
In the end, what exactly was his problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>implying anons already seen the movie
go fuck yourself op

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After 2 screenings in America and now the theatrical opening in France, they have by now.

There's at least 5 of us now.

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>There's at least 5 of us now.
Then why don't you faggots all sit in a circle and fuck each other in the butt?

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Not being gamagori?


>in France
Yeah, but nowhere close to where I live. Fucking sucks.

>tfw just listening to the OST and haven't seen the movie yet


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Prend ta bagnole, le train ou un covoit' sac



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That' a bit overkill for a movie. Well, I'll see what happens.

why'd they make it so obvious that he was the big baddie?

Maybe because the show got more to offer than some cheap plottwists? Is that even still a thing in today's kino? Or did that shamalamadingdong surprise motherfuckker fad finally pass again?



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Haven't enjoyed a sawano ost in years but that did it

It's not for THE movie, I mean... PROMARE PUTAIN

He was a control freak who wanted credit for saving humanity.

But it’s okay because big sweet man-milkers.

Yeah but I haven't seen it yet, how would I know what it's worth ?


How he wronged Lio? Galo has far more reasons to hate the guy.

I don’t know but his tiddies are massive

Are you kidding?

He carried Lio off and stuck him in the Prometic Engine, which disintegrated Lio’s limbs and would have killed Lio if Lio hadn’t gotten that pico de Galo.

He’s in charge of Freeze Force, and Vulcan beats the shit out of Lio twice and freezes him almost to death once.

He tortured what looks like thousands of Lio’s Burnish compatriots, including those two guys Lio was actively working with, to activate the Prometic Engine.

His hair look like that stary pokemon. I think I even saw fanart of it.

>implying it wasn't a cheap plot twist

Waiting for the BD ;_;

Oh user... The screenings are still on going in Japan and we still haven't had the 60+ countries release. The wait is gonna be a long one.

So is Lio gay?


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I saw it at Otakon user. It was kino

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He is a pure and good boy

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Just out of the theater, it was awesome. I want to go see it again.

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Isn't the ED song basically a love song for Lio and Galo?

I think it’s about Galo still wanting to love Kray.

My heart.

What's the ED song? Inferno?

No, Kōri ni Tojikomete.

Can I pirate this movie now? where is the rip?

No. Nowhere.


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I think I would have liked Promare better if I couldn't guess the plot the instant I saw every character and if I had watched Gurren Lagann.

I can't find the lyrics anywhere so I can't tell what the song is about.

Isn't it out in france? Fucking frogs hurry up with that rip.

>pico de Galo.

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He was insecure about the size of his flames. Good thing mr. chad taught him a lesson.

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there was an article in Billboard Japan that explicitly stated that the song describes the "unrequited love" between Galo and Lio, a "hot" and "cool" person (with lyrics constantly referencing fire and ice).

Lio is Alpha. Always.

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I finished a translation yesterday. It might not be 100% the best but I tried. Also keep in mind Superfly said the song was about the "unrequited love" between a cool and hot headed person.

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I actually went to the youtube video of the song and saw that most fans think is from Galo to Cray. But why "unrequited love" between Galolio? From the lyrics of "Inferno" and "Nexus" it's pretty obvious they like each other.

You are the best user, thank you.

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Lines like “もっと いい子にしてるから,” which imply the speaker is a child talking to an elder, and “私を凍らせて 今すぐ嘘も本当も抱き締めてあげる,” which implies the speaker is eager to embrace both the “truth and lies” of the duplicitous addressee despite the risk of being “frozen,” point to Galo/Kray. What bigger unrequited love is there in the movie?

It was on the official site, it spread like wildfire and if you checked now they removed the reference to them.

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Not that user but I checked the translation above and yes, some lyrics:
>I wonder if I can still love you
>And since I’m being a better kid, I wonder if I can still believe
>I’ll embrace you through all the lies and truths, So don’t walk away, don’t disappear
>If dreams could come true again, I’d like to go back to being happy
>I’ll be waiting for you until the end
It doesn't make much sense when it's Galo and Lio but if it's Galo and Cray, it fills the gaps of how Galo loves Cray but Cray never did.

i actually agree that it makes more sense for Galo/Kray, was just relaying what i thought was the "official" write-up for the song

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So, is it Galo de Lion or Lio de Galon.
I'm not talking about the mechs.


Aina and Galo of course

If he wanted to saved humanity so much why didn't he just strap himself to the engine? lol

I open these threads and it's always fujos' cringe posts about ships and fanart dump.

He didn’t want to just save humanity. If he had, he would have let Dr. Prometh save humanity. He wanted to be seen as the savior of humanity. There’s a difference.

Then he couldn't be god emperor of the chosen ones

What was your favourite scene

Which makes me wonder, why even put a female love interest when Galo's relationship with Lio and Cray respectively are better? No need to have romance there.

Then instead of complaining talk about something from the movie. Trigger pandered to fujos for the first time ever, of course the threads will be like this. Nips are not any better.

You would be doing the same if you saw the movie.

It's like kamina and Yoko. But Aina doesn't get the rest of the series to grow from it. At least she has her sister plot.


I mean, it's also because of the time limit the movie provides so they couldn't focus on many things at once. She could have her sister plot and be a good friend to Galo as the rest of them are, but placing a romance plot when you do nothing about it later on, it feels like a waste. Although I shouldn't give shounen/action series much credit regarding when it comes to romance because most of the time they butcher it.

I could tell right from the start
I called it right after seeing him for the first time

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Glad that Imaishi is finally rectifying his mistake and admitting that Rossiu was a faggot who did everything for himself because he was drunk on power, without crying and suicide redemption nonsense.

That's this guy.

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>I could tell right from the start
>I called it right after seeing him for the first time
wow. good job. no, really. you must be super high-iq, user. so proud of you. nobody else saw this one coming. really.

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This is insulting.

This really activates my almonds.

I have not seen it yet, but
Looks a lot more like him to me

Varys has Gamagori's voice too.

Oh sweet. I'm looking forward to that

holy crap, at first i thought his neck was his mouth wide open

It's just traditional superhero colors. He's got the same scheme and balance of colors as Power Girl, funnily enough. And the same giant chest.

If this ever got a continuation, they would pair her with galo

How do the subs translate "Kray-danna?" Mister Kray?

No thanks.

Of course he's american

I heard the credits listed an American fire station as inspiration, anyone else saw it? Also that Vinny is named after a fireman from there

I remember a lot of “Governor Kray” in the sub, though I can’t remember what people were saying when that was in the screen.

That sounds like what they went for 司政官, as administrator of the city. Only Galo calls him danna as far as I know.

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this movie is set in america baka-kun


Is this the first japanese anime where the world is saved by purebred americans


Galo is a weeaboo and Lio is half bong so it doesn't count.

>White + blue + red = america
Yeah ok.

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Since trigger is taking forever to talk about BD release I hope they are planning an ova to bundle with it.

No they just want theater bux

third world countries don't exactly come to mind when you see the tricolor

Where do I look for doujins of this now

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A time machine to C96.

/cm/ and /y/ have active threads for non-doujin art.


C96 is this month and there's an event in October but the movie's so new nothing's actually out yet.

By the way, did you guys also wait the whole movie for the moment where Lucia goes Spring. I was still waiting for it during the credits.

Spinoff show when

I hope they have more than just BNA

Was there no Easter egg hint to future shows? They said there were at otakon.

Amemiya will probably have something for late 2020/2021... At the moment, they seem to have 3 directors on rotation, excluding collaborations like FranXX and guests like Kiznaiver that haven't been good ideas in the past.

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>Lio is half bong

Citation needed.

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Yeah I think both Promare and Heroman are rare cases where there's not a single Japanese or Japanese-mix character that's not a high fantasy.

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Does Galo’s weeaboo hikeshi spirit count for anything?

Spoil me on Biar.

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>see this guy
>immediately recognize he was going to be the villain
they didn't even try

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She doesn't do anything. When Kray transforms the primary bridge into Krayzer X, she has control over the secondary bridge.

I wrote up what I remember about the movie on the assumption that it would be good for some shitposting, enjoy.

Did anyone play the Monster Strike collab and did anything interesting happen in it? X-Omega when.

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It's understandable they shoehorned in that one Japanese aspect since old Japan had organized firefighters, something you don't really hear about with other countries historically.

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>something you don't really hear about with other countries historically.

Other countries didn't build their capital city out of paper.

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Being Trigger version of Drumpft!

they literally weren't trying to hide it, you're right

You're late.

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see I like to believe Meis is the token actual Japanese guy since they said he was in a V-kei band. That'd explain his and Gueira's tattoos.

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Galo a cute.

He's beauty, he's grace.

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>alligator wife

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I saw it at anime expo

Leafs at Fantasia Films Festival in Montreal also loved the movie.
>my turn when ;_;

I saw it at Otakon as well, it was great. A little gay in parts, but great.

Crowd was a bit annoying. I mean come on, you didn't have to scream like monkeys during the emotional gay kissing scene.

Does anyone whether the galohen liohen prequel is subbed?

Overall a bit disappointing given the hype. I mean it was fun, but at one point when you're just lining up one over-the-top fight scene after the other it loses its punch. The color palette was kind of dull, and more than anything, the fucking 3DCG was so ugly. I guess most people have stopped caring about art and animation quality, but it was really disappointing to see that so much of the movie was 3D. Story and characters were standard Imaishi fare really, they were one-dimensional and some/most of them felt rehashed from previous GAINAX/TRIGGER works.

I get that people get hype when the drill shows up or when the robot transforms or whatever but I like to think Yea Forums has higher standards than the average viewer.

>you didn't have to scream like monkeys during the emotional gay kissing scene.
>implying you didn't
It's ok user-kun. You can enjoy the gay sometimes.

No subs yet.

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>virgin gaijin gets bullied by the chad fujos

Brainlet goes to an ouenjouei without knowing beforehand

I like to listen to the lio voiceclips

>If there was a potential kiss scene you can bet everyone was yelling “KISS! KISS!” Funny enough, every kiss scene was only a teaser until the very end of the film, where instead of kissing his love interest, the hero had a very intimate and dramatic kiss with another male character in an act of CPR, to which everyone was suddenly very silent and unenthusiastic.
I wonder if the fujos were reveling in the moment silently, or if it was a predominantly male ouenjouei?

>the hero had a very intimate and dramatic kiss with another male character in an act of CPR, to which everyone was suddenly very silent and unenthusiastic.
For real? It seems a weird reaction judging from the fanart and fujos being fujos.

I think he severely misread their utter captivation by the scene for “unenthusiasm.”

Wish I could see it in a crowd instead of alone in my room when it comes to bd

Most likely. I remember Trigger saying that Nips gasp during the kiss scene while the Westerns cheer like there is no tomorrow. It wouldn't make sense for fujos to be unenthusiastic.

It's funny he missed the memo when everyone but him had glowsticks.

The fucking crowd sucked me right out of the movie and killed any enjoyment I could've gotten out of it.
The true Main Event was The Girl From The Other Side. At least the directors came for it.
I'd post my signed card, but the filesize is too big and I'm too lazy to fire up photoshop

Opposite experience for me

Ah, fuck it. Here it is.

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To be fair to him, the cinema didn't have a warning about ouenjouei happening during Promare, so he went there in blind. I believe if he knew, he wouldn't have gone.

Yeah, I understand the crowd cheering is not for everyone and can be annoying/distracting. So I hope if you get to see the movie again next time, you will be able to enjoy it at your pace.
>The Girl from the Other Side
Will check this, I heard it's good.

How would they not have a warning when the theatre was full and everyone else was prepared? Is that common?

Did you also sit between 2 fujoshits who smelled like vodka-orange juice left in the sun?

Don't waste your money, people, just wait for the subs to come out on nyaa. The movie is simply "Hey! Remember Gurren Lagann? Remember Kamina? Remember Kamina's pose? Remember Akko in mouse form? Remember Nonon from Kill La Kill? She says 5 lines in this movie!" It's a Trigger fanservice movie. It's worth seeing, but it's not worth 15$ + the 3 hours back and forth drive (+ going back home 3/4 through cause you just realized you forgot the ticket) + the smell of shrieking hambeasts + shitty seats that makes a manlet feels like he's 7 foot tall in a regular theatre. I'll probably rant about it in my credit page for Amano 161.
I did get money out of my trip by going to see Once Upon A Time in Hollywood afterwards because it's not in english in my local theatre. Was a good screening too cause everyone was quiet except for a few chuckles and I was sitting in the back row where no one could bother me.

I enjoyed despite not watching most triggershit or finding any of it particularly notable since lagann. Same for friends. Smelly burgers at a con could have ruined it so I get that.

>The color palette was kind of dull, and more than anything, the fucking 3DCG was so ugly. I guess most people have stopped caring about art and animation quality, but it was really disappointing to see that so much of the movie was 3D.
Did we watch the same movie? It was one of the best-looking pieces of animation I've seen in years.

He said in the comments below the article that the website didn't have a warning on so he assumed "it was a normal 2pm showtime on a Sunday afternoon". Cinemas usually do have a warning about these events but they probably forgot to update the info or the guy didn't check well.

Dull colour palette sounds like a different film. Too colorful if you really want to complain.

I also can't see how you could complain about the CG after watching the movie. Not only is it amazingly well-integrated, but it actually pushes the visuals to the next level and enhances the whole movie experience, which shocked me when I first watched it. I'm half-inclined to believe he just watched the trailers (which do make it look like shit) but it doesn't seem like he's trolling.

Yeah the trailers are pretty bad. It's no surprise it took a while to really take off in Japan once people realized how good it looks.

>I enjoyed despite not watching most triggershit
That's the problem I'm pointing out. They used the same old popular stuff from their previous work and mashed them in a blender. Luluco worked better as a fanservice-driven work because the overarching story was somewhat original. Promare is just Gurren Lagann's second cour, but replace spiral power with the alien lifeform fire.

Promare would've worked much better if it was a single cour show to flesh put the characters. There are way too many characters with interesting designs that you only see for a total of 10-15 minutes. I was also expecting to see a few more firefighting missions with the firemen crew, but Trigger fell again in the "bad guys turn out to be good and vice versa" trap again, so that stuff is cut short. It's exceptionally terrible to pull this out 30 minutes into the movie. Also, a different main character design would be a must too. Rehashing Kamina's design felt really lazy.
The movie looks good in terms of coloring and set design, but some of the animation was really hard to follow. I dunno if it's because the projector used was low-quality shit made for powerpoint presentations and arthouse movies where it's just people sitting around doing nothing, or if they just made the fight choreographies confusing.

> Galo sees a comet in Burnish flame colors. The set-up for this involves it looking like Galo will kiss Aina; he does not. Galo runs after the comet alone and follows it to a cave.
Trigger please.
>Kray tells Galo that he hates him and throws him in jail. Galo cries because Kray is/was his hero.
Heris sounds badass.

bad hair

I read about this problem with the fight choreography before viewing the movie but I actually had no problem following the action scenes at all. It's actually amazing how seemlessly each shot flowed into the next despite how chaotic it often got.

o im laffin

The first scene was a masterclass when it comes to designing a scene around a fuck ton of stuff happening everywhere!

My only complaint with the movie is that you don't get to see the side characters much apart from the first intervention. I'm not even certain some of them had actual voice lines...

Still super fun to watch though!

We can agree to disagree. The main plot and MCs worked for me so I didn't need to see more of the side characters to get into it. Galo's design is not a good idea but in action he differentiated himself enough. Luluco is a cute short but not a show that stuck with me like this movie did.

There was no time to develop side characters. Hopefully Trigger fixes this with some OVA but the movie was banging.