Post orange characters

Post orange characters

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Why does a soldier need to wear a corset for?

If I removed it, would she die?

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She is injured.

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Attached: QiWn1.jpg (800x600, 69K)

No, but it would be extremely lewd.

She's a big girl


For you, onii chan

My penis rises

Attached: Hibikis.png (2079x605, 607K)

Was getting lewded apart of your plan?

If you wanted a Witch thread, just say so.

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Of coursh

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Salami is hottest Amaburi

Minna best girl.

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Mah nigga

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Orange sucks, pink is better

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>To keep her old injuries from flaring up while dogfighting she wears a special corset made of magically woven fibers.

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lol fuck off

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Good, I would have been rather upset if this hadn't been the first answer.

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was he, dare i say, based?

I thought she doesn't grow any bigger

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Karlsland witches - best witches.

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Cute blonde Karlsland witches are best witches.

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oh my, little Katyusha is all grown up

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I want to live in Hartmann Reich. Also, nice butt.

Attached: Orange Pekoe.jpg (981x1462, 109K)

Cute boy.

good answer