Bouncy penis movement

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>posting twitter screencaps
but why

Because it should be allowed on Yea Forums

real women are obsolete

redditors cant help themselves

You missed a not in there user, yosh yosh, remember to double check your posts before hitting that button.

Dicks are too small to have the same effect as some honkin' great honkers to honest.

But bouncy penis does happen in anime, I remember several times in Gintama where dicks pop out and they're all mosaics but you can see bouncing movements there.

Your's maybe

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>not having a small dick that isn't even noticeable
Also get the fuck away from here Yea Forums

Women already get to look at unrealistically chiseled men.

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Yeah but no.
Nobody wants to see flaccid penises flopping around.
Unless she's suggesting that every guy in anime should have a boner at all times, always

I'm all for it.
I wouldn't mind and I'm actually confident enough in my no homo to admit that it would be a very mild turn on.

Someone didnt watch himegoto.

I will accept this. Only on female characters.

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There's not that many though.
There should be more.

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I wouldn't mind.

I'm up for it bouncy schlongs, bouncy tits, everyone is happy.

>twitter post by literally who
Kill yourself.

Yeah if that's all it takes to make people stop whining about big anime tiddies then go nuts desu.

>literally who
hmmm honey it has 20k retweets and 80k likes, this is bigger than your life

Why do some people have this neurotic obsession with parity in all things?
I would have no problemwith floppy crotches if that's what the market wanted. Not because some social engineer was trying to create their misguided notion of fairness.

Somebody should do that. I bet it would be hilarious.

It's a good idea though.
Maybe it should be promoted.
>In bounciness, unity.

trannies arent real women

bouncy puffy vulva

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But boobs do bounce. As the owner of a dick, I can assure you it does not bounce.

Manlets aren't real men, we gotta accept our lesser humans.

It's been done already, several times even.

As if that was any kind of accomplishment.
And no, it's not the same thing, retarded fujoshit, we don't see vaginas flopping around either.

Oh yeah, good point. There's actually very little demand for that because men and women are different.
I keep forgetting.

Every time a dick twitches, we should see it

my dick bounces

I love twitter screencaps

>it has upvotes so it's important

I'd be ok with this
And I'm sure it'll keep women out of my hobbies, so great

>1M subhumans agree with me
>that earns me the right to be a tool of shitposting on Yea Forums

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Not 1 million. Only about 100,000. How bad at math are you, virgin?

It's true! I saw it on the news everywhere last night!

its called jewish maths.

>implying I didn't meant 1M subhumans
Keep it up.

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Why do people post like retarded teenagers on twitter?

human nature

Because most of them are retarded teenagers, and the rest are just retarded.

i actually think that would be hysterical and want to kickstart it with my dick

What the fuck are you even saying now, virgin? What does "M" mean in your spic language? I don't speak Puerto Rican

/pol/ and Yea Forums have finally turned Yea Forums(nel) into a glorified tweet critique forum. Faggot mods will let this run rampant so enjoy as twitter screencaps become 50% of the threads here.

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>nononono tits don't bounce
>go outside
>see busty woman
>tits bounce all over the place
reality just BTFO whatever tranny you posted OP.

Yeah you got me, I misread the 0s, yet my point stands still.

M is 1000, cockwheel. 100,000 would be too large for traditional Roman numeration.

>Yea Forums(lel)

Twitter is where adults post like retarded teenagers while governments and corporations take their mindless ramblings as legitimate suggestions.

all of this is part of his plan

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>Boobs are sexual organs
>Bouncing dicks
Pick one

As a lover of penis, I agree.

>more than 50 replies and the thread still isn't pruned

Because you need to have the brain of a retarded teenager to be on Twitter

k for kilo is 1000, dumbass
M for Mega is 1.000.000

Go back

breasts bounce in real life all the time
dicks only bounce visibly if you dont wear underwear and wear loose pants


I would accept dick physics. I want to see animu grills reacting to dick physics.

>naive Yea Forumsutists think they can defend their medium from the jewish sjw golem

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I really don't blame them, clearly the best use of your time is getting mad at tweets from literally whos, ideally ones that vaguely confirm to some kind of persecution complex you have.

>everyone is happy.
Let's be honest here user. Women and faggots would still complain.

just watch the DBGT opening for it

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faggots usually don't complain that much, most of them are chill, trannies are the ones who are perpetually angry

How does it feel to be addicted to (You)s instead of a proper hard drug like cocaine or something?

I meant faggots as in the dumb doubleniggers that go around spreading and agreeing with trash like this.
I have nothing against ass pirates, as long as they're quiet.

M as a Roman numeral is 1000.

Twitter threads are that way Fuck off and die


1M was used instead of just M though.

>HA! I replied to everyone else’s posts! What now?!

As a bisexual I would've loved that, too bad crotches don't bounce in real life

>this sexist anime with big, floppy dongs is reinforcing patriarchy and triggering women's PTSD. And that's not a good thing.
You know that's how it'd end up.

I thought the equivalent for men was height?


I seriously hope you are at least using sage and reporting the thread several times instead of quoting everyone like a retard.

Threadly reminder

Boobs bounce in real life, even with a bra, dicks don't unless you are wildly flapping around naked. Anyway, majority of anime viewers are straight males, especially now that KyoAni is dead, there is little audience for bouncy penises compared to bouncy boobs.

who else eats pizza like this

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there's already a 2hu thread, user, this is the KoG thread


Mods dont care. Soon enough, if Yea Forums keeps on spamming, twitter screencaps will become a part of Yea Forums culture. I can't wait

I do.

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