Kyoto Animation confirms it received novel from writer with same name, address as arson suspect

>Kyoto Animation confirms it received novel from writer with same name, address as arson suspect
The plot thickens. Having said that, what the FUCK is going on in this comment section, what the hell is wrong with these people? Comments defending Kyoani and saying they didn't plagiarize are getting negative votes and people sympathizing and suggesting the murder may have been telling the truth are well received.

Not even Yea Forums (and all of the crossborders and newfags who make up most of it nowadays) are this bitter and stupid, right!?

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Other urls found in this thread:【京アニ放火】nhkの吉田達裕dはなぜ放火犯の遺留/

And here is the article in question.

>Comments defending Kyoani and saying they didn't plagiarize are getting negative votes and people sympathizing and suggesting the murder may have been telling the truth are well received.
Based. Imagine defending creative bankruptcy and plagiarism.

didn't we already establish that people who hate moe are brain damaged, here's your proof

>Kyoto Animation’s attorney went on to say that the novel submitted by Shinji Aoba was formally eliminated from the contest in the first round of judges’ evaluations. “We have confirmed that it has no similarity to any Kyoto Animation works,”

Lol, he consented by submitting to the T&Cs

>Kyoto Animation’s attorney went on to say that the novel submitted by Shinji Aoba was formally eliminated from the contest in the first round of judges’ evaluations. “We have confirmed that it has no similarity to any Kyoto Animation works,” he added.
Why should we accept the word of their own counsel? This requires an independent review.
>11 points

it's just a bunch of bitter expats
that goes for both the journalists and readers of these sites, american-japanese news sites are all pure garbage

Plot twist: they totally ripped him off

> of course it's important they look into this. And of course it never excuses that mass murder.

>But it would give a reason why that madman lost his head. So it is absolutely mitigating.

>And it would be a crime by the studio, IF they plagiarised his story (IF).

>Because if society doesn't want people losing their heads and burning innocent people to death then society needs to seem fair. Otherwise we will see an increase in people losing it like this.

2( +9 / -7 )

>What is wrong with some of the people here? A horrible mass murder committed by an obvious madman, and all you can think about is "what if they stole his story?"
-2( +2 / -4 )

Why would they ever admit if it did?

Maybe other studios won't be as brave to try this.

Edgelords BTFO
He was just a delusional fucktard now mass murderer.

>Kyoani’s own attorney says no relation
Oh OK then.

This. JapanToday and JapanTimes are run and read by western leftists who live their lives hating and complaining about everything. They left America because it was problematic and they live their miserable lives in Japan hating Japan because it is problematic. Miserable fucks.

>Japanese company with unethical conditions and practises (stealing shit) actually deserved to be burned
Wow, nobody saw that coming!

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Imagine wanting to live in a world where every small-moderate crime is retaliated with mass murder.

Because those comments are from normies who have no idea about anything to do with anime or kyoani. The only shows that kyoani have ever done that aren't already based on another manga/LN with known authors are Munto and Tamako Market. Munto was made before this guy was even in jail where he claimed to write his novel, while Tamako aired while he was still in jail.

Imagine believing that just because a person you didn’t care about got their life’s work ruined it’s a small crime.

i was sad to hear that kyoani burned but if they actually plagiarized his work then it's important that it be known about. that way it can prevent future mass murders, by doing something simple and not stealing works like this

If there's no copyright infringement involved then it's not even a crime lol

>the law determines what’s right and wrong

>where every small-moderate crime
>small-moderate crime

Exactly. The concept of copyright itself is wrong even though the law agrees with it.

Legit question: KyoAni's entire back catalogue are adaptations of novels, manga, or games and their sequels/prequels that are all accounted for; what anime of theirs could possibly have been a plagiarised work?

As said, only Munto and Tamako Market, both which were made before the arsonist claimed he wrote his novel.

I thought the dude was mad about trains, what the heck?

>Not even Yea Forums (and all of the crossborders and newfags who make up most of it nowadays) are this bitter and stupid, right!?
You've got it wrong. It's crossboarders and newfags who give a shit about KusoAnus.

Hey retard there's this thing called a lawsuit, maybe consider reading up on it before you go burning down anything.

Nice reading comprehension skills. He claims to have written the novel while in jail, and Tamako Market was produced while he was in jail. Do you think an incarcerated individuals can't communicate with the outside world and send letters or scripts? This isn't the US.

Imagine making shit up to defend a man that's already gone to jail for a violent crime and has now killed 35 people just to be a contrarian asshole on the internet

So in summary, like some people said during day 1, he was a Hero.

Good to know there is still justice in this world.

>xd just sue them
Fuck off underage.
Just because the man grilled 35 cakes doesnt lessen the injustice done against him

just because he was delusional it doesn't mean any injustice was done to him

>Do you think an incarcerated individuals can't communicate with the outside world and send letters or scripts?
Yes, it's Japan, where there is absolutely no outside communication whatsoever. You can't even speak with your neighbour inmate.

Wow, so he burned down KyoAni cause he felt ripped off they didn't accept his ideas.

this. Who gives a shit about who's upvoting the idiots' comment box.

What injustice?

Most of KyoAni's works were adaptions from named authors.

Or perhaps we aren't seeing it from another angle, the books/published works angle?

That doesn't warrant burning down a studio and 35+ people though.

I will not defend the arson.
Just because KyoAni has not stolen his LN wholesale, does not mean they haven't stolen from him. They routinely add anime-original stuff to their shows. So long as we don't know what exactly he thinks got stolen, we cannot verify that the claim is erroneous.

But of those 35 dead, how many would actually have been involved in that plagiarism? Do you think there was a company-wide announcement "for our next anime, we will steal ideas from some loser who gave us his script for free and is sitting in jail and can't do anything about it"?

There is no way to defend the attack. Anyone who tries, is just being an edgy faggot and they know they are being edgy faggots. This being the internet, being an edgy faggot is one of the major ambitions for a great many people.

Laws varies greatly by country, plus it's only the US that believes in lawsuits solving everything.

In other nations is very hard to get a case going against someone or even a company, since there is very like precedence.

Damn, can't believe KyoAni are the bad guys

Are you proud of being so fucking stupid and ignorant?

This. Fucking dumbfucks. I swear the average poster on this board gets dumber and dumber every fucking day.

>It must be legit since they named someone
Okay user
>That doesn't warrant burning down a studio and 35+ people though.
Thats like your opinion, morality is subjective.

based retard

The studio claims they did not used his idea, the arsonist claims the studio stole his idea.


>I swear the average poster on this board gets dumber and dumber every fucking day.

Probably Twitterfags migrating to Yea Forums.

>Corporations trying to maximize profits while spending as little as possible.
On other more relevant news...

>morality is subjective
Pretty sure arson and murder are forbidden by any human law ever.

>Arsonist claim
>Delusional psycho claims

All theories were correct.

Yeah he wrote all of Tamako market while in jail in 2012, sent it in, immediately got adapted with all production completely rushed and aired a few months later. Wow yeah that sounds much more plausible.
Not to mention Tamako market is credited to be written by Reiko Yoshida, who's a complete nobody and has never written anything anime related before right.

God, the KA Bunko scam backfired in a way that even I couldn't imagine.
Maybe from now on they'll adapt respectable material of actual authors, instead of ripping off nobodies of their shitty webnovels (if they survive, that is).

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This. The studio knew about his idea but claim they didnt use it. Thats like NSA claiming they knew about day 0 exploit but didn't use it.

Anyone thinking theyre honest is a complete retard

>Morality is subjective
No it's not, edgeanon.

>But of those 35 dead, how many would actually have been involved in that plagiarism?
I could only assume that if it actually happened it was just the one that was reviewing the first round of the competition and got his novel.
They could easily just send the rejection notice and then take anything they want from it and pass it off as their own ideas in meetings and the like.

Law has no dime on morality. Law itself is made to regulate society in an efficien, equal and standardized way. It does not partake in the question of what is right.

>But of those 35 dead, how many would actually have been involved in that plagiarism?
Every single one because they received paychecks from the company.

>It does not partake in the question of what is right
This post gives me second hand embarrassment.

Spotted the Antifafag.

>what is the golden rule of ethics
Fuck off edgelord.

Didn't kyoani originally claim they had no contact with the person?

>the studio has to be lying and the insane convict has to be telling the truth
The only complete retard here is you

If you are talking about the day 1 claim, that was for him being not an ex-staff member/never worked for them, as people assumed it was staff due to how well he timed the attack.

So they also used every single other rejected novel? How’d they fit all that into their grand total two non-adapted series?

Law has existed long before the golden rule, therefore it has no bearing on the concept of "law". Moreover, golden rule does not even apply in modern law either since its the persons worth or relevance to society that determines the sentence. Open your eyes sheep
At least make shit up or something instead of shitposting "no u"s

The state of KyoAnifags

>There is no way to defend the attack.

Have you ever heard of something call religion or war?

Those two often get used to excuse any evil done, you can do whatever you want and be on the right, as long as you are the winner in that conflict or have the means to defend yourself; that why nobody claims that dropping two nuclear bombs on a nation is a crime, but they do claim that every single nazi was evil.

Maybe Kyoani did steal ideas, and maybe the arsonist did try to get it solved by legitimate means but couldn't; the laws don't always protect the victims.

>There is no way to defend the attack.
Security Guards out the front would have been a good defense desu

The golden rule of ethics is a constant on every human law ever created. It just got coined during the age of enlightenment. It is a constant from which every constitutional right derives. Your "secret knowledge" is nothing but paranoid logic.

>hate moe
But he loved it, he wrote a fucking novel and submitted it to Kyoani

imagine defending a delusional subhuman because you hate cute things

sounds based tee-bee-aich

>people who moved to japan generally hate japan
Makes you think eh

>Maybe Kyoani did steal ideas, and maybe the arsonist did try to get it solved by legitimate means but couldn't; the laws don't always protect the victims.
You're literally just sprouting bullshit without reading anything about the background of the case. The guy has a criminal record, has been in jail, has known mental illness. But of course in your eyes he's the one in the right and tried to peacefully get it solved by legitimate means, because there wouldn't be a record or anything if he had already tried to take legal action.

Just to be on the same page, by golden rule do you mean ''do to others as you would have them do to you'' ? Anyone with some sense of knowledge about history knows that to be false so it cant be it so what are you talking about?

Kyoani's good anime are from kadokawa (Haruhi, Fumoffu, Nichijou, Hyouka) so it's no big deal.

Yeah no you fucking moron.
>Economic rights
>Adaptation: The author can control the adaptation of a work through translation, dramatization, cinematization, and the creation of derivative works in general.f he could prove it was his, he could have gotten money and actually ruined their reputation. Even if he was in the right in terms of motive, which he probably was just delusional about, he didn't take the correct action anyway.

They stole his work and profited from it. A direct violation of the NAP. The blame for ANY actions, including his self-defence petrol attack (self defense as he has a right to defend his labour) fall directly at KyoAni's plagiarising feet. He should be immediately released and paid compensation and royalties.

>all these Lawfags in this thread think their laws are supported by anything other than force
Chaosfags were here, Lawfags are faggots.

Based schizo psychopath
unironically kill yourself

I'm seriously starting to suspect they're hiding something though.

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Plus the studio needs to formal apology in a press conference.

>they stole his work
based on what evidence other than the man with questionable mental state burning down a studio and killing people yelling that they stole it?

>Have you ever heard of something call religion or war?
You mean two things unrelated to this attack?

>maybe the arsonist did try to get it solved by legitimate means but couldn't
It would still be indefensible unless he had actual evidence that every single KyoAni employee chose to fuck him over.

And make an anime in his tribute. It should be theirs next project.

They are hiding all the S2s that they animated and didn't release because they hate you.

Truly an hero

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Literally name one KyoAni episode of anything where lines can't be found in the original source material that people can read and cross-reference.

Im actually a caring person. However Inacknowledge that morality will never be static and that justification too is subjective. There is no right and wrong outside your own mind

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Lets assume that KyoAni did in fact steal his work.
The people who were killed are almost definately not related to the decision to gyp it. Regardless of what has happened, 35 unrelated bodies to that decision have been made by his actions, not the action that Kyoto Animation or whoever hypothetically ripped him off.

This. Being Lawful Good is retarded because laws are made by humans with agenda.

Can you provide literally a shred of evidence to back this claim?
Then shut the FUCK up, edgelord.

Lucky Star

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>killing 35 people is “subjective”
>”I’m actually a very caring person”
Not only do I not believe you but I would recommend you seek actual professional help.
The logic leap for condoning the death of many others based of almost no evidence that some dudes story got knocked off is not only hard mental gymnastics but is questionable to your sense of person based on how you value human life.
Even if it turned out to be true there is absolutely no reason, no excuse, no actual justified purpose that this was a ‘lawful conclusion’.

Not that user but do you personally care about the holocaust?
Not just pay lipservice but genuinely care for all those people?

But I never did condone the attack

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>Retard submitted his life's work to a public contest
Even if it happened, he deserves to get ripped off. You don't publicly submit your best shit, you try to win the contest and use the game to get in touch with a publisher who can look at your actual work

You said that under that person's subjective morality, 35 people had to lose their lives over a case of plagiarism

>do you personally care about the holocaust?
There is a difference between caring about something and considering it wrong on a theoretical level.

>Kyoani confirms his work doesnt match anything they've made so far
learn to read you stupid nigger

I mean I take that as a no then?

>Literally defending property theft and plagiarism
End yourself

“>That doesn't warrant burning down a studio and 35+ people though.
Thats like your opinion, morality is subjective.“

Your post paints a rather different picture unless you somehow meant something different.

I think the point is that the source material could've been changed to plagiarise his works before they got published. It'd be interesting to know if any series noticeably changed after the first volume if someone else took over the writing.

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I take it you are just trying to derail the argument.

>Comments defending Kyoani and saying they didn't plagiarize
There is no way to know if they did or did not plagiarize his novel. These comments are illogical.
>suggesting the murder may have been telling the truth are well received.
This is a possibility. Stop letting emotions cloud your good judgement. You aren't a child (or maybe you are this is neo-Yea Forums) so stop acting like one.

So people who love moe have braine damage? Well we already knew it from this faggot's post:

You would be incorrect. I'm just using it as an example of pointing out that caring for 35 people but not every single person that has died ever is hypocritical.

except that didn't happen

But then how will I shitpost?

I knew that there were ironic people that flooded this board for years but christ when did it get this bad?
I refuse to believe there are this many posters with gold medals in Mental Gynastics.

If you are fair in stating news, you would not ommit this excerpt:
"Kyoto Animation’s attorney went on to say that the novel submitted by Shinji Aoba was formally eliminated from the contest in the first round of judges’ evaluations. “We have confirmed that it has no similarity to any Kyoto Animation works,” he added."
But, of course, this is Yea Forums

Can't wait for the guy's novel to leak to the internet and fat neckbeards all over the world start searching Kyoani's anime for the slightest similarity to anything in the novels to accuse them of plagiarism. Oh, the spamming of stupid comparisons, I can already taste it.

The question was not about caring though. You began to make it about caring when you brought up the holocaust. That's the derailment. Before that it was about morality.
Are you stupid?

Are you actually mentally deficient? How did you navigate your way onto this board if you can’t even understand proper english?

Looks like we have one of their lawyers here.

Why am I allowed to consider the murderer lied, but not allowed to consider Kyoto Animator lied?

So you don't care about people dying then? That's not very moral, user.

>to accept or allow behaviour that is wrong
I dont see how what I said fits that. Firstly, term "wrong" is subjective. Secondly,"to accept or allow" does not actually mean anything.

I never said I personally think plagarism warrants the deaths of 35 people. However its fallacy to think ones opinion should be considered the correct one

I've had enough of your baiting manner. Have fun getting on other people's nerves.

>KyoAni says the work wasn't stolen by KyoAni

Damn, that's much hotter than the anime. Why must Kyoani tone down the sexual tension so much?

Will do. Have fun with the rest of your discussions.

Hey this user stole my novel, I sure hope it's fine when his house gets burned down.

My post didn't claim he was in the right for burning down KyoAni you stupid nigger learn how to fucking read then kill yourself

Neither have been confirmed yet.
You need to state both parties' statement in full, before the judgement is passed in the court

Of course they will never admit it. But I swear, Yea Forums cried over these ideas stolen from his work and called it another GodAni masterpiece.

Maybe the arsonist just went there expecting to burn down the building that stole his work and not kill anyone. He couldn't have known they turned the alarm system off and didn't have fire escapes. He's the real victim here. They stole his work, he end up accidentally killing people (because of KyoAnis negligence), and now he's in prison (and Japanese prisons are hell) waiting to die while KyoAni get millions of dollars in sympathy money despite being a bunch of plagiarising cunts.

Then plainly state your position.
Do you believe that this man - regardless of if his work was stolen from him - was justified in burning down a studio?
This is a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question. A simple response to a simple answer, because in the end -despite everything- that is what a situation like this boils down to.

The nigger had a knife and was keeping people from leaving the building and came in on a work day. Pretty sure his motive is pretty clear.

>nobody claims that dropping two nuclear bombs on a nation is a crime
>this is what burgers actually believe

Simple question*

>Maybe the arsonist just went there expecting to burn down the building that stole
I don't think Kyoani stole his work, and I think the building has even less to do with it.

Kyoanus cultists will never admit the truth because it hurts

Don't make us nuke your country.

He didn't stab anyone, it's not illegal to carry a knife. It is illegal to steal someone else's work.

I mean he's not wrong per se. If it was "treated" as a crime then America should be paying Japan back reparations for damages but instead America turned it back on Japan and told them to gut their military and let America into their country.

The samefagging in this thread is so obvious. OP baiting so hard that he ommitted the part where the submission didn't even reach that far.

How could they plagiarize him when almost all of their adaptations have an actual author that they had paid rights for? The only original thing that they had done so far is Munto.

Prove that KyoAni stole his work.

>If it was "treated" as a crime
There are many things treated as crimes except the USA refuse to acknowledge the trials.

It's not officially treated as a crime because international politics and the might makes right reason he talked about, but that doesn't mean people still don't claim it is and condemn America for it to this day. Thinking that it's a universal consensus that the bombs were justified is delusion.

Seek professional help.

I didn’t say anything about his work being stolen, schizo-user.

Honestly for very many reasons, the bombs had to be dropped.

Even diehard Japanese war vets agreed. The nation would have fought to the death, and displaying exactly what nukes were capable of was enough to completely scare off everyone from ever using them again,


Pretty sure I'll have to wait for KyoAni to release the work he submitted to them before I can prove it, but I have a gut feeling.

Kinda strange they haven't done that yet, huh? They just have one of THEIR lawyers give a "yeah we totally didn't steal anything guys, please keep giving us money" statement.

>Japan and told them to gut their military and let America into their country.

Opposite, the Americans REALLY wanted Japan to be a big military force but the Japanese wanted to have a restricted military. The burgers were hoping that Japan would be an active force in the east, not just an aircraft carrier.

I'm not arguing whether they were justified or not, I'm saying that it's a very controversial topic and the statement "nobody claims that dropping two nuclear bombs on a nation is a crime" is just plain false.

Man, it must be easy being at the top.

>Thinking that it's a universal consensus that the bombs were justified is delusion
If you don't pay for your crimes then it doesn't matter what the consensus is. I suspect most people don't care for or against about the bombings since they weren't alive when it happened.

Watch it be about gay swimmers. I will laugh my ass off when contrarians start defending it.

Don't give a shit
I'm just here to see them hentais

The plans for surrender were being drawn up, people didn't even really believe the story about the bombs until they sent people to go check.

Burgers were afraid the Japanese would surrender to the Russians, because they were seriously considering that.

>completely scare off everyone from ever using them again
That's not how it works.
If you have reason to believe that the opposing party has no real intention to use their nukes (is scared of the collateral damage) then their nuclear arsenal loses its meaning.
The only reason why anyone would invest billions into a nuclear arsenal is that they have the will to use them (if necessary). They will also hire people who they have confidence will make the choice to use them if necessary.
We have been so fucking lucky over the past few decades that most people assume it's just natural for nukes to not get used - and that's where things are beginning to get REALLY dangerous. Now people are willing to use them AND ignorant of the fact that others might be willing to use them too.

Its impossible for me to know that, Im not him. Justification is just another term for acceptance, I have no knowledge about the issue. Ergo, thats just your opinion.

For all we know Kyoani really did rip him off and caused distress worth of 66 hells

how the fuck did we jump from some schizoid burning down a mongolian sock-puppet theater studio to the justification of nukes being dropped on japan

>No Munto


>If you have reason to believe that the opposing party has no real intention to use their nukes (is scared of the collateral damage) then their nuclear arsenal loses its meaning.

Not true, the risk alone that they MIGHT, even if you think incredibly strongly they wouldn't. Is enough to act as deterrent. It's a key part of the theory. You could be 99.9% sure they wouldn't use them, but that 0.1% chance means you act like they definitely would.

Nuclear weapons are a prestige tool, and international clout more than weapons.

>Man, it must be easy being at the top.
There was a country before the ancient Persian empire that had the military power to lord over their neighbors with impunity.
When their power monopoly broke, their neighbors were so thorough in their revenge that there is almost nothing left of them.

KyoAni should make the novel available to the public so we can be sure that nothing was stolen. I'm legitimately curious what it's like.

>thread going on normally
>somebody mentions Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings
>thread instantly and completely derailed
Seems pretty normal to me.

KyoAni copied the secret recipe for KFC chicken from America. America didn't like that so they nuked Japan.
We're just debating whether it was fair for USA to nuke Japan for copying the herbs and spices.

If they don't they're guilty and his actions are somewhat justified

They won't do it because the burning will be justified if they actually plagiarized.

Yea Forums - Yea Forumsce attorney

If they don't they totally stole his work

Given that they rejected his work, why would they keep a copy of it? You're more likely to get it from his computer or something than from Kyoani. It would be amazing if it's about a mascot theme park. I would like to see how the people defending the arsonist try to bullshit in trying to defend him anymore.

Are you saying koyani false flagged America by nuking their own cities?

Yeah. They could have. But what are you implying with that? Because every time you tiptoe around the answer I’m looking for it feels like you’re defending the guys actions.

I was going to make a food analogy but I feel like this is such a simple thing to be said that it doesn’t matter.

They don't have to, and doing so will only lead to people searching for coincidences that "prove" the plagiarism. It would be retarded of them to put more fuel on this fire.

>guy burns down your studio because you plagiarized his work
>the public demands that you reveal the book so that it can be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that you didn't copy it.
>the story he sent you was destroyed in the fire

Just name me what work they could have possibly ripped him off of. Just give a name user.

If they didn't keep a submission how can they say they received an entry and have a lawyer state "yup totally different from everything we've ever made trust me bro"

>prove that you didn't publish someone's work without permission by publishing it without permission

The absolute state of anti-KyoAnifags.

They should leak the script if it's just a coincidence or if they actually stole it.

The lawyer has a good memory.

No it's not justified you fucking schizos. You don't burn down a company when they steal your shit, you take them to court.

Not any of those anons but they're not saying to publish it but release it.
I doubt at this point they'd be like "Here's his book, you can buy it from us for 599 yen"

Because keeping the name of people who participate in their contest is not the same as keeping a copy of every single work submitted to them.

He could be basing that statement on a synopsis, or commentary written by the staff.

They could have plagiarized him and fucked his mom in the ass while bragging about it. The burning will never EVER be justified. What is wrong with you?

If only someone tried releasing their novel, instead of burning burn the building where Kyoani would likely have their copy.

So, youre basing your opinions on conjecture and dogpile me when I say you dont know everything and should base anything on it?

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>You don't burn down a company when they steal your shit
>he doesn't burn down companies when they steal his shit
How do you even function, user?

>KyoAni should make the novel available to the public
Then he'd sue them for publishing his novel without his permission.

Even if they did wholesale rip off his novel, it doesn't even remotely justify the death of 35 people, many of which had nothing to do with the alleged plagiarism. That's a level of insanity that boggles description. This whole thread is just baiting so there's not much else to say; the way they ran these book submission contests always sounded shady as hell and if it turns out to be true that just makes it sadder that all these people had to die for it.

>it doesn't even remotely justify the death of 35 people
So what does justify the death of 35 people, user?

I don't know what the rules of the novel contests have been, but I'm pretty sure either Shinji gave them the permission to use the novel in an anime by submitting it or they don't have any permission to do anything with it.

Also given that they sell jpegs for 241 yen, I wouldn't be surprised if they sold a pdf for 599 yen.

This. If he was on the right, he could have proved it easily. He must have had the novel himself after all. He probably knew his case was too weak to claim plagiarism and resorted to arson. The mad man couldn't convince anybody else, but he could convince himself.

Just name a work they could have plagiarize him for user. It's not as if they do mostly adaptation of pre-existing works or anything, right?

35 people involved in a capital crime?

user you don’t NEED to know everything to understand that some fat dude killing 35 people isn’t right. That is what this boils down to. There is no amount of plagerism in the world that would justify that many unrelated deaths.
That is what this is about.

His novel being actually stolen - if it even was - is not going to undo that atrocity.
That is the point being made here.

Just wait until we learn more about the attack.

>He probably knew his case was too weak to claim plagiarism and resorted to arson.

Alternative theory: he was so detached from reality that he didn't have this kind of a semi-rational thought process behind committing the arson.

Come on, user.

If he had an idea or was working on something that would've made him a shit ton of money and it got stolen by a creatively bankrupt studio, violence is absolutely justified. They would all profit, everyone involved in the project except for him and he gets denied a better life than the one he has now.

Thats like your opinion. Don assume things.
>There is no amount of plagerism in the world that would justify
You think about things in a vacuum. You have no idea how it could have had changed the course of his life or his family's life.

Is that the only time? Killing criminals is justified when they've killed people?
What if those people killed in self defense but the law still found them guilty? Innocent people go to jail all the time.

The expats I met when I visited seemed way happier with the country, maybe it's just people who read/comment on news articles who are bitter. Not a left/right thing either, NYT and Breitbart commenters may have irreconcilable differences when it comes to worldview but they're cut from the same miserable cloth.

>some fat dude killing 35 people isn’t right

Oh yeah I totally agree, that's much worse than having a bodybuilder kill 35 people.

What? That many people should only be dying in accidental tragedies and during wartime where death is unavoidable. There's nothing that "justifies" killing 35 people.

You're moron.

I feel like after that actual yandere chick stabbed a dude to near-death and then made a phone call while smoking a cigarette calmly has thrown my perspective of japanese people with extreme mental issues into deep end.

>if they don't choke on the dick of my perfect favourite country they are country hating leftists
Shut the fuck up weeaboo

The problem is that if he never showed it anyone and submitted it straight to them the only one that could prove when he wrote it is Kyoani.
Without evidence from Kyoani they could just claim he copied them instead.

No. Why would it be? What the fuck are you talking about?
In the end, it turns out that Shinji was KyoAni all along.

If Kyoani plagiarized he should've sued, or at worst murdered whatever exec was responsible. Burning all the animators is just cruel, they didn't make that decision and had no idea about any plagiarism issues.

I'm confused, you contradicted yourself. Is people dying in war and accidents justified or not? Your last sentence is making that ambiguous.

Because he wouldn't look good doing it.

You kinda need to find a way prove the criminals are actually criminal first, like some sort of judiciary system where people can be tried for their crimes and be judged if they are innocent or guilty first. Just saying.

They definitely stole his work. That's what those light novel competitions are for.

user said that some fat dude killing 35 people isn't right. The implication is that someone other than a fat dude killing 35 people is right.

Right because the families of the people who died don’t matter either?

Ah yes, the ol' Court System which has never put innocent people in jail.
I know you were trying to be facetious but that's a terrible answer given my statement already inferred the courts have failed since an innocent person was already incarcerated for a crime they didn't commit.

But it’s not. What did they mean by this?

Yep, and all those people that Kyoani had named and paid money to for the rights to the LN they adapted are all completely made up, right?

>Kyoani did nothing wro-
Moeshitters BTFO

>Comments defending Kyoani and saying they didn't plagiarize are getting negative votes and people sympathizing and suggesting the murder may have been telling the truth are well received.
these people are fucking disgusting. nothing justifies senseless murder of innocents just because youre angry at one petty injustice done to you that might not even be fucking real. fuck these social media dwelling idiots who have never been in a rough spot in their lives and dont know how much it hurts to have everything lost. the arsonist never learned true loss. unsympathetic bastard

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There'd be no way for him to sue, the rights are given to Kyoani when the novel is submitted in the contest.

It's the opposite now but that might just be Yea Forumsnons flooding in and swaying the poll.

>Comments defending Kyoani and saying they didn't plagiarize are getting negative votes
This isn't Reddit, user. You need to go back.

Proofs? Do you have a translated document about the contest?

>the nukes were real
>not mentioning that the emperor lived despite americans fuming for his death, warcrimnals pardoned
A deal was reached to fake the nuke and let america be announced the winner.
This is why japan remained with their forces and US waged anti japan propaganda during the miracle economy in the 80/90's.

My suggestion is to stop posting in this bait thread.

He submitted his novel to them himself on his own accord without reading the fine print at the bottom of the contract which states that any and all submitted works automatically become the property of the company hosting the contest, like all such contest rules state, so no NAPs have been violated there.

He send them his stories he was obviously a fan.

no you need to go back you dumb unsympathetic ironic instagram loving meme loving Yea Forumsirgin dumbass. you were never welcomed here and only pretend so. ive been on this site longer and before reddit's conception. you are cancer newfag scum who only know ironic memes and kuso retardspeak. you are the type of underage trash that belongs on reddit and instagram but you certainly dont belong here.

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Hmmmmm yup the staff have a good enough memory to remember a novel they threw out at the first stage of the competition from a random nobody.

Protip: they'd only remember it if they actually stole it.

He means the comments, not Shinji.

Idiot. Those light novel competitions are an easy way to acquire works

this baka desu senpai

Hard hitting dialogue

>Comments defending Kyoani and saying they didn't plagiarize are getting negative votes and people sympathizing and suggesting the murder may have been telling the truth are well received.

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I see, sorry.

>Be Kyoani
>See novel you like
>Rig it so the contestant loses on the first round and steal his work without anyone knowing
>He later comes back and goes on a rampage
>Try and save face by claiming the novel lost the competition and you completely forgot the whole thing

You're more than welcome to leave and move to another nation where there's no court system if you have no faith in the process. Given how they are the ones that interpret the laws, you are clearly not safe, even in your very home.

>We know for a fact he wasn't plagiarized because he burned down their building!
>If you think otherwise you literally agree with him burning it down
only people who cannot comprehend logic like kyoani anime

I appreciate the sarcasm but this is a topic about justifying murder of 35 people, not whether or not the courts work.


That's just how it works when you submit in anything for a contest, you don't own it anymore and the contest holder can do what they want with it. In this case, his submission was turned down but allegedly they ended up running with his idea, there's no way to sue in this case.

That makes no sense. This is some next level cope

That's a scumbag move

>he wasn't plagiarized
Why would KyoAni plagiarize anyone? If his novel was worthy of plagiarizing they would've jyst published it like they published dozens of other novels.

And? What does that have anything to do with all the authors of the LNs that Kyoani had adapted? Does the trove of LN negate the existence of the authors of the LNs they are adapting or something?

>ended up running with his idea
They only ended up running with his idea in his head

Given that he should've taken them to court instead of outright murdering them if they did indeed steal his work, I feel like it might be tangibly related.

They're pathetic losers who moved to Japan thinking they would stop being pathetic losers. Instead of facing reality they blame everything on the Japanese society.
>perfect favourite country
Where are the people saying this though? You'll be way more likely to find the exact opposite here, people desperately trying to avoid being called a weeb by shitting on everything Japanese.

Who knows the point is we don't know the details
We can assume a madman who would set fire to a building full of people cannot be trusted, but again, we don't know

There are records on the thing since it was a contest. If kyoani stole from him , all he had to do , was to go public with proof of his submission.

Unless you think that every attorney involved just cheated him too , right

That's pretty easy to understand. If KyoAni didn't plagiarize anything, then the man is just a schizo, and schizos are a very uncomfortable thing to acknowledge. People would normally wish schizos didn't exist at all. In case of a schizo the crime would be difficult to rationalize, and therefore disturbing. If KyoAni did plagiarize, then the man's motivation is plain as day, and his anger is perfectly reasonable, if overblown. In this case the crime would be easy to rationalize. Between living among madmen that can burn you at any moment without you doing anything bad and living among rational, even honorable men that stop at nothing to defend what's justly theirs anyone would pick the latter, and when given the chance to upvote either version of reality, they will of course upvote the one that makes them feel better.

Once you're aware of this reasoning you are no longer susceptible to it, but even then, as a distant observer, you would normally prefer the more spicy revenge story to the dull crazy antagonist cliche.

Why would a company get something for free to make a profit?

Maybe his work was good but he included a message with his submission that made it clear he was insane and they wouldn't want to work with him.
A bit like how the doujin scanlated by ack are normal if you don't read the credits page.

>we don't know
We know that KyoAni haven't plagiarized Hyouka, VEG, Hibike. Why would it have to defferent?

>people desperately trying to avoid being called a weeb by shitting on everything Japanese.
Unfortunately that is a solid 90% of Yea Forums nowadays.

>Kyoani's good anime are from kadokawa
>Kyoani's bad anime are from the ones they stole


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I mean on a tangent yes but the conversation was about how to justify the murder of 35 people and we got to "War and Crime" and then we got off the tracks because I got a contradictory answer and then 3 posts of non-clarification on whether killing criminals is justified when the court of law is flawed and the person could be innocent.
I suspect without evidence so feel free to ignore this point for the purposes of argument but with the increase of western countries removing the death penalty, I suspect not being able to guarantee the criminality of a person 100% is part of the reason we don't have it.
Though on the flipside, a life sentence is a terrible waste of money.

How could they have gotten something for free when they have routinely paid off authors for rights to their work? It would only be true if it was an original animation.

>people desperately trying to avoid being called a weeb by shitting on everything Japanese.
>He isn't racist against the Japanese but also consumes Japanese games and anime.
Fucking weebs thinking you can't hate the player but love the game.

KyoAni is disgusting

I agree that life sentence are a waste of money but people are somehow against death penalties and constantly flipflop on whether prison should be a punishment or a place of rehabilitation, that it's the only 'safe' choice.

Yeah, imagine defending murderer

weebs hate weebs the most

>whether prison should be a punishment or a place of rehabilitation
See, we've got countries which prove that it can be a place of rehabilitation but the issue is that those countries have smaller, more uniform populations so they can afford to have a nice prison with actual help.
Once you get to America's size, you're basically fucked and prison by definition cannot be used for rehabilitation purposes.
At that point I'd argue you're actually just creating more criminals if you send people in for lesser crimes though then the argument is made for "what is a lesser crime?"

They don't even pay properly to people whose works won their shitty contest. Also one of their "authors" plagiarized Tanaka Romeo's AURA novel and now we know it as Chuu2.

No. Think about it. He's obviously maniacal. He submitted his masterpiece to them, and they shelved it. He probably signed over his rights to it in the contest too. It's gone forever to him.

Imagine defending a mass murderer

Technically the original parts of those anime not present in the novels may have been plagiarized, or even the original novel's authors could've ripped someone else's story.

theres nothing wrong with copyright. digital copyright is where it gets retarded, since the entire function of computers is to copy bits.

What was his novel about?

given the context at the time one could make an argument that it was reasonable to drop them and there were some reasons, but not very many. If you look back at it now, though with all the info. It is a hard stance to take in regards to dropping it vs not dropping it.

This is the American mindset talking about how whenever they do something that would be questionable or outright outrageous if were any other country, to them though it was always the right course of action given the time and context and they make no bad decisions.

How pissed off you have to be to commit such a crime?

Did none of you read the article?
It says that they received a novel from Mr. Arson HOWEVER it was submitted as an entry to a contest

"Since 2010, Kyoto Animation has annually solicited novel submissions, from professional or amateur writers, for its Kyoto Animation Awards."

"Kyoto Animation’s attorney went on to say that the novel submitted by Shinji Aoba was formally eliminated from the contest in the first round of judges’ evaluations. “We have confirmed that it has no similarity to any Kyoto Animation works,” he added."

There is no proof that they plagiarized him in any way besides a very small coincidence that he interpreted as plagiarism which made him go schizo

also to add to this. Yes technically true the nation would have fought to the death. However they didn't have the resources to make that a possibility and they were severely waning. A decent number of the Japanese leaders at that time were also against continuous assault.

Considering the air bombing campaigns that had already occurred many times by that point in the war, to suddenly say "Wait a minute, using this new weapon is going too far" would simply be retarded.

I mean I'm curious as to what his novel was about. Because he did submit a novel, they received a novel.

In Hollywood it happens all the time that some poor sap submits a screenplay, gets rejected, but "coincidentally" a movie with the exact same plot is released by the exact same studio.

Honestly, I feel like the problem ultimately comes down to something incredibly petty instead of data and such. People just don't want to see bad people get rewarded in anyway. It's the same line of thought as the ultimate form of revenge against someone is to live a good life. That someone that had probably did something horrible to them might potentially live a better life than the victim infuriates certain people to no end, but they can't just say that out loud.

Kyoani wanted to be a hollywood studio after all


It's over, moefags.

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Imagine stealing another man's intellectual property

Unless you're implying Kyoani stole the idea of idol dancing from him, I find it hard to believe.

olice have arrested a 30-year-old unemployed man on suspicion of attempted murder after he stabbed a woman in the neck at a Daiso 100-yen store in Tokyo’s Hachioji district on Wednesday night.

According to police, the suspect, Yuki Ishino, stabbed a 46-year-old woman shopper in the neck on the second floor of the store at around 6:20 p.m. He used an awl which was on a shelf.

Ishino then went downstairs to the checkout and told the woman at the register that he had just killed someone. Three male employees subdued him until police arrived.

Police quoted Ishino as saying that he wanted to kill someone and the woman just happened to be there.

The woman suffered a serious wound to her neck but was in a stable condition on Thursday.

japan just turning into a garbage shithole full of cancernips too

Considering years have passed between him submitting it and doing the attack I can only assume it's a long running series he thought was stealing from him, otherwise he waited a long time to show he was pissed off.

Yamakan stole Hare Hare Yukai from the arsonist, so in a way Yamakan has killed KyoAni.

Well it’s sketchier than that because they used to not actually give out the prize at all but they take the rights to your work anyway. I think they only started awarding the grand prize with VEG (which was already a shit Kadokawa reject) because entrants were in freefall due to everyone realizing that it was a scam.

>Well it’s sketchier than that because they used to not actually give out the prize at all but they take the rights to your work anyway
Every contest I have ever bothered to read the fine print of works like that, though most of them don't forego picking a real winner so they can bank easy PR points for when they do eventually pick a winner.

Other than Free!, what long running series has Kyoani done? If the so called plagiarized work turns out to be Haruhi, I would be mindblowned.

Free and Hibike are the closest ones to timing up with it I think. If he thought either was his idea I could imagine his anger growing each time he heard a new one was announced, and then having to see posters for them out and about.
Both of them had new material around the time of the attack so it could've been what made him decide to do it at that time instead of earlier.

WTF, this is more entangled than I originally thought.

Does he count as a madlad tho???

Average Yea Forums experience.

Do we know anything about the contents of the novel? Also, why the hell would you send a novel to an animation studio and not an actual publishing company?

>why the hell would you send a novel to an animation studio
If you weren't a dumb fucking tourist you'd know why.

Yeah, I'm also curious about what his novel plot.


The difference is that most Kyoani works weren't original even on paper - they were mostly adaptations of published LNs.

it was hibike, but was originally yuri until they changed it.

I can't believe how fucking retarded this thread is holy shit

There's no plot twist about it, Animation Studios stealing ideas from these LN contests is the norm, basically if you are getting into these contests you already know you are giving away your work, they juts give he prize to the best "deal" and play along with that, all the good works lose and get taken away, but nobody gets mad at it, at least not mad enough to burn people alive.

Until now.

I guess it calls for a deeper look into these practices, If people really do care about why 35 people burned to death, that is.

Not really that big of a loss in the grand scheme of things to break societal status quo. At least, that's how I think Japan sees it. Just look at the fire regulations decision.

Nah they should finish the job, and burn the other half of the studio

I didn't know it's common practice in Japan that if someone plagiarize your fanfic you should burn their house in return. I guess I need to know more about Japanese culture.

I told you the arsonist did nothing wrong

What the fuck would they even steal? Girl who sleeps a lot?

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>he consented by submitting to the T&Cs
those are predatory conditions, aren't they

The ones who like Japan learn Japanese and don't read trumped up stories about gaijin microagressions for bitter expats

Yeah, basically the American way of fucking people over.

This thread is so edgy you can cut paper with it.

Kyoani already said that his submission doesn't resemble any of their projects.
The schizo was obviously just pissed that they denied him and used his mental gymnastics to get the idea of them stealing his shitty story.

Uncertain until they will reveal what exactly was in his work.
Wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be something that people called yet another Kyoani masterpiece.

All of KA Esuma Bunko's novels are written by people outside of Kyoani - the idea that they would go out of their way to steal this piece of shit work, and publish it when they already have so many submissions is ludicrous.
Occam's razor - the mentally deranged fatty couldn't handle the denial, lost it, and took it out on the studio. Obviously screaming plagiarism is a much easier justification than saying "they hurt my feelings!!"

the guy had a note on his door to remind himself to turn off his lights before he left his apartment.
It's pretty obvious he didn't have a very high mental capacity.

>derangement is simpler than plagiarism
I don't think so. Both are likely to happen.

Plagiarism is less likely because KyoAni doesn't generally do original works and the guy has been put away before for being deranged.

The odds of plagiarizing a schizo are far less likely than a schizo being deluded that it actually happened

The guy has been disowned by his parents has a history for stealing panties, robbery, and harassing and threatening to kill his neighbors.
So you tell me, you fucking dolt.

>it's a "let's pretend something that dind't happened indeed happened and use it as a tool for shitposting" thread
If you are this bored why don't you go to Yea Forums or something?

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>The guy has been disowned by his parents
His parents were divorced at age 5 he had all sorts bad shit along the way either than it doesn't make the fact he kill 35 people because of his malicious intent.


and? What are you trying to add?
Everyone has their own shit. There is no justification yes, even plagiarism to arson a studio and kill 35 people

>spent three and a half years in prison for robbing a convenience store in 2012. They added that he received mental health treatment.

Do we know the reason behind the mental health treatment he received? As far as we're concerned, he could've just been overly violent, but not deranged.

Also, supposing they plagiarized him, that wouldn't exactly be an original work, now would it? You can also plagiarize ideas and put them in other adaptations.

Alright look it's been 14 days, we should just move on with our lives. There's not gonna be actual news on this case for some time. Japan is slow as fuck at doing things.

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It wouldn't be a stretch if someone in kyoani read his work, forgot about it and ended up using parts of it for their work.
However, it should be understood that once you submitted something for a contest, it is no longer yours.

Wrong. For example, VEG was rejected by Kodansha but author still kept is. Giving your exclusive rights to your work for nothing is bullshit and if Kyoani actually did it, they deserved to be burned

Yeah I'm sure the 35 people that died all planned in detail how to steal this shitty retard's story
Just fuck off.

Was VEG submitted to Kodansha in a contest or was the author just trying to get it published?

Calm down, Kyoani fanboi. Maybe I will laugh next when it will be revealed what exactly they stole.

Imagine defending a mass murderer

>However, it should be understood that once you submitted something for a contest, it is no longer yours.
That's not how copyright works faggot

>this fucking thread

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Sorry for not being your reddit hugbox
Don't forget to sell your lunch money to them

> all planned in detail how to steal this shitty retard's storY
Not him but think of it this way. The company managers steal the idea/plot and pass it down. Now its the workers who copy it, basically taking a part in the action.

Theyre just like guards in the concentration camps. Sure, they didnt plan it but they sure partake in it

>sell your lunch money
What did he mean by this? Based retard esl edge lord

Depends on the rules of the contest, nowadays contests are just rights grabs.

So much fucking speculation with the only proof being that the fatass said "they plagiarized me!"- do you realize what an idiot your coming off as?

Stealing intellectual property is still all kinds of fucked up.

>KyoAni burned
>People will now buy whatever garbage they make until the end of time

how will the edgelords survive?

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>The nigger had a knife
6 knives

An idol for wannabe samurais everywhere. You can only dream to have the balls to be carrying that much cutlery in public.

I'm going to laugh all the way to Mars when the VEG movie flops.

I bet he was a Gundam 00 fan, he probably thought he was Gundam

Why the fuck would they reject and then steal his novel if they liked it, when their whole business model is about buying and publishing submitted novels?

Because they have to find a way to put the blame on Kyoani, or course
If it's not this it's the fire codes that they followed, or the key card lock not being enabled.

Nobody even knows what he submitted yet. It's probably unrelated, and he had some schizo meltdown and thought they stole his shit. This is all a waste of time until they release more details. All we have is the word of a hospitalized fatty with amputated feet.

I guess that's a question for the survivors to answer.

What, you thought Kyoani was the only one who "finds a way"? You've got a lot to learn down the road.

based ESL faggot still not making any sense

Wait wait are you telling me that Hibike, Violet Evergaden, Hyouka were ALL written by this disgusting NEET and Kyoani took advatange of his mental illness and stole his work? about evil corporations...fucking disgusting bros...

Chief animator for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure donated to Kyoani. Looks like the Kyoani fanbase has a long list of other fanbases to be thankful for.

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Hope you get shot for using an American website.

the only nice thing to come out of this situation is seeing how loved the studio is, with how much support they're receiving
a whole bunch of SHAFT workers are putting together an illustration book to sell at Comiket for donations

Call me when his novel gets leaked and we'll talk.

>Imagine stealing another man's intellectual property
He is a fat mentally ill loser.
KA did everything right.

>having to be accountable for your employer

This - if it comes out that kyoani did in fact plagiarized then I'll stop defending them on that - but there's absolutely no justification for taking 35 innocent lives.

You're torrenting anime you inbred muppet.

The better question is why do people shitpost on Yea Forums?

>VEG was rejected by Kodansha
No wonder VEG is so bad. If even Kodansha didn't want it, then it must be something utterly miserable.

It's just neo-burakkumin, user. Nobody cares about those subhumans.

>The plot thickens.
No it does not. He submitted a shit-tier manuscript to KyoAni's LN competition that lost in the first round, and he, in his sick, demented mind full of delusions and self grandeur saw whiffs of his work in something else KyoAni adapted that no one in their right mind would have made even the slightest connection to.

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What was this great novel that he made?

I doubt it was anything worth killing people for.

>Between living among madmen that can burn you at any moment without you doing anything bad and...
Sadly, this seems to be the most likely outcome of this incident. And therefore, disturbing, as you said.

>People would normally wish schizos didn't exist at all
And this is the bad part, not only they exist, but I'd say they're even frequent in the anime consumer's demography. Anime fans are known for being in the "weird" part of the spectrum, introverted people, hikkis, mentally unstable, obsessed, etc; those are traits that you'll frequently read together with "anime fans".

Long story short, the anime industry, the "creators", they must not fool themselves into thinking they are not working for some pretty sick people. Kyoani's case is just one more sample of the many that might come in the future.

Think about this: "The worst or second worst incident with dead people since WWII", and it happened to Kyoani. A freaking anime studio. That by itself feels surreal.

Yamakan tweeted the other day about this (not the best timing anyway) but he said something along the lines of "the anime industry is slowly brewing this madness". "We" (as industry) are equally guilty that this continues to happen. And of course, people jumped at his throat inmediatly but, at the end of the day you know that if it pains, if it bothers, there must be a reason. There must some truth behind it.


I agreed with you until you started defending Yamakan

Spoken like a true normalfag. Yeah, let's get those anime weirdos for that wrongthink and shit, Reddit!

Seriously, fuck off.

That's what happens when you have a dwindling population full of unemployed unstable people who believe mental illness is a myth.

lol kys

They shouldn't. You can go fuck yourself together with the shizo.

>>>Think about this: "The worst or second worst incident with dead people since WWII", and it happened to Kyoani. A freaking anime studio. That by itself feels surreal.

What? Japan has has earthquakes, typhoons, train crashes, and other arson attacks and fires that have resulted in several more deaths. This is extremely notable because it's the first major attack an anime studio has literally ever experienced in japan. If anything, most animefags are so isolated and docile they have zero impact.

And also, as has been said, he was a mentally ill criminal who had already been imprisoned for robbery and getting into violent confrontations with his neighbors. Let's ignore all that though and paint him as some otaku hikki like all them evil anime watchers.

>I agreed with you until you started defending Yamakan
Well, not really a fan of Yamakan but in this one I'll go to his side. Since years anime industry is just normalizing very controversial things like pedo stuffs, incest stuff, or making hikkis and neets part of their everyday stories (they're even their MCs). So yeah, maybe this guy have a little bit of reason this time.

That shit is the starting point of creating guys like Aoba. "Muh weirdness", "stay away from muh hobbies moralfag". There's no such thing, only outcasted schizos like that guy would defend this. Every other person knows that the line that separate normalfags from weird guys is diffuse, you can be one or the other depending on the day and context.

well, every other incident has been either a natural disaster or an accident
Kyoto animation's fire is the crime with the most casualities in Japan since WWII, it's indeed surreal

Article says he sent in his novel for the contest and it was eliminated in the first round, in other words, they rejected him and then somehow he deluded himself to believe that they're the reason he's a 40 year old virgin loser NEET.
>if those bastards didn't reject my work I would be successful like that Free guy!
>they ruined my life so I will take theirs!

Yeah, no shit. Most light novels are full of unoriginal ideas and cliches anyway. They probably made something with a passing resemblance to some tripe he wrote and he went full schizo and attacked them.


>Obviously screaming plagiarism is a much easier justification than saying "they hurt my feelings!!"
I don't know, the guy sent his novel almost ten years ago. He must be a pretty resentful guy to only now (2019) decide that they "hurted his feelings". There has to be some trigger (supposed plagiarism), if not, why not attack them just when he got denied?

>He must be a pretty resentful guy to only now (2019) decide that they "hurted his feelings".
You can't wait logical and reasonable behavior from a schizo.

Violence against animators who had nothing to do choosing what they adapt? If you unironically believe this you should be locked up before you set fire to a crowded restaurant because the owner ripped you off one time.

>self defense as he has a right to defend his labour
So do libertarians support socialist revolution now? Because that's all about workers protecting the fruits of their labor from being stolen by the investor class.


>set fire to a crowded restaurant because the owner ripped you off one time
That's not even remotely comparable. If Kyoani actually did steal his idea, that means everyone involved, even the animators, robbed him of profits that could've vastly improved his livelihood. Let's say you had mouths to feed and you were struggling to make ends meet, if an opportunity to turn that situation around comes up but gets stolen from you, that is demonstrable harm and violence against whoever took that opportunity from you is completely and absolutely justified.

if you're going to try this hard at least use some less obvious bait

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Yeah, but they still own it, which is probably the point of contention. His submission went nowhere, but he still lost the rights to monetise his own work.

Well even if Aoba was effectively plagiarized, ironically the guy most likely burned all the evidence at his favor. So, between believing a respectable studio with no negative record, and a psycho lunatic... The answer is obvious.

Is Yea Forums unironically defending a man who killed 35 human beings or am I just too drunk to read this thread correctly

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Probably not. It's just people fishing for (You)s.

This is a rough situation because on one hand I do not want to defend a murderer in the slightest, but on the other hand, truth is truth, and the pursuit of truth should never be stifled. However, said pursuit should fucking wait until after a good long grieving period.

If Kyoani plagiarized, which I doubt but I'm not going to read the thread because I don't feel like getting into this, then they plagiarized, it should be acknowledged, and they should change their ways. But obviously, it's incredibly unimportant next to the crime of murdering more than a score of people.

If they "plagiarized" the novel Shinji submitted into their contest (which seems unlikely), they were probably well within their rights to do so.

Some 60 year old was arrested for saying he's gonna do "The Hokkaido version of Kyo Ani"
Do we know any studios based in Hokkaido?

Tell us again: Why should I care about KusoAnus losing staff members? Maybe the guy had a good reason, who knows? Your government likley killed millions to secure oil fields.

Fuck, moral contagion is real. Source?

Millions is a vast overstatement. If they wanted to keep their oil then they shouldn’t have gotten invaded. That’s how the world works. You don’t have to care about something other people care about, just like I don’t care about some towelheads that may have died 12 years ago.

Please be Trigger. Please be Trigger.

"Muh oil" is a nonsensical meme. The truth is "muh world police." They invade because they want political and market stability; the amounts of oil transactions involved are small beans.

Based boomer

theft is not acceptable in Japan

>Is Yea Forums unironically defending a man who killed 35 human beings or am I just too drunk to read this thread correctly

It's 50/50, to be honest here.

Seems like Japanese males are losing their fucking minds recently over these crimes. I'm beginning to worry that shit about to hit the fan in the next couple of months.

>moral contagion

what's moral contagion really?

Where were you 12 years ago Yea Forums?

>Yes, the guy did submit a work to us.
>We won't tell you any information about the novel though.

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kill yourself moetard

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on Yea Forums

>We won't tell you any information about the novel though.
And when did they ever say that?
You're actually expecting the content to be shared before Aoba has his criminal trial?

He threatened a fucking tax office, not a studio.

Copycat crimes. Some sick fuck kills a bunch of people and other sick fucks see it and decide to imitate.

It's all trolling. Other boards were a mistake.

Not defending that schizoshit, but you are delusional if you think you can sue such a powerful company with dozens of the best lawyers in Japan

They're hardly a big corporation user.

In Japan they are.
Good luck trying to sue them.

Not him, and I don't see the violence as justified. But if KyoAni plagarized his work, then it likely was the thing that pushed him over the edge. He already was mentally unstable, and if his accusation is true, then Kyoto Animation has wronged him. Aoba is scum and deserves to rot in a jail for the rest of his live, but if KyoAni plagarized him, then the studio will face legal and PR consequences. Only a few people at KyoAni are going to be aware of the plagiarizing, and artists know the pain of getting plagiarized. I don't think injured animator X is going to be happy, if it turns out that all of this happened because of a few greedy people.
What Aoba did was disgusting and wrong, but that doesn't mean that KyoAni didn't do anything wrong.
Innocent until proven guilty, currently it is Aoba's word against Kyoani's word. This will get investigated, and we will know the truth sooner or later.

Can't believe there are actual disgusting dipshits that are trying to blame Kyoani and defend the arsonist. What shitty upbringing did some of you have?

>legal and PR consequences

No. They will be held up as a beacon of virtue in the global community. It literally doesn't matter what they did or will do from now on. That's the only "right or wrong" that exists at this point, whether that's a good or bad thing is up for debate. Plenty of people get plagiarized every day, and don't burn down buildings because of it. Just like plenty of kids grow up with no dad and an alcoholic mom and were bullied in school and played Grand Theft Auto and don't become school shooters.

Ironically if he had a case he most likely burnt it to the ground

Aoba Shinji vindicated
Unless kyoani make his entry public domain, I don't trust them. It was well known that their ln contest was a scam with no winner every year until VEG


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>It was well known that their ln contest was a scam
where's your source for that?
>implying you have one

>my work was stolen so the best recourse is to burn down a building full of people who didn't have much to do with it
Whether it was actually plagiarism or not the man was still fucking insane and should be put down.

tl;dr kyoani is corrupt and everything went downhill when they pushed kadokawa away

So for all of the other novels in their contests that they liked, they bought the rights to and published and made anime for officially, but for this one guy, they just decided fuck this guy in particular, let’s just steal it? Based solely on on the claim of a psychotic mass murderer, you genuinely think this is a plausible sequence of events and we really can’t know either way until a full investigation?

Based dipshit.

>KyoAni were the bad guys all along
Barisaku redemption arc? Will he team up with our protagonist Yamakan to save anime?

>Shinkai was pulling the strings all along

The crossboarding faggots really are something else these days.

>Documented mentally ill man submitted a thing, thinks they stole it, decides the rational course of action is to burn 35 people to death
>No, clearly Kyoani are at fault, there's no way the mentally ill mass murderer could've been delusional.
I don't get it.

You don't get it because you have never lost anything of value so even the idea that you can comprehend him is beyond your capabilities.

Told you hours ago to just not post in this bait thread.
Anons saying things like have been here for a long time and aren't about to go anywhere.

That one is obvious bait, but there are some genuine ape-brains in here

An ape's an ape.


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Shhhhh don't think about it

The election ruined everything.

>unrelated deaths

JapanToday is populated by anti Japanese commentors.

Every article about China or Korea is populated by Chinese and Koreans.

>Posts possibly written by Kyoto Animation arson suspect say company rejected manuscript

Yeah the fatty was definitely just buttmad. No wonder so many users here identify with the killer.

I wonder who is the specific employee mentioned, yamada?

Even the Japanese hate their own country, what's your point.

I wonder what will happen to KA Esuma Bunko and the yearly contests after all this

Kyoani making any original show

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>muh evil religion
fuck off back

Sorry, user. I'm not a mentally ill mass murderer, I don't understand.

Neither do you know what losing is like.

You don't have to repeat my post, you can choose to not reply if you don't have anything to say.

Corruption is very uncommon in Japan. Yet, when it does happen and is found out and publicized, the action done against the culprits in mind is resolute and considerably relentless. Japanese sumo wrestling, for example, was found to follow corrupt practices of match-making, and were then pursued by the Japanese MEXT themselves. If KyoAni's contest practices are found to be corrupt and plagiarizing, I don't doubt the serious consequences they would face following all this, despite the loss of life for the company. Arson and the murder of these gifted individuals at KyoAni is wrong and an unfortunate event and they did not deserve it, but the company of KyoAni and the higher-ups would be to blame if all of this talk of corruption were to be true, despite those unfortunate events of death and arson.

>Neither do you know what losing is like.
I can assume you're an expert on the topic.

Truly an faggot


Can you explain what a mentally ill mass murder feels when losing?

Can you?

I have no idea because I'm not a mentally ill mass murderer.

>I have no idea

Come back when you lose something of value.

Please, explain.

>biggest subhuman cunts kept on lied

I said /Thread

Now go out and gain something important, then lose it.

Please, this is important. Or do you not care about what KA did to that poor guy? Are okay with stealing of intellectual property?

Trolling/bait is pointless if it's completely obvious to anyone that you're doing it.

>telling an Yea Forumsutist to go outside

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There's always a newfag and an emotionally unstable person willing to take the bait.

So in the end, LNfags are literally KILLING THE INDUSTRY

>Since years

Genuinely curious when this user thinks this stuff started.

Which one? The one based upon the LN written by another author, or the other LN that was written by another author?

He wrote the first draft of Tsurune, which was focused on cousinlust and beautiful Seiya. His draft was rejected and Tsurune was rewritten to be about a pedo priest and his boytoy. The anime staff decided to adapt the rejected first draft instead of the final draft, which was the last straw for this man's sanity and led him to do what he did.

Usually when you bait/troll you make others triggered, not yourself. We’re getting second hand embarrassment from you, please fuck off.

How should I buy this book?




Who wrote tamako again?

I cannot take this anymore. I'm about to break.

if you have a dick in your ass it is acceptable to say "we"

It's weird how all the theories about Aoba ended up being true after all. Like all of them combined. Truly the worlds most powerful autist!
Would be nice to have an article in Japanese instead of English though because it could just be mistranslations again.

Why did the gofundme campaign had to stop accepting donations? The number was still rising.

>The number was still rising.
Well of course it was rising, why would it ever decrease?

Because scamming people is bad

Are you dense?

go to Comiket 96

He tweeted that he's considering using booth too for selling them, I think it's partnered with tenso.

Apart from that of course.

What is booth? I figure the books will be getting sold on Amazon and such afterwards, but buying directly from them is probably better.

imagine defending a mass moe-dere

You almost had it, so close.

>but the company of KyoAni and the higher-ups would be to blame if all of this talk of corruption were to be true, despite those unfortunate events of death and arson.

This is the actual worse case scenario for KyoAni and Japan altogether. 2ch and 5ch are really speculating this could lead to public confusion and pointing fingers to Hotta. Also Hotta definitely going to be fall guy including others for letting this incident happen.

The outcome isn't going to pretty at all.

stop bumping, nobody is here except for you


I just wanted to see those high-ended bastards over at KyotoAnimu get spiritually slugged in they collectively goddamned faces. Just for flaunting their animation styles and basically polishing up the same shitty memes and tropes all these other animu studios do.

Also; the shit they did (Clannad, Silent Voice, Akira and Minoru's part in Lucky Star) are horrible and borderline depressing anyway.

Finally; they should've just proved that they also "punch evil women" (like Raildex's Touma and Accelerator) by animating Kyon punching Haruhi for bullying Mikuru. (Sadly, the only time that happened was in some /H/-doujin somewhere.)

Nobody needed to burn and die, though. Just slugged in the goddamned face.

>currently it is Aoba's word against Kyoani's word
Right, because the words of a schizo mass murderer are so trustworthy.

Honestly, I don't think anyone's really surprised KyoAni was eventually going to be taken down a peg. We just didn't know how it was going to happen, or to what extent.

The train one didn't end up being true.

Ok, here.【京アニ放火】nhkの吉田達裕dはなぜ放火犯の遺留/

>NHK did KyoAni
It's comforting to know Japan has its morons too

I'm so hyped for this bros
Hopefully they will livestream it, that would be so AWESOME and KINO

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Bless that user for that pic
Just wish the fat fuck could see it

Then let's send him a personal card telling him how much we look forward to his execution

t. vengeful, moronic faggot

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>t. pussy that never fights back
Grow a pair

>inb4 the novel was about trains

>"Imagine stealing another man's intellectual property!"
>Torrents anime
You are the definition of a retarded faggot

My sides hurt now dammit user

Post a source, faggot

If that happened (for which there is no evidence), file a suit against the company like a civilized human being. If you're going to act like a barbarian, then Japan should act in kind and sentence him to death by scaphism.

Sentai said from the get-go that it would last until August 1.

You realize he can't sue them, right? He submitted the novel to their scam of a contest. The last piece of evidence is the novel itself but it won't ever get released because Kyoani would be fucked if it ever happened.

How do you think this incident is going to affect the industry for the next decade? It feels like Anime has completely lost its innocence.

If they'd really plagiarized, he'd be able to prove it in a court of law. He'd have the novel and probably records relating to the contest and his submission
This is not hard.

Upon entering the contest you sign away all the rights to your work therefore it's no longer plagiarism in the eye of the law, retard. He had no recourse.

>and all of the crossborders and newfags who make up most of it nowadays
Dude, it's been like that since forever. Fuck off.

Lol suing companies in Japan would cost you your entire life earning and possibly a lifetime of suffering and shame.

The gasoline was easier and faster.

Is there an easier way to spot crossboarding scum?

Lol :^

Enjoy your containment thread you autistic sjw

>Upon entering the contest you sign away all the rights to your work
Show me passage in the contest details that state this. I have the craziest hunch you may have just made that up.

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Imagine crossboarding to samefag a thread all day until the bump limit. How do you niggers manage?

Those who defend him look like pic related
Be grateful that you weren't born a stupid mentally deranged retarded sociopathic fuckbois like them

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You've never entered a contest, where you have to turn in your artwork and such; did you, user?

This seems like a stretch, and without source there isn't any telling what really consisted of these potentially corrupt contests. However, all of this still brings into question the possibility of corruption, and therefore the need of an investigation. Investigation is necessary in all cases, and it will probably be necessary to dig deeper into investigation of the nature and handling of these contests.

What I don't get is the leap from 'this man submitted someting to KyoAni' to 'KyoAni was playing a long con for several years to wholesale copy some autist's content, without giving him a prize in the competition for finding content for some reason

I have, actually.
Thanks for not posting anything to back up your claim, though. Really makes things clear.

You fucking retards, the Kyoani book contests are public and get submissions from thousands of applicants each year, if they actually had shitty fine print in the submission agreements a normal entrant would've long raised a stink about it already before the crazy NEET torched the place.