So, what is goblin slayer about?

So, what is goblin slayer about?

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It's the story of a hard-working farmer trying her best to seduce the mysterious hero

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Autistic pest control man learns how to play nice and make friends, mostly because the help him kill pests more efficiently.

Ordinary man trying his hardest to becomes a man worthy enough for the mary-sue Aryan girl.

Attached: that girl is the babu.jpg (1282x339, 231K)

Cow Girl indeed.


It's about slaying goblins, what else?

Its about a social inept guy nicknamed goblin slayer who only kills goblins or really big goblins. He does this while obtaining the power of friendship and PTSD


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Elf x Priestess is canon. I see Goblin slayer going for sage.

I wonder?

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I need this.

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>So, what is goblin slayer about?
That's a matter of perspective

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That's pretty much it.

He slays goblins

But what about year one, daikatana and the trpg replay?

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its fucking boring. dont bother with it, unless you got a fetish for tiny green men raping anime bitches.

Stupid elf got it all backwards.

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Just like in your pic, the main series is about both of them & how they change each other.

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It is a show about slaying

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It's about a man with a tragic past learning to value his own life again through the help of his friends.

it's about the friends he made along the way

That's sounds like berserk.

rape and cute girls suffering horrible fates.

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And then the shaman and all his goblins died drowned.

What if all the goblins originated from the Jura Tempest Federation???

based Priestess.

Personal crusades are inherently self-destructive, and it is okay to ask for help when you need it.

Why does... she talk... like... this...?


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PISS. Nice and warm piss.

Maybe the real Goblin Slaying were the friends we made on the journey?


Attached: My little GS.jpg (376x1267, 309K)

Opium. In her pipe. She's a bit spaced out.

To keep from accidently casting a spell. If you slip up once, your order for coffee can turn into public CBT session

Judge Dredd 1200AD.

obliviously building a haram and being a well loved badass. Generic self insert isekai-type bullshit

lifelong f2p faggot finally makes a party with paytowin faggots

It's an allegory of how we are being overrun by subhumans (brown people) who rape their way throughout our lands and the necessary struggle we must engage in to beat them and their (((masters))) who spawn them back with impunity

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Killing green midgets & watching rainbow with Priestess.

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The deep intrigations of the human condition and what it means to truly be human.
Are these goblins really that different from us, or aren't they rather the mirror to our rotten self? Is the govlinslayer a metaphor for the Over-I gaining dominance over the IT?
Or is it just about slying goblins?

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It is about a man set on vengeance trying to become more human and sociable.

Also, the show demonstrates how elves in anime fell from grace.

Make Anime Elves Great Again!

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I only see an improvement in your pic.

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A guy who slays goblins

More like medieval Batman/Punisher.

>Also, the show demonstrates how elves in anime fell from grace.
I would love to see an anime about Feanor.


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it's a bait&switch generic fantasy that tricks you into thinking it's some sort of serious anime but inmediately changes to a dumb harem generic fest with some dense "autistic" mc.

Cultural enrichment.

Anyone know if the incantations are in Latin (Ogre and Mages)?

A slow & long therapy session, with the therapist girl is slowly spiraling into the madness.

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Honestly this is a good anime. Waiting the second season.

Goblin Slayer is about providing an easy litmus test to determine who you should listen to when it comes to criticisig stories based on whether or not they can recognize when a story has to go to extremes in its depictions of the antagonists evilness in order to make a fairly distant and baby-killing, morally and psychologically dubious main character a likeable, identifiable figure.

Unfortunately not about murdering goblins anymore

people with low social intelligence

its about Halo playing Runescape after shool

Orcs and ogres.

What's important is the deep message: A man consumed for sadness and vengeance

If this thread died, I'll make thread dedicated for pic related.

She so beautiful, truly the bestest of girl and the one worthy of Goblin Slayer dickkings.

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Someone post that priestess dojin you know the one

snakes on a plane

Elves were always shit tier

that elf ruined the series with muh adventure bullshit

Remove knife-ears. They are only one step above Goblins and if we wiped out all Goblins, we should move onto Elves next.

You did order GS figma and nendo right user?


Did that already get axed?

But both work I guess

It's about a goblin that is a slayer.

shes perfect

No, the manga was put on hiatus but it will continue with a new artist and that pic is from the novel.

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>new doujin
>more goblin rape...
Fucking nips

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Goblin genocide.

Goblin Slayer is about the eternal fight against the "conventional, petty" evil, a thankless job that no one wants to do. Goblin Slayer, the protagonist of the story, is a machine driven to killing all goblins using all means possible, of which can be monstrous. He's someone driven to this singular goal, and all other things such as companionship will always take a backseat, which is detrimental to his humanity. This is why he's often compared to being a Goblin.

But the story is not about whether he will become a goblin. It's about whether he will abandon his close-mindedness and open his eyes to the world around him. To expand his horizons and find his own humanity. If he does not, then he will continue to kill goblins until he himself will be overwhelmed one day and be destroyed by them.

Also getting that nice 15 year old Priestess puss

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Not enough rape

Yeah, Deedlit ruined Lodoss.

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They make what they want.

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This. If you really want the disgusting, absolutely hideous vanilla stuff then you gotta make your own

This is why I've taken to writing smuts

Yes, the spells are in some derivation from latin while the miracles are in english.


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It's about a blonde girl healing a broken man to make him a good husband for his childhood friend.

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>But the story is not about whether he will become a goblin.
That's why it's bad. In a story like this, the natural conclusion should be that the goblin slayer will naturally become a goblin himself.

That is the "bad ending" outcome of this story. Right now it feels too early to draw to any conclusion that can be close to accurate, so that is a possibility. IF Goblin Slayer doesn't change and rejects the friends he has made to continue on his lonely quest of Goblin eradication, then he will continue to draw parallels to being a goblin, and he will be overwhelmed by them

It’s a masturbatory power fantasy for loners. The central concept of this story is that other adventurers look down on the Goblin Slayer for only taking jobs exterminating weak monsters that no one takes seriously, which flies in the face of what the grave danger we're shown that these goblins present. Inexperienced heroes getting caught off-guard by the horrors of trying to face goblins doesn't work when we've already seen how clear it should be to any adventurer worth their salt that there's plenty of danger to the prospect of confronting a goblin horde. It makes the lack of regard that the denizens of this world have for goblins and the Goblin Slayer come off as arbitrary, just to force him into the role of misunderstood loner.

This brings me to my major takeaway from Goblin Slayer so far. So much of it revolves around playing up a misanthropic power fantasy. The hero is looked down upon by society at large, but he gets to be an unstoppable badass in his chosen role of goblin-slaying. The elaborate social revenge angle is hilariously palpable in one scene where he's being mocked by other adventurers, and you can practically hear the story bitterly seething over whatever graphic goblin-based fate should befall anyone who doesn't respect this underappreciated badass. At least he's understood by his cute companion Priestess who helps him slay goblins, his cute childhood friend who loves being protected by him, and the cute Adventurer's Guild clerk who doesn't judge him for taking goblin-slaying jobs. Goblin Slayer isn't subtle about pandering to the fantasies of its target audience.

>That is the "bad ending" outcome of this story
It's more poetic that way. The man who lives by the sword should die by the sword. It just doesn't feel right for someone who spends his entire life indulging in massacres and vengeance to have a happy life in the end.

You just described all light novels in existence though.

If I were capable, I'd probably do the same. It's more likely I'd keep wasting time and not do it then either.

That's the tricky part. Goblins aren't seen as having humanity, because they're not human. In fact, Goblin Slayer is RIGHT to kill the children, because they will still grow up to be monsters. We've already been shown stills of Goblin children also partaking in killing, like the Goblin Lord that tried to attack the farm killing an adventurer when he was just a kid

why hasn't anyone called her out on her fucking bullshit yet?
she's a whiny piece of shit for the sake of being a whiny piece of shit

Attached: whiny brat.jpg (505x347, 65K)

Because the dwarf is already a nice counterweight to her bitchiness

Opening diplomatic relations with the fine upstanding citizens of the goblin empire.

>Goblin Slayer is RIGHT to kill the children, because they will still grow up to be monsters
Because no one ever tried to guild them to the right path. You would also turn into a monster if you had witnessed you entire family killed and spent your entire childhood hiding from your enemies.

doesn't change the fact that she's an annoying piece of shit with arbitrary bullshit rules about what muh adventure should be
someone should call her out on her fucking bullshit

That's the thing though. You can't equate the Goblins to humans because they're not human. They're monsters. And we still haven't been shown otherwise that they can have a sustainable society that can coexist with humans, because their very being clashes with that. You don't have goblin women, so they have to seize the means of reproduction from other species You don't have goblin intellectuals (other than shamans), so they are always stealing shit, unless taught by someone else to do them. They take pleasure in sadistic acts, such as rape, murder, torture, etc. They are MADE to be monsters for the purpose of the story.

that's not a word

I've literally only seen it through gelbooru so I have to assume it has something to do with monster rape and archery

kek but no

>. You can't equate the Goblins to humans because they're not human. They're monsters. And we still haven't been shown otherwise that they can have a sustainable society that can coexist with humans, because their very being clashes with that.
You realize that's what European colonialists said to justify the enslavement and massacre of Africans, right?

We really should have listened to them.

You are equating goblins to people when they are clearly meant to equate to cockroaches that are capable of raping humans
What are you, some kind of goblin sympathizer?

why are her nipples erect, the fuck?

That was simple Imperialistic rhetoric made to justify the colonization of their countries. But in Goblin Slayer, this is fact with the Goblins. You're still trying to find good in Goblins when the story has never shown them to have any. I'm not myself saying that Goblins in the story WILL always be evil, but that's how they're presented as for the purposes of the author.

Never relax.

All I'm seeing is a good reason not to try to enslave goblins.

I hadn't seen this pasta since the anime ended.

>You are equating goblins to people when they are clearly meant to equate to cockroaches that are capable of raping humans
Unironically, that's also what Europeans thought of Africans not so long ago. If one day a goblin civil right era comes to that world, Goblin slayer will be regarded as one of the most vile figure in history.
>that's how they're presented as for the purposes of the author.
I agree. The author is really a bigot.

Because you need to listen to most experienced member of the party.

Attached: Experienced elf.jpg (221x332, 61K)

>If one day a goblin civil right era comes to that world, Goblin slayer will be regarded as one of the most vile figure in history.
This taste...
It's the taste of a /pol/fag!

>If one day a goblin civil right era comes to that world
Okay let's stop right there. You keep making this goblin == African comparison. Are you saying Africans are a bunch of thieving rapists like this breed of fictional goblins?

It's about appreciating the little things in your life.

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She really is the most beautiful, Priestess doesn't even come close.

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I see

Stop saying that!

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dumb maki sue, hope she gets gobbed in the end

Needs more goblin murder.

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Is that so?

Nah, she just fuck off, never to be seen again. She leaves her house and shit to GS who immediately sells it.

Wait, where is this character from? Never seen her or remember her from the Manga

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This and goblin rape.

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Righteous genocide

Delete this.

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How kind of priestess to be the nurse for high elf archer's baby.

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It was really nice of her to put aging on hold for five centuries just so Elf Brat can form a family.

She's morbidly obese and constantly winded, she just has a magic corset that makes her look thin. Lancer will have a big surprise on his wedding night.

Post them.

>woman fattens up as soon as she's snagged a husband
A tale as old as time.

She is the ultimate cuck after all. Imagine being the main girl all the time just to lose to the childhood friend in the end.

Really nice of Goblin Slayer to halt his aging as well.

He only cares about one thing.

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I know this is pasta, but whoever wrote this and meant it never read it.

Speaking of Lancer and Witch

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Who could have guessed that this would happen?

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He really does.

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What the fuck is going on with her shoulders in the last panel there?

>obsession over goblins
>no knowledge of his world outside of his designiated obsession
>social impairements
>highly knowdgable over goblins
>difficulty describing his emotions and understanding them
>Behavioral Disturbances
>Lack of Understanding Social Cues
>Repeating Words or Phrases

Goblin slayer is the only mc in anime/ln that I know of who could genuinely have autism.

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She is obviously excited, don't you know anything about woman anatomy?

>>Expand the world more in 1 volume than the main story did in 10
Truly the best.

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>believing anything that worst girl says

She is literally best girl, though.

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Fucking lost hard to that filename

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Priestess sure is feeding a lot of babies.

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Guild girl will win.

except she's not trying at all

She is going to win anyway.

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God fucking this.
I expected Goblin Slayer to consists of kino cave exploring, constant suspense for any ambushes/unexpected encounters, and brutal Goblin slaughter through unorthodox methods.
But then this bitch comes and fucking ruins it all
Should've gone with Lancer and Witch if she wants an adventure so much.

You realize that in the LN that moment only served to demonstrate how she did not have the courage to tell Goblin Slayer her feelings

t. ringless

an adventurer who is hell-bent on the complete and utter extermination of goblins

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It's about dehumanization of goblinoids, leading towards their genocide.
In other words it's a good story.

She has the ring in the wrong hand.

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Real shit here; this entire story is just some dude's D&D character. Everything from the party system, to the goblins being more of a threat than people think, to the fact that the "gods" attempt to "roll the dice" on characters, except goblin slayer himself, who they cannot roll the dice on for some reason. Goblin Slayer himself is like that one guy's character. You know the one; the guy who plays a pure rogue. The guy is tries to lonewolf it half the time. The guy who never roleplays his character at all. When he gets a perfect roll on an attack, he doesn't play it up; he just says "I attack x creature for x damage". He tries not to rely on his teammates and never roleplays with them. He is a true neutral. Everything around his character is combat because to him, that's what the game is. He plays the game to fight, and builds his character around that. He spends all his gold on throwaway items like oil and rope and shit like that, and improves everything in fights so he can win. He doesn't buy that enchanted ring because he knows he doesn't need it. He doesn't use magic because he doesn't need to, and he always, always, engages every enemy encounter by trying to fight them.

She is absolutely desperate for Goblin Slayer's goblin slayer.

Attached: priestress.png (818x900, 1.02M)

Post the entire thing, iToodler.

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Anyone have comparison shots of the TV version to the BDs?
Did things generally get better or worse?


When does cleric girl become a jaded goblin slayer?

It's the top rated breasts after all, at the right sizes.

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How's the novel going anyway, or it's just harem bait intermixed with random goblin slaying? Any big bad in the distance yet?

>big bad
Go watch your shonen, user.

Why is elf out of the harem? What happened

I mean like an overarching goal of some sort. Else threads like this are just Priestess and elf posting

If you didn't get the goal of the series after the first volume or the end of the anime I don't know what to tell you.

When GS dies, that is the only trigger.

>hurr durr the entire point is he just want to kill gobbo
Then how about he go find and kill the source of all goblin or something. Or was the point that there can be no progress? Is this a SoL now?

>he just want to kill gobbo
You just proved my point, you didn't get it all.

But heroui is for lancer

Level 10: Goblin Fodder
Level 3: Goblin Slayer
That's how Goblin Slayer works

At all*

>Childhood Friend
>Flirty Coworker
>Pointy Ears
>Main Girl
>Christmas Cake

Who will win?

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please respond if not a goblin

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Obviously the priestess, the author is not even subtle about who will win

>Implying it wasn't over since the beginning

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>imagine thinking anyone but CG is in the lead

Attached: cowgirl5.png (731x1018, 399K)

Probably best friend.
I personally like elf the most, but being realistic, it can't be anyone but Cow Girl

I didn't see any big changes in the bd maybe a little more gore in some scenes but that's it.

DM is virtually untouchable. But if you want a permanent solution, Priestess using pray can do anything she likes. It is a bit unclear in the translation, but Haruhi mentions Priestess's pray reach all the way to the God (DM), not deity (Earth Mother), which is a huge deal even by hero standard.
The DM that hears her pray is even the biggest Dungeon Master on the board.

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thank you

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Erufu can have CG and GS son.

ew cowtits is literally worst waifu
erufu is best

Didn't they know they were supposed to add nipples?

i'd remove her with my meat sword

A "How to DMPC" right

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They couldn't add main girls nipples anyway so why bother.

I still would like to know who is responsible for that decision, and what it would take to get some drawn unofficially by the artists.

>Main girl.
>Blonde main girl.
>First girl.
>Most developed girl.
>Develops MC the most.
>Most developed relationship with MC.
>Other girls including CG support her.
>Author's favorite.
>Most popular girl by far.
>Already win in WN with less development.
Yeah, it's Priestess.

Attached: priestess' pristineness is important.jpg (546x383, 73K)

Idk my personal taste is:
Elf>Guild Girl>Sword maiden>Cowtits>priestess
but cowtits will probably win over goblin slayer because he openly rejected sword maiden, priestess is his apprentice and kind of a little sister to him, elf is just too tsundere and he likes her the least from his party and he isn't interested in guild girl. On the other hand he goes out of his way to save cowtits and lets her get close to him. In summary goblin slayer has bad taste.

GS author and mangaka are going to be here so go and ask them.

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Obviously some people are more human than others by our standards.
If something is only capable of interacting with your species or race through rape then you are completely justified in killing every single one of whatever it is.

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Someone should.

According to the WN Notes, if GS was a girl, he would be an expy of Homura, yes, that Homura.

Goblin Slayer is about Priestess' journey from would be player character, relegated to npc, to eventually being elevated to player character again told from the perspective of a supporting cast member.
The premise of 'how would a normalfag cope with being in a world filled with literal mary sues' is frankly a lie.

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There's his home & there's the girl that he looks forward spending time with & gets lonely when he isn't.

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I wish I could see the rapefags faces now that GS threads are now shipping wars.

None of them...MAYBE Priestess. I have a feeling each of them will die which will cause Goblin Slayer to go batshit insane even further just when he was trying to restore his humanity and not live a life of revenge. One by one they'll die and Goblin Slayer and Priestess will somehow decide to blow up the moon together. Either someone left in the group decides to take Goblin Slayer's armour due to the moon fallout being powerful enough to piss people off enough to put a bounty on him to keep the legend alive or the legend dies with Goblin Slayer and Priestess on the moon.

Year One anime when? Because it's going to happen eventually, right?

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Is more probably that GA dies and Priestess becomes GS2...and eventually God Slayer. Seriously, that girl is getting warped, her own dense brain causes her to have bipolar episodes and if GS is not around she starts to act like him.

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The night came and he is playing with his dark elf boy.

Attached: Dark Elf.jpg (980x510, 425K)

That's the real reason he needs to die.

What if post-death Priestess starts worshiping Goblin Slayer as some sort of deity and it makes him strong enough to kill other Gods?


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>the moon.
Is him going to be there?

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The fuck is this?

Is this the girl that got rapidashed by goblins?

it's inevitable, whitebois. goblin master race

No unless the moon comes there first

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Which part do you not understand?

I can't wait for the day she loses even with all that.



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He is not dense, just insane. If you are direct, like that arcmage bitch with her teasing, he understands, but CG and GG are so pathetic that every single on thier moves is indirect and misses his brain.

Spearman algo got a figure.

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shit man, show, got mine on the way but it'll be a bit before it gets here

Daikatana v1 cover

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early computer RPG anyone?

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Probably Dungeon Master, Kumo is a fan of this game.

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IS the new artist going to redo the first chapters?

>Hmm, how to we make a mature dark fantasy setting?
>idk lol just throw an egregious amount of rape and sex into it like it's a 14 year old's LotR fan fiction

I really like this. It doesn't rely on cheap fanservice or anything but is still different enough to properly convey it as a female GS with the changed armor.

It worked for berserk

about slaying goblins

Just saying that is the LN artist.

N artist. Daikatana is not a light novel.

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Berserk has actual depth though

Not really but whatever.

Will bugman be half as based as lizardbro?
I doubt it

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He will be a corpse, all them but SM will be a corpse when Daikatana ends.

Attached: Its+trash+time+e13+goblin+slayermentionlist+animetrash_e85a90_7218403.jpg (811x910, 148K)

Attached: ohio1.png (448x454, 120K)

Finding out how large her breasts were drawn was worse than seeing the words there.

user The Game ended over a decade ago. It's time to let go.

Requesting translation.

Attached: 75970622_p0.png (1447x2046, 1.22M)


>Going to to the pool with everyone.

>Let's meet at the entrance tomorrow then!
>What's wrong?
>Um, truth is...

>I only have my school swimsuit...
>Don't worry.
>Let's go buy a new one together.

>My old swimsuit became smaller since last year. (It won't fit~)
>Became smaller
>Smaller, smaller, smaller

>Me too!! Mine is so small there's no way I ca wear it!!
>It's so thigh it's impossible!!
>Yeah, sure.

The adventures of Erufu and how she becomes a legend.

Attached: 1543208622728.jpg (739x965, 265K)

its about doing the dirty, shit job nobody else wants to do to make a better society. goblin slayer doesn't care about glory because he is humble. he sees it his duty to take care of people.

goblins could be an allegory for waste disposal and it would still be the same story, really.


Not all Europeans did that. You are doing the same thing as the colonists. Just because Ukrainians have white skin they are guilty of the evils of say, the Belgians in the Congo? What peoples have the Slavs enslaved and slaughtered? Slave comes from the word slav because they were often the victims of that type of evil by brown people.

Extremely late, sorry
It's only a sole Skyrim vanilla smut as of now, since that's one of the fandoms where there's just absolute atrocities in. Find Cold Passion in AO3. I'm actually writing a GS smut that's not actually vanilla, but it is GSxPriestess

>Skyrim vanilla smut
>I'm actually writing a GS smut that's not actually vanilla, but it is GSxPriestess

Pic very much related.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! - 04 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_11.51_[2019.0 (1280x720, 98K)

Spin off

Vol 5 was was released a long time ago but nobody posted the gob slay adventures so I am posting them.

Attached: Gob-slay san1.jpg (720x1077, 344K)

Attached: Gob-Slay san2.jpg (720x1078, 426K)

Carry on.

Attached: 1540787140656.png (822x654, 204K)

>GS and SM are the only chibi characters in the gobslayverse
What did the author mean by this?

Attached: CuteMaiden.jpg (996x388, 66K)

That draw thread was fun


Attached: aa33cd5.jpg (943x847, 113K)

Still at the first draft, but I have the basic description of the entire smut here if you want to read it. As I said before, not actually vanilla, but something different that I wanted to try out.

Attached: file.png (1366x736, 141K)

Goblins destroyed their younger days, as result they are "kids in the head". These 4komas play it as literally and funny.

>Goblin Slayer (As a Goblin)
As expected of Antonio CaballERO.

So Goblin Slayer doesn't fug Priestess?

No, he has good taste.

Attached: Future Canon.jpg (674x516, 218K)

user, why someone who first experience with sex was watching how his older sister was raped to death for three days (and maybe ripped apart and eaten) would have sex so easily? It must be a PTSD trigger for him.

Attached: spreads her legs.jpg (514x656, 69K)

How can she be a priestess while being such a slut?


Attached: DpoHIhVUUAA0jJw.jpg (1787x2048, 385K)

Aren't priestesses usually sluts?

She is a priestess of the goddess of prostitutes.

Attached: 1541538790603.jpg (1275x1850, 1.31M)

>>How can she be a priestess while being such a slut?

Attached: bc9.png (1920x1080, 2.05M)

Attached: 1564013582324.jpg (1280x2887, 454K)

>Festival Priestess cosplay
That was fast.

Attached: EA8LB2FUcAAAXsl.jpg (720x960, 66K)

But she is a pure maiden with two sets of underwear.

Attached: public boner causes.jpg (1500x1061, 251K)

If you dont count the LN then yeah

>Only two
Hope she does laundry often. Especially considering how much of her outfit is white.

I am very disappointed that there is not a doujin where it's bukkake instead of gobguts.

They are both for her harem.

Front page.

>wanting goblin slayer harems


Attached: Goblin Slayer - c033 (web) - p015 [Digital] [danke-Empire]___1553503131.jpg (900x1350, 451K)

I want my vanilla with CG or a LancerxWitch just to see something different

Attached: 1559085194741.png (393x441, 331K)

Priestess needs to stop pissing herself.

Her nipple is too much to the side, though.

Attached: GoblinPisser.png (894x928, 1.73M)

The real answer is that it's a flaw that dnd characters can have. Most people play it as "My character really doesn't want to say the magic words on accident" or "My character thinks everyone else is retarded and so is speaking slowly enough for others to understand"

That is his default answer to anyone asking about that.

Attached: standard.jpg (1082x216, 83K)

>May or may not have made them very happy
So he was being honest.

the fun work tales of a workaholic pest control specialist and the lonely cakes he seduce

Remove the fantasy setting and this is what goblin slayer is all about. I'm not complaining, mind you


To vanquish the goblins, cull them like cattles before you, and hear the lamentations of their younglings

You have no idea what a Mary Sue is.

that is good

no, niggers are far worse than goblins

Attached: 1562666000485.jpg (750x586, 50K)

You don't cull cattle. You breed them for profit.

It's a stereotypical harem anime disguising itself by with a little bit of rape (that never happens to the main girls) and a little bit of edgyness (but not too much, nothing bad ever happens to the main characters)

What if it's the reverse. What if it's an edgy fantasy disguising itself as a stereotypical harem?

it needs to have something bad happen to the main girls. Otherwise it's just a harem but in a grittier setting.

i think it's about slaying goblins or something

Correct. Why state the obvious?

There is only one. The rest are homewreckers.

Attached: 1557401553210.jpg (517x411, 106K)

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-17 22.32.15.png (1506x852, 1.8M)

Should my next anime to watch be Goblin Slayer or Evangelion?

goblin slayer, Eva is trash user and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

>Liberal as fuck faggot mentality
Pol users may be faggots but we at least aren't liberal.

It is already summer in year one & CG can't even make GS takes off his helmet in home, let alone smiling.
We're not the same Ion storm that made Daikatana

He actually doesn't believe this, he won't stop but he truly wishes it was over.

>1 year after goblin slayer's death

Attached: 1563983646166.jpg (636x957, 271K)

Oh fuck lmao

Are priestesslets born with dumb hats or do they form later?

It's about an armored man violently slaying goblins, obviously.

>Reality doesn't want to play anymore because Priestess' uberautism keeps ruining literally everything he does

The hatlet seeks suitable host & turn it into a new priestess.

Attached: reis048.jpg (1240x1754, 1.06M)

Priestess dipping into warrior will turn her into Lord class, the same as King.

But she is going to do it eventually. And seeing year one it shows that she changed a lot, she can hug hin whenever she wants, something unthinkable for Year One CG.

Attached: 018.jpg (900x1350, 521K)

Priestess is going to heal GS

Attached: 1482178374998.png (849x513, 437K)

Why is gob slayer such an autistic faggot? Why don't the creators want to show us his face?

Attached: 118177[1].jpg (640x354, 76K)

She can't do what matters more, even after 5 years.

This is his face, happy now?

Attached: EA9nv-EU0AAdLCi.jpg (1781x2047, 454K)

Goblin Slayer. Eva is a piece of crap.

Can they kill an unkillable wizard?

Attached: EA9srnCUcAAa7Ob.jpg (2048x1536, 473K)


they want to be white so bad. i bet if you asked this dumb slut what D&D was she'd have no idea.


Attached: gob.png (680x729, 196K)

It started, if you are there don't forget to ask the mangaka for more Erufu drawings.

Attached: EA987fSXkAEEE64.jpg (2048x1536, 516K)

Good thing is that she will have all the time in the world to do it.

Attached: 032_1488230097.jpg (1066x1600, 289K)

Attached: 1539007566253.png (850x850, 737K)

Nah, she already loses faith at herself & a mary-sue already did it before the spring even ended.

Attached: .jpg (926x536, 147K)

>This level of delusion.
There is something wrong with priestessfag

slaying goblins

Attached: __goblin_slayer_goblin_slayer_drawn_by_u_ta__sample-d1ef9149120fad1cb3ffa54b211e2585.jpg (850x1202, 239K)

I know but if you are there, ask for Erufu pictures.

Attached: 1555709777564.jpg (4032x3024, 2.9M)

>pictures of worst girl

The mangaka would be more willing to do it if you ask for his favourite girl.

Attached: 1552811515690.gif (400x592, 277K)

No, because nobody answered my initial questions:

>Why is gob slayer such an autistic faggot? >Why don't the creators want to show us his face?

Attached: GoblinPisstress.png (506x526, 264K)

>favorite girl

Well, he didn't smile, unlike at this time.

Attached: 1560126186882.jpg (527x852, 132K)


Attached: 20190217_185841.jpg (580x719, 182K)

>She's even more brutal because she doesn't have a Priestess to hold her back

She will have a Priestess... and a rat slayer.

Attached: 6vv6n9npc4x11.jpg (1008x875, 105K)

Why...not?.. Ne?..
It', don't you think?..

>Implying they'll survive that long

Attached: screenshot0007.png (1920x1080, 1.23M)

>long ponytail
>small chest
Pre-gobbed SM is very cute.

The kid seem to have a good head on his shoulder and recognizes the necessity of pest control. Whether he stays that way is up to grabs

She is the most beautiful but this wasn't "pre".

Attached: CuteSM.png (556x960, 170K)

Kiritsugu face will be better desu
I'm surprised you can swap heads with old figmas

Attached: rape.jpg (500x550, 58K)

kirring gobrins

I have confidence on these rookies. I think they are going to make it.

Attached: Whore.png (420x249, 110K)

How much would you pay?

Attached: screenshot0009.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

She is cute but I am loyal to my GG wife.

Attached: cbb699d.png (1920x1200, 2.55M)

Do I get this?

Attached: 1564329630492.jpg (1536x2048, 394K)

Attached: EA4aY8iU8AAuOMH.jpg (1620x1080, 197K)

Attached: EA4abXHUcAYeAxk.jpg (1620x1080, 228K)

They+Bunny Warrior beat a true vampire under Priestess's leadership.
Priestess larping as GS is more brutal than GS.

Attached: gobfire lit.jpg (1360x963, 1.44M)

Attached: EA4adUaU0AAjevO.jpg (1620x1080, 232K)

Better watch her rut for an ass next time she gets drunk.

Attached: Every dwarf's dream - the perfect anvil to make sparks with when pounding - elf a best.jpg (595x926, 302K)

Attached: EA4afMCU4AING1X.jpg (1200x800, 151K)

She has a knight in grimy armor to look after her when she gets drunk.

Attached: LN_Vol_02-06.jpg (672x960, 72K)

>interested in anything that doesn't involve goblins
pick one

He won't always be there. HIS time will come. Little elf princess thinks she's better than shaman, but he'll get her silent and drunk before she knows it.

Attached: 2380738 - Gangure Goblin_Slayer High_Elf_Archer sfw v3.jpg (460x571, 68K)

Attached: 2380738 - Gangure Goblin_Slayer High_Elf_Archer sfw v2.jpg (541x635, 84K)

Attached: 2380738 - Gangure Goblin_Slayer High_Elf_Archer sfw v1.jpg (679x709, 109K)

>Not protecting girls.

Attached: ehuyju7zhz221.png (580x326, 164K)

Only when girls are attacked by goblins

murdering goblins is more important

nah is like the elf. ruined him for life so he does stupid shit that gets in the way of his true life purpose. will probably be the death of him. what a bitch sister

Where were the goblins here?

Attached: 1556250162678.jpg (900x1350, 490K)

It can work both ways.

Attached: 1564252078023.jpg (900x1350, 633K)

in his black little heart

They will be the doom of skaven's

I am completely ignorant about skavens but in the last year one thread everyone was making a big deal when they were mentioned. What makes them so terrifying?

>Nah, she just fuck off, never to be seen again
How do you know it's not some gobbo that got her?

based SKAVEN SLAYER will gas them all

Because she specifically crosses a magical portal at the end.

skaven are more organized, cunning and numerous

Attached: 1564280643764.gif (607x205, 206K)

He probably can't get hard without seeing a girl get gobbed now.

Attached: EA-18GtWwAAuZhK.jpg (1536x2048, 330K)

>She has a knight in grimy armor to rape her when she gets drunk.

Boku no Pico

>silber rang

Attached: 1551910475269.jpg (337x535, 66K)

Where did she go? The goblin moon?

>based dwarf spiked even her juice boxes

She became another goddess.

Attached: Guild girl will win.jpg (900x1146, 231K)

Warhammer fantasy have "the end times", it was the skavens who "won" against all others factions bringing the end of the world (to start age of sigmar wich give tg a collective mindfart)

Attached: TWW2_SKAVEN_RGB_1080-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 147K)

He can't get hard at all, idiot.

He can, that's how he stroke himself during those three days when seeing her sister get gobbed.

Attached: 71379433_p1.jpg (765x530, 110K)

Is he going to blow up the moon?

A guy who fucking hates goblins

It's a mark of thoughtful yet passionate adventurer.

Attached: James-Tiberius-Kirk-Star-Trek-William-Shatner.jpg (500x615, 44K)

Attached: D_1VEA7UYAA7o6a.png (333x344, 118K)

And the prietess girl when?

She is playing with old men in her church.

Attached: 1547434471175.jpg (627x480, 112K)

Goblin Slayer seems like a real pushover. He'll let anyone tag along with them if they choose to.


New chapter about best girl when ?

Attached: 15567834533.jpg (422x381, 122K)

No playing around, he gets serious when it comes to Priestess.

Attached: DuzeNLiVsAAWQX7.jpg (850x1200, 162K)

When is Goblin Slayer sensei going to teach us the 8 ways to kill goblins silently?

Reminder that the goblins didn't breed with these girls. Truly a waste of meat resources.

Attached: 14.jpg (900x1350, 414K)

But we KNOW that Anvil doesn't wear underwear!

Eh, I prefer the adventurer's guild patch

Attached: NEETpatchguy_Just_The_Base_patchstore_goblinslayeradventurersguild.jpg (894x1061, 284K)

And she didn't wear bikinis until she was forced to.

Attached: LN_Vol_07-01.jpg (2859x2048, 1.24M)

She would have looked so much better in that image naked.

Mmmm... Anvil camel toe... Mmmmm...

Who is the objectively best girl and why it is Guild Girl?

Attached: 022_1490689752.jpg (1066x1600, 313K)


Attached: f501f23a3e96a18d6d8ed8e810e8c30b.jpg (1280x1706, 263K)

>Guild Girl
user... There won't be a Guild Girl after vol. 10.

Now you got me curiosity, tell me your fanfic.


The one on the right is better

Uhh,,, anvil chest mmm perky sex butt,,, sniff sniff,,, cow gurl big udder brrrr,,,,, bury chest dere liek a tresure,,,, guil gurl spanky spanky til she cry like babby,,, want drinq dat priestess pee,,, smell liek gold & need her gobbed,,,)))

Attached: MuhDick.jpg (485x206, 18K)

Can't wait for all girls to be raped and his companions sacrificed

Only in your dreams goblin.

Attached: 1522373342756.png (507x539, 283K)

he has severe ptsd and childhood drama. That's why he acts a bit off; he's just pretty much a hollow dude who doesn't feel anything besides wrath to kill goburinsu

It's the Cow Girl.

Don't worry.

Attached: EA-sWpWVUAYjlhY.jpg (1080x1798, 259K)

Attached: d169aba08dafdf60538f057a11ac36de1543470647_full.png (640x360, 301K)

Attached: 72881711_p0_master1200 elf.jpg (1000x1000, 608K)

Reminder that she is going to get the cover for vol 12.

Attached: Noble Fencer.jpg (924x1631, 224K)

who slut is?

Broken girl for a broken man.

Attached: 002_1550176477.jpg (900x1350, 303K)

Broken record with broken ship.

Why did Goblin Slayer get so popular?

Purveyor Fencer, previously called Noble Girl.

Attached: LN_Vol_05-04.jpg (1434x2048, 359K)


was it gobs?

Memes aside the its a fun story to follow

Because GS was entirely inspired by western fantasy so it was normal for it to become more popular overseas than in Japan. And the controversy also helped.

Attached: 71208733_p0.png (1500x1000, 1.99M)

Yep, was gobbed after her party was wiped.

Don't be rude to GS, user.

>tries to pair him with gobbed goods
Don't be rude to GS, user.

The most important woman in his life was a gobbed good too. I don't think he cares much about that.

Attached: the_gangs_all_here__goblin_slayer__by_jakearmorsmith_dcszj5u.png (2000x2000, 1.75M)

She should follow her example and be gobbed to death. Also, he clearly isn't into whatever appeals you imagine she has. Petite seems more his bag based on Priestess. Flabby brains must make him softer than your waifu's skull.


Memes, rape, and Priestess

Attached: 71335103_p0.jpg (700x1009, 140K)

>whatever appeals you imagine she has

Attached: 1561791211291.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

Attached: Do1w23SV4AAcIxA.jpg (900x636, 91K)

Attached: every time.jpg (1288x4336, 1.14M)

I wish there was good 1/12 bonfire like picrelated, but it's Japan only, and probably not for sale already

Attached: bonfire.jpg (600x600, 39K)

Did she just die or was she killed?

This is false and anime/manga degeneracy.
The goblins in the novels hate pee smell.

Dead only. This is not the yandere route.

So the blonde girl didn't win in the end.

>says some faggot looking thing
GS doesn't approve. Clearly he just has better taste than (You).

Maybe with the nips, they will eat anything as long as she is blonde.

The MC loves her & only her even after she died. The childhood friend cucks herself for free.

Attached: GG.png (906x1610, 516K)

Rate his INT.

Attached: Fool.jpg (412x439, 96K)

so the priestess got gobbed?

Not yet.

>Satan loves Priestess
She can't get more mary sue than that.

That is fucking tragic.

Killing nig- I mean goblins

What's the word for Japanese obsessed with Western Women, like inverse yellow fever

Shit taste

>Beautiful like a sylph
>a goddess
The author may be a blonde lover but even he recognizes who is the most beautiful one.

Attached: 74686912_p0.png (1071x2016, 1.14M)

So any new art from the german con?

Attached: bca2ec69-e608-442e-9c0b-20e4b50df6d0.png (1280x960, 634K)

Lancer & Elf is not the author's PoV. He creates unique ASCII arts for Priestess more than anyone.

It is still the author who called her a goddess despite not being his favourite.

Attached: DpjDoCQU4AASi1v.jpg (1033x496, 167K)

No one's talking about priestess, why did you bring those up?
You reminded me of that user who always brings his "my badAss Shirou" to every topic on Yea Forums even though there's nothing related about it.
Like an elementary schooler hyping up their superhero character that they're looked up to after watching it in the theater.
No offense, but you've been doing that post it started to be noticable.
Pic kinda related, it's you.

Attached: V3IFcMt.jpg (750x1334, 245K)

I wonder if there is any kind of art they the artist would be willing to draw, but not that publicly.

The mangaka draws almost every day and posts it on his twitter but it's mostly precure stuffs or the meme of the moment life Bowsette or Tifa.

I was thinking about an even less dressed elf.

>mfw nowhere as much rape as there should be

Attached: Sad.webm (1600x1600, 3M)

Have the BND version of what you want.

Attached: Erufubutt.jpg (800x523, 262K)

It's less bad than how she looked in the first chapter of it, but not nearly as good as if we had the primary artist draw that. Both the actual and ideal version of that would have been improved with at least elf nipples though.

It is still on topic of beautiful girl? I'm saying if there's a character that is universally beautiful, it should be recognized by the narrator, not the characters. The same as SM.

It doesn't work that way, the narrator is still just one opinion, every other character that calls GG beautiful, there are plenty of them, were made by the same author.

Attached: gs___ligths_by_humbertox1_dd4gpn9.png (1700x2400, 3.16M)

>Both the actual and ideal version of that would have been improved with at least elf nipples though.
She has no nipples. Otherwise they'd be shown during the almost rape.

Childhood friend is not a redhead so irrelevant.

Silly user, Skaven isn't real

That was only stopped due to things like unusual hair placement or a text bubble put where it didn't belong or need to be.

That's what skavens want you to believe.

No, the narrator states the fact, the characters state their opinions.

Not, it is still his opinion specially about beauty.

user I..

Would you a goblin's daughter?

Attached: LN_Vol_10-01.jpg (2857x2047, 569K)

>Bump Limit

Attached: 1556479733633.gif (514x490, 71K)

Better? It even has two moons & FATE deniers.

Attached: Leena.jpg (200x650, 34K)

Cute Erufu, that's the reason I love when threads reach bump limit.

Attached: 1557165084792.gif (540x304, 1.61M)

Chrono Cross is not real...

Why is she wearing lipstick? what fucking slut.

It's called lips, user.

Attached: D6v-4UQW0AMMI-B.jpg (1055x1497, 105K)

She ugly.

Attached: 75467252_p0.jpg (2270x3507, 640K)

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Attached: Best.png (1627x2370, 3.76M)

His personal opinion is in his blog, as far as story concerned, the story teller/narrator is always right, the characters can be wrong.

So you're just contradict yourself on your post then. Glad we're agree.

Yea, but narrator never said that some girl are prettiest than others. So when you said priestess is the most beautiful because the author said so was founded untrue.
Because he never stated anything like that. If he said he like priestess best, it means that's an opinion on his blog, not in the story.

Attached: SAVE_20190722_123837.jpg (154x138, 10K)

Beauty is subjective so he can't be right about it, otherwise every character should be in love with Priestess even Lancer.

Not at all. In his blog & by narrator, GG is nothing special.