Some of these shutters are closed, so they are probably not there for decoration.
But how the fuck do you close them without killing all your flowers?
Some of these shutters are closed, so they are probably not there for decoration
The entire movie has plenty of QUALITY with texture application (and it's insulting enough that they would do that at all). I will not point out much of it. This is just an example These pillars look weird.
So when they installed this window, they the nice wooden beam apart and then put a different wooden beam in there to replace it.
I personally don't like these kinds of walls, where you pretend to have natural stones, but they make up a smooth surface. But I can understand that the emerging patterns can be appealing to other folks.
These shutters are actually functional.
I don't like how this chimney doesn't have a roof, though it's not like that's unrealistic. I just think chimneys should have roofs.
As for the texture, oh well.
When I first looked at this I was amazed at how far the timbers are protruding from the walls. But then I noticed the bricks behind them.
This is no timber frame house. It's a brick house. The timber frames were just attached to give the house a more rustic appearance.
Inside the brick house they have a fake brick stove.
I don't know if these tiles would actually withstand the heat, but eh. Whatever.
The first thing I noticed was that the door's stone arc was overlapping with that other line of stones, which I find hilarious.
The second thing was that these shutters (which seem to have actual joints and should be functional) can't be closed because of the flower pots.
Finally, I really dig that chimney.
I wonder where those windows open to. Do you think there are people living inside the wall?
Yes, European architecture of old liked to extend upper floors out further than the lower floors.
But for a stone building, that's far out there.
This is a really odd wall.
Another beam that is obviously just attached to the wall for decorative purposes.
Whoever constructed this wall was a lazy dick.
Can you see that? The roof tiles are fucking solid. They must be heavy as fuck. For some reason, there are no rain gutters though. Maybe the people here don't mind getting sprayed?
Also, I recognize that chimney.
One last example of bad application of textures, then I'm done with this dump.
Can you imagine what kind of tree would have had to die for this counter if that were real wood?
Yikes, that is an astounding amount of cut and paste.
I don't really get the point of chimney roofs.What do they actually do besides spreading the smoke around?
It protects your house from water.
It also protects your fire from downdrafts. Once the fire is really going, that's not an issue because it'll have a huge updraft, but when it's just a smallish flame, the smoke and fumes can easily be pushed into your house.
Protection from rainwater and snow
That really is how it's commonly done.
Window frames are often the first notable part to fall apart in a building, so you saw the whole thing off and install a new one, windowsill included.
There isn't one, unless you are in a hurricane no weather is going to get down into your livingroom.
My wife Chino is so cute.
Or if you live in a 1 floor shack with a hole in the roof acting as a chimney.
Are you okay?
>This whole thread
They close like windows? Sliding out and in.
What a nice idea for a social experiment.
I guess Gochiusa ISN'T high IQ after all, HunterChads win again.
That's creepy
Ever heard of glued timber?
You go outside with a ladder and another person and have them hold down the flowers while you shut the shutters.
Alternatively you remove the flower pot and then close the shutters and then put the flower pot back in place.
by me
what is the purpose of the shutters in the first place if there are glass window panes and curtains on the inside? If it is just to protect the glass from especially inclement weather or as extra insulation during winter, then i think the fate of the flowers is already sealed.
>close the shutters and then put the flower pot back in place.
By screwing it back in place I guess, there's windows with shutters closed and flower pots so it seems people have already done it
How do I even know to notice these things? Is this what's it meant to have a high IQ?
Let's say you're a fan of public transport. Congratulations, you are probably able to see a lot of mistakes that anime make when depicting public transport.
Though it might take some measure of autism for you to actually care enough to make a thread on Yea Forums about it.
Well they are not in Europe they’re in a Tokyo neighborhood that looks like Europe, so the houses could easily just be concrete painted to look like other stuff, and the flowers could be plastic. Maybe it’s meant to be a bit odd so it isn’t 100% like a specific european town?
If you want to know who to blame:
>Backgrounds: JC Staff Art Department
>Larx Entertainment (ED; eps 1-2)
>Nam Hai (ED; eps 1-2)
>Backgrounds: Nam Hai
>Outsourcing your backgrounds to Vietnam
This is the movie Dear My Sister. Who did the backgrounds for that?
Ho Chi Min
You don't close them entirely, you close them enough to not let too much light come in, I used to live in a house that had these designs in Alsace, France (not quite sure about the rest of Europe though). It's something you find a lot all over France desu.
Also, I got to live where GochiUsa takes place.
The flowers aren't supposed to be that far up the windows, and they usually have a forward angle, to avoid them coming into contact with the shutters.
The anime was just poorly researched.
Yeah, I just noticed some of the shutters being completely closed which isn't possible technically but I guess, these are small mistakes.
>The flowers aren't supposed to be that far up the windows
I've seen a lot of houses with these kind of design before. You're not supposed to completely close the shutters.
City walls with rooms or even small homes built into them are actually a thing in Europe. It's fairly comfy unless your town is being besieged.
>City walls with rooms or even small homes built into them are actually a thing in Europe
Most anons here are probably americans who never got to experience old, historial and traditional buildings, always surrounded by giant concrete blocks. Old traditional houses might feel cramped and unpractical, at least they give off something you won't find anywhere else. I'd feel depressed all the time if I were to live in a busy city filled with huge buildings and skyscrapers.
Well, I've seen lots of houses where the shutters can be closed, and the flowers are affixed below the windows with an angle. In Southern Germany. Might differ from your experience elsewhere.
Entirely possible that both versions of those windows exist. Either way, the anime did fuck up.
>Either way, the anime did fuck up.
Yeah, there's no way you can close the shutters entirely that way, also these plants all have the same design which isn't the case in real life, most people put whatever flowers they want to decorate. In all fairness, they did pretty well because I don't see anything else that's wrong besides that tiny detail.
We need this OVA soon our IQ is fluctuating
That's a interesting analysis.
>that's unrealistic
THIS! some anime house or street seem TOO perfect.
Maybe you have to take out the flower pot, then close them just enough so that you can still get the flower pot in again before you close them completely.
do you think the tops of tables (and many other things) are made out of 1 single tree
Size is not the problem. Notice how the pattern is perfect all through the piece even though it's clearly made of different parts. It should not look that perfect.
But Gochiusa actually took place at a Japanese speaking country and Japan do get typhoon
Or maybe those flower plots can be mechanically lowered when closing window shutter
I had my suspicions but now I am sure.
OP is a faggot through and through
That walls only a few feet wide though how would someone live in something that thin without the walls being completely useless against siege weapons?
They're obviously meant to slide you retard, do you even know anything about glorious nippon architecture?
OP, how badly is your mental health affected when you watch a SHAFT series?
>sliding shutters
myster solvesd, OP is an autistic wave canon bose speaker barisaku 2.0
god i want to impregnate Maya's butt
Not sure what's the problem here. Brick ovens actually do look like that.
You remove the flowers with ladders before closing the shutters.
storm? you obviously need to lift the plants inside anyways before closing them.
> that thin without the walls being completely useless against siege weapons?
>using siege weapons on a small town.
But they're in France/Germany.
Under Japanese occupation.
As they should be.
But how did they push the native Arabs out?
Hitler helped them.
>Europe has horrible architecture
>blame the nips for being accurate
How fair OP.
>Europe has horrible architecture
If European architecture is so "horrible", how come civilized nations all over the word immitate it for new buildings? How come that it's by far the best at wiithstanding practically all natural disasters and direct attacks?
they're flowers, you know, plants. they're not made out of concrete. you can just gently push them to the side or down while you close one door, then you close the other
By force.
>how come civilized nations all over the word immitate it for new buildings?
Because they don't.
Was this just one big meme that wasn’t meant to be one. You got rekt op
I think he just did it for fun. You know fun, it's that thing that used to happen before everything was baiting or memes. And it was interesting learning a little about architecture.
This thread is great and I hope the OP does more like it.
>Because they don't.
They do, retard. What arachitectural stayle do you think those buildings in 'Murica have?
Or new buildings in Japan? China? Abu Dhabi?
No, they don't. Bricks are 3-dimensional objects. On pic related I have indicated what would be a single brick, yet it's divided into two parts.
That indicates that it's 2 flat objects - in other words: tiles.
It's a brick that has been cut
>thinking in 3DPD logic
What are you even doing here buddy.
Why would you cut all the bricks there? and make your job more difficult?
For the tile look? Who wants their bricks to look like tiles?
Egyptian architecture.
Because it looks cool
are you the guy who did the site of irl references on strike witches?
I hope you realize that you did not post an example of what you are talking about. At the corners of that stove, the bricks do appear to be bricks. Are you under some sort of misunderstanding what we are discussing?
Leftovers from other cut bricks maybe?
I'm just some random autistic faggot and I don't really know architecture either. I thought this thread would die with 5 replies.
This is the best gochiusa thread since the movie actually game out
I'll be honest. I have no idea what you're talking about. You posted a pic, circled a random brick in red and started blabbering on about tiles without explaining shit.
Do you not believe you can build arches with bricks or whats you're problem?
>I have no idea what you're talking about.
Please take a close look at the corners of the stove in . Do you notice that white line running along the ridge?
That is what I am talking about. You don't get that with real bricks. You get it with tiles.
>Egyptian architecture.
No. Today's architecture does not have much in common with egyptian architecture (other than the absolute basics). Most buildings in Ancient Eqypt were simple huts from mud and stone. Larger building were mostly full of straight lines and built to impress, not for practical purposes.
The statics we use today go back to Greek origins and most innovations in living and culture come from the Romans. And the way houses are built today follows how houses were built in the European middle ages.
It kind of looks like that. But brick tiles wouldn't make any sense.
That makes more sense, next time, point that out instead of whatever you wrote before.
That sort of thing is very big for general architecture in Japan. But I don't think it would be a good idea at all for a stove (because of the heat).
The fact that the tiles/bricks line up perfectly means that it's probably supposed to be bricks, and they just accidentally added that stupid line.
Sorry for the confusion.
Egyptian Revival architecture is pretty decent desu.... I prefer Chicago school architecture though. International Style is what a majority of sky-scrapers/super talls are done in though and that's American.
European/German cities are shit. Especially those small medieval towns.
Maybe the oven is made out of concrete and they actually live in one of those fake European towns in China.
You realise it could just be two cut bricks in your circled pic.
It could, definitely. But I don't think there are many people who would want to deal with that many half bricks. Far easier to just paint the line on top of a single brick, if you are just going for the looks.
Perhaps some of the bricks just broke and they had to make it work with whatever they had.
God that's some fucking QUALITY anatomy and a tiny bench, these are supposed to be young teens right?
>International Style is what a majority of sky-scrapers/super talls are done in though and that's American.
Only in big citiy cores. Most builings, even in America, are much smaller.
And you can argue that skyscrapers are just streamlined (cheaper) European architecture with a tendency towards megalomania.
Japanese teens mind you.
flowers bend user
The size of the bench is totally normal.
>Not seeing any Gochiusa for a long time
>IQ deplets so fast can't read these threads anymore
>Just very recently watch Dear My Sister
>Feels IQ increasing rapidly
>Goes to Yea Forums and instantly greeted by a high IQ thread
Feels good to be back lads
A thread hit bump limit just yesterday.
So OP's point is anime studios should have an architect consultant for their backgrounds?
Well no since he was proved wrong.
>natural disasters
Europe doesn't have shit on japan or america's natural disasters, the technology to deal with them has been developed locally.
children cannot be impregnated
You would take the flowers out and then close the shutters.
I will have you know we had an earthquake in 1755! You and your puny colonial shit aint got nothing on us.
Traditional tile roofs don't have rain gutters.
Central Europe gets earthquakes regularly. They just don't end up being as disastrous, thanks to European architecture.
High quality anime like Gochiusa should at least.
do people really care about this stuff?
I'm obliged to care since it's my wife's show.
They should just hire Thomas Romain for everything.
That is fucking beautiful.
My wife Cocoa is so cute though.
Why do Japanese people sit on the floor to eat? Why are their beds so close to the ground? The floor is dirty and those things should be elevated.
It's extremely important.
Oh nice, Yea Forums pretends it knows basic carpentry now and thinks a bit of interior trim is "a wooden beam". Stick to your lane scrub, /diy/ is where people with brains live.
Low IQ posts.
Building a house with my wife Chinpo.
Home improvement with Gochiusa.
Rebuilding Sxarp's burnt-down house.
Why not just use pictures at that point? I like Studio Pablos' backgrounds, they're at the perfect place between stylization and reaoism.
>this thread