"Lain is pretentious"

>"Lain is pretentious"

Attached: 1516777416814.png (337x354, 25K)

Fuck off back to facebook/reddit you wojak posting faggot.

t. reddit


>customary wojak
spoken like a truly pretentious redditnigger

Lain is the kind of anime people pretend to like

XD nice one Yea Forumsro got those weeb incels hah GOTEM XD

have sex

off my site unvirgin


oof yikes kys

The fact that this post triggers people on Yea Forums so much shows how bad it is here.

yeah wojack memes are based and 4channers love them


What's with all wojak influx recently? Is it summer somewhere?

People fear what they don't understand

>Present day

you are the kind of person people pretend to like

No they like me

>Present time

Does this fall under off-topic, extremely low quality or this user is underage?
