So Yea Forums, you can solve this, right?

So Yea Forums, you can solve this, right?

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No not really

Honestly since its summer I doubt most of the board can

my ti-nspire cx says it's 16


Not anime or manga, also narutard shit

Putting stock in Yankee public schooling paying dividends

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Just steal the answer key while everyone is trying to figure it out. That's what a ninja would do.

h-hey you fiend frog posting isn't allowed on Yea Forums

Math threads go to


why does everything belong to Yea Forums

>people tripped up by a division sign that is completely irrelevant to anyone out of elementary school

Everything goes in Yea Forums.
Yea Forums is just a containment board for anime

Trust me I'm engineer

I'm a little girl, math is too hard to me

1 for cool kids

Is the answer 1?

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Because it's the best board on 4channel.

It’s 40 you fucking idiots

Dyslexics go home

It says so dumb asses, it's "?".

Go back to school, retard. You don't write the equation that way.

The fuck are you talking about moron?

Haha fooled you, I did it wrong on purpose to make you reply, and you did. Now you have to pay me reddit gold.

Alright seriously, do Amerifats really shart in the mart and actually think that the answer should be 16?

pemdas niggas


Not amerilard but you have to solve:
1. Parenthesis
2. From left to right

This is a bedmas board

Attached: Thats some dumb shit you just said.png (655x233, 102K)

Found the euro falseflagger


i bet (((he))) can't solve it

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Muricans are taught PEMDAS in Elementary.