Vinland Saga

So what is your verdict after 4 episodes /a?

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Not AOTD as long as we're in the same decade 3-Gatsu was made you fag

I am very satisfied with the adaptation so far. I was worried that skipping chapter one in favour of going chronologically will change the early atmosphere of Thorfinn's tragedy too much, but it turned out okay. I'm not sold on Askeladd's voice yet. Feels like it lacks gravitas, went too far into the shiftier parts of his characterization. Teen Thorfinn's delivery will likely make or break it in the long run.

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Best anime this season honestly.

Young Thorfinn's VA was pretty stellar in the last episode, so I believe they'll choose a good one again

Its really good. I'm currently reading the manga and the plot is a lot different from i thought it would be, in a good way. Had me on the edge of the seat a few times.

I'm not going to spoil anything, but i'm excited to see a lot of the parts animated and how the anime community reacts to it.
That being said, i'm worried that this anime will attract the ''action'' crowd, that will view this as an action anime like Berserk is, rather than the story and journey of the characters.

A vinland saga fan's duty is to make fun of brainlets who can't handle character development instead of action

typical shonen-shit

Anime of the century

>I'm not sold on Askeladd's voice yet. Feels like it lacks gravitas
I think it's pretty much the perfect fit. The levity is a veneer and a disguise, so when it feels like it's too flippant or even forced, I feel like it's working just as intended. I think this episode showed when Askeladd's mask faltered a little that serious delivery is going to go well.

>i'm worried that this anime will attract the ''action'' crowd
It will. They'll stay on board because there is a lot of action before farmland, even when it is juxtaposed with the sombre and thoughtful parts, but if the anime ever gets far enough to the next arc it's guaranteed to raise eyebrows. The manga already did that, anime even more so because normalfags are now experiencing it.

Yeah,Im thinking its kino.

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My husband Askeladdo is kakkoi!

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Cuckpilled and cringe.

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Why is thread so dead?

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Pretty good, "binged" the 4 eps and felt giddy when it was over, prolly some kinda "looking forward to more" feeling.

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Farmland is my favorite part of the story so far.

>That being said, i'm worried that this anime will attract the ''action'' crowd,
Oh that's already happened. There's no escaping that. Heck, you make it sound like people didn't already go through that with the manga. Farmland saga was such a meme because of how disappointed people were with it years back.

We already had like three threads after the episode.

I wasn't there for those threads. I want to discuss more about this great anime and Ylva's puffy vylva.

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viking puss, damn.. best way to keep warm in the winter.


The delay on the first 3 episodes filtered out all the casual seasonal plebs

member when Yea Forums shit on vinland saying that it would be a cgi-train wreck

I'm on ep 2, does she get raped by big viking or British cock?

Ylva is not for lewding.

I want to rape this bitch.

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She is literally worse than farmerbro, her character doesn't make any sense and disturbs the flow of the story. Adding her was gay senpai

Did they have to get these faggots for the opening?

It was a genuine fear. WIT, however, seems to know how to use it

If someone is doing the raping it's her with the troll-strength she inherited from her father

She gets married and has a child

Don't get excited so soon, we still haven't seen any large scale battles

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True enough, but the direction has been solid so far. They might frame battles so that they don't have to show full view of a battlefield, save for one or two panning stills, and instead focus only on singular characters in the thick of it.
That's what I'm hoping for. Janky PS2 era models flailing around is worse than a quick still, even if they show only for a moment.

Brits don't go to Iceland unless they are slaves, so no.

I dropped it after the 3 episodes rule.
It's just samurai larping as vikings. Aside from that it has way too much bad humor. It's just really lame.

>3 episode rule
>Samurai larping as vikings
>Bad humor
Off yourself, Ironicweeb cancer.

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Why start with the flashback

Best waifu or best wife?
>Samurai larping as vikings

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why couldnt berserk get an adaptation like this

Because Vinland Saga releases at a steady pace

>tumblr gif
>calls anyone an ironicweeb cancer

Tumblr is pretty honest about liking anime.

>Arrow to the neck
Just a flesh wound I see

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I'm glad they gave Siggy a hot crazy waifu since we know Thorfinn's going to cuck him.

You seems to know a lot about tubmlr

>Be Hatt
>Crush on Siggy since childhood
>About to marry him
>Some random bitch instead becomes his first wife
>She runs away and he chases her
Hatt was smart to be aggressive with securing this idiot who childhood friendzoned her

>introduce Askeladdo
>keep making him more and more based
>reveal that he's fucking actually Welsh and a descendant of the Romans
>kill him off

I've gotten to the part where Thorfinn got the narwhal horns to trade, who is going to be next cool character that gets killed off?

Yes,I do!

>reveal that he's fucking
In hindsight I start to wonder why I didn't for sea that reveal earlier
>My ancestor Artorius
>His armor is very Roman looking

>childhood friend wins

It's not terribly obvious. Yes, he says Artorius, which isn't a Germanic or Nordic name, and also one of the names of the man who is suggested to be the basis for King Arthur myth, but this requires you have that knowledge, and even then Vikings weren't culturally isolated people.
They acculturated and assimilated very easily wherever they settled, and had a lot of contact with different peoples. Romans too, although they brought their culture, rather than adopted others.
Artorius could have been an ancestor the knowledge of which had happened to pass on for centuries while still being the descendant of generations of Germanic peoples, eventually vikings, and then having lived in that culture with a full "viking identity".

Canute is for kidnapping.

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Yeah but like I said, his armor is more Roman then Viking and even his sword seems to be like an Gladius. Hell his final arc even has him wearing a toga
>, and also one of the names of the man who is suggested to be the basis for King Arthur myth, but this requires you have that knowledge, and even then Vikings weren't culturally isolated people
True but I don't think you need a lot of knowledge to figure out that Artorius is a very Roman sounding name.

Most beautiful anime of the year.

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True, but armour can be plundered or inherited without thinking there being much significance behind what it looks like, and a name is just a name. When you look back there are hints, but the only reason it even is a plot point is because he is the son of a welsh princess that had a direct lineage to english rulers and roman conquerors, i.e. he has a claim on the throne. That can't be gleaned from the information we get before the backstory. At most you can broadly infer that he has some connection to Rome, maybe to Wales. Maybe I'm just a brainlet but I think it takes significant jumps in deducing what his angle is and so it isn't very obvious at all.

Do one for the rest of the episodes

>mother is obsessed with return of Artorius even though he died 800 years ago
>names child after legendary hero
>even though he was born in England to the son of a guy named Olaf who probably was Skandinavian
>something thinks he is related to Artorius
Sure, and I am a decendant of Charles the Great

So what do we think will be in the anime-only content in the next 2 episodes? Obviously it will show Thorfinn’s first kills but what else?

Isn’t it closer to 5-600 years ago? I believe that Arthur was fighting the Saxons which would put it around 500 AD would it not? The historicity of Arthurian legend is confusing.

Attached: cinegrid_vs_ep2.jpg (5760x3240, 3.97M)

Wow awesome OP
>2 episodes
Wrong, only 1 episode then it's thorfinn getting adopted by the English woman

You’re right, though if I remember correctly that stint with the English woman only lasted a few chapters, maybe they’ll flesh it out more?

>around 500 AD
The Battle of Badon Hill was late 5th or early 6th century so yeah your prolly right.

Gorgeous. WIT is really good at natureshots.

>The historicity of Arthurian legend is confusing.
Yeah because there basically is very little to no historicity. It's a legend and a myth most of all, that might have a historical basis on a ruler that might have lived in 5th to 6th c. but everything else is just stories and folklore passed on as oral tradition, and then those stories got cooked up into the Arthurian legend as written texts only from like 1100 onward and attributed to this one mythical king that lived back then.
But if Vinland saga however assumes that King Arthur was the legitimate and historical ruler of Britons, and that Lucius Artorius Castus, a roman-briton, was King Arthur, then he'd have lived in the early 200s.

Are they farmers yet animeonlyfags?

Thanks user! Any for eps 3 & 4?

Bamboo is the studio that works on the backgrounds

Had to do 3&4 together since 4 was mostly fighting and character dialogue in a narrow pass so we didn't get a alot of backgroundshots compared to the previous episodes. Hopefully we get some good nature on ep5.

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That's easy, let the crowd have the BERSERK MOVIES animation and just focus your full CG and 2d animation on specific characters

The pacing seems real fucking slow, especially when you consider we still have a timeskip coming.

They clearly want this to be a new multi-season thing

I can't tell which one is better but I am looking forward to them interacting with each other when they are sailing to Vinland.

Varangian Guard when?

In 5...

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Maybe. SnK is ending in 2020 after 4 seasons and 7 years, so maybe Wit is hoping that they can have this in the pipeline for the foreseeable future.
I don't mind the pacing since it's directed well, but I can also see it becoming an issue later. Also SnK is actually ending soon, whereas Vinland Saga feels like it's barely halfway through and Yukimura has been drawing it for 14 years. SnK might have started as a typical seasonal anime commercial for a manga but that shit blew up so they ended up making more. Vinland Saga is popular, but it doesn't have the same kind of pull. It feels risky in a way.

How can slow pacing be an issue? Its only bad if its not consistent

Slow isn't in itself bad, but it's bad if it's slow and uninteresting. Think about farmland, but with a director who doesn't know how to frame a good shot. Scenes go on and on with a slow pace and there's nothing engaging going on.
Same with Baltic sea war. It became kind of a drag in the manga, honestly. Too little going on for too long. Nice art and action, sure, but that only takes you so far. Imagine a full season of nothing but those battles.
I'm not saying it will happen, but that it can. I phrased that awkwardly.

just finished reading the farm arc, it was so fucking good. animeonlys will hate it though

lmao@all these redditors itt. tryign so hard to justify their shit taste

I mean, they've already covered 14 chapters. The start of the series was just kind of slow in general

Thorfinn is a fucking dumbass and was responsible for everything that happened

How does it make you feel that the Thorfinn Karlsefni statue in Philadelphia was destroyed by Antifa for virtually no reason?

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Sadly nothing.

Makes me think that Antifa only hurts its own reputation by being absolute dumbasses with stunts like this.

I thought the same, it was a nice chance of pace, introduced Einar (who is fucking based) and developed Thorfinn's character. I dunno if it's how I'd feel about it if I was up-to-date and read the chapters as they came out, but I really liked it.

>That incident could have had something to do with the fact that — and we’re just speculating here — white nationalist group Keystone United holds its annual Leif Erikson Day Celebration at the site of the statue
Boycott Wit needs to start trending

Anime of the day?

Couldn't care less about pagan statues, but I would rather beat those antifas to a pulp then to see a statue of anyting be destroyed

God fucking damn it. This is the exact shot they tried to pull in goblin slayer except this anime actually succeeded.

Dropped it after 4 minutes when I saw how chuuni it was going to be.

Is the farming stuff really that bad? The theory behind it sounds appealing to me honestly

Only "muh battles muh killing" teenagers dislike it, so draw your own conclusions.

We're still at the prologue, not yet sure on how I feel about it

Based FarmCHAD.

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the title literally means America and I haven't seen a single word about it in the manga after the first arc. I'm at chapter 48.

I wish all these unironic "tfw too inteligent for fights" niggers would go back to redd*t/t*mblr/resetera/whatever already
Why the fuck are you even here in a thread about Vikings if you hate fights so much?

Not historical enough for me honestly.
Way too many liberties that at that point it might as well be just your average isekai anime or some shit like that.

Yea, this. By the way what vidya are you excited for bro!

If you were reading Vinland Saga for the fights and thought it would always just be about that you're a fucking idiot and missed the point completely.


>Why the fuck are you even here in a thread about Vikings if you hate fights so much?
I think it's less "too inteligent for fights" and more "you should temper some expectations if you haven't read the manga" since the fanbase has already gone through dumbasses like this when Farmland was in the manga alone


Nothing that guy said is questionable so ask what you mean instead of just putting a "?" which mny years ago would get you a 1 day vacation.

she gets bred by Ari and has an Abe approved litter of 5 (five) kids

so the anime is probably going to end on Askeladd killing Sweyn and then getting killed by Canute right? It'll be kino if it does

Im just baffled as why you would equate a bit of creative liberty in a historically based anime to fucking Isekai. Do you know how stupid that sounds?

Im just baffled as why you would put a one (1) character reply to a post when you could have made the same post you just made now and saved us all the time.


A perfect fit would be Fujiwara Keiji.

He's not wrong though. Artistic liberty is one thing, but when you're taking way too much liberties (like vinland does) it can hardly be called historical anymore

That wouldn't fit at all

>he can't take a arrow/bolt to the neck

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Vinland doesn't take too much liberties

Death of a childhood.

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Bjorn was a good lad.

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you ain't even past the prologue

the real Vinland Saga is the friends we made along the way

What liberties did it take that bother you?

>implying farmerbro is bad
Go fuck yourself, Farmland is the best arc.

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Women can't understand true bros

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I think I only only ch ed the first episode. I cant remember how or where I did though, but I did like what I saw.

>Thorkell does the scene from the Shining around a 1000 years before Jack Nicholson
fucking Jesus Christ could this man be any more based

How would a conversation between them go?

I always wondered: Did Thorkell rape?

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Also, apprarently we Berserk now

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I don't know how people liked the farming arc, it dragged on way too long.

Probably, there's characters wondering about whether or not the spear guy could be Thorkell's rape baby, and Thorkell himself makes allusions to fucking.

Why they need to add fillers though?

I could never see Thorkell doing anything sexual. I mean he's not like a friendly giant kind of character but I just can't see him raping.

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hes not Thorkells fucking kid you retard

I'm not saying he is - you absolute fucking moron - just that a character wondered about it. Meaning he probably saw Thorkell raping at some point, or at least heard stories about it.

He has the same hair, same eyebrows and same personality. I wouldn't be surprised tbqh

He never needed to rape.

>If you kill your enemies they win

Based retard. Go back to the snk general.

ewww no

The series really took a nosedive after Askeladd died.

Yeah, but that premise is so retarded you can't help but to find Thorfinn endearing and cheer for him, even though it's impossible in the long run. Same with Trigun.

She needs a love interest.

>He didn't take the farmpill
LMAO:ing at you.

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That's when it started getting good

If Thorkell raped I feel like it would have just been shown of said during one of the scenes where he was raiding but it wasnt because his character is literally meant to be one who enjoys nothing but war

Isn't rape a big part of war? At least during their time(it still is in some places)?

>"the prologue was the best part of the series and the series fell off"
>"the farm was absolute kino and the joms arc was a continuation of said kino"

Same, my impression of Thorkell is that he just likes to fight. Kind of like an overgrown child.
what if he was a virgin?

It's really fucking obvious to me that Thorkell will join the party and go full retard hippie at some point as well, or at least die trying. It was foreshadowed when he said he regrets not joining Thors on the day that he left the Jomsvikings.

The character Thorkell doesn't care about rape though.

Well I work for Thorkell's Nintendo company and I can honestly say he is one big rapist. Even the men are not spared from his veiny wrath of cockmeat. I saw 6 prolapsed anuses today in the office. SIX!

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Guys... I just caught up with the manga after binging the entire thing in like three days. Please don't fucking tell me the release schedule is the same as Berserk, I was fucked with once, I don't need another thing like this.

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Thorfinn isn't going to bring the craziest warrior alive to his land of peace

They don't mention rape, just the possibility of the kid being Thorkell's bastard. Thorkell probably fucks around, but dunno about raping.

Main characters so overpowered

There's a new chapter pretty much every month. Only one month skipped this year because Yukimura was sick or something


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Pretty cool, I'm considering waiting a year and binging whatever's out then. Thanks for spoonfeeding me user.

Did fujos ship them?

fucking this. Some of the better parts is when it delves into life and philosophy. Loved alot of brother wilbard's speeches.

Absolutely love it. And although this is heresy I really do feel this needs a proper dub for a number of reasons. Hell if they actually get an english/welsh VA for Askeladd they could really bring that entering Wales scene to life.

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fujos don't know about vinland

not yet. Most dont even know about it because with fujos if there isnt anything shipworthy in the first couple of chapters or so most give up on a series. You have to get in pretty deep in the series before you reach that arc

Nope. The farm-arc is simply too manly ( and not in a gay way) for fujos to ship anybody in it. Althrough It will not be the the same for the anime, unfortunately.

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it was a bit long reading it month to month, i could see reading it in one sitting being fine though.

>nearing vinland
>Thorfinn dies by fallling off the boat
>they finally land at vinland
>Gudrid is impregnated by the other Thorfinn which is the one history actually remembers
>4 chapters after arriving at vinland
>the indians are fucking pissed and they have to leave back to iceland
>they arrive back at iceland
>the end

i do wonder how the series will end, undoubtedly the author has done his research so either they leave or have a "and then they died"

>going UNDER the falling debris


The whole thing with the main party, it's as the other user said, it almost feels like they're a modern JRPG party with modern sensibilities got isekai'd into 11th century Iceland
I can sort of understand/tolerate Thorfinn because of his upbringings, but Gudrid/Hild is really pushing it

Farm arc is literally Dostoyevsky tier, it reminded me of Crime and Punishment with its moralfaggotry

According to history they go back to Iceland. Thorfinn will probably spend the rest of his life there being Thors 2.0

What would being hugged by Thorfinn feel like?

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"history" as in verbal accounts that were written in the sagas 300 years later

Yes, and Yukimura has so far followed them pretty accurately

Are you all ready for the mountains of doujinshi that are going to be produced once Canute is introduced?

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pure bliss

No! Canute is a King!

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Canute is a housewife!

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I want to rob Cutenute of his dignity

This is 2 cour, right? Where will we be at episode 12?

Listen to the voices for the Tears to Tiara dub. They used Welsh accents for that I think

I want to Cnut inside Canute

Don't tell me you haven't thought about those soft, plump, peach-colored lips and golden flowing locks, I know you have.
I want to protect and treasure Cutenute! More beautiful than any woman!

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Thorkell punching Thorfinn into the stratosphere? I've forgotten a lot of this manga, I should reread

they are White ISIS.
history will tell

Canute removing his helmet maybe

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either the escape into Wales or Askeladd's band getting wiped out, depending on the pacing

You cannot lewd CHADnute.

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this man actually hath titties

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>Askeladd's band getting wiped out
That's when Cutenute becomes Chadnute, right?
If they end it there, the end of the prologue will certainly occur before episode 24. But where would they end it then?

That won't be the halfway point, they won't even get to England until episode 9

Dozens of doujin creators are going to do just that for the next 6 Comikets and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

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Nothing because I didn't even know it existed in the first place.

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more like the king of my dick lmao

I hope they moe canute 200% for these scenes.

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i want him to impregnate me

Unfortunately they seem to be going in the opposite direction for the anime design, disappointing.

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havent watched the anime (i dont really like watching anime) but i already don't appreciate that they changed the chapter order.

I do.

Who gives a shit? Stop posting this in every thread, retard.

desu the pilot chapters are mediocre and unnecessary outside of the ship carrying scene

They are absolutely not unnecessary, they introduce the characters and the main conflict very well. I hope they don't feel out of place in the anime

Looks cute enough to me. Besides he is serious on that promo. They'll definitely show more emotions.

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Gudrid is shit and Hild is shit, too. Im glad Thorfinn stopped his 100% no fighting policy but god damn man the Baltic Sea Shit killed a lot of enthusiasm I had for the series

I don't mind Gudrid or Hild but Garm really rubs me the wrong way for some reason. We already have Thorfinn filling the "improbably skilled teenager" role and Thorkell playing the "dude with no motivation other than fighting strong guys." Combining them both into one character makes him come off like a shitty shonen protagonist, and the special snowflake weapon doesn't help

All Garm needed was a real motivation, it would've been interesting to see Thorfinn in the spot he put others into as a child in England

>years 2000

whoa I didn't know vinland was in the future. A decade or so too

They will probably adapt 54 chapters in the first 24 episodes.

Farmland will be Season 2.

Always these fucking retards

user its 3050

Not to mention they will probably fucking happen in episode 5, jesus christ

what is the problem wi

>83798位 Vinland Saga
What went wrong bros

Is this some stalker number? Who cares, the first season is being made regardless of how popular it is.


And we all know Farmland would be even more boring in anime.

It's better this way bros

>Preorder sales
Oh,I thought it was something serious.

What's the matter big boy, don't wanna see the truth that your "patrician" anime actually sucks?

If sales equaled quality then series like Love Live would be the greatest anime ever made.

He needs a spear

>Gangnam Style is the best song ever written

Kill yourself,salescancer.

It's pretty easy to break down why the cg works in that vinland cut and not the gs one.


But it's seinen

Thanks I'll cope just fine, watching this kino show

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I really really hate this kid.

Yukimura asked them to design Canute more "cute"

Why do you hate Ylva?

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How do you improve what is already perfect?

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Do you think they'll add more anime original scenes aside from ep 5? It might be nice to see small added snippets of SoL or exposition as long as they're well done and approved by Yukimura.

Vinland Saga is definitely the ________ annime


Attached: dane_boys.jpg (1920x1080, 374K)

The director said that episode 5 will have most of the anime original scenes, but they might still have little scenes like in episode 1

Nothing gay about hygiene

>Covering your masculine natural musk with some faggot-ass flowery concoction
IDK man that sounds pretty gay

>some faggot-ass flowery concoction
you mean water? yeah so gay lmao

Yes, the second big anime adaption of a manga from the guy that wrote fucking Planetes is going to be full of fights. Retard.

Will the sales improve once the weekly episodes starts coming? Or do nips just have shit taste?

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He looks a lot like that in the anime

The west have shit taste, on their equivalent of mal it was one of the most favored

>if you kill your enemies your village is fucked

How happy is Gudrid knowing Thorfinn likes her back now?

He doesn't though, he will run away again

But Yukimura posted this

Attached: IMG_20190802_021636.jpg (3840x2160, 780K)

That's just Gudrid's fantasy, based autist Thorfinn will put her in her place soon

Attached: she wants to fuck you you fucking autist.png (386x473, 223K)

But Thorfinn has to get married or Ylva will knock him out again

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