Watching Jojo for the first time and I'm on the Stardust Crusaders/Egypt saga

Watching Jojo for the first time and I'm on the Stardust Crusaders/Egypt saga.

Why the hell is this guy always running off alone and why the hell does he get so much screen time??

Part 3 should be called Polnareff's Solo Adventures

Attached: polnareff.jpg (650x400, 40K)

i can't tell you otherwise you would get spoiled, but there is a reason

>Why the hell is this guy always running off
Well he is French.



Not OP, can you tell me?

Polnareff's the one who always falls into enemy traps and has bathroom trouble on the journey. If that had happened to Jotaro, it would have made him seem too careless, and the story would have gotten off-kilter. That's why I had no choice but to put in Polnareff as much as I did. Compared to Kakyoin and Avdol, Polnareff is a light, straightforward man who goes out of his way for others, and tends to stick his nose where it doesn't belong. Thanks to that, he got a lot of screen time


I liked him more than anyone else in 3rd part. He looks like an actual MC, Jotaro is just stuck in ""to cool for school" mode.

its not gonna get much better user. Polnaref has more growth than literally anyone in the entire cast. Jotaro is a shit tier jojo and the only people who like him unironically are people who are stuck in the 80's and the edgelords who think his "2 kool 4 skool" attitude Is something that makes a character "good" fucking jonathan is a better jojo, that's how shit jotaro is. fuck part 3 niggers.

Part 5 never happened

Jotaro is literally not "too cool for school."
He insists on wearing his school uniform because he's a student and that's what students wear. Same with Kakyoin.
We even see him going to school in the beginning. The only reasons he stops going is because he literally has to save his mother's life, and possibly the world. That's more than an acceptable reason to take time off from school.

he literally acts like EVERY. SINGLE. THING. is beneath him, its like Clint Eastwood only instead of being cool because its a western and that's what cowboys do its obnoxious and makes him seem like a shitter
yea whats your point? that jotaro is a shitty copy? that's not an incorrect statement.

Calling you mother a bitch is "too cool for school"

As far as I remember, Clint Eastwood never played a student.
Cursing out your mom has literally nothing to do with going to school. What are you on about?

>thinking too cool for school attitude is exclusively for school
jesus fuck you part 3 niggers really are stupid
>clint eastwood never played a student
that's not the point you dumb faggot
>this level of non-understanding and retardation
newfag detected. neck yourself.

>he literally acts like EVERY. SINGLE. THING. is beneath him
Like what? Name one thing.

itt seething 5tards

In part 1 Jonathan deals with Dio and then has to kill Dio. This is basically all that happens.

In part 2 the pillar men are introduced quickly and the whole plot is to go eliminate them. You could potentially argue Joseph's couple of episodes of training with Lisa Lisa are filler but Esidisi shows up there in the 2nd episode of it and he's a main antagonist.

In part 3 the protagonists fight filler enemy after filler enemy with no character progression aside from Polnareff's subplot.

In part 4, we find out about the stand arrow in the first few episodes. Then for a while the characters are just vaguely "looking for chili pepper". Then they find him and beat him in one episode. Then there's some more filler. Then Kira gets introduced for a few episodes. Then Kira loses and runs away and his dad goes around creating filler. They find Kira again and he becomes important for like 4 episodes. Okay. This shit was boring. Killer Queen was decent, but I still feel like Jojo has gone downhill. Does the storytelling ever return to part 1 and 2's style?

cause Polnareff is the best character in part 3

>thinking too cool for school attitude is exclusively for school
That is LITERALLY what it means retard.
It means you're TOO COOL for SCHOOL. Too cool to go to school.

>not understanding how jotaro acts like everyone is beneath him
lmao look at how he talks to his grandfather, he speaks to him in such a disrespectful and spiteful tone id beat the shit out of him if he were my grand kid. look how he addresses his goddamn mother calling her a bitch. but I guess in the mind of a part 3 nigger that calling your mom a bitch is perfectly acceptable

he is still miles ahead of giorno and his part has a way better quality animation. seethe harder

You said every thing

Is Made In Heaven more powerful than Girno's GER? I just started wondering about the fact that it counters automatically, and Made In Heaven started changing things on global scale, which should also directly affect Giorno?.

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stopped reading
stop using words you dont know

I cant understand how people dont like jotaro after the first d’arby fight

Just got to the point in Stardust where they recruit the Frenchman. So far it's not nearly as enjoyable as Joseph's arc, but I'm gonna trust everyone praising this season knows what they're talking about

It gets better as it goes on, especially starting from ep. 25

Don't be a fucking retard, GER is the strongest stand in the history of Jojo and second would be Tusk Act 4.

Ahem, I think you mean GER is the second strongest stand in the history of Jojo and third would be Tusk Act 4.

Attached: Heaven Dio The World Over Heaven vs Tusk Act 4 and Gold Experience Requiem.webm (700x358, 2.8M)

So just an another plothole?

>implying im a 5tard
omegalul you part 3 niggers are so funny
8,7,4 are objectively the best parts in the series. seethe harder stupid nigger.
>actually expecting a dissertation on Yea Forums on why jotaro is a shit character and isn't satisfied with concrete examples
>needs to play word games because BTFO'd
yikes from me newfag.

That seems far in but OK. Isn't Stardust Crusaders the most universally liked arc or am I wrong?

You are kidding right? Made in Heaven is behind GER, Tusk Act 4 and D4C. GER completely destroys Pucci and sends him to an infinite death loop.

How come Giorno couldn't stop reseting the universe then?

Part 3 is one of the parts where the JoJo isn't the main protag

*destroys your overrated stands*

Attached: death thirteen.jpg (1024x576, 79K)

MiH is shit. Araki had to nerf Star Platinum during that shitty part

Its a bit of a rough ride until araki figures out what to do with stands
Some fights like moon and strength are especially tedious
Its an amazing arc but its by no means a masterpiece with no weak points


Because Giorno going to a different country with the arrow to defeat some guy he doesn't know about makes no sense?

Shut the fuck up I'm not fucking autistic

Pucci would be guided by fate, find GER's weakness like Diavolo found SCR's, and would destroy Giorno.

he buffed it from 4 back to its part 3 capabilities. Cope

But if the Made in Heaven affects everything in the universe, shouldn't GER notice it? Doesn't matter where he is.

I'm about to watch it with a friend and he's already watched the 1993 series. So far he seems bored so I'm a little worried he's gonna drop it.


It's because part 5 is a fever dream

It's not a word game. There's a huge difference in meaning between thinking everything is below you, and being rude to your family. If you just said the wrong thing, it's fine.

MiH is probably the best combat stand, TA4 and GEr are overpowered and not entertaining in the least

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GER only exists while the arrow is in Gold Experience, and it fell out at the end of the part. Even if Giorno saw the universe going on fast-forward and decided to stab Gold Experience again, unless he knows who's doing it I don't think GER would work against it, especially as it's not an attack.

you part 3 niggers never fail to amaze me. jotaro acts like a shitter the entire part until he has to suddenly care about his grandpa. he never shows anybody respect and acts in ways no teenager would EVER act. like writing the wrong name in the enya hotel because "MUH PLANZ N SHEEIT"
literally everyone else in the crew has more character and is more fun to watch interact than edgy mcedgelord mcfuckyou

Read the manga

My question is when does he act like something is beneath him?

1993 ova is horrid, it does such a bad job of representing what people like about jojo
If you guys really really really feel bored with it, skip these episodes and then watch them later if you would like:
Skip 6,7,8,9
Watch vs. The Hanged man and The Emperor episodes(10,11)
Skip 12,13,14,15
16,17 watch these if they interest you, skip if you dont like it
Skip 18
19,20 watch these if they interest you, skip if you dont like it
Watch 21,22
Skip 23,24
From now on, its pretty good, especially the gambling episode and the final episodes

This is bait.

He's the real main character of Part 3.




>Skipping anything
Dumb nigger

>bumping this shitty thread

that is a lot of skipping

is it really all filler?

Polnareff is an honorary JoJo so it only makes sense that he gets 50% of the screentime

Because the D'Arby fight felt like a place where Joseph could finally shine for once and he ends up failing so that Jotaro can save the day again. Same thing with D'Arby the younger. That felt like the perfect place for Kakyoin to score a win after he's been gone for so long, but it ends up being Jotaro and Joseph who pull through.

Made in Heaven doesn't directly affect living beings, so it wouldn't actually "do" anything to Giorno. Also, Giorno doesn't have GER all the time, so unless he happened to reapply the arrow while MiH was doing its thing, then there wouldn't be any chance for him to do anything anyway. Giorno's only chance would be if he happened to have GER prepared at the time and if Pucci came after him directly, which he has no reason to do. And even if he resets Pucci harming him, Pucci could just run away at infinite speed.

>1993 ova is horrid, it does such a bad job of representing what people like about jojo
It's still worth a watch since it's animated far better than the DavidPro adaptation. The second OVA of the two is definitely better though.

Cuz he's cool and has wicked sweet hair

Tusk Act 4 ia overrated as fuck. The set up is simply too much of a hassle. MIH would kill Johnny before he knew what hit him.

Nice headcanon retard

I never understood why his stand has no power whatsoever when his requiem form is literally soul bending.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the only thing Silver Chariot could do was swinging a rapier.

It could also shoot its rapier and take off its armor

His ability was the armor. He didn't get damaged if his stand got hit because of it which is a pretty good ability.

Silver Chariot was strong enough to lift him during his fight with Avdol, but wasn't strong enough to pull him away from Vanilla Ice

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It's heavily implied that he's going through some stuff at that point in the story. His Dad is gone and we see that only until recently, Jotaro was supposedly kind and gentle.

He's a teenager. He has trouble expressing affection and understanding his emotions.

>only until recently, Jotaro was supposedly kind and gentle

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Just don't sleep bro lmao. It's a shittier Man in the Mirror

Crazy to think that he became smart and cautious in part 5

>He's a teenager. He has trouble expressing affection and understanding his emotions
He is a 30 year old marine biologist. He has trouble expressing affection and understanding his emotions
He's a 40 year old absentee father. He has trouble expressing affection and understanding his emotions

It was uber fast stand with high stats and no damage to user unless armor is removed
when removed it's even faster
it's a combat stand with very little downside to the user


Not filler but not that engaging

He's still a bit bad with his emotions, but there's a very clear development. Jotaro in Part 4 and 6 are very different to Jotaro in Part 3.

man in the mirror can't do shit other than punching, retard. Death 13 can do ANYTHING including healing

Pollunarefu is cute!

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The MOTW storytelling sticks but 3&4 are the weakest of it. See how you like the next part.

GER is not that strong. It cancels “fate” and makes things flow as they should.
Diavolo’s “fate” was something he tried to manipulate and break many times, so GER trapped him in constantly recurring situations of his death as a way of punishment. Or we can just say he sent him to Hell.
Giorno is a holy man, and his stand enforces God’s Will.
It does NOT do silly things like reduce a persons actions to “zero”, it’s totally against the theme of the part.
That would make giorno an agent of entropy. Which he is decidedly NOT.

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Jotaro keeping his cool and analysing the enemy stand is what kept them alive most of the time
He was calculated and stoic so others could have some fun on this trip. If he was an apathethic asshole he would just leave the gang behind and go to egypt alone, or get mad at them for not taking it seriously.
Plus, he knows to have some fun once the threat is resolved. Calling him boring or stuck up is retarded because he knows they will all die if he gives in.
Compare that to mr. I have a dream and people like me for no reason other than charisma.

Jotaro has aspergers