Why are white haired anime characters always the best boy/girl of their show?

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I love Emilia.

Someone has too.

grey hair/reverse trap is best in that series but if we're anime only then pink is best

>best girl

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Do russian girls have white hair?

Having the main girl bea bit of a villain worked wonder. Too bad the hiatus means we'll have to wait some time before seeing her winning.

You're a gentleman and a scholar.

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Most of the time, yes. Cunt Silver? No.

Not always... Like in High School DxD, the white haired girls are actually the worst characters.

They're both better than Asia so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

You take that back Rossweiss is a precious cinnamon bun

She doesn't deserve it

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What? Pink girls are the most cucked

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>Pink is best

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that goes without saying my man

I can't make up my mind. I really like equally girls with Silver, blonde and Dark black hair.

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You posted an exception.


good boi griffith is a true fren who did nothing vwrong

Who isn’t though. Asia ruins that show for me.

Good question but they’re always attached with the word based for some reason.

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White hair as a character design trait usually goes alongside a particularly unique background, or being the only pessimist among the heroes.

Both are nice.

That silver hair you fucking mong. Actual best girl has actual white hair.

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I think you'll find that it's green, user. Green haired characters are always the best girls in their respective franchises.
Green > black > blond > white > blue > red > brown >>> pink

Yukarin JoJo-memer is best girl but did she win the mcbowl?

I've noticed this as well. Could it be genetic?

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Best girl!

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