BakI Amrunningoutofcreative Ways to Dou This - Participation 27

I think that I do with solemn authority speak for all of us when I say: fuck Yumemakura Baku.

Chapter 36: Fighting Alongside Retsu

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Are we cloning again?

Alright Katsumi, now you are start being creepy.

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My god this is beyond retarded.

No, Katsumi getting a new hand, the hand of windmill god himself.

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It's creepy
Also fuck Tokugawa for killing Retsu off and then on his own deciding what will happen to his body.

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Remember when Doppo lost his hand and barely managed to save it because he kept it on ice and went to a doctor right away?
Apparently we now now can put any body part on anything anytime now. Franken Fran style.

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Not just that, you get the power of the limb too.
I want Ron jeremy's dick plox.

Do free captchas last for a shorter time now? I'm getting a lot of "you forgot to type the captcha" messages now.

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I swear if the ghost of Retsu comes back through the arm.

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Maybe this is why barely anyone dies in this series.
Martial artists start fighting over body parts all the time.

End chapter.

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wasn't that arm cut in half up to the wrist?

And us.

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>Retsu stand confirmed

Maybe they sewed it together.
You can't stop science.

Itagaki sez:

>Don't misread things. With the remake, it was the editors who wanted it done as two parts. Wasn't me.

End transmission.

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No, it'll be some Metal Gear Solid level bullshit, like getting possesed by the arm (except not a ruse this time).

>Using sumo against fatsos
Literally any other style could beat the landwhales out of the ring.

But Retsu already has a stand.
Can you have a double stand? Standception?

Dr. Stonezinga is the other way user.

all look same

Me as a brainlet one read the 2nd series instead of first one and I'm about to finish Baki Son of Ogre. Is the first series worth reading?

but of course; they all have the same hairstyle

Watch the animuh, is actually really good.

the 2018 one? Is it enjoyable? what about the older ones?

It's watchable, but it isn't really good. I challenge you to re-read this part, and then watch the corresponding scene in the anime without laughing.
It's a nightmare mode challenge.

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The older ones if you want the first arc, 2018 it's right after the second season.

I unironically want this

i am talking about the very first one with the monkey and baki's mother, the tournament sucks but it was the only thing available at some point since no one were translating that part of the manga.

Because Baki, kime his dad, like to demoralise his opponent by defeating him in with his own technique.

where is yujiro through all of this? surely he would want to fight the reincarnation of the god of sumo

Like his dad*

Wait a second, Itagaki's doing this because this guy told him he could do that!?

God I really don't like that type of paneling. I get what it's going for but I don't think it works here. If he's going to be stone cold still, he needs something in motion to go along with it. Otherwise it's just copy pasting the same thing.

Also I noticed how the jacket changes but not the rest of him, which is fine. It's just a filter being used.

All I know is what it says:

If that's seriously what happened, we have Yumemakura Baku to blame for both Yuuenchi *and this*. He's trying to kill Baki from the inside.

bro that is straight up hakuho

and i think the ozeki here is tochinoshin

>bro that is straight up hakuho
I don't know why he'd not use the name but he'd be fine with Muhamud Ali. Then again, a lot of characters don't use the 'real' name. Like Biscuit and some Japanese wrestlers. Miyamoto Musashi's cool tho

>It's just a filter being used.

>that is straight up hakuho
Is it? It doesn't look like him to me. I'm not exactly good with faces, but neither am I prosopagnostic.
Also: take note of the measurements along with the faces. Tochi isn't anywhere near 7'6.

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a lot of the celebrity names he uses are slightly modified, or so old that no one cares. also, sumo business is anal retentive.

I think all these names are either puns or references to their real names, also.

>Retsu looses a foot
>gets a prosthesis
>Katsumi looses an arm
>gets the real deal from his dead friend
This was Tokugawas plan all along right?
Killing off Retsu to establish Katsumis place as a martial artist.

He's done multiple interviews in which he's said that he tried to worm out of killing Retsu until the last second, and that he cried when he realized that he was in too deep to go back.

How is he in too deep?
If they were able to resurrect Musashi and give him his soul back, then they can do the same for Retsu

fair point. i am a tochi fanboy, but even he isn't that fuckhueg.

i'm still leaning on that being hakuho. aside from him making that same smugfuck face before every tachiai, he is -the- dai yokozuna, the height's the same, and the weight is just rounded up 2kg.

it's gonna be weird seeing them get owned by by my roided gay boi bakis.

too deep as in he had to die in the first place. i doubt retsu will be revived, as a matter of respect that itagaki will spend 3 chapters explaining.

I mean that he said that he cried when he realized he had no other option. The fight had started, he had planned out storyboards with the editors that the character who would fight Musashi there would die, he had resolved to have at least one character cut down by Musashi when he started the manga, so forth. He said that he couldn't see any way out to save Retsu which wouldn't have destroyed the reputation of the manga.

>the reputation of the manga.
I didn't know this was a manga with integrity. I'm joking

>He said that he couldn't see any way out to save Retsu which wouldn't have destroyed the reputation of the manga.
But Liquid Kasumi and throwing away all the build up for his one armed karate into the trash is ok

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>as a matter of respect
But defiling his corpse and putting an arm on a other one is ok?
>which wouldn't have destroyed the reputation of the manga
He already has a reputation of not to killing anyone off.

>we don't respect Miyamoto Musashi, so we revived him
I wish people wouldn't respect me too so I get revived thousands of years from now

he could have asspulled that it was Retsu Kaioh's secret twin this whole time

I just pray that Tochi doesn't make me cry in the next basho by going 2-13 and resigning or something. His health issues scare me.

Why the FUCK is he writing this instead of finishing Garouden?

>Dr. Stone makes even bakivirgins seethe
I didn't the series was THIS based

Isn't not being able to distinguish faces from each other a sign of autism?

No. It's called Prosopagnosia


Too much yelling, too little grammar

I understand killing someone it's just dumb that he chose one of two characters that should've been off limits to kill. The other being Katsumi

It was never possible for it to be on par with normal two handed karate, and he said he was not weaker than a normal karateka with two hands, never that he was stronger

all his old injuries flare up harder each basho. all those bandaids on his ass are from fucking horse painkillers being injected constantly.

Tochinoshin is the strongest. I want him to retire an ozeki, even if it means I don't see him again.

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Thank you both as always.

You're always welcome.

>231 cm
>290 kg
Holy shit, he is not easy to defeat even with a gun

Who do you think will go against him? Jack?


Jack isn't even in this tournament. I'm guessing Shibukawa since it'd make sense to pair the Aikido guy with the biggest opponent


Jack wasn't part of the Convicts arc, either, until he decided to be. And he was going to remove Doyle, too, if Katsumi/Doppo hadn't done it first.

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should've been the one to be killed by Musashi

The convict arc was kind of different to this though, this sumo tourney will be broadcasted as an event, the convict arc was kept secret and the rules were just "anytime, anywhere". We could potentially see Jack fight someone for their spot.

>this sumo tourney will be broadcasted as an event
Like hell it will. They've explicitly clarified that they'll be fighting in the underground arena.

I still think Jack would need to at least fight someone for their spot since this is meant as a special event for viewing like the Maximum Tournament.

Wait ... We were presented 6 sumo fighters. But from the last chapters I can count 5 who will be against them. Baki, Doppo, Shibukawa, Katsumi, Hanayama. Who is the sixth?


But Sukune must fight with Baki

Sukune is obviously weaker than Baki right now. We're going to see him grow fat from strength first

Then Jyaku.

Or Kaku.
Somebody from China needs to come back to be awesome.

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I don't know why he couldn't just murderize the caveman

>Somebody from China needs to come back to be awesome.
Does Dorian count?

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Throwing shit away at the last point is kind of Baki's MO. Just look at all the buildup Ali Jr. got and how utterly devastated he got.

Extremely baste and Baki pilled. Staying awake working just for davinci resolve to shit itself when i was about to export now is not as sad.

Thanks based eternal baki provider.

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I don't understand the hype for one arm karate. At most it would mean he trained more with one arm so he would have more stamina or something. There's no way you can bullshit super karate that you couldn't do with two arms in the first place.
What the fuck were you guys expecting, really? Even armless or legless karate sound more interesting.

I wish Baki's author would stop making me have to look at crotches so often.

Legs are stronger than arms so Katsumi should've had his arm replaced with Retsu's leg instead

hips are better

What the fuck does all this ching-chongery mean?

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Butts > all

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>97 kg
I call bullshit


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wtf even is revenge tokyo? some fanfic?

A "where are they now" sidestory about the convicts

every shounen powerlevels.gif

unironically impressive

holy shit

hey user, can ye upload the raws for SHY? I sorta wanna read it.

so, canon? By Itagaki?

But that's not true. Sukune is obviously weaker than Musashi, Pickle or Yuujiro.


>Sukune is weaker than Pickle
What makes you say that?

Baki already destroyed the giant ape (5 meters tall, 1500 kg)

Just wait until they encounter him and seemingly start to beat him until he says "lol but's it not sumo tho" and like a literal magic spell reality bends into them jobbin to him.

Aren't Spec and Doyle dead?

Is Jyaku the worst character in Baki? He is completely useless and uninteresting to boot

No, all the convicts are still alive


Doyle went yolo and pierce his ears.
Speck enjoyed his swimming lesson.

Somehow everyone survived. Everyone.

Yea Forums won't let me post the link, so I'm doing this in two parts.

Yeah, give me a minute.

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Only Chinese are allowed to die.

what is your favorite bullshit pseudo science in Baki?

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He weights as much as me.

I really wouldn't mind Muhammad Ali Jr coming back, just better prepared, more mature and less of a creep


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>Top left panel
I love when Itagaki just draws some weird looking dude for the hell of it

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I love Baki pseudoscience
It's either this or the mathematic equation that explains how Hanayama can explode arms

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SHY. 63 pages, for whatever reason.!m4B20Q6S!IlzEWU_tkIL_-e1U1miJqg

Fucking how. Spec literally died because he had nothing more to live for. Doyle should be more gimped than Katsumi.

Speck is in a pseudo-vegetative state. Doyle is blind, deaf and retarded.

He should be dead as fuck. Somehow he swam to shore and hid in a cave while BLIND, he also somehow survived an Oliva bear hug that definitely broke every bone in his abdomen.

Is that Ralph the movie maker

Alright then. I was afraid that they were just up and about and doing fighting things again.

why retarded and deaf though? Oliva just broke his back, in Bakiverse that's week or two in hospital

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Inb4 that arm is a power up in order to spam the sonic attacks.

He is to based forthis horsecrap, after Motobe he swore to himself to never get excited for any potential awesome fight ever again, someone will just cockblock him again.
Poor Yuujiro, never thought he was the real tragic character in this series.

Now THIS was a nice battle....better than all the ones in baki dou desu.

Imagine it gets even worse:
After getting a decent fight the sumofucker talks about how much sumo is restricting him and the rules are there to have people see just 1% of the fighters power, than he proceeds to step out of the ring and form fists.
And than he proceeds to rip everyone apart....magic!

is it demonic hemorrhoids? Damn Yujiro...

He deafened himself, which is why I am calling him retarded.

Yanagi is actually out-and-about, but he's brain damaged, has a hook for a hand and is missing half of his face. Probably wouldn't be that hard to pick out and recapture.

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never post this anywhere ever again

>He deafened himself

Why even focus on them at that point? The only one who is physically sound is Dorian, depending on how hard Sikorsky got it.

Im not surprised this exist. Im just dissapointed that i ended Up witnessing It.

Imagine the pain

>By losing that incredibly important thing called "light", I obtained a great treasure to take the place of light. So, warden. "Sound"... That other all-important sense, sound. If I were to trade away my sense of hearing, warden, just what do you imagine I might gain...?

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I read somewhere that hemorrhoids don't hurt if you touch them. But its bleeding should kill

since there is no kengan thread up atm
I may as well ask in here, what did you lads think of the kengan anime, i've only seen the first 5 eps but it seems decently animated for a 3d anime since they can be fucking horrible at times
i heard it ends kinda short of the actual ending though, so no fang v super hobo yeah?

You are in charge of the live action serie, who do you caste as Yujiro ?


You know that you can just make a thread, right? It isn't as if the series goes without discussion.

He will get ... NOTHING!

nic cage

It's a sumo wank arc, and Itagaki intends to milk it.

If Itagaki really cares about the fighting philosophies he espoused in previous arcs, he would have Baki request open street fight on random encounter, with ambush allowed.

i will spend the rest of my life funding this


Omar Sy

>can bring back fuckin musashi back from dead
>retsu dies
>nope we cant do anything we gotta cremate him
What did Itagaki mean by this?

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retsu wouldn't want to be brought back from the dead

>kills off Retsu in an an arc no one liked in a sequel no one needed
Why the fuck didn't he just end it with Son of Ogre?

>it's impossible for a 200 kg Sumo wrestler to exists
>here's a 300 kg one
What the fuck

he forgot

maybe he lived in the same cave with Pickle

It's a living. Itagaki gets to do what he always does and get paid. Wouldn't you? And sumo seems to sell well. I was taking a trip in Osaka last year and came across a large procession of people while walking down the street. 100m of crowded sidewalk later I realised that they were all leaving a sumo match

Oh god you're probably right

john cena

>gets Retsu's arm
>somehow still manages to job

He would sulk a little bit but then goes off to smash the Wrestling Federation this time.

that arm has the power of 4000 years of chinese martial arts+the lightspeed punch
katsumi just became motobe(with weapons) tier

are there spic powerlevel charts for Baki?

>And sumo seems to sell well
I thought it was incredibly unpopular with the youth. And that the gosh darn mongolians were taking over.

Tokugawa said that a man who is 2 meters (6'5) tall and 250 kilograms couldn't move about well. This guy's 2.3 meters (7'6) and 290 kilograms.

Being a big guy just sounds like jobbing material to me. But Hanayama exists so what do I know.

Katsumi (con brazo de Retsu)

>people really complaining about this when they had an entire facility dedicated to shit like this introduced in the musashi arc

>i-it's too ridiculous though
I don't think you've ever read baki before. I mean yujiro straight up stops an earthquake with a punch and there's a prehistoric man running around

1.Motobe (armas)
2.Pickle (violacion)
3.Praying mantis
4.Liquid Baki

Now that you mention it the waves and waves of people were predominantly older people with grey or white hair, with spots of younger people being foreigners who tower over them - most likely other tourists

it looks horrid for the most part

Jack (X4)
Jack (huesos extendidos)
Jack (super huesos extendidos)

They cut medicine man out
They cut rin out
They cut murobuchi gozo's peak condition and most of his fight vs wakatsuki
They cut most of the fighter's interactions outside the tournament and they squeezed like 90 chapters into 12 episodes with like 150 manga chapters left
The pacing is going to be crazy fast and not in a good way
It's disappointing sadly

>they cut rin out

They actually cut out characters and events? Why?

i suppose they're trying to squeeze it into 24 episodes

exactly, this shit is pretty tame in the world of baki.

sweet. looking forward to seeing katsumi back in action.

How did the Elevens like Dou? i imagine they wouldn't mind the Yamato Damashi samurai wank as much as we did.

>i imagine they wouldn't mind the Yamato Damashi samurai wank as much as we did
They did

Giant, bloodthirsty demon monkeys?

Octogenarian Men who can crack the statue of liberty like an egg by punching it really hard?
Never happened.

Unfrozen cavemen who fought t-rexes and various other megafauna with their bare hands?
We made that one up.

Sword masters that can physically cut you up with their mind?
Pure fabrication.

200Kg sumo wrestlers?
Not a chance.

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I guess pretending to cut someone with invisible swords for years on end can get tiring.

The implication is that, without any of the normal senses, he'll develop a sixth sense, kind of like an ultra-instinct

Perhaps he'll be able to "see", and "hear", through his skin


Could Doyle Ultra-Instinct defeat Jiren?

>Could Doyle defeat
lol no.

But he jobbed.

The biggest bullshit is still the fact that Yujiro care about Black representation andwar victims.

I still find it hard to believe we're trying to pull that these normal ass Sumos are going to be Yasha Ape tier, let along Baki Gang tier.
Wasn't the whole thing about the Underground Arena that even Athletes among Athletes were fodder for the lower tiers?
We're starting to hit Dragon Super 'Roshi being able to fight Tien while mind controlled' levels of 'Power Scaling? HA!'

We were also taught that Hanada was a threat across the course of several chapters. He didn't even end up fighting. You never know with Baki.

Sachihoko looks like Sukune but tanned.

this manga makes me want to do steroids

there were no foot/feet donors at the time.

isn't that the MO for baki? new guy gets humbled and becomes a baki bro.

So are they going to clone Doppo a new eye?

Little kid has impressive stamina, it takes a lot of energy to standing wrestle someone who weighs more and is taller then you


so what if the rikishis actually do better than the kaiohs (win/loss and overall performance)?

From some of the things I've seen so far, Itagaki did some very deep research into sumo.

There are records of a rikishi in the 1700s going by the shikona "Shachihoko" (albeit under different kanji) who is listed as one of the ten rikishi to have ever defeated Raiden, the semi-mythical rikishi who is known to sumo enthusiasts as the greatest 'historical' rikishi of all time. Because Raiden was never promoted to yokozuna, his name is included on a yokozuna historical list thing under the alternate title of "Unrivaled Rikishi". So, all this may be Itagaki's roundabout way of telling us, in a word, that this particular guy is truly strong.

Shachihoko is the one on the right in this image.

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why hasn't any one beaten some respect into this pompous old fuck yet?

Don't you know that Orochi Doppo's hands are worth more than diamond?

>165 cm
But Hinomaru taught me that's too short.

Don't see it happening.

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they came to him (underground arena) and he's an enabler.

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Is it gay if you masturbate using a arm transplant?

only if he screams out retsu's name.

but an arm transplant, THAT's some out there stuff

Pretty much, I'm still waiting though

double arm transplants are possible in real life.

no they're no, even hand transplants are extremely rare and most do not last

I think it sums up Baki pretty well.

>this manga makes me want to do steroids
They are all natty !


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Someone change this to a Monster Zero

get out from here

Strong is Beautiful

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So how aren't all these new sumo guys going to get stomped by the main cast Raitai style?
It has been a plot point since day one that normal top atheltes/fighters are way out of their depth in the underground arena.

>how aren't all these new sumo guys going to get stomped by the main cast Raitai style?
Don't you think that's quite the point? What kind of story would this make for if Kinryuuzan *couldn't* reform sumo in the end? They'll show off, get smashed, and the plot will move on to what Sukune and Kinryuuzan want for grand sumo.


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I dunno why you're bumping the thread, but I appreciate your efforts

Fucking what

you know with all the more recent arcs consisting of main characters getting shit on, I'm pretty exited for this arc, I really hope its like the Chinese martial arts tournament where the main characters just dab on a whole type of martial arts

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jack isn't even on the team, its probably going to be old man shibukawa dabbing on fatty sumo with his aiki

>katsumi getting his ass kicked
>suddenly gets possessed by retsu spirit and wins

potential kino incoming

it's the sumo arc, no?

I'm convinced tokugawa is the real fucking villain of this series, everything he does is sociopaths for his own enjoyment, he doesn't seem to care about the death and destruction he causes just to see martial arts fights

>implying that ever stopped Jack before
But yeah, Shibukawa should wipe the floor with everyone

You're just now finding this out? He literally says at one point he runs the underground arena because he loves watching brutal fights.

no I always knew he was a piece of shit, but its kind of odd that not many characters really point this out in any way

I don't think they care. They're battle junkies who just want to fight using everything they've got and Tokugawa gives them an outlet for it

>Sukune is strong because he uses OG sumo where punches and kicks are allowed
>Kiozan Takeru from Kengan is learning that OG sumo was holding him back and he'd be much stronger if he used modern sumo
Who's in the right?

Didn't that happened in kengan asura already?

>tfw eop and will never enjoy baki complete
never gonna make it

Quick Yea Forums ! What is your combat style ?

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I think Reihou is supposed to be inspired by current Yokozuna Hakuho, and maybe Shishimaru is inspired by Gagamaru (big, ugly, xxmaru)

precise/technical striking!

Precise or Agile + Throwing.

What happened to his skeleton?

Hakuho & Enho for sure

Gagamaru I think
Don't know, maybe Asanoyama who is current top Maegashira, but Maegashira is the lowest rank so I'm not sure why he'd even include one
Hopefully Tochinoshin, love that guy. Those stats are absolutely monstrous though. If they're meant to be based off the real person, there's only this freak Orora

No idea, maybe Mitakeumi because they're both Sekiwake?

These are all just guesses though except for Hakuho and Enho, I'm pretty sure about those two

That's what peak efficiency looks like.

>Implying he's not going to imagine even more bones later on and break the light barrier

What if Oliva reacts to the stomping by having an epiphany and takes the Kaku pill? He would just need to eat normally to become agile in like a week.

What if he learns wrestling and challenges Sukune again in a sumo vs wrestling match?

The Strong.
Which in this case would be Seki
Bonus clip, here are a couple of the heaviest sumo wrestlers in history duking it out. It's a really pathetic show. At this level of obesity, there's just no way for them to show any technique or strength, just slow ugly momentum

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>Fast forward to the end of Baki Dou-er
>After badly losing all the sumo guys learn from Sukune ancient Sumo
>Rematches ensue and they beat everyone
>They're about to declare the supremacy of S U M O over every other fighting style
>Suddenly Kinryuuzan's beaten up body lands in the middle of eveybody
>A man clad in full samurai armor slowly makes his entrance
>He's wearing so many weapons that you can barely make up his figure
>He utters one single phrase
>"I'm going to protect you"

Memetobe to the rescue!

he will just let his muscles go and crush his opponent.

Why don't Sumo's lift? strongman and powerlifting training would make a massive difference, hard to believe no one has realised that, even deadlifts would be a huge benefit

You don't think they do?

Sumo training has stayed pretty much the same, they just train Sumo, very little ancillary/accessory training, which I guess makes sense, they're training for sumo not powerfliting, but I think the gains they would make even with a deadlift centred program would make a huge competitive difference.

Baki series really needs a spin-off about Jack. How his life began and his rise to power.

More gaidens would be cool. I could see a Shibukawa one doing pretty well.

That's what Tokugawa thinks anyway
Retsu's spirit is actually going to possess Katsumi through his arm and he's going to go full antagonist, killing Tokugawa once for all

He's like Vegeta, a jobber but beloved by the fans so this just gets ignored most of the time even in-series

this is the perfect opportunity to get jack a win plz itagaki

Let's rock and roll.

God nothing will top the memetobe bullshit ride

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I swear most people, including myself, would've dropped Baki on Dou if not for the tremendously absurd memetobe antics.

Ah yes defiling more corpses now

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Why don’t they just give Retsu’s ribs to Oliver, eyes to Doppo, teeth to Jack? This way there will be no more cripples in the Baki universe

And why is Tokugawa such a double standard hypocrite?

>fix all injuries by giving them various parts of retsu

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Newborn Retsu looks very...manly. He's going to be a strong kid in the future.
Ok, jokes over. First, what the hell am I seeing? Second, If Retsu is dead why don't they hire that shaman grandma and clone his body so she can put his sould inside it?

Aww man.

pretty much. For them they enable them to fight for glory, and to Yujiro Tokugawa is essentially the finest chef in the world, preparing such delicacies as Pickle and Musashi, I still believe that's why he actually went out of his way to inform Tokugawa of his disease.

It’s what Retsu will look like when Tokugawa give his body parts out to all the crippled Baki characters.

This shit is hilarious out of context.

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baki dou was all-around good though save for the absurdly long and unnecessary musashi rampage versus the police. And the fucktarded ending. And the way they did Jack overall especially having him lose to Motobe who should have been reduced to a pancake with bone fragments in it when Jack was barraging him against that tree.

It’s ridiculous even with context

It's an old japanese meme where they rearrange post Pickle Retsu in various ways, there's a few of these floating around the internet.

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Father, behold the might of 3000 years of Chinese martial arts!

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Reminder than Jack has access to Aiki that is on a similar level to Goki's. He used it to finish off Goki in the maximum tournament and then again to send Pickle flying into the stands. He's also no doubt mastered other techniques just from watching and is too much for any fat sumo wrestler to defeat.

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Reminder that he's now just a meme druggy bitey man and not much else

still my fav character though

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Chinese meme

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The future of Baki universe

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holy shit that was amazing

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I'm calling the fucking police

What the fuck

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What have you done?


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