Does Yea Forums like Dr. Stone?
Does Yea Forums like Dr. Stone?
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It's fun_
yes, but tourists dont
People just want to shitpost and it makes firecucks seethe but its a fun show. And the dub is good.
No, the only good show is Vinland Saga this season.
It's Jojo, but the author actually hits the books and knows his stuff unlike pretending to be something he's not.
Literally in what capacity is it even remotely similar to jojo?
Yeah it's pretty fun. The beginning is slow though,r really picks up once they get to the village. Peak comfy.
The whole nonforward approach to solving conflicts, making mundane awesome, and Tsukasa is Kars.
no i hate the characters personalities and they aren't even nice to look at
I at least like it. After episode 4 me and my bro marathoned the manga up to current and we are not disappointed other than the fact we want more.
It's great. Boichi and Inagaki are a match made in heaven. The best illustrator and the best writer currently working at WSJ.
>Dr. ___
>he thinks firefags are the ones shitposting.
whispervirgins are mad they got out-IQ-d
It's not as bad as I thought it would be. It's not good though, but it could be fun. Senku needed a good personality to carry the story/plot.
Yes, ignore retard summerfags
I don't know what it is or what it's about but I could never watch a show with a character that looked like that
134 act-age #07
135 Dr. Stone #11
Aww man
i've been having a good time with it
not him, but are you implying they aren't? The weekly stone manga threads were peak comfy, while fireforce threads were almost non-existent before the anime dropped.
Dr. Bazinga
More like Dr. Gravestone lol
Oh, If only you knew man.
It's nice. There isn't much use for Yuzuhira until like 60 chapters from now and Taiju is one-dimensional, so once they get to the village and we start seeing more characters introduced I think the shitposting will decrease.
How can one onion head hold so much KNAWLEDGE
not him, but it's very clearly like two or three people who don't have anything better to do until high school starts for them again.
i highly doubt they're a fag for any particular series. just a fag in general
The Dr Stone versus Fire Force "rivalry" is the most blatantly artificial falseflag shit I've seen since Erdogan's coup. Fire Force barely has a fanbase, the ones shitting on each in the others' threads are the same retarded shitposters that try to push their Yea Forumsermin console war bullshit all over this board.
There's like one annoying guy on Yea Forums that keeps creating threads shitting on Dr. Stone, so I guess not everyone on Yea Forums likes it.
Someone should make an edit with the cast of dr. peddle.
Where my Dr. Picklestone at?
science is cool and sexy!!
>cropping out the logo
It's garbage reddit brainlets need to defend for validation
Maybe some joined in on the shitposting but it was mainly one guy you could tell by the same spelling errors.
I'm just here for best boi Gen and WHYman
Why are reddit NPCs so obsessed with clinging to the majority?
This is nothing like Dr. Stone, though. Senku doesn't have any magical deductive reasoning capabilities. What he does have is pretty much encyclopedic knowledge of practical applications of chemistry and the know-how to build all sorts of technology. Senku does display other forms of intelligence (a good head for math and some planning skills) but for the most part, you could have him be a normal guy with a magic book that gave him the recipes and guides on how to build shit from scratch. He's obviously anime-genius, but aside from the ridiculous amount of knowledge he has stored and his unironic love for science, he's nothing like the "smart character written by dumb people" that screencap talks about.
But why do I bother, you haven't read the manga and you don't care about the series, you're just here to shitpost and repeat empty criticisms in the hopes of getting drones to blindly hate the series based on spread misconceptions.
how is that picture related in any way to Dr.Stone?
Senku isn't smart, he just knows a lot about science and technology and uses it after an explantion on how the stuff he is doing work
In reality it wouldn't work, but they uses shonen logic to smooth things over
>faint scent of penis
That one always gets me.
>Senku isn't smart, he just knows a lot about science and technology and uses it after an explantion on how the stuff he is doing work
Story literally goes no where even in the beginning the plot is just to build a gun to kill angry Tarzan
I wouldnt mind it if i did hate the characters
You clearly didn't pay attention because they're not trying to kill him
God I hate pop science bullshit
Yes they seem to not shut up about it. Also thank god the village is coming.
Knowledgeable does not equal smart, dumb dumb.
It's not pop science, though. Just because there's one character that proclaims to love science doesn't make it so.
So does Dr. Stone do any nuclear physics?
>E=mc² on shirt
C'mon now user it's shit like this attracts trash.
Honestly, can you get a new shitpost? That one gets repeated every fucking thread and every fucking thread it gets explained only to be brought up again.
>Can count for 3700 years
>make shit out of nothing
>Since childhood he could do the basics of science.
>Entire fanbase call him a genius.
>H-He just know some things.
Because you keep replying user
As someone who likes this I admit he writing the equation on his shirt was peak cringe, but the story gets better later I swear.
>Outsold by Act Age despite Act Age not having anime
What killed the hype?
>making mundane awesome
When was the last time Jojo was fucking mundane?
>Senku isn't smart, he just knows a lot about science
That's called being smart retard.
>Senku isn't smart, he just knows a lot about science
Dr Flop.
That shit sells less than 100k per volume
Worst anime of the century
It's unfortunately still not cool even if explained but I forgive his eccentric taste.
Aside from the main villain being literal Lord-of-the-Flies fanart of Kars, the significant number of ass pulls from the main character and the fact that Taiju and Jonathan are both righteous white-knight basedboys are just a few of the similarities. The difference is that Boichi isn't a half brained donut-eating vampire hick like Araki, which makes Senkuu's pulls of the ass way more exciting and dangerously educational. The madman literally teaches you how to distill wine and make a bomb
Check again, this isn't Yea Forumseddit. You're the crossboarder here. Faggot.
Shitty character design, shitty story, everything about this anime is literal garbage. But it's ok if you're 12yo.
>not being complete brainpoop
Pick uno
No story, no characters, no progression, no plot, written by a brainlet and drawn by a gook.
>"w-why does everyone hate it?"
No, I feel like I have greater appreciation for the things around me derived from a greater understanding of how much precedent it took to create them. How often do you watch a series that causes you look at a car and say "Holy shit, this is something that someone had to invent using thousands of years of prior knowledge, and there is world where this doesn't exist or was developed differently"?
Dr.No sales
Part 3, Joseph and his OH SHIT to any situation.
Who in the fuck exaggerates how awesome food is outside of a cooking series? Oh wait, Part 4 did. What hypes a fucking mirror, turtle, or literally any liquid within a radius of the group up like Part 5? Punching shit got boring, but at least you can't oversell it, unless they're multi-page beatdowns.