Final Exam
Kengan Omega ch.27
oh boy
Haru just gave up
Alright, new tournament. Included injuries, swapped Gensai for Nitoku. Round 1.
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3
Match 4
For a split second I thought that was Kureishi fighting. Mildly disappointing.
Even I felt that.
José has a small package confirmed.
oh yeah, ground me senpai
>Haruo becoming absolutest unit
How big is Haruo gonna get, jesus.
[cucaracha stops]
No it missed you fat fuck
[intensity intensifies]
Jesus, his head is sinking into his body.
>it missed
What? No it didn't.
He was being sarcastic with how obvious of a hit it was.
Oh oops, see it now, my bad.
Looks like Seki ate Gaolang's curry.
>let me fuck him up proper that was a warmup
Nice face.
>Looks like Seki ate Gaolang's curry.
But Gaolang actually dislikes spicy food.
They grow up so fast...
Two boys in the space of one
I can't believe my emotional delinquent is so cute
Nice nipple
Good to know that Seki is still the best
inb4 koga is the heir of some karate association and he's also related to kazzy
Bonds between men
>Match 1
This is a genuinely difficult one, Bando definitely isnt getting oneshot by Rei, so while he might not start with it, he will probably fall back to the arm whip. I kinda have to assume Bando kills Rei since he wont have the Queen Bee buff used in the first round.
sweating is good for the body, boy.
Oh boy, what's coming?
uh ooooooh
>My old man is going to beat me to a pulp.
SURPRISE! Kengan Omega was a Sequel to Fist of the Seeker all along!
oh right he got kicked out of a karate dojo didnt he?
>Bando vs Rei
Bando is fast, but I don't think his speed is a match for Rei's. Bando can reorganize his vitals to an extent, preventing Rei from blitzing him, but that can only get him so far, because he'll lose from blood loss eventually I think. Rei might get injured a big from all of Bando's unexpected moves. Rei wins this with moderate injuries.
>Cosmo vs Seki
I think Seki wins this just purely because of his wrestling experience and size. Seki wins this with light injuries.
>Hanafusa vs Raian
Hanafusa's only chance to win this in my opinion is with a surprise attack at the start, after that, he's dead meat. To give him the benefit of the doubt, I'd say Raian wins this with still some light injuries.
>Meguro vs Ryo
Ryo has some techniques Meguro might have trouble dealing with, but I think eventually Meguro's power and visciousness will decide the match. Meguro wins with moderate injuries.
o snap
bah gawd that's wakatsuki's gym
Daddy's gonna kill ya!
Daddy's gonna kill ya!
Hypes me for next week!
OK, this is an interesting reaction.
I doubt that he started his martial arts training at some dojo of theirs, which means that he either heard of the place during his travels between towns and dojos or from his grandfather.
Suck it
>Fist of the Seeker
What's that?
>Fist of the Seeker
is that fully scanlated?
That's for licking in circular motion user
WTF does Haru wanna do getting that big?
Sit on his oponents face?
Roll towards them?
Pretty sure it isn't, not even sure if anyone's on it
Sandrovichs Webcomic that came before everything else, he´s been refrencing it throughout all of Ashura/Omega. Kogas last name is the same as a big character from that one and both Seki/Cosmos mentor been in the same tournament he was in. The school also is the same Wakatsuki learned from etc.
Webcomic by Sandrovich
First half, also the relevant half here, is the tournament Sekibayashi was thinking about during his fight against Kiozan.
Main character was the guy Kureishi was thinking about when he described Ohma as the "seeker type" who seeks the status of being strongest, and that he knows someone like that.
>Sit on his oponents face?
Like Rikishi
stop bullying him he has a thyroid problem and a video game addiction
He´s bulking up. He isnt currently gaining weight in fat, but weight in muscle on top of the fat.
We don't know that
Is the thyroid stuffing food down his fat gullet?
Interesting round. I'd say Bando wins if he goes serious from the get-go since Rei's attacks are linear and easy to read. Bando's whip should get him after a couple attempts. I doubt he'll open with it though, since he didn't in round one of the original, so he'd just fight by trying to grab and break him, which probably wouldn't happen. That being said, Rei will need a decisive hit against Bando to win, but his skill should make a heart jab or something possible if Bando doesn't get hands on him. I'll give it to Rei with light or no injuries. Bando is very all or nothing, and round one Bando is much easier to deal with.
Cosmo and Seki seems a bit easier. They know each other's styles, but they're very opposed. Seki tanks strikes really well, but Cosmo will definitely go for the grapple. Seki will likely go for a similar goal, but Seki's frame and strength make him tougher to grab, especially since he knows what Cosmo is about. I give it to Seki on light injures.
Raian versus the good doctor is a stomp in Raian's favor, but he'll probably take some damage along the way from those blades and he may get super AIDS. Raian has no problem murdering Hanafusa to keep him down, so I see Raian winning with moderate to heavy injury. Also, no more doctor to magically fix fighters.
Meguro is just a tough bastard to fight. If he gets close, and he will, he's gonna manhandle Inaba until he either dies or Urita calls the fight (at which point he probably dies anyway). Crazy judo man who feels no pain is tough for just about anyone, so unless Inaba can strangle him with his hair, Meguro wins with moderate to light injury.
He got up pretty fast, in the time it took Jose to move his left leg he went from on his side to standing and ready for a roundhouse kick.
Seki wouldn't keep him around otherwise
Nigga's so fat his hands are joined like jelly.
I desperately want to see a lean, muscular Haruo fight sometime. Right now he's just boring
I just can't stand the art for it.
he's going to use his super sweating technique and become handsome haru in the middle of a match
That's what I'm hoping for. That's hype as shit
Even better if he goes full Wrestling on it and plays it off as the Indra tagging in.
What if he's scared because it's Wakatsuki's gym and not because of his dad or whoever?
This feels like the kind of manga where an old man would pit his son against Wakatsuki for the start of his training, throwing him in the deep end.
I know it ain't super pretty, but it's pretty good to at least be familiar with.
Nah, it has to be something related to his past.
There is a reason Sandrovich works best with someone drawing for him. But as said. Especially in context of Seekers stuff being more relevant in Omega it doesnt hurt knowing a bit about it.
>Looks like Seki ate Gaolang's curry
What do you mean?
He basically said what Gaolang said after his fight with Agito.
okay, maybe it's not curry, but "onwards and upwards" we heard it first from Gaolang. Of course I'm not silly enought to thing it's his catchphrase or anything. it's a good saying.
Wakatsuki sensei ?
Thanks for the dump
It took some amount of work to determine who's who and fill the tournament bracket winners. Useful given not even all of round 1 is translated.
Wakatsuki's sensei actually had Wakatsuki expelled, due to keeping with previous head's wishes that no members of Rokushin Kaikan are allowed to participate in underground fighting.
don't forget me
It's probably his uncle not his dad.
Well they'll have a bit of a conundrum if they try and recruit Koga then.
He partially shook Jose off balance, but yeah, he's pretty fast now.
Well, guess I'll have to read FotS now. Thanks for the dump
Haha backstory time
How can Seki be so based?
is koga as strong as pre-tournament ohma already?
don't forget me
I think definitely not.
Well, never before have I been this hyped for something that will happen next week, and it even beats possibility that it would be Agito.
There's always a possibility that Meido Kaikan has no such qualms, and participants of the tournament, at least the strong ones, probably still keep in touch and are on good terms, just like it was in Kengan Asura.
Doubt it. But he's getting there.
don't forget me
I doubt he even knows Wakatsuki trained there.
He needs to be even stronger than that since he doesn't have any convenient amnesia locked skills like Ohma had which saved his ass from being eliminated in round 2.
>Fist of the Seeker
Samato soon
She should just move over to Danberu
What's with those eyes? Kure?
>we still don't know where he falls on Wu-Kure scale
By this point I wonder if Kengan Omega is more of a sequel of Kengan Asura or Fist of the Seeker.
Maybe he's related to that guy(who I van't for the life of me remember the name of) who approached Toyoda on the boat
He actually does have what appeared to be Removal.
Of course, The Strongest Mongoloid also had black eyes, but that one was just ridiculously strong and durable, no removal used.
that'd be eddie wu
Why would I forget about Kaneda?
Edward Wu, whose name implies that not only he is Chinese, but also from Hong Kong.
Based and Wupilled
female kaneda doesn't appear in the the anime
Give back his sunglasses
Is Adam just incapable of chill?
The manga is tanking so bad the author meeds to reference his earlier work. Axe soon. Also another filler chapter.
he referenced his other work in ashura too...
most of the characters are reused from his previous work too
what a hack
Why is he scared?
Yeah. I don't like Haruo's current character. He had a massive relevation in Asura and went with Seki to get AWAY from his previous life but he's just a fat guy again instead of being the Indra. I was hoping he'd end up as a Fang or Seki's replacement after he showed that he was completely untouchable once he released his vices prior to his knee giving out but instead he's back to being a joke.
I wish
Or Vancouver
yeah and this new character looks exactly like the old main character too, what the fuck is his problem?
>its tanking so bad he needs to reference his previous work
>Mitsuyo and Kurachi were in Ashura from like chapter 70
Keep dreaming speedbrainlet
Unless we learn he was a karate test tube baby who forgot his super special moves then no
>koga refuses to use his super secret narushima style karate because of reasons
this will happen
Kaneda's fight against himuro wasn't bad in the anime
i liked muteba's fight too
The third matchup is interesting. There’s no doubt Raian will win, it’s just a matter of whether he will win with no injuries or heavy injuries.
Go back to TOC threads.
shame about the cut content
If they added the missing stuff and put a few more frames into the movements, it would be a somewhat solid adaptation. But, seeing Ohma looping between three frames looks more like he's teleporting than jumping in place
It's really bad and jarring at times. It's a shame, because they got some good voice talent for it, too
Pre tournament Ohma succeeded in knocking out Seki for like 5 seconds. Koga would've lost to Jose without the handicap
advance is cheating
Not really
>implying Haruo's secret technique isn't to burn off so much fat in 1 sitting he sets himself on fire
>starts directly converting fat to energy
I expect a Doppo moment where his dad/master shows up, shows that dabbling is completely to blame for his asskicking and convince him to drop EVERYTHING bar his karate aside from his grappling. It was one of the best bits of Baki when Doppo basically goes "purity is dedication and faith in ones training " after watching two of his best students bully kung fu Hulk Hogan.
if it works it works
Watching the anime made me remember just how much I liked Robinson’s character, before he got snapped. I hope he makes a cameo in omega, though I doubt he’ll be fighting anymore.
Just watched the anime. Why the fuck is Himura not voiced by Junichi Suwabe? His is the only voice that really fits the character.
>Match 1
Probably a bad match for Bando. His arm whips are fast, but Rei is probably faster. If his first enemy hesitated a bit before attacking and Bando used his whips from the start, he'd win, but Rei simply doesn't fuck around like that. As much as I love everyone's favorite murderer: Rei, no injuries.
>Match 2
Cosmo is fucked. Being a wrestler, Sekibayashi probably knows how to deal with grapplers. He's also way too fucking huge for Cosmo to really do anything to him. Seki, light injuries at most.
>Match 3
Raian wins easily. The real question is, how much damage is Doctor Death trying to cause. Assuming no backdoor shenanigans like in the actual story, Raian might even die after his win. Very difficult to say with no actual story behind this fight.
Gonna go with this: Raian gets infected with a nasty virus, but survives thanks to his superior Kure genes. Having some resistance to biological warfare would make sense for a clan of assassins. He's still a bit under the weather when the next match comes around, which translates to medium injuries.
>Match 4
Not sure about this one either. Ohma needed his Advance to tear Ryo's hair, no idea if Meguro's retard strength would be enough. Gonna go with my gut here and say Meguro wins lightly injured.
What do we do when 2 possibilities tie?
Pretty sure he was stated to want to go back to training after finishing rehab when Himuro was talking with Okubo and Cosmo about how are others doing.
Hassad soon
I'll never forgive the anime for cutting Best Girl from the story
I'm starting to just not like fatty
Haruo is bloatmaxxing and leaving humanity behind!
>jobbed to a random bodyguard who then jobbed to setsuna
Poor hassad
Fucking dumbass me just realizing now sparring with Adam is why Cosmo git gud at striking.
I agree, I also enjoyed Raian whenever he appeared more than I anticipated, must've been the voice actor
Best bet is his mom was a Kure who married off and left the Kure name behind.
Yeah how dare they cut Suoh!
>How dare Netflix to leave me out!
inb4 this turns into a Poor Little Rich Boy
Wait they cut her too
jesus christ
Better not do, a lot of Koga's appeal is being just some random thug trying to claw his way up.
The anime is not worth watching because they cut all the comfy moments.
Learn to identify a false kengan friend and ignore him like he is KF S2.
Think you can take me?
fuck you I happen to like Killing Floor 2
Watched the 12 episodes and what a let down, such a disappointment that can’t even give fanservice or memorable scenes. Why they bother to make a bad anime if is not going to hook people into reading the manga.
>No Ryuki
Shit chapter
He's in jail :(
he's too busy killing worms
He is sad because baka salaryman broke the glasses his bae gave him.
ryuki is going to protect his best bud vs his abusive father
Animation wise the anime wasn't that bad, but cutting out all the little character moments bothered me way more than I thought it would
He got his revenge later.
To be perfectly honest, this page got me more hyped than when two weeks back all signs shown that we might be seeing Agito.
I swear that is Jotaro/Erwin as Rei in the anime
I didn't imagine Ono in that role
we [advance] now
Koga why you so angry all the time
He's leaving humanity behind
At least Rei and the stooges got some screen to talk and not waste their VAs.
For the moment, Koga trained only with Ohma previous opponents (Sekibayashi, Cosmo, and now Wakatsuki ?)
I guess Koga will meet Rihito or Raian in a few months.
Ok now things get interesting
Koga's fighting style has vastly improved, i like that shrimping saves his ass haha. Its a pretty decent MMA fighting style now, with his Karate as his base
They are all the "good guys" of the series, so i doubt Raian will be getting any word in. Plus, what would he even teach him? Raian and Koga are around the same age anyway
Haruo rocking the JUST hairstyle, symbolizing his tenancy in Jobbertown
Not gonna lie, Baritsu was one of the fighting styles I was hyped for until he jobbed to Raian.
Wakatsuki won't be there. He has been expelled years ago. It's more like Koga's teachers included Kurachi and Kureishi, two of the participants of Rokushin Kaikan Open Tournament from Fist of the Seeker, in which Narushima Joji was one of Rokushin Kaikan representatives.
What are your 3 best fights in asura anons?
Mine are 1. Seki vs Kiozan 2. Muteba vs Meguro 3. Ohma vs Raian
Julius-Waka, Gaolang-Agito, and Akoya-Cosmo (I was rooting for Akoya).
Gaolang vs. Agito
Cosmo vs. Ohma
Hanafusa vs. Bando
>What if he's scared because it's Wakatsuki's gym and not because of his dad or whoever?
Highly doubt it.
>disrespected and defeated many dojos especially karate ones
>left his own karate dojo without showing an detailed explanation
>didn't like his grandpa and had a rough upbringing
This is 100% related to his familial ties to his backstory. There's no way he wouldn't mention it in his fight with Kokuro if this wasn't related. I'm going to assume Joji isn't his dad but his uncle since he mentioned in his monologue that he never been with his parents.
1. Gaolang vs Agito
2. Gensai vs Agito
3. Seki vs Kiozan
Koga better not be turning into a TROUBLED AND HIDDEN PAST protagonist.
Yes but i want to see beef in the Rokushinkaikan
Secret child of Kazzy the breeder
why do I laugh at this stupid shit
Did they get a native English speaker to say Jerry's lines?
1. Gaolang vs Agito
2. Anything Gensai to be honest
3. Sen vs Bando
He got that prostitute from Asura's first chapter pregnant, so the boy had a stupid growth spurt
1. Gaolang vs Agito
2. anything Ohma related
3. anything Seki related
Raian was pretty great.
you mean Hassard?
>Can't even animate Raian's sides properly!
Why even bother.
My favorite characters were Hssard, Lihito, Karura and Kaolan!
Really tough, but
1. Gaolong vs. Agito
2. Marvelous Seki vs. Muteba
3. Gensai vs. Agito
Honorable mentions to Agito vs. Sen for how much of a stomp it was as well as any time Bando or Saw Paing were on screen.
Rei's speed is the greatest in the tourney, and his power is decent as well. Bando outside of his arm whips isn't a great fighter. This is a Rei blitz.
Rei - No Injuries
Seki is too big and strong for Cosmo to break the limbs of, and unlike Akoya, Seki is likely to have a lot of grappling experience.
Seki - Light Injuries
The Doctor will die in this match, it comes down to how much damage can he do to Raian. I'd bet a decent amount.
Raian - Moderate to Heavy Injuries
Inaba is good, but if Meguro can get a hold of him for a second that fight is over fast and brutally.
Meguro - Moderate Injuries
Intense Koga.
Hope he has to train with our boy Saw for more intensity, though.
>he doesn't have any convenient amnesia locked skills
no but he has his eyes and fast learning ability.
in the thumbnail he looks bald
Pre-Tournament Ohma would have beaten Jose under the restrictions, not just survive. He'd have Redirection Kata'd him to shit
Koga needs some proper techniques under his belt that can knock a fucker out if he wants to be considered Pre Tournament Ohma tier, and he needs to get even stronger than THAT if he wants to be Round 3 Ohma level
Thoughts on the anime?
Koga would be similar to that guy that Ohma crushed in the prelims, or one of the guys on the boat that lost.
He's a good fighter all said, but he's nowhere near upper-tier Kengan material.
Koga might be able to beat Komoda and that Russian Kickboxer at this point however.
>Round 1
Bando has height and stature which makes it hard for Rei to cold clock him like he did Nezu. Not only that but we've seen that Bando can just make all the area around him a death zone.
Rei will get the first strike but it's not going to be enough to floor a guy with Bando's physique and I honestly don't see how he would be able to war of attrition a guy whose better built for it. Not only that but a fatal flaw with Rei's technique is that it only moves in a straight line which anyone who can tank his blows long enough can figure out, we saw this with Saw. And if Rei tries to use his sunflash techniques that just keeps him grounded and within grappling range for Bando.
Bando can win this with light light or moderate injuries.
>Round 2
Jun just destroys Cosmo in all departments and grappling is no exception. And since Cosmo isn't a good striker it's not like Jun is going to take any serious damage. Jun wins no injuries
>Round 3
Raian wins because he's the better overall fighter and Hajime has no reason to use his poisons and such. No injuries for Raian or maybe he takes a light injury from hidden bone blades sans poison.
>Round 4
I think Meguro just out muscles this matchup but inaba does fight at range which reduces some of Meguro's options. But since he's tethered to an opponent who gets off on pain there's always a chance he'll just get whipped around himself.
Meguro probably wins, with moderate injuries.
And in all cases where I list multiple damage ranges I just
>swapped Gensai for Nitoku
Keep Gensai in though? He's not invincible and there's good arguments that a couple of fighters could take him down. Otherwise you might as well remove Agito, Wakatsuki, Bando, and any of the other people Metsudo mentioned because all of them are going to rise up in most of these matchups.
What a great lad.
not him but which fighters would be able to defeat Gensai?
We have no idea how strong Jose is. He took a blow that outright K.O'd a guy who beat Murobuchi Gozo and stood up slightly annoyed. He's way tougher than Rihito or Medicine Man and Seki only got knocked out for like 3 seconds due to a self destructive move. If Ohma fought him in the tournament, Seki would have gotten up and killed him after that, advance or not. The K.Os in the normal matches had near instant judge intervention once people went down with a clean hit.
Anyone who can hit hard enough to pass through his defense. Waka and Julius come to mind first
I can see julius defeating him, mid difficulty
we already know how Koga ill get stronger from now on.
He has eyes like kazzy that let him preict the oppotent moves, and he can quikly understand and develop counters to other techniques and styles.
He just needs some fighting experience against strong guys, and he'lldevelop similar to Cosmo and will perfect his prediction ability.
I don't think he'll win or reach the final, he'll probably go out before, but during his fight he'll manage to figure out the counter to the techniues of the main rival, so that others can defeat him later.
You are aware Ohma knocked out Sekibayashi before the tournament was announced, right?
Serious bando, wakatsuki, julius, ohma who isn't dying and heavily injured on top of that. I'll even say agito could win if conditions were slightly different, like gensai not being primed on the dragon punch. And peak hatsumi.
And I could make a case for Haru too
OP is well done.
what? she wasnt in the anime?
Ohma who isn't dying and is not heavily injured quite literally does not exist
he was at his strongest in his final match, akin to how cosmo was
Unironically Peak Hatsumi could beat him.
He can not be heavily injured from tanking wakatsuki punches and raian though?
agito, obviously, especially if he's gotten stronger.
Raian, if he decides to use kure techniques.
people like wakatsuki or julius, who cn hit strong enough to break his defense.
possibly cosmo with his predictive ability
the doctor can kill everyone in the kengan tournament
>he was at his strongest in his final match, akin to how cosmo was
that's due to how they developed during the tournament. If they had the chance to fully recover from their injuries and then fight again they would be much stronger than in their final fights
weìve seen peak hatsumi, and he got easily taken are of by agito
>a case for haru
I think sandrovich is keeping him fat because otherwise he'd be the strongest fighter.
>we will never see peak Haru again
it hurts bros
Hatsumi got taken out because Agito changed in a way no one could have predicted, and pulled out techniques that no one saw coming. Even then Hatsumi nearly took him out.
Kuroki is a very straight forward fighter that doesn't have surprises in store. Thats something that Hatsumi can work with and figure out.
While Sen might not win, it'd be a very close fight.
no fucking way
h*ck this is bad.
Don't worry. His strength training and grappling training days are over. We have 4 months left and he's in front of Rokushin Kaikan. One way or another, he's getting stronger.
1.- Fang vs Gaolang
2.- Karo vs Saw Paing
3.- I'm tempted to say Fang vs Beard but I loved Muteba vs Wakatsuki
>possibly cosmo with his predictive ability
>implying Cosmo can outpredict Gensai
what are dives?
Damn... this manga really went to shit after Ohma died
Adam is a bad influence.
He's about to enter the place that has at the least 4 if not more Kengan Annihilation Tournament-tier characters, which are friendly with couple of more of such people, not counting preliminaries tier people.
Aerial body slams using the ring's ropes
Now THAT is a proper American localisation, h*ck yeah
I miss the edgier days of Asura were every fighter was a nutcase. Koga focused chapters seem like a highschooler training camp
They still kinda are but only when fighting
I wish Omega still had that punk aesthetic early Kengan had.
There is a difference between Koga and Ohma's stories. In Ohma's case, we started following him relatively close to his journey's end.
Whereas for Koga, we are still close to the beginning
We haven't gotten to the tournament yet. The Purgatory's bound to have some crazy shit up their sleeves.
That was the cool part of Asura. Ohma was acting like a autist edgelord because he was lost and was seeking a hill to die on. We only realized that when it was already too late.
I dont know yet whats the point of Koga in Omega, if he even has one
But Ohma started out as strong, while Koga was technically weak. It's an interesting perspective to take especially for a sequel where by now, alot of fighters have improved significantly.
The tournament in the previous series was established very quickly, as the author probably still hadn't planned the overarching story about mushi. We're setting things up much more thoroughly this time around, with Ryuki, mushi, and the tournament all at the same time. Omega is most probably going to be longer than Ashura, and we're gonna be following those two for a while.
Anything could happen, is what i'm trying to say.
Wasn't Koga's relative named Joji?
Ohma wasnt that strong. He had to rely on advance to face high tier fighters, killing himself in the way. He only polished his tech for the last fights
>Raian and Koga bonding over them both really wanting to beat the shit out of Ohma.
He was at least high B to A tier as the series started. Koga was considered much weaker than the rest of the cast as the series began.
If he were a little shit like Koga there would be no plot since Nogi would never hire him for the tournament. Kengan matches were for the strongest, not for rookies that have to relearn the basics
Seki v Kiozan, Gensai v Rihito and Cosmo v Akoya. I feel like the best fights were all earlier on in the tournament.
Ohma was strong, he just suffered magical amnesia and magical spine adjustments that made him weaker. Which is retarded, but whatever.
Why yes, it was that we weren't absolutely sure they are related, or if it would be addressed.
We just had El Fantasma
Now that Kazzy is on the inside track Koga serves as the audience perspective, and since it would boring to do the same thing twice in a row he's a fighter. Since he has to start from the bottom he's going to be a hero's journey b-plot
>Bando has height and stature which makes it hard for Rei to cold clock him like he did Nezu
Nezu is over a foot taller than Bando. What Bando has over Nezu is bulk
>and who could forget dear frisk undertale
Nezu also heavily leaned over, like preparing for a tackle.
Even against Guardians he was using fists instead of kicks, which is a shame, as we have never seen his kicks in action.
>He's not invincible
As good as. In pretty much every fight he was feeling things out and taking it kind of easy to teach the fighters a lesson or some silly shit, instead of just finishing them off straight away with all his might.
I mean, in the final fight of Asura, he absolutely destroyed Ohma who was the number 2 or 3 fighter in the tournament and who he said surpassed prime Niko when it came to the redirection kata. I don't feel it's fair to put him in the tournament, unless we get some silly matchup like Wakatsuki [no injuries] vs Gensai [heavy injuries]. That's not gonna happen, in my opinion.
Well the guy's heart basically stopped and he was in a coma prior to the match, hardly peak form. He just didn't hold back any because he was making a last effort.
>I don't feel it's fair to put him in the tournament, unless we get some silly matchup like Wakatsuki [no injuries] vs Gensai [heavy injuries]. That's not gonna happen, in my opinion.
So remove ohma, agito, and any of the other people guaranteed to beat their bracket? Because saying gensai is invincible ignored all the shit he did eat. And how he benefitted from knowing or seeing people put out their best cards out there or knowing their technique before they fought. In addition to his years of martial arts and being an assassin. But he's not a guaranteed win as people like julius and bando pose legitimate threats. In addition to a number of other fighters who even if they lose, could work Gensai over.
in the final ohma needed the advance just to move
and agito was very close to him in power
There's a chance Ohma won't end up regaining his memories or facing someone strong enough to beat him before he does, like last time he faced Gaolang before he was in his post Cohma skill.
It's basically a dilemma between placing Gensai against someone who has good chances of removing him from the tournament and between not putting him in the tournament at all.
Depending on circumstances, you may end up with Agito never ending up shaken like after Gaolang, which means no Omori challenge, which means Agito staying with Formless, which can lead to no pre-initiative and no good way to use Dragon Shot, which was a move he mastered before, but couldn't use well in Formless.
>"Alright Koga you're going to learn to forcibly contract your muscles like a spring."
Gaolang created Blast Core and had grappling training only after he lost to Agito and was expelled from Rokushin Kaikan.
One of the top of Rokushin Kaikan fighters fought like this though.
Silly user, if Ohma really had felt that bad during his match with Gensai he would have turned into a Water Elemental and slithered around the Beardman and basically, he would have been completely damned if he tried to stab the Water Elemental form Cohma.
Koga don't know yet the true nature of pro wrestling.
>you'll never do groundwork with Cosmo
His fight with Mokichi reminded me of a weird idea about an NTR Raian/Elena doujin. Someone needs to make it happen.
>There's a chance
There's a chance Gensai fights a person that falls outside his expertise or doesn't hone his motionless well enough to counter later matches? What's the point of running the brackets back if you change someone just because they won? Just like how Gaolang v Agito could have ended with gaolang winning, it's not a fact that Gensai wins every single matchup. Even against people he beat this tournament. I said it earlier, but can you imagine how things would be if Gensai never knew about the dragon shot? That rematch alone would be different.
Agreed. I like him being a kind hearted goof and I think he's made an improvement, but he already improved and became more noble in asura, now In omega he's no different. It would be cool for kazy to not recognize him cuz he lost so much weight. He could also still be a little chubby but comparatively slimmer, with all his muscles showing through more
Please jump in front of a truck
The only way for Gensai to not expect Dragon Shot would be either Agito not swapping to Martial Arts and thus losing to Sen, or facing Gensai before he would be facing Sen, as Dragon Shot was crucial in taking over initiative against Sen when the Stardrop was coming.
Anime definitely had potential. The fights and little animated backstories were cool, just wish the frames were smoother and they didn't cut out cool and important plot points like kazuo having another son and also all of medicine man
>NTR Raian/Elena doujin.
So Mokichi can NTR Raian with Fusui?
The whole fight was already [tags:NTR, mindbreak], but with Mokichi instead of Elena anyway.
Welcome to Japan.
If you're a fat joke, you stay a fat joke.
They didnt even fully cutout Kazzys delinquent son, he just got completely left out past Kazzy mentioning him.
Raian likes to dominate strong guys not lame pussies.
The women in the anime are ridiculously attractive.
>those thighs
Wish we got more art of Inaba.
how are you going to decide the winner? just the result whit more votes? or maybe you will add up how much every character got to decide the win then checking the average result in injurys to0 decide how much damage he got?
also, how is the injurys going to carry out to the next match? if a character got light injurys he lose the option of getting no injurys the next match? or the option will still stay but now the character have a tag that just says he have light injurys?
is there option for recovery? (like if a character got a bad match up the first fight and won but whit heavy injurys and then win the rest of the fights easy whiout getting injured, would he recover to moderate injurys at some point?)
Then the order also changes things. Gensai doesn't fight Rei, he doesn't hone his motionless. Agito doesn't fight Gaolang, there are few other people who could push him and the fallout will be different. Sen might win if he gets to his peak or he might get knocked out too.
Do what Koga does and you won't call him a little bitch after 2 weeks
Kek, I get you
>Gensai doesn't fight Rei, he doesn't hone his motionless
But it's already honed. Remind me, is Rei faster than a bullet?
I think he is around Rihitos level at the beginning if Rihito did not have his Razors Edge
Damn it, Wakatsuki. That's what I get for thinking about replies to more than one person.
He was just using Rei to test if his motionless is still as good as ever, he doesn't need Rei for that.
Sen would win against beat-you-at-your-own-game autism and Formless Agito, against Formless because more options = slower reaction time = no pre-initiative evolution = Stardrop not countered, and against autism because Agito ain't beating Sen at aikido.
I'd say he's strong enough to beat the karate guy with whom Ohma fought so Kazzy would get Kengan membership, probably strong enough to beat several guys at prelims, but he definitely would be stopped at that stage, probably beaten by Jerry.
>not Mokichi being nursed to health by his imouto
literally gay
>But it's already honed.
He still needed to warm it up as he hadn't used it in years. Rei being the fastest ground speed fighter was perfect for that task. Otherwise Gensai is potentially warming up his motionless against Agito or other potential powerhouses which is less advantageous
how come the anime was only 12 episodes, the last one even had a preview for the next episdoe as well ?
same as Baki. Just early part so the second half comes later.
user, that was just Gensai being tsundere. He didn't need to warm up. Even Rihito realized this, stop being denser than a harem protagonist.
Quick Yea Forums ! What is your fighting style ?
>Gaolang picture for precise and technical
>Himuro vs Kaneda in the anime
Was really good
I dunno, was he really using something different in his fight with Rei than in his previous ones? And I am not sure how fighting Rei would prepare him for Agito's fight besides as an exercise. Rei is ultra fast but as a compensation his style is rather straightforward and predictable. With him, Gensai's challenge was in figuring out his rythm/timing, which he did even before they fought though he had to make some adjustments due to sex pheromones. In comparison Agito is way slower but makes up for it with his superior technique. I'd say Setsuna's fight was much better as a preparation for Agito's fight.
>stop being denser than a harem protagonist.
Why are you treating things as mutually exclusive?
All I know is this, Gensai and a lot of other fighters use for sight to varying degrees. It wasn't until the rei fight that motionless was specifically called named and pointed out. After that it's again referenced in gensai's later fights. It's obviously something that he doesn't use by default so at the very least Gensai was correct in saying Rei was the type of opponent he needed to use motionless against.
>Brutal and Straightforward
But doesnt that guy know how to use BOTH hands in a fight? What's straightforward about that display of wizardry? Put him in Weird and Unpredictable.
>I'd say Setsuna's fight was much better as a preparation for Agito's fight.
And you'd be right, because both Setsuna and Agito has started their martial arts training with Niko Style under Tiger-Man.
According to dice rolls: Brutal and Straightforward Grappling. What would that be?
there's no all rounder category?
>Brutal and Straightforward Grappling. What would that be?
probably something like sambo or some fighting techniques learned in the military. It doesn't care at all about controlling the fight, dominating he opponent or things like that. it's all a series of techniques to break limbs or choke the opponent in the fastest and most efficient way
>Brutal and Straightforward Grappling
Sambo and some classical Jiu Jitsu styles. Mainly throws to concrete or bone breaking submissions
weapons, I like this
Ohma was near dead you dumb fuck.
all rounders are boring. Every interesting fighters are specialized or ultra-specialized, the exception being Yujiro, but he's just ultra-specialized in being the best in everything.
You are aware that Ohma was only having his head outside the grave by that point after his fight with Wakatsuki, right?
Who would win between Sekibayashi and Marvelous Seki?
Ok guys.
Im on episode 8, the adaptation is rushed as fuck but the seiyuss are doing an excelent job, i fucking love all the voices
1. Fang vs Gaolang
2. Fang vs Gensai
3. Muteba vs Seki
Marvelous Seki, he's a better fighter than Sekibayashi, that's why he got subbed in to the later round
>implying that Hell's Deva wouldn't show up with a brutal chair to the back for both
I have a feeling Akoya is gonna go JUSTICE on Ryuki's ass soon
What kind of dam pigfucking idiots are voting?
>jun over cosmo
>bando over rei
Only the 100% gimmick fighters. So Bando, Doc, and Saw Paing. Maybe Haruo at full power.
Roll to see
But IRL I've always liked grappling and am very technical.
Nah, far from it
I specialize in the use of shields
>all rounders are boring
If I have to choose my martial arts I'm more interested in being effective than in being interesting and then being taken out easily by someone who can throw me to the ground and break my arms.
Laughing at this post
How do I read this? As far as my numbers go?
Lets roll it boys
The kid's gonna come back for the 3rd series, right?
Is it his time, bros?
Yes, it is. Finally.
is this the funniest japanese name?
>>jun over cosmo
I don't see how even with Zone Cosmo manages to out grapple or strike someone who is far more suited to doing both. Especially since Cosmo's paper skin isn't going to help him against a guy who goes for heavy slams. Plus Jun can take more damage and make Cosmo pay for each hit.
>>bando over rei
Do you not realize how fucking broken Bando is? Just like with Saw, Rei isn't going to be able to necessarily take down Bando through vitals, except instead of an iron skeleton you have a prison body and the ability to shift certain weaknesses around like the spine. Then you have the problem Rei encounters with an opponent that doesn't go down in the first hit, his flash step is a straight like charge, not ideal against a guy whose arm whips are fast and lethal who can just make all the space around him a death trap. And if Rei wants to use his sunflash punches that means getting closer to Bando and we saw how he folded Hanafusa in half with ease.
epic Guren lagann reference my bro
Kazzy has good taste in whores.
Rei is simply better than the Sen that Bando fought against. Its entirely possible even likely that Rei is faster than one of Bando's arm whips.
>mutually exclusive?
Because of the context and Gensai's character. He just used warming up as an excuse. The interactions with his "students" are him being full tsun. And Gensai continued the fight after Rei lost his speed.
Look at Gensai's expression after the fight. It's likely that he feels some responsibility for Rei because he killed his father. He even went as far as making sure that he knocks Rei out painlessly. Gensai is an assassin, but like Muteba said, killing people for a living doesn't mean that you're enjoying it or are a heartless psychopath.
This is clearly driven across by the art. And after the fight Rihito even asks: "Did something happen between you and Mikazuchi?"
Also, do you really think that Gensai is the type of person who rests on his achievements and lets his techniques get rusty?
How long till Ryuki experiences JUSTICE
People like that are also people who disregard Rihito's eye and fighting instincts, as he noticed/figured out how Setsuna avoided getting his heart pierced.
>do you really think that Gensai is the type of person who rests on his achievements and lets his techniques get rusty?
It's not a matter of him letting it get rusty user, the match shows that even while parrying and counter-attacking Rei, Gensai was still behind and was still forced into purely defensive blocks against Rei. Then by the time he acclimated and scored the elbow Rei had one last charge and the story goes on about motionless and Rei cannot do anything more than crumble. His subsequent sunflash barrage was equally shut down with far more accuracy and certainty.
Of course he spared Rei a fatal blow, and of course he was even coaching Rei about shedding all those burdens and focusing on the match. I don't know why you're acting like I'm trying to refute that. All I'm saying is that for the same reason he still needed to have his friend shoot at him to make sure he had attained motionless, the guy who is literally a human bullet served a similar purpose. And yes, Gensai still plays off not kiling Rei or doing a finishing blow after the elbow to both Rihito and Lone Hawk. Again, it's not mutually exclusive.
Hatsumi probably has the best shot, Gensai seems too pure and would probably fall for his cunning
Hatsumi would crumble at close range since he could easily get devil lanced at a single hold or tackle.
1. Cosmo vs Akoya
2. Kanoh vs Kuroki
3. Kanoh vs Gaolang
Honorable mention to Himuro vs Kaneda
In no particular order
>Okubo vs Agito
>Gaolang vs Agito
>Kiozan vs Sekibayashi
Agito has so many great fights for some reason
So does Sekibayashi. In a way they have the most cinematic styles of fighting, for the lack of better term.
>in the end we truly were, the Kengan Asura
What exactly is Ryuki's fighting style? It's not so much jiu jitsu as it does seem more like shaolin martial arts.
Gensai would see through his bullshit. His style is no nonsense as all hell, which with his clarity of mind, Hatsumi wouldn't catch him off-guard. Anything he did that was 1.5 steps to be clever would get him lanced by the time he completes his first step.
>Cosmo vs Akoya
I remember that fight was so bad I deleted of my memory, remind me how Cosmo won and why was Akoya gonna torture him if he's a justice fag?
It's the Gaoh style speedreeder. Gensai already explained it before the fight with Ohma.
>everyone guessed Haruo would go back to being fit as fuck again
>he gets even fucking bigger
Sandrovich's giving him so many little scenes here and there that I can't help but feel that he's building up to something with him
>Plus, what would he even teach him?
>why was Akoya gonna torture him if he's a justice fag
Because he thought Cosmo was an injusticefag
Akoya is a nutcase who has been chugging Punisher pills for too long without having an immutable moral code.
Hiyama is the only thing holding him in check during the tournament and the moment she got found out by Nishihonji and Adam, he ditched her and did this.
Kazzy wants to recruit him and Seki for the purgatory tournament
perform rope to neck faggot
Probably do it so that whoever got the most vote too win, wins. And then decide how he came out the other side based on whatever amount of injuries was most popular.
The time between matches is short enough where people won't recover all that much. But there could be a recovery lottery if the runner wants there to be.
Reminds me of Jack Cayman. When I found out he actually had hair the whole time I wasn't sure how to feel.
Could just go down a tier of damaged every round (maybe capping at minimally injured).
Pretty sure there was no doubt for his hair in his first appearance in Asura's epilogue or before the zoom in on his face without glasses on.
Do you have the full image?
I reckon it's based on Dominick Cruz
Just wondering is this based on a real life dojo? The shinshinkai from baki is similar being a huge multi level dojo
Oh shit, I just realized something.
Everyone's assuming the guy is actually related to Koga but what if he isn't? Nothing's actually said he was related, just that he wanted to see Koga.
What if Koga tried to crush the dojo, got his ass kicked but managed to escape? (or just crushed it in general then got away and the guy wants revenge)
It's clearly Joji. They have the same last name. And they were right on the mark when they believed him to be related.
Yes but the point is what if they aren't actually related and he was just a punk who tried to crush his dojo one time?
>but what if he isn't?
It could just be a massive coincidence but we've been having crossovers and callbacks to Fist of the Seeker since early in Kengan Asura, and a new character having the same last name as a character from Seeker just seems like anything but a coincidence. Joji is most likely Koga's older brother, Uncle, or even his father.
Signs point to being a relative. I don't think so.
As others have pointed out it's not likely to be his father since he doesn't know his father yet he knows of this dojo/Joji, and he's definitely not Koga's brother due to the huge age difference. Uncle would be the most likely choice if they are related.
Achievable natty?
Roiders tend to be either super veiny or have weird bloated abs, considering his natural build it probably is natty. He did take part in a professional sport too and they drug test.
For you though? No. Not without dedicating your life to it.
And get choked out by Cosmo's sweaty arms or legs?
Man I feel bad for anyone who voted on Adam. Pound for Pound Adam is just vastly superior to Cosmo, but because ZONE he ends up losing.
Mokichi did a lot better against him than Ohma did before he CHEATED
Reinhold's style is leaving his humanity behind
I wonder if the individual matchups will be decided randomly, before the tournament or before each individual fight. The last one could be interesting because it would make room for mindgames and having to carefully pick which fighter you send so as to not waste them.
Let's talk real stuff. Who has the finest piece of ass in Kengan? Whether it be man or woman.
at what pace did they release Baki?
1. Karla
2. Shion
3. Suoh
4. Kaede
5. Cosmo
Kengan threads from now on are going to pretend it never existed and it will never be mentioned again
1: Togo
2: Fem!Muteba
3: Muteba
4: Karla
5: Probably Male!Togo
The anime is very good in spurts. You can't really expect all the fights to be hand drawn. At least you could feel the weight of the punches and the choreography/
Cohma is best Ohma
But Bando is comfier.
In hindsight, Himuro was probably the shittiest Kengan fighters at the time.
I think the second half will redeem it but who the fuck knows when it'll come out
Theres no way thats half when they still have more than 20 fights to go + extras.
Nah, there was worse in the tournament
He got memed on by a tricky gimmick ability (Kaneda getting as far as he does at all + also holding his own against Gaolang even if only briefly says it all)
himuro could've beat mockey,inaba and murobuchi
>He doesn't know this decade old meme
I fucking love it when newfags get baited by it.
It could be both, you know. Kouga, having been arrogant, thought he could crush his relative's dojo and gotten his shit kicked in.
Himuro's supposed to be really strong
He's always going to have this image of being a loser now though, not sure if Sandrovich is ever going to be able to change that
blast core makes no sense. Wakatsuki makes no sense.
His problem is not that his punches aren't powerful enough. His problem is that he can't connect fully.
Making an overkill self-harming technique that requires wind up and is easily predictable doesn't solve the problem.
The same goes for grappling. He doesn't need technique, he should just dig his fingers into the flesh and squeeze hard. Even muteba was able to stab into the flesh, with a bit of training wakatsuki should be able to do it without much problem
>H-ha i was merely p-pretending, baito desu
Regurgitating the same retarded joke for over 10+yrs isn't something 'oldfags' should be proud of, it shows that nothing of value has happened for almost a decade on this board or your lives
>He doesn't need technique
He didn't have technique, his technical skills were B tier. Koga could probably beat him at pure grappling if it weren't for his strength, and he's only trained for a month.
>Getting this bootyblasted over failing to recognize an old meme on an anime imageboard.
>" it shows that nothing of value has happened for almost a decade on this board or your lives"
Gonna save this post to teach what irony is to my niece. Also if not bait, this is just sad.
that's what i'm saying. He should use his strenght rather than techniques. If he digs his fingers into someone's forearm, or deltoid, or leg muscles, and squeezes hard he would damange muscles and there's no one who'd be able to keep grappling.
>is technical skills were B tier.
Actually no, he was considered to be below the likes of cosmo or okubo, agito or ohma, but above everyone else
>Actually no, he was considered to be below the likes of cosmo or okubo, agito or ohma, but above everyone else
Yeah when his strength was included, even Muteba noticed his grappling sucked (although that was part of Wakatsuki's plan iirc).
I’ll roll, but IRL I guess it would be striking oriented and precise/technical aka a basic striker
>His problem is not that his punches aren't powerful enough. His problem is that he can't connect fully.
That's why he learned grappling though and practices full contact Karate. He's learned techniques to help him hit a guy as well as leverage his weight and strength in groundwork although he doesn't usually do it like that. The blast core is designed to take someone down far faster than his regular punches as we've seen that people who are sturdy enough can take one or two punches without going down. That's before you factor in unique physiologies like Julius, or special techniques like Ohma's adamantine Kata.
And Blast core makes it so that even if you try and deflect it, you're going to take damage enough to shatter the limbs of more normal people like Muteba. It's a good move in that it plays towards Wakatsuki's strengths but it's supposed to be an ace in the hole not his mainstay.
The self harming is not a result of the move but his injury, he's always fighting on a timer at this point in his career because of his ankle. Blast Core is just a more straining thing to pull off which exacerbates it.
everyone managed to stop or deflect blast core, beause it takes so long to set up that it's a super obvious move.
>everyone managed to stop or deflect blast core
Julius ate the first one completely unguarded though? And even blocking it fucks you up more-so than a regular punch from Wakatsuki. That's part of the point.
I got fucked up on my sparring today, anons. How do I stop freezing from the adrenaline? Does it just pass away as time goes on?
julius is the only one where the blast core makes sense, because he's the only one stronger than wakatsuki.
For everyone else his priority should be improving his ability to actually hit them.
It's like if an animal has a poison that can kill a prey in a single bite but it's too slow to bite it, so it develops an even stronger poison
The real reason why Koga is afraid to go back is because of a woman. Koga's not afraid of fighting so what would scare him? A relationship
>he should just dig his fingers into the flesh
Now that i think of wouldn't that make Rihito basically invincible against any grappler in the tournament ?
What could Cosmo ( Or even Okubo ) do against someone who can just cut their arms open if they get him into a hold ?
pin his arms?
Passes away with time, the main thing is you can't let that adrenaline take over, keep a cool head on your shoulders.
Immobilize the hands?
>For everyone else his priority should be improving his ability to actually hit them.
Well he doesn't use the blast core at all against Ohma, and it's main use in his fight with Muteba was mind games and trying to end the fight in one hit after the neck stab. Basically following up what could have been a finishing move with another one of his own.
Extremely specific, even in a perfect RNC with legs tied around the arms Rihito could probably muscle a arm out.
That's one hold to defend against, he just have to avoid the RNC and crucifix and he's good.
Kaneda is shit in tournament, with times to recuperate he'd actually give any fighter who couldn't overpower him in 10 seconds a scrap.
Thanks to based Koga I train Martial arts every day after work again. Shit is inspiring
He was basically using 60s-era JKD against its hardest counter: A grappler. It seems he's finally hit the "Bruce Lee learns to grapple" era of JKD in Omega though, given how quickly he was able to counter Gaoh.
Bear in mind that he lost to Kaneda because he held back for fear of killing him which gave Kaneda enough time to analyse his fighting style and predict his attacks. He was probably stronger than
You are going too far on that.
Himuro isn't terrible, but too lose to Kaneda means that he wasn't great.
Regardless, we have no feats so its hard to say how good he is.
There's few ways to deal with ryo's hair; anyone who lacks ohma's advance strength is in serious trouble. Meguro gets fucked.
You're probably right that it's not going to be a fight that he's afraid of, but it could just as easily be family drama he fears.
We have zero idea how strong he was because he got matched up with a trained assassin and one of if not the fastest fighters in the tournament.
No chance. Inaba was way too gimmicky for someone with a traditonal martial arts to beat. Espeically one that relies on footwork that Inaba can easily cut off
Again, this is another case of 'guy had a fucked first round'. His opponent was one of the top 4 in the tournament, a favorite to win and a seasoned vet who was training specifically to fight the at time strongest character in the series.
I was really hoping Himuro would take part in this tournament since we've never seen him go all out despite it constantly being repeated that he's a beast
Just the result with the most votes. And yeah, if the result would be [light injuries], then the fighter wouldn't have the option for no injuries the next match.
So Akoya and Hiyama's relationship is sexual, right?
Oh definitely, she's some freaky masochist, and he's an insane sadist. They're fucking every night.
This was running through my head for this whole chapter
Gensai vs Agito
Ohma vs Gensai
Absolute kino
The Kengan AND the Asura
Love the opening.
I still don't understand why this fucked Ohma up so hard.
Ohma is autistic.
Ohma is gay.
Jerry really enhanced the experience