Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru

Would you onegai Ai Fairouz's muscles? Do you think she has a bright future? And why did Dogakobo cast as the MC a seiyuu that didn't have a single anime role before?

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Do girls actually like big muscles?


Attached: danberu.jpg (590x385, 114K)

Some do, some don't. I was working out next to this cute girl at the gym a few years ago, doing tricep pulldowns on a rope and we started talking. She said I was cute but my muscles were a little gross. Although I think that was just because I'm extremely vascular, not so much the size.
>inb4 /fit/

I don't go to /fit/. You can be Yea Forums and lift at the same time, contrary to the board's belief.

I thought it was the VA that did Morgana in P5 when I first heard her

Hibiki is FAT

Attached: many_kilograms_of_not_dumbbell_by_thebreadguardian_ddb0egd-fullview.jpg (1280x2037, 136K)

What is Koyo joyner a reference to exactly?

I was daydreaming our relationship, she would help me get fit and I would be, well, onegaing her muscles.

>why did Dogakobo cast as the MC a seiyuu that didn't have a single anime role before?
either connections within the industry, or they just really liked her audition.

>And why did Dogakobo cast as the MC a seiyuu that didn't have a single anime role before?
because her voice is perfect for the genki gyaru role

>Do you think she has a bright future?
I hope so, she's great. It'd also be a shame if she just gets type-cast to roles like Hibiki; I want to see what she'd do with a Yamato Nadeshiko or vampire loli.

What's a good cardio exercise you can do in your house wihtout machines? Just burpees or rope jumping?

>in your house
why can't you go outside and run?

jumping jacks too, and you can do mountain climbers

Just look up any random cardio exercise video on youtube and follow along. Mostly it amounts to swinging around for 40 minutes.

barbell complexes

I’m a fucking muscle let who at max could eventually use 40 lbs of weight with the dumbbells I have. I’ll get there one day. I can only bicep curl 15 lbs. will I ever make it anons?

are you having a stroke?

Also should I be doing other squats other than the goblet style?

Go up and down stairs.

Wait wait wait, I asked the Machio-san in my gym about this exactly and he said it's bad and he says just condition and defatigue at start and beginning. Mind that it's only 10 mins each.

Attached: 1562178294038.webm (960x540, 149K)

No, just a rough poop.

Try joining a gym, there's only so much you can do at home with just dumbbells.

pistol squats. dont use weight, instead you progress by doing more reps.

If you're lean muscular yes, if you're buffed generally no. If you have literally pro body builder body it's not uncommon for them to think it's gross.

I was told to start off doing full body strength training with just the weights I have available until I drop 30-45 lbs. as the would be adequate until then.

What kind of bf does Hibiki want

Man I just want some ダンベル workout gear already

So would you swap that out for the goblet squats, same day, or alternate throughout the week?

a skinnyfat white wizard, definitely

It's a big yes but you'll also attract muscular men and trust me your glutes will never feel safe again.

Within reasonable limits, yeah. If you leave humanity behind, rarely.

do it as an accessory to your goblet squat or alternate between week(or days) if you want to do it with your dumbbells. ur gonna make it user

It's not really a bad plan but you should be aware that if you truly want to drop weight during is more important than exercise. That said, it's good to do some exercise anyway.


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fucking nice

Why are all the dumbells so dumb and belle?
(TN: "belle" means pretty)
They're also incredibly cute, especially Hibiki.

Attached: Dumbbell-Nan-Kilo-Moteru.jpg (649x365, 58K)

whens the episode where hibiki downloads myfitnesspal and starts weighing food on a scale

Jackie Joyner-Kersee.
She won TONS of Olympic medals back in the 80s-90s for sixteen years. She was basically voted the greatest female athlete of all time.

The ones worth a damn do.

>finally started exercising after the episode
>barely stop touching the floor when doing abdominals
Holy fuck it feels bad, and I'm a fucking skelly, I actually had an easier time doing dragon flags. Is there anything that could help with abdominals?

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Wait, was she sitting on his dick?

who the fuck cares what they want. Most people don't know what they want, especially some stupid thots. Just get big and leave humanity behind

>Is there anything that could help with abdominals?
Anything that involves your abdominals.

Are you asking for a drug or a magical spell or something???

i only do 3 minutes on treadmill to warm up

Burpees, jumping rope, stairs, jumping jacks, running in place. You could also do any body weight exercise just do them faster.

No, women are eternal plebs who have no actual appreciation for the male body. You lift for the appreciation of other men, not for women.

I'm asking for an exercise that would help doing them, but I guess that if I could manage dragon flags that should do it.

Fatty and sensei cheated by sitting at a lower level.

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>That form
I forget how the squats chapter was in the manga but I really hope that was her imagining things wrong and then getting corrected.

That is exactly what happened.

They all cheated by having towels.

they're hindu squats, heels are supposed to come off.

Pic related is fanart she drew herself.

And more:

She is cheat-tier, multi-talented AND swole.

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Hibiki is not fat! She's just big boned

Imagine eating their sweaty ass

does every japanese person know how to draw

>Kobayashi Yuu's drawings

Seeing Mugi's VA, I think every Japanese girl knows how to play piano too.

Japanese people are born with a fully developed set of skills.

They simply have full-fledged art lessons in normal schools. I don't know how it is in us or eu, but where i live we got a whopping 2 years of art when i was in a 7-8 grade and the best thing i draw was a fucking pencil bunny without any shadows or tone.

Apparently a normalish pretty boy considering she likes Machio's suppressed muscle level form.

Is she half Persian or something?


Lots of cases of newbies getting cast as MC. Watch more anime, summer-fag.

we do have art lessons for a couple years in school in Germany but you hardly learn anything. mostly it was just theoretical shit where the teacher didn't even bother to explain anything, he just expected you to be able to write a meaningful analysis on some painting on your own.


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this ep was pretty funny

Make your prediction guys. I think she's going to be at least top 10 on "the list" next year.

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>Hibiki is a womanlet
Akemi is better in every single way

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Okay! A new day and Episode 5 webms are done! I'll dump 'em in appearing order, but starting with my favorite.

Attached: Hibiki Coming For Your Gains.webm (960x540, 263K)

Attached: ara.webm (960x540, 135K)

Attached: ARA!.webm (960x540, 235K)

Attached: Machio's Leg Curls Lesson 1.webm (960x540, 2.22M)

when you reveal you squat your bench

Attached: Machio's Leg Curls Lesson 2.webm (960x540, 1.99M)

Attached: Machio's Leg Curls Lesson 3.webm (960x540, 2.4M)

That's okay user, a 140kg squat is still alright.


Attached: Sensei's senseis.webm (960x540, 79K)

Attached: Sensei's Workout.webm (960x540, 583K)

Attached: Sensei's Leg Curling Loop.webm (960x540, 219K)

Attached: My glutes are on firel.webm (960x540, 393K)


Attached: uqm7rylql2vz.png (728x427, 415K)

Attached: Beach Butt.webm (960x540, 315K)

Attached: Get Fired Up!.webm (960x540, 250K)

Attached: LEG CURLS.webm (960x540, 555K)


Attached: Girls of Horror.webm (960x540, 170K)

I had this problem all my life. Every PE class from elementary school to college I had to ask for exercise mats otherwise I feared fracturing my rectum. Every PE teacher only allowed me to get the mat after confessing in front of everyone that my butt is very flat and hurts too much against the concrete.

Attached: Hibiki of Horror.webm (960x540, 364K)

Attached: Machio Literally Strips.webm (960x540, 411K)

Attached: rich pianist.png (292x292, 86K)

Attached: Looking At Your Gains.webm (960x540, 125K)

Attached: Split.webm (960x540, 742K)

I want to DATE this cake for the purpose of making her happy and then FUCK her

Attached: Ayaka Freaking Out.webm (960x540, 202K)

Whats the optimal length of a olympic bar? A meter and a half, 1.7m, 2 meters.

Attached: ss.jpg (480x640, 227K)

But will it lead to marriage? She really wants that, you know...

Attached: I can't take this.webm (960x540, 305K)

Attached: Oh, so that's what it feels like.webm (960x540, 353K)

Is that thing that Machio was doing with the girls on top of him even good for you?

Attached: 1563994241330.png (1280x720, 364K)

The actual insertion of the chauffeur bag-boy and whatever her name is is what sells this.

Attached: A lot going on.webm (960x540, 198K)

A "wrestler's bridge" is effective training for strengthening your neck muscles if you're doing it safely, sure. There's a chapter on it later when the girls go do an idol competition.

Attached: Frustrated Hibiki.webm (960x540, 169K)


Attached: 1564613036018.jpg (1191x945, 57K)

Attached: Oh it's you.webm (960x540, 146K)

This isn't good for your heart, Akemi. This isn't good for MY heart just LOOKING at you!

Attached: Akemi Calm Down.webm (960x540, 861K)

I'm being serious, Akemi. You're not a hummingbird.

Attached: Akemi, no joke, CHILLOUT.webm (960x540, 253K)

gotta go fast


Attached: FACE OFF.webm (960x540, 283K)

Attached: SSJ.webm (960x540, 105K)

Attached: Machio's Illiopsoas.webm (960x540, 489K)

And people say the manga is more lewd...

Attached: Machio's Hip Wiggle.webm (960x540, 134K)

Attached: Machio's Bicycle Crunch Lesson.webm (960x540, 2.49M)

I love this little scene

Attached: Machio and Hibiki Approve!.webm (960x540, 260K)

Attached: I May Have Made A Mistake.webm (960x540, 80K)

/fit/ is so gay.

Attached: ACTION FACE OFF.webm (960x540, 484K)

Attached: Action Smug Hibiki.webm (960x540, 95K)

From the thumbnail it makes it look like one of those really shitty shows that sells random shit like 2 people would buy

Attached: It's a hand-off.webm (960x540, 253K)

Yeah, even Japan had those types of commercials.

Attached: Akemi still running.webm (960x540, 342K)

You mean shopping channels?

Attached: Hibiki reflects on her training.webm (960x540, 927K)

Attached: Got my heart racing.webm (960x540, 429K)

2nd place was nice, but you got us disqualified, Hibiki!!!!

Attached: BUMMER.webm (960x540, 101K)


Attached: 1543094350602.png (1280x720, 1.14M)

You have to take responsibility...

Attached: Pregnancy Test Results.webm (960x540, 205K)

There's whole channels dedicated to them? In the third world shithole I live in they get dedicated slots but never whole channels

Attached: 1563351145082.png (617x706, 389K)


Entire networks, yeah.

Attached: Try...tri...SIDE TRICEPS.webm (960x540, 543K)

>There's whole channels dedicated to them?

>And why did Dogakobo cast as the MC a seiyuu that didn't have a single anime role before?
cause the casting director is fucking based and has good taste

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 03 [720p].mkv_00.13.41.571.jpg (1280x720, 271K)

The girls are getting used to Machio.
And next episode, we witness that Akemi's corruption is spreading...

Attached: This is normal now.webm (960x540, 917K)

"Yaeba" is possible with both canines. Hibiki likely has both, as per evidence of this webm from last episode

Attached: Shark Teeth.webm (960x540, 182K)

err oh well

Have a locker room of girls who don't wear bras to the gym, apparently.

Attached: Locker Room.webm (960x540, 1.29M)

I like that they had another scene of Machio suppressing his muscles in this episode. One of the funniest things I've ever seen

And have them individually!

Attached: Hibiki Locker Room.webm (960x540, 228K)

Attached: Akemi Locker Room.webm (960x540, 120K)

Attached: Ayaka Locker Room.webm (960x540, 137K)

Machio's character design is just so inherently fucking funny. He barely needs to do anything and I still laugh when he's on screen

Attached: Satomi Locker Room.webm (960x540, 227K)

He's what's comfortable and funny because of his confidence in who he is, and

Attached: Circulating Hibiki.webm (960x540, 541K)

Bare fit girl back is my fucking weakness, holy shit

Attached: 1560971511059.gif (263x199, 296K)

and apparently 4ckin will end my post. Okay.
Anyway, I love Machio, too.
And cakes.

Attached: Drunken Cakes.webm (960x540, 363K)

You are a good man

Attached: Relaxing Sauna.webm (960x540, 127K)

Attached: The Dumb Belles Discussing Gambling.webm (960x540, 516K)

____ _____

Attached: AMERICA!.webm (960x540, 583K)

Ai Fairouz's revving-up screams soothe my soul

Attached: RIP Zyzz.webm (960x540, 1.78M)

Attached: Sauno, then.webm (960x540, 264K)

Attached: Saunas are not for sport.webm (960x540, 506K)

Attached: All the tickets were for t-shirts.webm (960x540, 88K)

She looks like she fuck black guys

Attached: Akemi knows their value.webm (960x540, 127K)

Attached: Have ALL of them.webm (960x540, 128K)

Last stretch of weebms!

Attached: Ayaka's Prep.webm (960x540, 368K)

Attached: Bicycle Crunch Loop.webm (960x540, 189K)

Attached: Bicycle Crunch Hibiki Loop.webm (960x540, 190K)

Attached: Bicycle Crunch Akemi Loop.webm (960x540, 177K)

Attached: Bicycle Crunches At the Bus Stop.webm (960x540, 520K)

Episode 5!
7 more episodes left! Zina(Gina) appears next week and still more surprises come! Maybe "America" wasn't so impossible...

Attached: Being impregnated is...the best!.webm (960x540, 101K)

sensei wants to get dicked so bad

thanks webmbro
Also fucking hell the last 3 or 4 bicycle crunches were hell for me, I keep forgetting how tricky they are sometimes

I want her to beat me up and draw the crime scene.

Never give up on your dreams of BULK.

They've been doing bicycle crunches since the trailer back in, like, March. Dang.

Attached: Ayaka.webm (960x540, 418K)

Akemi gives me massive bulk in my pants

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Tell me /fit/ - how do I achieve this natty? I'm as tall as him but my BMI is a bit higher than normal.

Attached: Risotto_Nero_AV.png (306x432, 265K)

I wanna not feel tired all the time. How to do that?


Takes a long time to get "big" natty; natty gains are much, much slower than you think. Don't let the fake natties (Sissies) fool you. It is possible to get Risotto's body, but you're looking at a good 12 years minimum assuming top tier genetics and work ethic.

I only dream of losing weight.

I dream of leaving humanity behind

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 05 [720p].mkv-00_20_11error606.png (1280x720, 878K)

>Visible clit and vulva
Any more like this?

Attached: 1550994039431.jpg (587x740, 66K)

Have sex

What does /fit/ have to say about this show?


(slang for masturbate)

That's the point of the challenge.

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How can she smug!?

It depends on the girl. Though I've heard in Japan super muscles are considered hard gay and Gachimuchi tier. So at the least its fetish/niche tier.

How many bugs did she catch with her mouth wide open like that?

how do you pronounce fairouz

I can't believe sensei is fucking dead

This isn't the protein I was looking for.

Why did they give so much drugs!?!?

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>Ayaka getting her Ayakas out for Akemi

Attached: sweating man.jpg (300x300, 15K)

I can't believe Sensei is fucking dead!

Haven't watched all of Kengan Ashura yet, but was there any reference to Dumbbell in there?

either an omake or a flashback (I can't remember which) shows Akemi borrowing the book from Shion's PoV

I mean the anime. I'm aware of the cameos in the manga.

whoops, I misread your post
I haven't watched the anime, but I haven't heard there are any Dumbbell cameos in it

Akemi seems to have that affect on everyone. They all get out their Satomis and they're Zinas when Akemi is around. People like Machio and Akemi, who are just so confident in what they love, they just make people around them so much more motivated to be like them.

Attached: 08.png (960x1361, 1.02M)

Most girls will tell you they want a guy to be buff but not bodybuilder buff.
My gf told me she doesn't care about muscles at all but boy does she fondle them well enough when we're cuddling

How is this allowed in Japanese Television?

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>I'm aware of the cameos in the manga.
I wanna be sure, but the actual Dandberu references I know of from the manga are:
1. Machio shows up in a Silverman Gym Protein Shake commercial with Julius.
2. There's a side-chapter with Shion and Sen and on the last page it's the "minutes later" intersection of Akemi asking for the Ozu Toshio muscle book so they can do dips.
3. In a crossover chapter, the main Danberu crew show up to cheer on Hibiki at the Kubikukuri Town Eating Contest.
4. In an extra chapter with Kaede, her younger sister gets lost getting to the party in Russia, where Zina happens to be.
5. In a later 4koma of Karla describing her family as "normal," she talks about her mom, Kure Yakusha who is the same Kure-sensei.
6. Of course Koyo Women's Academy shows up anytime Shion or college-Kure is involved, though no one is drawn from the Danberu crowd.

I dunno if I'm missing any, but that's just off the top of my head of the Danberu cast in Kengan.

Attached: Zina's Uncle Ivan.png (848x1200, 659K)

>Akemi's corruption is spreading...

Attached: 04.png (960x1361, 502K)

>idol competition.

The early chapters were a little more detailed. But that and some other images are the most graphic, so they're the only ones really posted for comparisons. Otherwise, it's fairly "subtle" like this.

Attached: 05.png (960x1361, 444K)

>idol competition
Zina LOVES audiences and fame. She's SUPER into idols, cosplaying, and public competitions. She's the big reason Muji TV's Deire Kutarou shows up in this manga at all.

Are you trying to tell me you don't like the Kubikukuri City idols, the girls from Koyo Girls' Academy, the "Dumb Belles"!?!?

Attached: 06.png (960x1361, 426K)

They go to a few, really.

Attached: 03.png (960x1361, 1.27M)

Ayaka is best
I want to hold her down, feel her struggle against my grip, and watch her abs contract as she tries in vain to lift herself off the ground. I want to keep her tied up in my closet for years on end as I breed her.
This is my motive for lifting.

Machio seems like such a happy and un-fazed guy. I've really only seen him surprised once, and only ever stressed if Dogegenchonegger is around (in the beginning). I think this is the first time he's really actually noticed just what Hibiki had potential for.

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She would just beat you up you fatty

So will any of the girls get dicked at the end of the story? At least sensei should.



>ywn fuck her brains out

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I cannot believe sensei is FUCKING DEAD

soundtrack when? Every song in this is great

imagine the mating pressing

>still, STILL, no russia

Attached: Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 03 [720p].png (1280x720, 1.49M)

So I have started doing planking everyday because it seems simple, is this bad or good? Should I do something else?

>And why did Dogakobo cast as the MC a seiyuu that didn't have a single anime role before?
Probably wanted to give her a unique voice, and Fairouz must have performed very well in her audition.

Here's a good 5-7 minute ab routine for beginners. Although this should be done with other routines, because just abs won't help you much.


next time

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Her art style makes me think she's a big fan of old shoujo comics. Which would make sense.


>flagpole on the wrong side

Attached: Spe-chan FAT very FAST...................Uma Musume Pretty Derby...waifu. RIP.webm (1280x720, 2.04M)

A fucking girls from some shoune shit has more well toned muscles then her

Attached: Fire muscles.jpg (1159x1013, 92K)

I see thanks. I'll try doing cardio every other day away from strength.

Attached: gotcha.png (343x350, 112K)

They like tone, not bulk.

What else would you expect from a female gorilla?

Hibiki is human, you can't compare her to a gorilla cyclops

Training is tiring, I can never keep a consistent gain.

Attached: zumou.jpg (972x916, 96K)

>no ass

Isn't she supposed to be fantasizing about having a new ass after working out?

Don't worry about weight yet, go for volume.

a slim figure, not a nigger bunta

Specifically, they want otter mode

They just cannot appreciate the beauty of it all.

How does it make you feel that Satomi is a Christmas Cake yet was born in the 1990s?

Attached: 1564587973265.jpg (2079x1927, 1.47M)


if she's a cake, what am I?

I want to nut inside Hibiki and make her a single mother.

When the manga introduced her (3 years ago), she was born in the 80s (the same year I am).

It makes me feel good in my body region.

Attached: 1564535052416.jpg (1063x2048, 234K)

fuck off nigger

I want to nut inside Hibiki and take responsibility

It took me a while to realize whose voice Ai Fairouz's reminds me of: Megumi Hayashibara.
It has an edge to it, and pretty good dynamic range.

Attached: hibikiWAT.jpg (1920x1080, 228K)

Too bad for her since her but still going to be big with all these squats

That's why I lift

>swear to lose my 160lbs to 140
>ate 1900 calories today, when goal is 1500
I need help. How do you guys reduce cravings?

stay busy, remember to drink water, stop eating like a pig you fatty!

Eat more meat and vegetables, drink more water,masturbate. I used to eat 800-1200 calories a day and it wasn't too bad while eating more healthy/nutrient dense foods.

How does this help?

Attached: dafuk3.jpg (362x346, 38K)

The towels should be different colors.


>male pelvis

You lose nutrients off setting the eating and if you fap hard for an hour with no fan it will be a work out.

Would Hibiki have won if the other girl didn't drop the stick?

I feel like Donnie Iris should be singing watching this race.

>It's been a long, long time, you're such a sight!
>You're lookin' better than a body has a right to!
>Don't you know we're playing with the fire,
>but we can stop this burnin' desire!

>Here we go again!
>Is it ever gonna end?
>Here we go again...

Attached: Donnie Iris.png (600x600, 822K)

I'm not your doctor, retard.

Fiber reduces cravings.


High fiber foods naturally make you feel full faster afterwards. It can also prevent you from wanting midnight snacks.

Say you feel hungry late at night. Instead of eating leftovers from your fridge, you get some teaspoons of Metamucil, stir it up with water, and drink it down and it should help make you feel full as you go back to sleep.

Attached: 1563858019357.jpg (1200x1200, 209K)

A lot of the time when you fell hungry you're not actually hungry so rather than eating drink water.

I would say it's a bonus for them but, still depends. Women care more about money and success.

this is a very good shillpost

It also makes you take shits and absorbs all the water in you making the shits hard.
Maybe once every month at best.

Attached: 1562182815236.jpg (1280x1386, 215K)

I didn't realize the cakes were this fucking dark.

Attached: 16.png (960x1361, 525K)

No practical art lessons? My high school at least tried to get the kids to do some paintings, woodcuts and drawings.

Fuck I hate being hungry all the time now

I like this anime, i started getting back in shape a few weeks ago, and then i found the anime which acts as a really good motivator. Started to do bicycle crunches, man i can do a lot of sets but i can only get up to about 22 per set

They like LEAN, compact muscle. Think Chris Hemsworth, not Brian Shaw.

I'm doing OMAD and I'm hungry motherfuckers.

Attached: nononononono.gif (420x236, 254K)

omad is bs, if you want to lose weight your better off eating 5 times a day. youll still be hungry doing this though, because its normally high protein, low carb, 0 sugar. Drink whey protein isolate with water, it suppresses hunger

Most of them just want otter mode with a pretty face and good style (rich). That's why /fit/ are still full of incels

I just always slurped tons of 0 kcal broth (well, not entirely 0 kcal, but something in the single digit range)
tastes like there's any nutrients of value in it so it tricks your brain for a while

>omad is bs
No, it isn't. OMAD did wonders for me and it isn't for everyone, but if you can be consistent with it it does wonders.

i mean obviously omad is going to work if youre reducing your overall intake, but its not as if it, or the intermittent fasting that its built around are actually some arcane knowledge that will turn you into a greek god. heck i know people who lost weight on keto and kept it off once they switched to a better diet, but most of the time if a person too their normal diet and just tweaked it a bit (smaller portions, cut most sugar) theyll be losing kilos pretty quickly and pretty passively.

I wanna arm-wrestle Gina/Zina!!!

the point is that she isn't /fit/ which is why she is working out

Hehehehehella gay

Attached: cakes.jpg (571x393, 101K)

There is no "optimal" length but a standard olympic barbell is 2.2m long and weighs 20kg.

>ywn have 3 girls sitting on you at the same time

Attached: [Erai-raws] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 05 [720p]1.webm (800x450, 1.03M)

what is he even doing here?

making an excuse to have 3 girls sit on top of him

Attached: [Erai-raws] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 05 [720p]4.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Is Machio straight? Gay? Has he ascended beyond sexuality?


Attached: [Erai-raws] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 05 [720p]14.webm (800x450, 347K)

Ascended. Sex is of no object to him.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 05 [720p]18.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

Attached: [Erai-raws] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 05 [720p]16.webm (800x450, 2.2M)

How do people unironically watch this shit?

I had a friend that did bodybuilding and I was always trying to touch his pecks.
He didn't like it.

After watching Dumbbell & liking it, I can somewhat relate to moe-fags a little now.

Attached: 1564399204289.gif (500x283, 993K)

were you qt grill?

with their eyes, mostly

no, I have a phd.

What kind of an animal wears a towel in the sauna?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.57_[2019.08.02_09.17.15].jpg (1280x720, 434K)

Down there.

Considering how Hibike and co haven't finished their teenage height growth, sensei is IMAGINE tier

2 cm shorter than me

Attached: satomicake.jpg (1192x670, 147K)

Nezu no!

They're probably going to talk about abs more in the anime, but I used this when I was a beginner

Attached: Volume1%2C2and3.png (670x335, 370K)

Guys what if Hibiki actually gets fit and step up her game? Would me, an overweight beaner frogposter in his 20s still have any chance with her? Or should I settle with the old hag teacher?

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Nezu yes!

Attached: rottamies.png (660x980, 701K)

What?!?!? I thought Hibiki was voiced by the same VA who does Chopper in OP

god, imagine being the male talent in Zina and Hibiki's JAV debut

You have to go back! Asian women belong to a wyatt man

He left humanity behind long ago. He is pure bulk. He is flexion. He is musclehood.

He is "Exercism."

Attached: Lift To the Heavens.png (776x472, 390K)


onegai muscle

Oh isn't Machio pretty tall for a nip in that case? Looks like he's ~180cm.

he's a big guy for me

Attached: natty.png (265x750, 118K)

You have no imagination

I love how Machio is just doing alternating shoulder presses for no real reason.

That being said, he does, in fact, have a girlfriend.

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>that filename
Dude. I would take responsibility.

Attached: this is my answer to that.gif (350x197, 185K)

On a scale of 1-10, how is the exercise advice in this show? I started going to the gym and eating better a year ago and have shrunk from a 350lb ham planet to a 210lb dad bod and am still gunning for 180, and I need some new entertainment for my cardio sessions.

Attached: 1563668649381.jpg (1102x960, 107K)

Advice in the mango is better, the text is generally accurate even if the form is not correct.
Might be smarter to just look for exercises that look interesting and search for other sources to get the form right.

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I'm waiting for more

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Hibiki! You son of a bitch.

There are also plenty of youtube videos and channels you can watch to get a better sense of how an exervise is supposed to be performed. And by videos/channels, not people in their apartment bedrooms.

absolutely yes, anyone who says no is thinking of girls being repulsed by freakish Roid monkeys
Youre not gonna look like a bodybuilder without juice, if you lift and stay natty you have nothing to worry about
Chris Hemsworth as Thor is fucking huge compared to a regular guy tho
even a weightlifter will rarely ever get that big if he's natty

Yeah but Hemsworth has to work for months and have a super strict diet to get that body until shooting is done
Meanwhile Brian is fuckhuge 24/7, plus he IS trying to lean out himself

Good thing you mentioned jump roping. They're a god tier at-home cardio exercise. Do 10,000 skips a day and you'll get slim in no time

>Chris Hemsworth as Thor is fucking huge compared to a regular guy tho
People have no idea what they think they're seeing. Movie screen, tv screen, laptops screens, instagram photos...they think "so people look like that, huh? I guess I can, too!"

They don't realize these people are paid to make themselves look like that, or aren't working in the first place, dedicating their lives to looking like that. The same type of people who forget boxing has weight classes.

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Attached: thumbs up chief.webm (1280x720, 1.78M)

I can't even squat that much.

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Remember she can punch really hard
Hibiki vs Hibiki when?

There's Hibiki v Machio next week if that satisfies you. Hint: she loses.

Attached: Gymbuddies.jpg (1200x1200, 760K)

I read a part of the manga before anime was even announced, so yeah, I remember this part.
I still want a fanart of both Hibikis beating the hell out of each other.

And a virgin vs chad meme, of course

>Virgin Tachibana Hibiki
>can only punch hard due to all fancy technology, got lucky
>supported by governmental agencies
>gay as fuck
>constantly needs power-ups to improve, never actually earns those by herself
>probably a mental wreck at this point
>had a meme workout, once
>her and most of her friends come from abused backgrounds
>looks like she ran away from kindergarten or something

>Chad Sakura Hibiki
>healthy appetite
>exercises hard with cold iron and cardio as well
>trains regularly
>can wreck a punching bag with a simple, untrained punch = great potential for improvement
>perfectly straight
>good mental state
>her friends are perfectly normal human beings (maybe besides Machio)

waiting for next Symphogear episode, tho.

I'm 100% convinced it's a pseudonym. Some girl that's always typecast as either a babaloli or milf type and wants to branch out. It's really weird to have some muslim nip appearing out of nowhere doing a relatively big show without paying her dues beforehand.

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what's the name of that character called again? arnaud schahoheneher?

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I will lovingly fuck this gyaru into submission

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Don't let her submit to an inactive lifestyle, though!

Attached: Hibiki (39).jpg (1253x2048, 278K)

Attached: Lifts of the North Star.jpg (600x847, 682K)

>towels everywhere

What the fuck is wrong with Japan? You want to stain your towels with sweat?


>sauna so cool you need towels


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>ywn have a personal trainer as positive and encouraging as this fellow

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.43_[2019.08.02_19.38.34].jpg (1280x720, 141K)

You forgot to mention the cute fang.

Yea i still have no idea what you are saying but im sure its encouraging.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.07_[2019.08.02_20.07.17].jpg (1280x720, 256K)


I love his work on How Many Mohicans Can You Kill?

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