as a bloodhound, but I think Emma could probably smell Norman’s sweat from a 100 miles away.

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>reee muh norman is on the same level as world peace
What's wrong with her?

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Emma fucking sucks, Ray and Norman should end up together.

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It’s a completely unhinged comparison. Maybe she’s a hidden yandere with obsessive tendencies, and the final chapters of the manga reveal that her perfect, selfless, godly image that everyone worships and adores is actually a façade she used to take control of the remaining human population. Husbandoism is a dangerous affliction. Everyone who said Emma wore the pants in the relationship is probably more correct than they thought.

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You sucking my NEchad cock is the only sucking anyone will be doing.

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And that's why you don't make a thread before spoilers.

Norman is kill

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>Has spasms
Told you all.

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spoilers out:

Starting to believe Musica's piss really is the cure or something.

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Rest in pieces filthy faggots.

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I can't believe Norman is fucking dead.

>Spoilerfag called it.

So what asspull will Shirai do to save him now?

He just dies young.

This is never gonna happen and you know it.

Someone also said that about lambda cancer. What to believe?

Believe the fact that Shirai is too pussy to even kill a who like Chris. This is cheap drama if anything so Emma baws again.


>more material for emma to sperg over

How is musica gonna help, did'nt all the nobles hate her and want her dead?

>"It's happening again"
>takes pills to grow faster
>don't take pills to go stronger
I guess Barbara had already taken them all.

Literally ISIS
Also how do you guys think Norman plans to take out an entire cities population of demons? I wonder if the experiment Vincent was working on is like an instant regression poison that'll turn demons mindless, chuck a few into a crowd of demons and it's a self made disaster.

Her piss will heal demons and humans alike because she's the first coming of demon jesus.


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>Emma I'm the villain now.

Did he blow up their exit so they can't escape? That's clearly a bridge.

Emma cures Norman's AIDs by fucking it out of him

Wouldn't she just get aids too?

The entire city is surrounded by a ravine like at GF, they probably blew up the bridges opposite from where they plan to march in from to trap them.

Yeah, I figured. I was just confused by the caption, it made it seem like he blew the actual people up and Emma was too late.

He'll blow the actual people not long after.

Emma will get there in time to hold hands and sing Kumbaya with everyone.

The other thread was kill.
I did another NE video.

Watched this earlier. Cute!

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Thank you for the extra leak.

Reminder that ray x Emma is endgame with Norman becoming the antagonist

Reminder that ray x Reglavalima is endgame with REDACTED getting a turn on the side.

Later that night.

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Based Phil keeping everything PG-13

What a good boy!

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What's with all the lewds?

>that cold stare

what happened to him

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I hope she gets more popular

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He just came back from lambda cancer pains, you'd look mad too.

Lambda gave him the shounen villain drug. He's Obito now.

She's never getting porn with her dogs, don't even try.

What's wrong, user?

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Is it ever explained why those dogs have weird primate mouths?

Posuka has never seen a dog.

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Posuka put Ray's number on Norman's neck by accident.

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Ray's master keikaku to try and become relevant again.

And now he is dying of AIDS

His new found relevancy will save him.

Why is this bitch so inconsistent with her art

Where can i find doujin?

She's too busy drawing on twitter.

Musica's gonna fix him and it'll cause him to see demons dindu nuffin so Emma can have everything she wants.

How can Emma love Norman when he already genocided a shitload of innocent demons?

Because Emma has been thinking with her pussy since the timeskip.

Because Norman is already a demon.

Who? The fags working in the farms? They're not innocent.

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Nevermind, I thought at first that the last page was about Norman blowing up the demon party but it seems that he is only blowing up bridges so far.

He is still pure.

it doesn't matter if leaks come out. the manga is turning to shit.

>he's still pure
His gaping butthole says otherwise.

Not a doujin, just separate lewd images.

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It's been that way since they left the orphanage, m8.

i need them MHA leaks

Deku dies

while i agree that the manga has been trash since they escaped, norman brought the hype back with his genocide plan. and now the manga is shit again.
>constant blueballing of the promise
>sad gilda to appease emmaniggers

I love Emma.

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For a moment, I thought she was holding a microphone.

What would she sing?

Celtic New Age.

nothing but the best of course!

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Neverland ending soon™

>Chew your food, Emma!

Why are they drinking wine? They're all underage.

i remember when goldy pond ended around chapter 60~ or 70~ something and everyone was saying that it was rushed as fuck and that we were gonna end so quick.

Chapter 95.

Fattening her up for the Tifari, I bet it makes her taste super good and increases the nutrition
>Grass-fed. Dry-aged. "Kobe-style." One-hundred-percent Wagyu beef. Steakhouse menus are awash in fancy descriptions of their meat. The latest rage may soon be "wine-fed." Ranchers in British Columbia are raising a new kind of gourmet beef that comes from cows that spend their final days guzzling a liter of red wine daily. Does this really make for a better steak, or is it just a pretentious foodie gimmick?

Who is there to tell them they can't?

Good news everyone!
We know what Shota Demon God asked!

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His hair looks like a dick's head.

>Nat and Anna sharing the umbrella
Those little things.

Emma-Norman fanarts look like boys love (fujo)

Press F.

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Reminder that emma and norman will eventually die and Ray will be the only one surviving at the end of series

>Posuka teasing the note.

If anyone notice, norman isn't in this page

>Sounen MC


He was dead by then.

>Norman dies
>everyone celebrates on the beach.

Oh, so the theories that Norman was in bad health due to always leaning on his table were correct? Cool.

I hope emma and ray will be late. I hope Norman's plan failed in the middle. I hope the three tubes contain mama, phil and some random kid. I hope sonju will backstab emma and the friends in the end. I hope mujika will heal some people while laughing innocently. I hope for the best chaos ever.

I really wanted to Emma and the gang raid the Mom training centre back when the manga wasn't Lambda Crew show, but it just looks like that wont happen anymore.

There was this theory?

Maybe as jokes, but I remember a few months ago when we first saw Norman again at the hideout that people would comment about him looking very weak since he was always sitting or keeping his hand on his desk.

And also this

Leak user must be Posuka.


We're in the endgame now


Man, jokes aside, I feel bad for Norman. I know it's stupid and he won't die but he's just a 13 year old kid doing what he thinks is best for everybody and suffering a shit ton while at it. People say Emma's autistic about saving him but he needs someone to give him a hand.

>Emma is going to ruin up their death wish

Emma's autism is gonna hit new highs.

This. A whole bunch of people are going to die and they arent even allowed to obtain revenge because of Emma.

I meant her autism is gonna hit new highs because muh norman is sick wah. At this point I don't know what to xpect since a huge part of her sperging was over saving him. I expect her to but she'll be unbearable for a while.

Ray will be the only one to live in the end. Norman will die and Emma will be forced to do whatever [redacted] asked for which will probably separate her from her family.

>not expecting flowers and rainbow
You're gonna be so disappointed, user.

Shirai doesn't have the balls.

Even if by some miracle they die, they'd get to have sex in the afterlife for the rest of eternity just like Yugo.

But what about Bemma?

Ray's irrelevance is a blessing in disguise.

She will become immortal and forced to give Redacted one of her children to eat every 10 years.

I wouldn't mind if Emma and Norman were shown at the end as "spirits" with Connie, Yuugo, Lucas and the other people who died.

Emma would never agree to that!

Attached: cute bemma.png (343x707, 210K)

>Emma would never agree to that!
You literally can't refuse him.

She's a shounen MC, of course she can. She's the real god of the manga if anything.

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Imagine not wanting Norman to win

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I don't. But god he's so hot.


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That's exactly what's gonna happen.

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>Norman will be healed
>He'll become a demon
>He'll have to stay on the other side

Attached: Mamadark.jpg (1692x1600, 818K)

That first part sounds like Emma's wet dream.



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Would the disease spread through his cum? Asking for a friend.

Don't worry, he'll be able to impregnate you before dying, Emma

>Musica's piss heals Norman and the Lambda fags
>they start thinking wow demons aren't so bad
>Emma gets to save Norman and demons
That's my guess.

Why would Ray die? Norman is gonna die.

Should i read the manga or wait next year for season 2?

Nobody's gonna die. I can't believe people keep falling for this, it's GF all over again.

lol no he won't

Read it. The anime is shittier.

I like this
>Emma... I'm already a demon

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How much you wanna bet this is pointless drama and the 300IQ children autism will make them come up with a cure?

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Would be less annoying than Musica being literal jesus. But I still think it'll be her.

Given enough time, everyone will die.

That's grim.

I thought that Emma was Jesus

Musica is jesus and Emma is the holy spirit.


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You just have to tire him out, Emma!

How is one supposed to do that?

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Just start wrestling and go from there.
Protip: take off your clothes so they don't wrinkle.

Norman cummies

Nothing happens

But Norman is weak! He can't handle wrestling, user.

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It's time for cute.

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Emma will be with Ray. No women can resist that type.

Emma didn't even remember Ray exists when dying or care that he was having a mental breakdown in the seven walls. No, she won't.

>this is what rayfags really believe
try having him get screentime first

No, REfags. No self respecting Rayfag would ever want that for him.

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But I'm a woman and I love Norman and don't care for types like Ray.

Ray doesn't even have a type. He's a walking yeah machine.

We know, Emma.

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As a girl (female), I like both Norman and Ray. They both have their good qualities, except for the genocide and plot irrelevant bits.

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Imagine really believing this when Emma has been autistic about Norman this entire arc.

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>norman's cancer

fuck you shirai

lamba should be a fucking arc

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As a boy (male), fuck Ray.

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>fuck Ray.

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Let's suppose Norman dies while being heroic and both Emma and Ray manage to save the children while Emma pays the price or whatever that guy asked for.

It would be still a good ending, even though is bittersweet. I don't think there would be enough people to pull off another hall of anal devastation because the story so far can lend itself for these types of endings, which would make the whole thing more memorable.

Except he won't die and neither will Emma. Nor will Ray die. There's no point supposing it when there's virtually no chance.

I'm sorry. Anna can't hear you right now. She's too busy sucking the Emo out of Ray.

Attached: sloppy kisses.jpg (1200x997, 304K)

It's not happening.
This parallels the first arc in which Norman was gonna get fucked and Emma lost him. It's never gonna happen the same way, especially when the MC has a clear goal of saving him. It's literally Naruto not saving Sasuke.
That and the fact that not even irrelevant who kids have died. Killing the second most popular character? No way. People are fooled way too easily and then get assmad it didn't go the way they wanted.

I feel like people forget they're reading shounenshit sometimes.

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Reminds me of the good old days when some retards actually thought he got shipped out and killed.

>Norman is fucking dying
>thread isn't freaking out, it's just a cringefest.

Cringe would be freaking out over a "death" that's not even gonna happen.

reee discuss what I want

There isn't discussion of any kind.

Literally in front of you. It's probably just not what you want to hear.

>guys this character is gonna die, for real I swear, I promise, pinky promise
>people buy this

Attached: sad.png (397x443, 93K)

>That and the fact that not even irrelevant who kids have died


aside it's the end of the series it's not like there's stakes later

Yuugo and Lucas were adults who also got a fulfilling end. Norman getting "killed", doing some suffering endlessly just to be killed isn't. And it contradicts Emma's wishes. It's not feasible.

>doing some suffering endlessly just to be killed. And it contradicts Emma's wishes.
Literally what happened to Yuugo.

>only one bridge got destroyed

Norman isn't brain dead yet, they'll all but maybe one get destroyed.

Would you destroy all bridges at once, or one after the other?
Which one would instill more fear?

Yuugo suffered and then found Lucas and a reason to go on. He got to be happy and he met his family in the afterlife. Norman doesn't get to be happy and his family is right here within arm's reach.
Also he's a main character, but details.

>search rayemma on twitter
>it's literally just a bunch of spics

Just nuking everything would cause the most panic.

Of course, only subhumans would like that.

>it's literally just a bunch of spics
Just like Yea Forums.


Attached: 1555972519737.jpg (700x394, 24K)

>Also he's a main character, but details.
Not a main character, just a important character. Main characters don't disappear for half of the manga.

And yet he has more relevance than anyone that's not named Emma, user. Main characters also don't get treated like Ray does and yet, look at him. I think you're getting your hopes up too high for drama in a very average shounenshit.

So who will take Emma virginity? Ray? Norman? Or The One?

uh yes he is lol

Real answer: Norman.
Meme answer: Me.

Norman but literally who cares, why is her vagina so interesting to everyone.

Ray is not a MC either, only Emma holds that title. Norman is relevant like a antagonist is.
>Main characters also don't get treated like Ray does
You must not be talking about WSJ stuff.

Main character is different from protagonist, man.

>why is her vagina so interesting to everyone
Self inserting.

>Norman "dies"
>guys what if Norman is REALLY dead?
>Ray "dies"
>guys but what if he's ACTUALLY dead
>Emma "dies"
>okay but listen what if she truly died
>Norman dying
>what if-

Why is Ray so irrelevant? I'm feeling bad for him.

High Grade Puffy Meat, duh.

I really don't get why he's treated like this. Sucks, he used to be my favorite.

I wanna insert in her alright.


>search rayemma
Why would you do such a thing, user?

Not him but I've done it out of morbid curiosity. Wasn't fun.

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I want Emma to lick Norman's coughed up blood like a demon. I want her to turn him on with this, prompting him to get hard and be unable to hate demons anymore. Then I want her to take advantage of the situation and do him until he's so spent he can't get up and only then should she find a cure for him, making him eternally grateful and her bitch for the rest of their lives.

Why worry about something that isn’t going to happen?

>I want Emma to lick Norman's coughed up blood like a demon
be the become the neverland demon

All of you, please go kill yourselves

Kill me yourself, pussy.

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This. Let the thread die already.

post wholesome to piss off angry user!

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Not the cough of death that addles every overpowered shonen character! No!

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>incoming powerup

Why is his thumb so fat?

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It is time.

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He's had to make do without Emma to give him milkies. While on the road and with his silicone magnum dong with Emma's name engraved on it back in his bedroom, his thumb had to do.

>his silicone magnum dong

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So it's swollen? What a nasty man.

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He's got to make do somehow.

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Cute lil spergy Norman.

This is my wife.

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That's nice. Norman is mine.

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Even now, I can't wrap my head around Emma's thoughts. I just can't understand somebody with a high IQ not supporting demon genocide. What the fuck? Is it really just moralfagging? The entire human race is at stake here as far as she/norman knew/know.

But she explained it pretty well. The demons heavily involved with the system can die but those who aren't really at fault for just existing and aren't actively harming them out of choice shouldn't just because of the way they were born. At least as long as there's an alternative.
But don't forget she was willing to let it go even if she disagreed. What prompted her to move her ass and change things was Norman and the way he's losing himself to achieve this and she doesn't want that. Makes sense to me.

Why are they melting?

>Genocide means high IQ
It's almost like user is biased.

You don't?

She's like a grimdark Gabbo...

I want to hug her so.

We know, Norman

How much testosterone is in Norman's sweat?

Emma has more testosterone than Norman.

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WTF why didn't my image load?

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Sometimes... you just gotta do the wrong thing for the right reasons...

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Skelly Norman a cute. Cute!

Attached: cute.png (375x427, 117K)

>Recently, the director of The Promised Neverland appeared in Los Angeles for Anime Expo 2019. It was there the creator was asked about his work on the show, and Mamoru Kanbe said he was given some specific instructions when it came to Emma.

>In fact, creator Kaiu Shirai wanted to make it clear that Emma was no damsel in distress. When it comes to rescues, Emma will always save herself before picking up others.

>"First of all, the author mentioned Emma is not a princess. And so I asked him what type of girl is she, and I was told she’s like a knight in shining armor," Kanbe said.

>tfw we will never see Emma in a skirt or even a dress again...
Why must I only know endless pain, Emo-bros?

Attached: ray-the-promised-neverland-31.7.jpg (210x240, 9K)

You should be glad she's even developing as a female, ungrateful user.

Attached: older.png (299x480, 114K)

We will in the inevitable timeskip. She wants to wear skirts, she imagined herself with one in the future. They're just not practical.

No skirt, no dice.

Attached: ray_5960.jpg (300x300, 25K)

Even boys can wear skirts. Look at her assets instead.

Attached: emmas emmas.png (250x279, 33K)

pic-related [BLOCKS YOUR PATH]

What do?

Attached: 1554991613368.png (282x384, 94K)

>Even boys can wear skirts.

Attached: 11_year_old_Norman.png (250x253, 25K)

Let her step on me like the cockroach I am.
wtf is this Powerpuff Girls or some gay shit?

Attached: Powerpuff uhh.png (737x178, 123K)


Attached: best girl (male).png (310x685, 85K)

You vile cockroach
>crushes your mutilated nads

Attached: the-promised-neverland-gif.gif (540x304, 1.57M)


Attached: when a discord tranny makes a post.png (432x399, 287K)

I would let Emma crush my balls, spit on me and call me names!

Attached: yupp.png (238x545, 88K)

Stop fucking children you sickos!

Attached: 1564753233506.png (205x207, 33K)

Shut up, Norman.


Attached: gentleman emma.jpg (904x1200, 153K)

Why must Ray be so useless? What did he do to deserve this treatment? Why do even the heavens reject him?

Attached: 123412412412.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

I don't want to fuck children, I want the children to fuck each other.

Attached: censored24.png (1280x1791, 2.43M)


Attached: norman-dominating-krone-by-standing-above-her-with-an-intimidating-demeanor-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 33K)

Holy shit


Attached: eh.gif (888x437, 1.21M)

As a professional, I would say that Norman’s testosterone levels have been significantly altered by the Lambda experiments. When called to lead his army in negotiations or battle, a process referred to in the scientific community as “some bullshit” increases the production of testosterone, thereby resulting in an accelerated rate of puberty that affects his height, structure, and mental fortitude. When exposed to a specific catalyst, called the “Emma factor,” a strange DNA strand commonly known as the “YFU gene” causes an immediate reversion in all physical and mental changes, rendering Norman’s testosterone levels alarmingly low and his susceptibility to cute, orange, and spunky stimuli incredibly high.

Attached: F1741701-A204-4E36-9497-68F11424DE15.jpg (1199x823, 135K)

You can't have any of these Yea Forums. And you never will. They are not for you. Never ever.

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Attached: D0QNsS0U0AAP5fo.jpg (1200x987, 133K)

But I will make Emma mine!

Attached: forbidden.png (368x298, 74K)

No, she'll make you hers.

Attached: finger goes up the ass.png (263x228, 39K)

Y-Yes mistress...

Attached: ugh.png (342x316, 132K)

What if I want the boys?

Attached: D34WdXyUEAA9wq1.jpg (1200x828, 179K)

That's very interesting science, user. Can you explain what we call "spaghetti" and "autism", since he's been a victim of both?

Attached: D8i98aPUIAAkR_G.jpg (1200x835, 214K)

I don't know where these are coming from or why all of these exist but I'm so grateful.


Attached: D8C2st1U0AA4EIU.jpg (768x768, 111K)

Shut up, user, Emma and Norman are for lewding just like Ray is for bullying!


Attached: D8VNOJKU8AAzpuC.jpg (930x568, 55K)


Attached: based ray.jpg (540x275, 17K)

Attached: D9-i2zvUwAErR_m.jpg (900x1000, 142K)

Does Ray represent the fandom?

Attached: D1PVvhhXgAA5jD-.jpg (1199x969, 133K)

Fuck Gilda. Add Gillian.

How is she not pregnant when they've been travelling along for centuries?

Attached: D6SsCMgUUAAZytN.jpg (846x1081, 170K)

ray a shit

I want to fuck norman.

Get in line.

I want Norman's aids ridden cum

They're sold at a premium by the litre.

Norman's death will just be another step on his keikaku