
Why does Makima have the rinnegan?

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some fodder last chapter told Katana guy that the Boss moved to the villa
who could this boss be? the Gun devil himself, or perhaps Machete man's father?

Doubt it's Gun Devil. I mean why would he put himself this close to the war zone when he have all the underlings to command from a distance?

I'm thinking it's either Shad's father or someone directly under the Gun Devil just here to oversee the yakuza's operation.

i miss my daily dose of soft seinen

Should I get into this series? Or is it shit?

It's pretty cool once you get a few chapters in and they start showing cool devils and fight them.
Devils encompass a concept or a fear such as:
Infinity devil
Chainsaw devil
Knife devil
Fox devil
Future devil (very cool design)
Ghost devil
Snake devil (cool design)
Orbital Strike devil (this one's reveal was brutal)


It's one of the best ongoing series in WSJ bruh

Not The best only because Fujimoto still not fulfilled imouto quota

spoilers soon

Because of whatever her connection to the gun devil is

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I really need to know how Shad transforms. His design is the shit.


>Aki color page.
Seems like we don't have to blow up Fujimoto's house this time.

I can't read UngaBunga. Can anyone translate?

Chapter 33
Color page full suffering

Makima is being scary again.

if i was a devil id be shitty myself at the thought of makima

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Chainsaw 33 The coloring page is aki. Makima and the underworld leader negotiated. The leader said that it was not his instructions. It was created by Zedu. Zedu acted as an intermediary to let the people in the group and the gun devil set a contract. The contract was that the gun demon could be exchanged for guns and ammunition for 20,000. Machma asked the other party to hand over the contract list, and she took a bag of eyeballs to threaten. The electric power is ready to go to war.

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>underworld leader
>electric power
????? what the fuck

Yakuza boss.
New character.

>Gun devil a good booi, he dindu nothin fags BTFO.

>Aki is in the next colored page
>Shad's boss and Makima negotiated
>Shad's boss admitted that this whole thing was planned by Zedu (new character?)
>Zedu made a deal with the Gun Devil by letting the Devil set up multi contracts with people in the yakuza in exchange for a fuckton of guns and ammos or something
>Makima asked for the list of people who are in the contracts
>Denji is HYPED for the upcoming war
Still no idea about the bag of eyeballs things. Either it's just a janky translation or she literally walked up to the meeting with a bag of eyeballs that she probably collected from all the mooks.

What about the Positive Pregnancy Test demon?

How can one girl look so average and sweet and yet be the most devious shit at the same time?

how do you kill devils?
rip out their hearts?

Women be the most cunning of devils

God she's so fucking amazing.

>Drinking slightly too much water before bed allowing for a chance to wet it Devil

Most of them seems to go down easily if you can do enough lethal physical damage to it. Rare cases are beings like Denji who can technically revive himself almost infinitely, or devils with odd structures like the eternity devil who's pretty much just a pile of regenerating flesh until you destroy its core.

Devilmen in my opinion seems to be in a bigger disadvantage since their weakness is their head and simply destroying it is enough to kill them entirely.

so is denji actually just immortal, ie the old guy wasnt joking

I thought double Jump issue means 2 chapters...silly me


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Still waiting on those doujins

In technical terms, yes. But in practical terms, no. His “immortality” is not that reliable. The last few chapters alone showed that he’s as good as dead if there is no one to pull on his cord. Also there’s a matter of his revives requiring a good amount of blood each time it is used which can become a difficult condition to fulfill even if there is someone to pull on the cord. Like how before facing the Leech Devil his revive/recovery didn’t worked at all despite him tugging on his cord.

cute baka

So close. If she had short hair she'd be perfect.

Please give us an important haircut moment.

You're fucking mad she literally has the best haircut possible

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I want to be suffocated by her pantyhose clad feet

Sensei may live after all

She looks fine with long hair but I'm a short hair guy and that's the only thing missing from the checklist so I must whine.

She's an Al Bhed.

if his cord wasn't pulled would he die or just simply be torn to shreds and if he comes into contact with blood hed revive?
sorta like how deadpool cant be killed

Be honest with me how many chainsaws are in this manga


So far 3 (arms and head of the MC), but we expect more

Why Denji train his base form and not his Chainsaw one?
I mean, i get that improving his movements and his reflexes is overall a good idea, but shouldn't he focus on improving his RIP AND TEAR as well?

How would you tho? Nigga has chainsaws coming out of both arms and his head.

In his current state, Denji just flings himself at opponents and is constantly losing blood. By conditioning and training his reflexes/improvisation he can be more effective in his RIP and TEARING by being more efficient. Just look at how the sword demon rekt him even though Denji arguably has much higher potential

>How would you tho?

>BIGGER chainsaws
>FASTER chainsaws
>MORE chainsaws

I'm not sure myself desu, but the Eternity Devil specifically said that Denji has just one fraction of the original Chainsaw Devil strenght.
I know that Fujimoto will build on that and we will know something more about Pochita ad why half the world want him dead, but training powerups are still cool in my book
inb4 shonenfag

has fujimoto ever done a true battle shonen before?
fire punch had like no typical shonen training arc in it

Fire Punch was his first serialization so no.

No but like how would you, in story, do it? How would sensei, a regular ass human being, spar against RIP AND TEAR: The Guy? I like the idea of seeing Denji in chainsaw form training, i just don't see a method in universe of gaining more power short of ingesting more of Pochita somehow.

i thought he did a serialisation in between the two which got axed?

>How would sensei, a regular ass human being, spar against RIP AND TEAR: The Guy?
I think you're underestimating Sensei, nigga punched Power's blood weapons to dust without even trying.
The point is that there's no reason for Denji to switch to his hybrid form when it consumes too much fuel to be practical, especially when Sensei has to revive those fools up to 20 times a day with bags of blood.
What Denji lacked were fundamentals, those he could learn in his human form just fine, no need to switch when the problem was in his head all along.

>How would sensei, a regular ass human being, spar against RIP AND TEAR: The Guy
Tbh sensei is regarded as The Stongest Hunter tm, and he being alive and shit dealing with Denji and Power 1v2 on a daily basis prove it.
>how would you, in story, do it
Probably not against sensei, but i can see Denji being cornered and overpowered by a stupidly OP Devil, and signing a new contract with Pochita.
Or at least, this is what we would see in a normal manga, Fujimoto is out of the scale so no idea how things could go

yeah like this user said
denjis shortages come from lack of blood, unless they somehow like raise the amount of blood in his body or fix him getting cuts while he does it his RIP AND TEAR is gonna have the same amount of raw power

The point was to make denji and power smarter and more tactical in how they approach fights and encounters. It's not a scream and change hair color harder sort of training. High power and potential don't mean shit if you keep getting outskilled by every hobo on the block.

Yeah i get that, in fact i totally agree with you guys. I think training base actually makes a ton of sense for the reasons you guys pointed out above.

We already have a power up system for devils in place with the gun devil bullet fragments anyhow.

God I wish that were me

About that. Is it just a flat out stat increase or do devils incorporate new parts and abilities and shit?

No I think it's just oneshots

Not that I know of. He did make a few one-shots as well.

The manga has less than 50 chapters, we don't really know much if anything in general yet.

I don't think it's been explained. In fact thinking about it Fuji doesn't seem to care about making the power system super detailed and explained.

how long until scans?

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Not anytime soon.

Isn't it out on mangastream?

Around 18 hours or so.

Nani. You mean the last chapter? Yes.

Is there homo devil? I hear homophobia is a thing

>toxoplasmosis devil
>81% of frenchmen have made a contract with it

Sure, Aki and Denji will have to beat him by holding hands and making out.

>Making power and denji smarter
Guess they will stay at current level forever.
Aki is our only chance now

This is what I imagine the Gun Devil looks like

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>forgetting kobeni
Fuck aki

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When the FUCK are we meeting the other fiend on the team?


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Since Fushi died they forgot it existed and it's dying of hunger on his basement.

When is SHE going to apologize to Aki?

imagine having another Power


Imagine having another even more retarded Power.

thats a gun denji
gundevil will undoubtedly big a massive mother fucker like other devils

so you want her to look like a boy?

Volume 3 PV.


Now that's rad.

This is better than any anime since 2010.

Thats a nice waterfall.

>Contracting with the gun devil don't give you any special powers it just gives you guns

That's hilarious

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Smelly and shit encrusted. Makima is best and it's not even close.

>he doesnt want a 1000 IQ tomboy demon

Will we see a death devil or a pain devil
Seems far more powerful than a gun devil

You know what causes death and pain? Guns

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Pain devil is Aki, he just doesn't know it yet.


>Missing the ripcord and eye
deepest lore

Best currently running jump series. If there were people who didn't BELIEVE IT during Firepunch, then there should be no doubts left now.

Literally his first apperence look before he died plus pirate hat

It's lowest priority series on nigga stream, considering how late they release it. As expected of them

It really was.

>Implying short hair automatically makes a girl look like a boy
Not that I'd complain because reverse traps are good.

pre pochita denji gives no fucks about shirts! hype!

Big IQ move by Fuji, Denji still small but there's only two red hats.

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anime when
that revving makes me hard

I love how he's like
>I'm just happy to be here

I still don't understand what 36-37 means if magazine size is the same this week.

They always do double issue when there's a magazine break. Next week there's no jump.

But what does it mean? More pages? Or just number skip so next issue is 38?

Just the usual issue but it uses up two week, hence the break after.


Denji is pudgy

It's like a fucking 80s gory OVA. I love it.

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>Next week there's no jump.

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There's no manga in general next week, fucking obon.

If they ever do animate it I'm more looking forward the OST being something like that than possibly having copious amounts of blood.
That breakcore beat fits so well.

hi hats drums reminding me of Unreal Tournament? Distorted beats in the second half? Intermission for boob grabbing?
All of this is absolutely great!

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she already stole protag heart though


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>IMAGINE this as a full anime

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The future rules! Yeah, yeah the future rules!

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>maims people with not so bad futures ahead
>just wants to see what the fuck Aki will go through
I hope his journey is epic enough to justify this.

Pretty great. I wonder who makes these Jump PVs.


holy shit this is gold

The next one to rule them all

>What is Kobeni?

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Yeah I’d also like to know who produced that track, I wonder if there’s a list anywhere of the people who’ve contributed to these


expand your horizons and appreciate both

A dead girl walking

One on the Chainsaw Demon
3 on the MC

Fuck. Missed the first few frames.

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>Deleted the titty squeezing webm

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Mangastream for whatever reason doesn't give a shit about this series.
Why they even bother to release it is beyond me - they've managed to be later than MP a bunch of times.

Mangastream is ass in general. More news at 11.

Niggerstream can't let go of their stranglehold on Jump it seems

There's one guy that talks about how they don't have enough redrawers for it, so it takes a long time. At least someone there is a fan of the manga.

please don't start that shit here

lets not get too angry they are just scanlators doing it for free they probably didn't manage to field a team large enough for it

I'm not mad at them for being late, just confused as to why they even spend the time if they are going to be.


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It's because they're not competing with JB for clicks like the rest of their Jump releases, so they don't feel obligated to pump it out as fast as possible. Still runs me really that Samurai 8 is somehow getting first dibs

I'd be completely fine with them just using this for the anime op

>That vomit bit
This is better than it has any right to be.

wait, what? why did that motherfucker janitor delete it?

Coolest video I've seen today

They didn't, I did.

Since we are approaching a new arc, here's an update.
This is getting too big too soon.

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T-the future is b-best!

I love this man, I hope he doesn't die too soon.

>527 KB, 1995x998
>Too big

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Aki is so handsome when he suffers!

Himeno was a narcissistic and autistic drunkard. Her obsession for Aki was born around the simple Freudian pyramid (Himeno barely knew what love is) and attempts were composed of few clever jokes or cues that were thought up during her stupor.

Himeno would not enjoy any mainstream popularity had not there been a constant herd of competent manchildren around Chainsawman, to modify her character into likable headcanon. In reality she was constantly shitfaced but her only way to deal with the matter was to twist the jokes about the addiction because she simply couldn't admit the problems with her lifestyle. After all, the only merit of this "greatest tomboy on earth" is how many highschool boys she could molest.

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name of song and artist?

>Half of those are from Himeno's death
It's only gonna get worse from here

This handsome man deserves some home cooked breakfast. Denji and Power are cruel leeching dumbasses

Chainsaw Man anime directed by Masaaki Yuasa

That would genuinely be pretty awesome but it’s a pipe dream and will never happen, also he’ll probably be busy with that new TV anime he’s directing by the time csm gets an adaption

Nah. I like the guy, but nah. Miss me with Science SARU.

Edit with Doom 2016 music when?

If you want fight scenes that you cant see anything happening, sure go ahead

Somebody didn't watch Kemonozume

Was about the say that. The last episode of Kemonozume is fucking amazing

>t.brainlet with zero spatial reasoning

>The maddest he's ever looked was after getting pranked by Power and Denji

it was not a fucking prank

chensaw... Chensaw!... CHENSAW!

t. Aki

Seems like WSJ promote CSM as a Dark hero's story.
What the fuck.

Well, they are not wrong.

denji doesnt exactly embody a hero, does he?

They did call the CSM/Ne0/Higuma batch the dark hero era or something like that, so it makes sense I guess. Not that it really means anything since it's all marketing.

He fits all the criteria for the standard WSJ protagonist.

Aki is kinda dark

>the hero
>implying it's his story

>the ABSOLUTE state of chainsawfags

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Stop this pasta

>implying it isn't.

He is right. What manga have you been reading, user-san.


You’re annoying

How? For one he doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself.

Denji is an asshole.

Distinguishable from his silhouette alone (atleast in chainsaw form)
has a dream (fucking makima)
has powerful friends that save his ass (everyone else)
and not strictly WSJ, but: underdog character

He isn't? Denji is just honest

Most of the character fit that thing, user. Denji is self absorbed and selfish, that's not a WSJ hero quality it's exactly the opposite hence a dark hero.

Id like to see Denji's asshole.

When you gaze long into her eyes she also gazes into you.

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Then he's honestly an asshole.

>Denji is self absorbed and selfish
you mean like son goku?

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Yeah, they are also share the retarded trait.

ok she lookin kinda cute doe

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Used to be more common in the 80s I guess. Dark Schneider is also one of those types, also WSJ.


is she Hayashida's sister?

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Mental gymnastics

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gundevil will probably be a devilman or evolve into one somehow. Devilmans are similar. At least Sword and Chainsaw are the same

man fujimoto used to put so much effort into his art
how far we've fallen...

Love the cat in this one.

The art on that screenshot looks about the same as recent chapters though. I do think the art in the first chapter had the most effort put into it but that's probably because he had more time.

idk the lines look a lot thinner there

You are just getting to used to Niggerstream's cleaning.

isnt power a devilman?
shes completely different to denji and samurai man

>t. aki

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Devilman = Power
Hybrid = Denji, Shadman

Devilman seems way more weak than actual devils and hybrids.

So how often series get shit like this

can someone translate the taiwanese?

It's not a rare thing. Rare is how Jujutsu got it, it got animated PVs.

it's probably the first time his life was that lively since his family died tho

im just wondering how much the budget was spent on the audio
>dude just say chainsaw man over and over again
ngl i prefer this over like anything else, even if they got some proper musicians to make a song id prefer this shit


Not really push, it's already selling pre-anime BC/kimetsu levels, so they give it some stuff to work with.

Jujutsu grow mostly on it's own since Jump didn't give a shit at the start, it deserves it.

Power is stronger than most Devils from what we've seen.
But Hybrids are a level of broken more than the rest of them.

Dumb shit about Himeno's power being a secret and the title being Secrets and Lies

It depends on the devils I guess. She seemed to imply she was stronger on her devil form.

I prefer it to Fire Punch. It's cleaner, the characters are more distinct, and when he does put all his detail into stuff it's the devils so they stand out more


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Honestly speaking we don’t really know how strong she is considering we haven’t seen her go against someone for reals. I mean obviously she’s above average human being’s capabilities, as seen during Shadman’s assassination attempt, but most of the stuff she dealt with are just low level devils.

I always wondered why some devils choose to become devilmen. Seems like all it does is limit them to more weaknesses. Fujimoto really should touch up upon that point.

It's made by the same guy that made Fire Punch. So it's probably edgy tryhard shit for ex-narutards who think they're now intellectuals because they saw EoE once.

It’s not edgy or “tryhard” at all

To conmemorate the volumen 3 release they are letting you read one of Fujimoto's oneshots each day.

Obviously, in japanese

Reread Fire Punch. You didn't get it the first time.

The proto-Power one where she swears a lot is still my favorite.

>The proto-Power one where she swears a lot is still my favorite.
what? i have only read the one of the vampire guy and the assasin girl

demon imouto

Cute single dad.

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oh right, the demon imouto. cute story.

>those sneakers
why does fujimoto hate a good pair of kicks?

I dont even want to think it

wh-what the fuck fuji, this is cute and sad

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>newfags dont know about his doujinshi pen name

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Shes basically a Makima without horns

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did you at least readi it? she doesn't have anything to do with makima but the eyes
it's exactly the other way around, she is just a brunette younger version of Power

Not him but of course I read it.
> she doesn't have anything to do with makima but the eyes
No shit user, shes a child.

Don't bait for replies.

I miss her

Ignoring the fact that this is good and Fire Punch was garbage, nothing you said applies you either of them, even at FP's worst.

i think you meant to reply to this, you need to use two right arrows then the post number, friend!

I'm more of a shorthair guy than you are but she would not look nearly as good with it. Her hairstyle is the perfect fit to her personality.

>hater shitposters are already here
well, i will miss when threads were comfy

Literally nobody who enjoyed fire punch enjoyed naruto. Anyone who liked fire punch would have long since denounced naruto. naruto didn't even have an imout. case in point. Shinji wanted to fuck a clone of his mom. imouto there? nope. people keep completely missing the point of fire punch

Kimetsu no yaiba has a qt imouto

Fujimoto approve

korean scans and live TL when?

In a few hours probably.

10 hours

They were always here, just sparse

This. Denji isn't a combat savant like your typical shonen MC; he's been getting by almost entirely by brute force and swift kicks to the balls. It wasn't until they fought the Hotel Demon he realized he could drink blood and fight at the same time, but now he and Power are smart enough to plan ambushes and shit.

Guns are pretty useful, seeing as weaker devils can already be killed by melee weapons. Also keep in mind that even real Japan is super strict in terms of gun law, but I think after the Gun Devil attacked the whole world just made a huge push to get rid of them.

Where are you all reading this? A few threads ago everyone was saying "The future is great!" so I assume I'm reading a different translation.
Unrelated to that, there are parts of this manga such as the Future Devil that remind me a lot of Dorohedoro.

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>Unrelated to that, there are parts of this manga such as the Future Devil that remind me a lot of Dorohedoro.
That and the PV for the new volume gave me serious dorohedoro vibes (not only because of the visuals but also because of the OST, thanks to that amazing breakcore album that was made for dorohedoro)
Im extremely pleased by that, by the way

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usually what happens is we get spoilers > blurry screenshots > Korean > user translation > niggerstream > Viz. Viz had the future rules. I've been following the manga by thread since it's much more enjoyable

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Just watched it.
Damn you're right. Also I need to listen to the Dorohedoro OST again. That thing is so lit. It's also what introduced me to Igorrr.

In terms of personality, Denji is like the antithesis of your standard shonen hero in almost every way
>Retarded but doesn't have a heart of gold to make up for it
>Big appetite, but it leads him to consume absolutely disgusting things
>Blatantly horny, will risk his life for boobs
>His "dream" is to eat good food and grab tits, not become King of the Devil Hunters/etc
>Almost zero empathy for even his friends and love interests
>Not a combat savant; spent every chapter until recently winning through sheer force
In terms of powers, he's also out of the ordinary. You expect a typical hero to fight with either martial arts or a sword, but Denji just comes in with fucking chainsaw arms, zero finesse. Even "dark" heroes don't usually have a chainsaw for a weapon, but Denji has one growing out of his face.

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I like too that he doesn't enjoy using his powers, and it's not because "My powers put my friends in danger!" but because it hurts like a motherfucker to have chainsaws shoot out of his hands.

Don't forget that Aki is basically his handler since Denji is borderline retard.

AKi is the Mc

Yeah, the supporting cast is out there too.
Aki gave off Sasuke vibes when he first appeared, but then he immediately got his balls crushed and basically works as Denji and Power's tard wrangler. He also did the "Oh man I've got to use THAT technique" trope and actually faces immediate and severe consequences; the Nail left him with two years left to live.
Power herself, you usually expect a female teammate to be more refined and serve as a foil to the MC, but Power's basically Denji 2.0, and what happens is they feed off of each other's energy to create a force of stupid so dense it collapses into a retard hole.
Makima is based off the "Pure endgame waifu" but is blatantly manipulating most of the cast. In fact she's giving off such huge alarms it loops around into becoming difficult to tell how much of what she's saying is the truth and what her goals are.

So how will Aki die?

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Suffocated. I will hug him too hard.

Drowned by the Diarrhea Devil. Future Devil neglected to tell him he has no real combat abilities; Makima just needed him to divine a few spots where they'll find Gun Devil fragments.
What makes it the truly worst is that as he poop-drowns, Future Devil grants him a vision of Denji and Power having crazy spectacular sex with Makima.

CP When. What if Fujimoto was high while making the color page and gives Aki fucking red hair or something.

Why do so many of you think Chainsaw Man is edgy? It's a comedy ffs

What the fuck are you even talking about? Chainsaw Man isn't anything like what you mentioned.

I hope it’s blue

Another Fujimoto one-shot

His hair is actually white and the manga's colors have been inverted for him the entire time.

>she took a bag of eyeballs
So she is the most hardcore Jump love intrest ever.

ah the astronaut one, I liked this one. my favourite is probably demon imouto closely followed by class president

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>love intrest

Denji, I...

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Devilman is a tom and jerry inspired anime

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Makima is going to kill him.

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Volume extras when
fujimoto said he made the PV, I'm wondering if he is the voice that says chensaw

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You light my soul on fire

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Absolutely based.

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Ok fag we get it you can stop spamming now.

He is probably joking desu

We all know that's his little sister's account so obviously she made it.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x362, 1005K)

Do they fuck?

Attached: D8JQP0hUYAAcy0L.jpg (1800x1200, 460K)

This looks stupid as hell, what the fuck is this?

Shad seems like a fag so I'm gonna guess no.

When I was seven, my earliest memory is of my mom telling me that she should have aborted me. I lived through countless things that no normal person should have lived through (though many still do) from sexual abuse to near fatal incidents. Chainsaw Man is so enjoyable that, despite being unrelated, I feel that the universe has directly provided it as a balm that affects my soul. The joy that CSM brings me is so much, that I will be able to endure the remaining days of my shitty third-world tier wagesalve life in abject poverty as a result of knowing such a wonderful thing exists. Thank you Fujimoto, from the bottom of my heart.

Attached: ek93heo2keiwosps.png (946x1367, 115K)

strictly professional, Shad is too busy brooding over muh gramps

Attached: shadman.png (483x415, 204K)


we all have been there friend
everything will be daijoubu

Attached: 815.jpg (952x462, 78K)

Why the fuck is reddit tier comment here? You can already feel how obnoxious the fanbase will become once the anime hits, reminding you who the author is despite not reading anything from fujimoto pre cm.

ngl the manga so far reminds me of how good early naruto was

Ok gonna have to try and pump the breaks for you because I think people are getting a bit too much with getting a hardon for making Denji sound like some edgy deconstruction of the shounen protagonist troupe as whole.

Let me get this outta the way I'm not saying that he is a generic protagonist, hell he is anything but that, but he isn't also whatever you are describing him as. He's not this idiotic cunt of a character that's only doing what he pleases to get what he wants. Tits and getting laid are still on top of his mind but you can see that he is capable of thinking beyond just that. Except for when it comes to Makima.

As for empathy, he might not be a bleeding heart for everyone and their problems but he had his moments when he felt empathy for Pochita and Power. Almost with Aki too, only for him to realize that he's not feeling the empathy that he should be feeling regarding the situation.Though I think that one brief moment of him realizing that he SHOULD be feeling it speaks more in volume for his innate nature. Now that doesn't automatically make him a kind and understanding character like some generic shounen hero but it does show that he have a vague idea of what it is.

Fujimoto wanted to create a character that is about slowly growing up into the society they were never taught on how to live in. And it kills me a bit everytime I see comments among the lines of "Woah Denji does not give a fuck about his friends! That is so heartless and cool! As expected of the unpredictable Fujimoto for taking a piss on the shounen hero troupe with this deconstruction!".

tl;dr: Denji ain't your generic shounen hero but quit trying to make him sound like he's just an idiotic cunt because some fat fuck wanted to be a rebel against the troupe.

Is this a new tactic of false flagging?

It still makes me chuckle whenever I think about what he said about his grandpa

>Look my grandpa only like killed this many women and turned some people into the undead but he was a fucking saint I tell ya

take care man

Devilman Crybaby, one of the best shows of 2018, if not the best.

Attached: f58.png (1400x600, 364K)

Because she is demon, look at Power and that snake girl, they both have weird ass eyes and are demons

Dude it’s just a manga. Calm your shit and go post this on reddit. You’ll more attention there.

fuck off and kill yourself fag

It was confirmed last chapter when she was speaking with drunken sensei

Snake girl is not a devil, she is contracted to one. Devilman can't contract with devils as Aki said in one of the chapters.

Snake girl doesn't seem to be a demon though, it's more likely a visual way to show that she has a contract. Makima's case might be the same, her eyes are just a way to show the reader she shouldn't be trusted.


I have no doubt in the idea that Makima might not be human but nothing in that dialogue confirmed anything regarding her origins. You don't have to be a non-human to commit inhumane acts.

>Dishonest Paneling
>Post-Isekai inversions
>Grating indefinite amateurish line-work
>Gatcha Game Iconography
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as NEET/ entertainment/Herbivore Powerplay
>Neo netouyo hangups: scene schizophrenia and meme dialogue
>Meta-Structure syndrome
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic ToC fetish

Attached: makima.png (372x341, 96K)

cool story bro

It's beautiful, isn't it?

Was this drawn by Shadman himself?

That looks fine

Zedu is Shadman's name maybe?

Keep going I'm almost there.

I felt the same way about Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

I wish bountiful women and many chainsaws for you user!

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Power knows her pretty!

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Wait, is this official?

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think this might be from that Jewjitsu Kaisen x CSM crossover thing they talked about

>Chinese dress
Yes it is


It's hard to say but according to my observations Power might have a godly waist to hip ratio in this image.

You could always just break it up in different pictures for better handling. It's what I do.

Attached: Collages.jpg (360x280, 18K)

she always had pretty good hips. We just don't see them often because of her shabby office attire.

Attached: 19.jpg (916x1300, 342K)

I hope her boobs grow as she levels up, just like her hair

i don't care about the pads, i know i can make Power grow her tits by some shit related with her blood manipulation

Sorta, it's suggesting that that the title "Secrets and Lies" actually refers to the devils that Makima and Kobeni are contracted with. When Kobeni said her contract is a secret she meant it literally, and isn't able to normally use it. Makima has lies, which lets her survive the gun attack. The rest is random snippets in order to support the headcanon.

Probably from volume 3 since it seems to be the same place of this.

Attached: ae3bb542-5f01-4a27-a265-5317ad655986.png (638x1016, 359K)

It's pretty good, not many chapters so should be easy to catch up in like 2 hours. I like series that show-don't-tell and this is one.

I think Makima will try to capture Shadman and force him to work for her (since people like him and Denji are very rare). Snake-tits on the other hand is disposable .

what if makima has made a contract with the devil of doubt?

What makes you think that?

I doubt it.

you know a series is good when the shitposters start showing up

is this even possible?

Maybe reconsider that theory

It's honestly a bit too late to give him a name now. The series it self kinda didn't give a shit about names.

Zedu is actually Sawatari aka Snek. It looks like it's the chinese version of it.

So since the beginning?

holy shit it suits it so well
getting major dorohedoro ost vibes from it too
>he doesnt like breakcore

that'd be too based to believe
but it's Fujimoto so I do

Fuck off

Well if nothing else this weeks chapter has got to be better than the shitheap that was BNHA's.

2 hours for raws

Attached: 0BCC52CA-0028-46CE-96AC-B5499DE38DC5.jpg (2048x1496, 458K)

Fuck shadman, he doesn't deserve to look that cool.

Isn't this Starcraft II copy pasta that's been edited?

What are these two doing in such a spooky place.

>That tit squeezing segment.

Japan is truly a more advanced culture than ours.

God I just want to lift that dress up and lick her leggings

Japs always had a boner for that aesthetic. I don't know what it's called but I know they love that kind of 80's japan/china urban aesthetic. That's why the Kownloon wall city was popular with the japs.

Was the extras from volumes 1 and 2 ever posted in these threads?

its really fun
the characters are really likeable


Attached: 1556884979155.jpg (640x893, 161K)

Oh well, next week is a good oportunity to clean the backlog a little then

I dont care if its a copy pasta, go back to the hole you came from and never come back

Attached: ABgUxOK.jpg (2448x2000, 580K)

Want some eye?

Attached: YFv4Uan.jpg (2448x1954, 498K)

Secrets and lies? Does wouldnt be weak demons, but i really doubt that makima is contracted whit only 1 demon and secret doesnt really fit the other girl (maybe something around secrets? A representation or something associated whit it?)



OF everyone here
>their father's
Makima is metal as fuck.

Did she just kill that guy with a look?

If Makima isn't THE DEVIL then fuck me silly.

lol she's not fucking around

Hey, maybe she can give one of those to Aki, I hear he can't use one of his eyes anymore.

Lesser devil hunters make contracts with devils.
True devil hunters have devils make contracts with them.

She says
>don't worry, if you cooperate I can introduce you to someone who can make them go back to normal

Oh, now i rememb r

This is a sign that neo Shaft David pro will eventually do the anime.

The dumbass trio will surely be able to beat her when she inevitable becomes final boss, for sure h-haha.

Bones and shaft?

wow jesus she really did brought along a bag of eyes

Attached: 15468534579054.jpg (480x542, 41K)

Shaft is dead.

>shoot her and your stomach plug removed
>try to attack her physically and you get eye popping head explosions
>run away from her and she can turn you into a stain on the street
there's just no winning against this woman. somehow this only makes me want to dick her even more.

Attached: jjj.jpg (1064x884, 57K)

There he is.

Attached: t3UPunm.jpg (2332x2260, 620K)

Youtube comment of sad anime song tier comment

that's actually pretty kino

Do you think they always planned to bring her back or was losing 90% if their fanbase enough to trigger a rewrite?

Attached: teg3.png (247x442, 44K)

Stop making this pretty lad suffer.

Pretty much. Her weird eyes made it clear she has some bizarre shit going on, plus she died before doing anything at all. Even Fire Punch gave the villains something to do before they got killed, even if t was minor.

The hell you talking about?

>a fucking beach
Nope, Aki's not going to stop suffering.


I remember the first threads we had toward Chainsaw Man. When everyone first saw Aki, they all thought he would be just another edgelord and even called him "Notsuke". Now look at how far he's come, his best friend is dead, Denji and Power are still obnoxious little shits, and now the future devil is living in his eye and told him he's going to die a most painful death. I don't think i've ever seen a shonen protag(not antag) get done as badly Aki.


>he couldn't tell he would be best boy since the first panel.


>the green color is a Fujimoto’s symbolism for “DEATH”

Attached: A67E1C0B-7E2A-4D3C-95C6-23FC8DA1EAF1.jpg (1400x954, 476K)

I-it 's just aome eyeballs. No one's dead. M-makima did nothing wrong.

If my moon is correct, she's saying there's a person who can return them to their original state. I only bothered trying to read that one bubble, but I believe they're hostage eyeballs, not a "haha we got you family" moment.

literally eren with a topknot

Are those the yakuza? did she simple walk there threatining them?
I'm starting to think she is really related to gun's devil, she was show having no remorse having his comrade kills if that fit her agenda
And her power of crushing enemy from distance is too similar to the gun's devil even if less overpowered

Kurose and Aki are fucking cute, which means Kurose is fucking dead.

kurose is literally me before my hair started thinning

>Kobenis in school uniform
max cute

Better resolution

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Attached: 06.png (747x1080, 766K)

>He is gonna have a eyepatch!!
>No, he is going to have a spooky eye!
>It's literally the same


>Cola Chupa Chup
>Coke Cola
What does it mean!?

Attached: 07.png (746x1080, 1.12M)

Attached: 08.png (744x1080, 974K)

Attached: 09.png (747x1080, 829K)

Attached: 10.png (745x1080, 815K)

i want to see the earthquake and tsunami demons soon

Attached: 11.png (750x1080, 672K)

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Axeman soon

Even the characters are calling Aki the protagonist now.

Attached: 13.png (745x1080, 738K)

Aki definitely seems more like a regular protagonist

Attached: 14.png (749x1080, 910K)

>Dialogue heavy chapter
Well, at least the twist was released raw. Time to wait for Korea user

Attached: 15.png (745x1080, 988K)

I want to have sex goddamit

Attached: 16.png (748x1080, 1.04M)

Attached: 17.png (747x1080, 896K)

my fucking dick

Attached: 18.png (749x1080, 1.14M)

fuck it's the nosebleed demon

The bald guy knew that this was going to be a mistake.

Attached: xdfghjk.jpg (748x1080, 327K)

Attached: 19.png (748x1080, 716K)

The top panel looks mildly lewd.

Attached: 20 - END.png (747x1080, 1.15M)

Aki looks pretty dead already.

I'm convinced Makima has something to do with height

Attached: EXTRA.png (747x1080, 647K)

>Denji vs Shad
>Aki vs Snek
>Sensei vs Zombies
>Power back to being useless again

>Brazzers.jpg but it's Makima doing the fucking. All of them at once.


>denji gets one panel
>he’s acting like a retard
never change

You are 30 chapters late.

>making Kobeni buy all the toilet paper

>rematch already
I'm guessing shad will get killed for good but snake will live

i want to make kobeni clean the bathroom after power is done

oh, bangaihen

Attached: Yakuzed.jpg (1070x807, 222K)

Yes, they are hostage eyeballs but its disturbing to think about how she got the eyeballs

I'm pretty hyped to see aki power up

I can't believe I can't stop smiling over the fact that some grown ass man made a friend.

Denji's just very good at dealing with negative emotion.

Poor Little Yakuza

We did It Akibros!

Those hands are all the fujoshi fanbase. Disgusting pale rotting hands.

Denji on suicide watch

The lewd demon

I want Kobeni to be Power's personal toilet.

God, I wish that was me

>you'll never have a makima look at you like that

Kobeni-chan surge

Attached: 1554679747601.jpg (800x800, 63K)

It 's just like borrow sth from your friends. Nothing wrong about it if you are going to return it eventually.

Yeah, I meant hybrids. Sorry

It's japanese.

Top> The chapter title is always a simile to a chapter's content. Example: Chainsaw vs. Bat, Cola-flavoured Chupa Chups
(seems that it's saying that the chapter titles are always referencing something that's actually in the chapter contents, may it be an event, object or dialogue and not a just a metaphor. Like chapter 26's "Gun is Mightier" is directly reflected in the page where Shadman declares that no one, not even Devil Hunters can win against guns)

Left> Secret Devil's ability ?
You wouldn't think that a woman could pull such a stunt with only her flesh and blood body.

Right> A suggestion of the Lie Devil's ability ?
Coming back to life and opening large holes in people's abdomens are unbelievable things.
Is this an ability to materialize "Lies" ?

(arrow pointing to the words from the page) "Lies dissolved/mixed in blood" > A hint to the Lie Devil's ability ?

This other one's pretty long so I'm just gonna try to interpret and summarize it:
It seems pretty obvious that Chapter 28's title may entirely be referencing Makima being suspicious, hiding things from everyone and lying. But chapter content relationship with the title are usually pretty clear cut, so while Makima directly saying "I can't share Bureau secrets with a stranger" counts for "Secret" we don't actually have clear-cut "Lies" from her in this chapter.
So the hypothesis here is that the title is pointing on a different angle. Kobeni and Makima are the two prominent players in the chapter so the title is split between them(the chapter where Kobeni was saying her contract is a secret might actually be her saying she's contracted to the secret(devil)) and they're directly representing the "Secret" and "Lie".

Kinda interesting and all, but I don't really know or want to analyze if the chapter titles were really meant to work that way.

Why? The snek is not even an imouto.

>no pawah at all

What a disappointing chapter

Alright then mail me your eyeballs. I need to borrow them for a week.

It's not fair. Where is the COST?

We honestly don't even know what she's operating on. Whatever she got is beyond contracts.

remember when Makima was this sweet yet mysterious girl instead of just being a walking death rattle?

Attached: kobeni21.jpg (800x800, 231K)



Nope. No normal women will ever hugged denji at the start surround by all kind of gore

Chapter one and exclusively chapter one?

It’s almost like she was just being sweet to Denji to make him another dog... whoa.....
Makima said she’d put him down or something along those lines right after she feed him by the way

My dick likes it either way

yeah there must be tier in their rank
I can see needle and gun being OP

It's fine, she's literally Kobeni

Its an improvement of the slut handlebars, no wonder her sister went for prostitution

Attached: 1561895028721.png (444x1300, 560K)

fujimoto getting that swee sponsership money from coca cola

Awaiting tl user in the next thread.

Attached: D-NR02wUYAIeoPg.jpg (768x768, 99K)

Not really. Hybrids are only immortal.

Attached: EA88NuEUEAA2uCN.jpg (1400x1200, 92K)

Wouldn't harm a fly

For some reason my dick is hard

>Orbital Strike devil
Do we know for sure that's what it was?
This censored version holy fucking shit kek

She looks trustworthy

lol poor saps afraid of a little boob squeeze

Just found this gem today. How fast is the mangaka at making new chapters? 6 months or less? This shit hits all the right spots for me I need more.

my sides, they cut out the barf too

Attached: D5P3uqRU0AAjNaO.jpg (800x1132, 87K)

Weekly nigga, see you next thread.

I'm holding you onto that motherfucker!

She is obviously involved into some sort of extremely far-fetched and most likely global keikaku so she is given ass loads of power from some incredibly strong devil at no cost other than fulfilling said keikaku.


That song is pretty sick.

No, she made a contract with the treason demon.

Why, of course.

Attached: wj36-37.png (692x333, 40K)

Sensei really is being disposed of via zombies.

Attached: TIME TO GET STAMPED MOTHERFUCKER.png (1920x1080, 2.31M)


break next week

He is 100% the Asian guy from that old photo of a man alone in an empty apartment with at least a dozen watermellons.

Attached: muhkima.png (1920x1080, 3.08M)

yes, go on.....

Oh...Please look at my dick.

Last for Makima.

Best boys just seem to love cola for some reason.

step on me

What the hell, what are those eyes for?