Post the worst manga/anime you've read to completion

Post the worst manga/anime you've read to completion.

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Rent free and seething


Hunter x Hunter


Bleach, because op is a faggot. It's fucking shit like other shonen shit.

I couldn't hear you over the sound of Kubo's cock in your mouth.

I couldn't hear you over the sound of the money counting machines counting the money I saved up from living in you head rent free

For all of the bullshit Nurutu got handed to him and how out of place those powers were, he at least looked semi neat. Ichigo looks like a fanfiction knock off

probably Abunai Sisters: Koko and Mia

What went wrong?

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...This doesn't work when you read with your eyes.

The ride was wild but the ending ruined all of it.

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I don't like wearing glasses at home so I use a text to speech program.

I remember fapping to a ecchi manga that had nothing more risque than panty shots, it was about cheerleaders or something.
Does that count?

Third thread you've made today, yep it sure is summer.

I feel bad saying this because it'll always have a special place in my heart, but I finally watched the entire series as an adult instead of in my childhood memories and it was actually abominable.

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Prison school.

I was going to read Aria so I started with Aqua and it was nothing like I was expecting and it killed all my desire to read Aria. I wouldn't say it's bad, I just didn't find it enjoyable and it managed to get past my ability to generally find stuff I'm going to enjoy reading. Worst anime is a tossup. I almost didn't finish the first season of Fairy Gone but Texhnolyze, like Aqua, seemed like something I would like and then I really didn't enjoy it at all.

It's extremely rare that I actually actively dislike something. I usually just find it uninteresting.

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for one false advertisement in making us believe akame was important

>when even the ones in this thread that are actually bad are only a harmless type of bad

I'll show you real shit

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But regular Medabots was fine, it's when you get into Spirits that it goes to shit.

I stopped reading this ages ago. I don't mind being spoiled if it's that shit. What happened?

was there a single likable character in this series?

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wasn't rent-free enough to prevent it getting cancelled

more like FLOP amirite?

That one was shit, but it can always get worse. I don't remember what it was called, but there was that one manga where a guy can brainwash woman by showing them a tattoo on his ass, and is eventually forced to brainwash his girlfriend to stop herself from committing suicide as a result of all the rough NTR sex she went through with some douche. He can't have sex with her either because that will lift the brainwashing.

How did it end?

Chaosic Rune. Though I dropped k-on one chapter before the end.

>To completion

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I know the manga you're talking about but didn't know that last development. damn
I swear there are manga created specifically to piss people off

>nothing happen for 200 chapters because author is a hack
>All girls are shit expect Yui who's designed to be a loser
Unironically didn't care about who would win, kept going because of sunken cost fallacy

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it just has so much edge that you eventually get numb to it. People say that the manga is better than the anime since the MC doesn't just forgive her for killing his sister, but you have to go through repetitive killing just to get to the end.

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Yeah, they stopped translating it pretty much around the NTR stuff, so all you could do is read the raws and look up summaries. It was fucking terrible, and I can't imagine how you could live like that without just killing yourself. Literally blue balls for life.

Golden boy manga

I guess Kintaro was always treading the line between awesome relatable underdog and preachy mary sue and the series went straight to the latter before ending with an acid trip

i couldnt force myself to finish it or watch the anime
i can guess who won but who did?

Which part?
and you better not reply part 7

just seemed like a generic rom-com to me
at least there wasn't any NTR

Main villain gets cornered by everyone but succeeds in his plan to become God. He erases every timeline and character to create his perfect world. Best girl is one of them. Only like 6 six people are left, including MC and his childhood friend MS, that future kid and his MS gf, and two others. They are basically "forced" into an "Adam and Eve" situation and fuck to eventually produce a descendant that can beat the villain. Except that was pointless because Villain finds then anyway and they beat him themselves a restore a "fixed" timeline with MC sacrifice. Last scene is the childhood fired MS, her and MC's kid, and the rest of the cast paying respects to his grave.

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Chitoge because Onodera felt bad for her

I feel that whenever the phrase "Adam and Eve" is mentioned in a manga you know it's going to jump the shark

It was garbage, the new sword turned out to be pointless and it just reverts back to its old form.

I wonder why the Author hated the main character so much that he just kept him in a constant state of suffering?

because otaku are the scum of the Earth and deserve suffering

So the author hates himself?

Reborn and some other heap of crap from shonen jump. I don't read any manga from that mag anymore.

What happens to Titty-chan?

Married the doctor guy and had a kid.

Yes hxh ended at the tree. Togashi himself said it.

Elfen Sneed

Worst manga- Bleach
Worst anime- toss up between franxx and last exile

That's actually a good thing, considering how bland, boring and insipid she turned out to be.

>he at least looked semi neat.

>to completion
It would have to be that one. I tend to drop shit very quickly. Bleach I started too young and got too invested.

Durara (although I saw the dub so maybe it was just a shit translation job that made it even worse) or Darling in the Franxx

Hidan no aria was god awful

Pic related was also very dissapointing.

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Deathtopia. Looked like it had potential early on, but after a few chapters even a tastelet would see through the bullshit. The only reason I finished it was because I was already halfway through the story, so I might as well power through

>source: my ass

Hearing about SM reminded me of this.

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Revenge Classroom
just what the fuck

I genuinely believe the author lost his mind halfway.
It was the fun kind of bad thought

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Ended pretty unsatisfying and really had nothing to it other than it's (not even that original) premise.

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>to completion

Saint Seiya Omega.
What a fucking waste of time that was.

really? later arcs were shit but the first half was kino as fuck

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What a garbage followup

Your pushing the half. That was like a third. The Kyoto arc was a complete mess and by the end the author felt like he wanted to move on. Even the art deteriorated.

The heavy suit is one my favorite designs of all time though

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that one with the prehistoric animals on the island and it turned out time travel was involved or some bullshit

This piece of shit.

Started out okay and lighthearted, but when the master took the spotlight and suddenly became paragons of justice just to contrast yomi, it went full retard.

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wait no I take that back


God this went from pretty good to fucking God tier trash in a few chapters
Never seen a manga shit the bed as much as this one

This is by far the worst thing I've ever read to completion. And for anime, I really despised Noragami S1.

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Bleach definitely, I rarely finish shitty stuff, but a combination of nostalgia and very quick to read chapters made it possible with Bleach.

I've never hated being right in the first fucking chapter so much.

I remember growing disinterested and dropping it halfway through the arc after the mission where everyone but MC died. Wouldn't say anything about it was kino, it was quite a generic edgefest.

i bet togashi just never wants it to finish so he doesnt have to write an ending
he should just man up and just drop it himself

What's the story here?

>expect a fun light hearted comedy based on the description
>it's just a fuck you from the author every few chapters.
the MC got fucked by the author like 20 times

Man, I remember that shit show. What a terrible thing, death games are just shit.

>money counting machines counting the money
Not even that user but jesus are all bleach fags this retarded?

I was happy that bitch died. Only character more useless than Sakura to ever exist in history.

Just a bafflingly poor attempt at a death game mystery.


At least the last chapters gave us quality pages like this

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Honestly, probably this.
I dont think I've finished a series with as many dropped or forgotten plot points and chekhov's gun violations. The pacing was ass and it doesnt help that it was forced to it's end leading to it's further shittiness.

Its spiritual successor, Judge, is just as retarded with one of the most asinine plot twist I've ever had the displeasure of reading. Yes even more retarded than Doubt's.

Death Game are a goldmine for pieces of shit like these it seems, Ousama Game comes to mind. The threads when the anime aired were fucking hilarious though, I'll give it that.

>Yes even more retarded than Doubt's.
Please, spoil it.

Cope retard

The main character himself is the mastermind.
The problem with this is that the author probably shoehorned that twist in at the last second since from the beginning we follow the MC's steps,see how he behaves and hear his thoughts and he's just as baffled by the events that unfold as everyone else. It's the only explanation I can think of for such a spectacular display of writing incompetency.

But it gets better: he gets betrayed at the end anyway and killed by his crush (who was an accomplice) because she knew that he was indirectly responsible for the death of his big brother (whom she was dating) because he held off a call from her to his bro on purpose so he could spend time with her, which resulted in him getting killed by a truck by complete accident. It really is just as retarded as it sounds.

Some axed shit. Probably Tora Kiss.
I wish I could explain why I finished that awful, generic manga and why still remember it, but I can't.

tales of demons and gods
solo levelling if it doesnt improve soon

>the guy that can't bother releasing new chapters of his manga despite being in the middle of an arc told you that it's already finished