Watamote Chapter 162 (Raws)


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【谷川ニコ】私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! 喪505

5ch Archive:

fuck that nip who translate this threads to nihingo
apologise for nankin

But real thread when?

never happened you subhuman chinksect

Is it a Ucchi or a itou chapter ? if not im not going to bother reading it


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>significant page time for both Kouhai and Nemo
That and Miho and Miho's hot new friend is letting me overlook forced-ass Fuuka and lack of anything for Akane again.

OP here, thanks for your continued service, senpai. Most of the time I'm too lazy to find and link the proper 5ch/futaba channel threads.

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Did Fang put on some weight?

Salty about cute kohai so she does her usual creppy shit

It's a Shizuku/Yuri/Nemo chapter with a bit of Ucchi and shity Fuukashit thrown in.

How does Nico make Yuri so cute?

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It's a kouhai/Nemo chapter but there's some Ucchi.

Shame on me, had forgotten that it was Watamote Night.

>Tomoko called kouhai by her name
Holy shit
Everyone blown the fuck out

He's cool and I like him. I'm an egomaniac so I like it when my posts show up on the blog.

To be fair, a kouhai legitimately giving Tomoko the utmost respect is ridiculous

Didn't know that Yuri is a Chinese vampire.

Kouhai chapter based

Hirasawa or Shizuku? If the former then it's whatever but if the latter then Yuri is gonna tardrage when she finds out.


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The shoujo filter is real. I wonder what the boyfriend looks like to her

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Is it time for Tomoko's wish to come true?

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Seems like a splendid chapter but there's so much to read and my eyes are bad. I'll have to wait for someone else to decipher everything.

The gist is that Tomoko hasn't made a Tanabata wish. Lots of nice moments along the way, like Tomoko calling her koukai Shizuku by her first name without honorifics and Shizuku being adorably ecstatic about that (I think her wish was to get closer with her senpai (Tomoko)). There's also Fuuka's wish being "I want to touch Asuka's hair". There's more to her thoughts but again, my eyes are bad.

I wanna read it and understand it ASAP. I'm a little disappointed she didn't lose her virginity, though (and I don't mean to a guy necessarily, but it would've been something if she fucked another character before this happened--her wish last year was for sex)

It's a build up to Fuuka's revenge arc.

that's a wish from Tomoko but I can't read one of the kanji and I'm not sure about the grammar


Kouhai basically melts.

So Fuuka got distracted again while writing?

And, did Tomoko write one at the wnd?


I call her Fuukashima because she's fucking cancer.

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>七夕に キモビトのキモいこと この上なし

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Watamote's got a lot of flat girls.

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I can't honestly tell but there IS at least one wish written by her. Something about everyone and voice, I think

Ahh, that wasn't voice?

"I hope everyone's wishes reach you"
She didn't make a wish for herself.

Shizuku here

Holy shit Yuri fucking rekt. It took how long for Tomoko to even remember her name? And Kouhai got the first name within like two months.

Pretty tough chapter for World Three. A lot of cleaning up and translating small text will be required.

yeah, it's a pain but it'll be worth it.

Ogino-sensei needs to help this girl.

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Sasuga Nico

you can feel the fury of the autist

Nemo forced her to write to get a light novel published. Then Nemo made another wish to star in Kuro's LN's anime adaptation.

Her wish didn't came true.

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Ucchi please

for you ESLs that's Kimobito, which is a pun on koibito, which means lover. I unfortunately don't understand exactly what her wish is, though.

I knew it looked like Nemo had one of the best moments.

Shizuku takes the cake though, she is fucking stupidly cute. I really do like her

So she mashed “lover” and “disgusting” into a Japanese pun? I think we’ll need to put the whole word and make a TL note

>Negai this
>negai that
Why do I feel like I already know that word?
ah. same kanji and everything.

Yeah I can't figure out how to combine gross/creepy with lover/girlfriend.

The Cunt of Monte Cristo

To be perfectly honest, I don't like it when Yuri isn't winning.

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MAX-Acting cute

Grossfriend actually fits

I thought about it but personally feel like it removes too much of the romance context

Kimoi Hito (gross person)

You mean JSL?

Of course you like her. You're a guy and she's a succubus playing at being a cute ingenue. She knows what she's doing.

I meant to type EOPs actually. I am very tired.

Oh right, it could be that, since the pronunciation can change based on what it's next to

I don't like it either.

I love it!

I don't like her in that way, and no she isn't like that deer character from Retsuko. I like her because she's a weird mirror of Tomoko who genuinely does have it rough, despite having a boyfriend (unlike Tomoko). Probably most if not all of her guy "friends" just want in her pants, too, and that sucks.

Ah. So koibito is like kono hito or kochi hito? more or less?

But user Yuri is never winning

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In the end it's going to turn out that Watamote was an autobiographical story by Ucchi.

Tomoko just NTRed the guys aiming for the kouhai.

it's literally love-person, and due to...something, the pronunciation changed from hito to bito, as it does here and there in Japanese
I'm not sure what the rule is, if there is one.

reminder that kouhai has a guy already, but they go to different schools

>new girl with Miho is probably this girl from way back in the second year sports festival
I'm surprised by just how deep into the well Nico's able to dig.

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What's the meaning of this?

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That simp has absolutely nothing on Tomochad.

I don't get it, Komi. What's the context here?

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It's called rendaku

chinese zombo

he really is pathetic. I feel bad for him

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poor otaku

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Fuck's the matter with you?

ah. I figured since simple names like "Anata" count as lover names, Koi was just refering to "this". Like, this is the one, or something.

The demon is exorcised, the nightmare is over

Not enough Minami.

Share the pain with Ucchifags.

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so there isn't really a "rule", it's just a thing

Well, fair enough. Languages have those weird quirks

Is fuuka psycosis the new main gag of the manga ?

Nope. Anata isn't "special" either, it's just a common way of referring to a bf/gf or husband/wife. That said you can say anata to anyone. Random example: in Touhou, practically all the characters refer to one another with "anata", and they are almost all huge cunts.

Looks like a fun chapter like I wanted

That's what I meant.


Just like it was with Ucchi and look what happened to her.

He got NTR'd.

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Gekokujou is term for an "underdog" getting an upstart, like the weaker player in a match defeating an already established pro, but the scope isn't limited to sport/match.
In Komi case, it's definitely about her favorite baseball team.

Tomoko’s getting popular with the dudes soon

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her wish, by the wya
>For me to get even closer with senpai
>I'd like it if she called me by my name~

Is that supposed to be a blush mark at the end there?

I like how she abandons them the instant she spots her favorite senpai.

Like no hesitation, by fags

As always thanks the faggot

this user needs sleep badly
way* bye*

What is love? Tomo don't hurt me, no more.

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Can't you not be a cunt about it even once, user

Appreciate TLers plainly, be a sassy chode somewhere else

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Who cares fag, not TL-kun I bet

>So you did have one. What was it? Money. Something lewd? To have violence rain down upon someone?
>...I'm not telling.
She was totally wishing for something bad to happen to Fang.

>It's Asuka and that Kuroki girl!! Is her suspension over?

>She seems to be having so much fun without me!!
>Ever since then, I've been so curious about that incident that I haven't been able to focus on my studies!!

>What did that stuff about Kuroki wanting to touch Asuka's hair mean!?
>Truthfully, I want to chase down those two and ask right away! I want to know!!

>You praying for college, Fuuka? Or maybe a boyfriend?

>>I want to know about Asuka's hair - Fuuka
>A dirty joke!?
>Heh...? Ah! No!!?


Fuuka with the freudian slips

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What ucchi wished for is for "the wish of the two kimobito above her to be nulled" right?

My my how the tables have turned. Yurifags and Ucchifags already goners. Asuka is next. Much like any other force of nature the Kouhai cannot be stopped nor can she be denied. She simply is.

>Fuuka saves Ucchi from Katou by Ucchi-ing Katou

best end.

Just saying, you being a regular shit isn't charming

I didn't realize that the manga was becoming so gay.

>none of the girls are gay
>"wow this manga is so gay"
Stop projecting your faggotry onto things

Yo/u/ are a faggot

>Fuuka literally fantasizes about Asuka's pubic hair
>not gay

Must be really comfortable with your fingers in your ears there, user.

I guess you're the type to go into a muscle man bathhouse and leave with a sore asshole, saying "Gay? What? The fuck do you mean?"

>If I was a guy, I'd totally NTR her from her boyfriend...
>Was I born the wrong gender...?
>the absolute state of Shizuku's "boyfriend"

also this
>If I was a guy, I'd totally NTR her from her boyfriend...
>Was I born the wrong gender...?

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It was probably about reconciliation.

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disappointingly gay

Absolutely not.

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>Miho just writes a dirty wish for her joke.
This girl is low key great and I bet Tomoko would wind up getting along with her. Give her a focus chapter.

A dirty joke for her wish I mean but maybe she'd write dirty wishes too.

Fuuka and ucchi teaming up to get Asuka away from tomoko when

What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger.

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Yurimoko is so dead the person who did those Yurimoko doujins moved to asuka/tomoko

What am I looking at? Just a coloring error?

>Akari and Sayaka

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Their friendship feels way less natural than Nemo and Kuro's as well. But maybe that's because Nemo seems to have good chemistry with almost every character.

As an introverted autist like Yuri I actually find their friendship pretty believable its how I was with my friend in high school

Help a fellow autist, I don't understand what Yuri was trying to do. Was she trying to pussyblock Tomoko with Asuka?

Oh no no no

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>next chapter not until 8/22


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Why does Fuuka still want to know whether Tomoko gorged herself on Asuka's hair? Its none of her business.

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She probably enjoys it

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Because for once Tomoko's right and she's a giant scumbag.

How does Japan work so fast

>All ages
I don't believe you Nips.

She wasn't trying anything. The wind happened to blow a strange way

Damn it

>Miho coping a feel
>Unamed girl grabbing by the hips


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>Nemo doesn't want to protect her virginity
>Tomoko wants to fuck her kouhai, but thinks she needs to be a guy for that
Pretty heterosexual chapter. At least Fuuka is getting the gay for Asuka same way Ucchi ended up being gay for Tomoko, popular girls belong with athletic girls after all.

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That unnamed girl's hot.

The upcoming Fuuka arc needs a lot of preparations.

Nips are fast with the fanart

At this point, Nico has set up Fuuka as part of the “popular” hot girls clique, which Asuka is sometimes a member

Until Tomoko came along and messed things up

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Is this going to end with Tomoko unironically being a trangendered male?
She's literally a man in a woman's body.

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>kuroki writes generic tanabata wish
>nemo is unrealistically clingy to her
Why? Why does Nemo want to be so close to somebody she very clearly has issues with?

Good ship. They are in the proper cast for each other.

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If this happens I will go to both of Nico Tanigawa's houses and rip thier guts out.

I'd prefer if she just owned up to how much she fucks women, rather than stubbornly thinking it's only guys and girls, not guys and guys or girls and girls

You have no friends?

because that's what an anime character would do

Tomoko "saved" her. She also thought Tomoko was fucking with her during the entrance exams. She's basically an enigma to her.

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Damn you're cool, user

Nemo respects Kuroki for helping her get over her own insecurity and is repaying her by helping push forward her life. It is no different than the college trip chapter.

Nemo needs Tomoko to remember her from her entrance exam to pass away at peace. Until that happens she will haunt Tomoko with her clingyness.

She was already broken into being a female when she wore a short skirt. Now her ultimate destiny is to breed.

Not clingy fucks, no.
I haven't ever had anybody who'd do that for me.

Miho looks like a dick

Good chapter but it's pretty annoying that this is literally the closest thing Nemo has gotten to a significant focus chapter in almost a year at this point. And she still ended up sharing it with Shizuku and Yuri and all the rest. Just give me a pure Nemo chapter Nico it's been so long.

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Tomoko is so shonen protagonist dense that she doesn't realize that girls can NTR guys too.

So this?

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She's not even really clingy.

She knows how to needle at Tomoko and Tomoko knows how to needle at her. Like Tomoko pushes her out of her comfort zone by being perverted, Nemo pushes Tomoko out of her comfort zone by forcing for into more "normal" things and closeness. They bother one another because they get along.

Well maybe someone shouldn't have cheated at a popularity poll.

We need Akasaka Aka to come in yet again and wreck shit up so we get another Nemo focus chapter.

I guess I can see that, yeah. Although personally I've never been in a friendship with mutual discomfort being a mainstay.


nice, fuck redditguya

>popular = reddit
pretty sure there's an r/watamote too

go back there then

I'm not from there you dipshit, I'm saying if that's what you think *you* might want to drop Watamote.

Go figure, the shitty website talks about manga and anime.

ok reddit

Bare forehead thick eyebrow girl is always hot

Are you incapable of any sort of comprehension?

If she tried as a girl I don't think Shizuku would say no.

of course she wouldn't

Miho is the sexiest girl in the series. Her design is attractive and her personality seems really fun which just makes her even more attractive. She looks like she would say lewd things and then playfully punch you in the shoulder and call you a fag before asking if you wanted to head somewhere for a quick hand jibber.

Anyone else just stop caring after the Disneyland chapters?

Nigga what? There's no issue at all and Nemo clearly considers Tomoko to be her closest friend after Akane and I don't think there's any real doubt that Tomoko probably thinks of Nemo as a good friend as well. They just banter and shit talk each other like friends do and in fact it indiates a level of comfortability that they're able to do it so casually.

yes, we're all here ironically

He needs to use his powers to give us an Akane chapter.

nemo's sucha great pal

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>All this gate-keeping and unprovoked attacks, and biting the translator of all people

This is why Fang is so well loved on Yea Forums, because compared to some of the louder people on here she's a Saint.

Was anyone mentioning Fang being a saint?

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Who invited you?

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She's missing a shoe. Bullying confirmed?

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At this point Fuuka would go to Comiket just to buy porn

Shame Tomoko isn’t a hardcore otaku

Based nips

Who would have thought that Kouhai would be the first one to take Tomoko to the UFO

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Shit, time to go.

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>She wasn't trying anything.
But isn't the すす。。。SFX for someone shuffling/walking?
I felt as if that can be interpreted as Yuri trying to block Tomoko paper from view, but then the wind happened.

This kills the Fang.

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Here, see the panels.

There's that すす。。。 SFX and ))) which made Yuri looks like she's shifting backward.

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Another great chapter

Oh wow, that's nice of her. Like, really nice

These two make one of the best duos

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nemo is so sweet

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The best.

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But he's got a new yurimoko book coming for C96 user

Anyone else sick of all these multi-character chapters? I just want more solo chapters

I'm with satan on this one.

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I just can't stand all this attention Fuuka is getting. She's just such a bad character. I'd rather have heard from Komi, Futaki or Akane in this chapter

I’d say Tomoko is best interacting with one-two people at a time that she can play off from, like in the college visits. That said, there a boat load of cameos for the past few chapters with the only “break” being some pages in a chapter in the suspension arc

I'm just happy Nemo played a major role but this really ought to have been her solo chapter with Tomoko

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kys yurifaggot

I wonder what was Fang's wish.

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>I want user not to be so rough during sex

>You can't be a rookie idol voice actress if you don't have a hymen.
>You're a moron.
>I mean, can the people who say that kinda stuff even tell whether or not a girl is a virgin?
>You've got a point.

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So then he's just end up as Ishigami.

>when you realise Yuri's wish was probably to make new friends but she was such a self-conscious introvert she didn't want people to read her sincere wish


Steak! She likes steak.

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Yeah, it bothers me as well that they were all had a name. Do you have to sing them?

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I want to be a pastry chef.

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Nice! Good luck Fang, make lots of steaks for yourself.

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That's... weirdly cute. Why do we hate Fang again?

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Is that actually hers? No name here

Fang wants to learn how to make steak pies

I like Fang, she is a good character.

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Hating on Minami is just a sign you don't actually care about Watamote and your favourite character is probably someone like Asuka or Fuuka

The memes are real

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Checked. I didn't see any indication this was Fang.

She badmouths people behind their back

But Fuuka was suppose to be a normal girl

There are no normal girls.

That can't be helped. If Fang doesn't shit-talk for 2 days, she dies. Haven't you read her book, user?

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>everyone thought Asuka was going to be revealed as gay
>turns out it was Fuuka all along

Tomoko has a habit of turning every girl around her into a psycho.

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No one stays normal after they encounter Tomoko

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YES so umh source user?

Mako is normal

She was. Until she met Ogino sensei’s class of weirdos

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She is amazing!

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This is kind of Yuri fanart I live for. I'm glad most of the fag artists have shifted to Asuka.

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The fuck are you even talking about? Yuri gets gay artwork practically every few hours.

Poor Fuuka

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Yes but she gets a much better proportion of non-yuri artwork compared to Asuka. And most of the people that draw her don't actually think she's gay. They just like drawing YuriMoko because of their shipperfag instincts.

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>And most of the people that draw her don't actually think she's gay

I'd honestly argue most do, which is the problem. But hey, you're the type who wants to think in weird faction-based bullshit so you'll only see what you want to see

She looks like a Taimanin

No they *want* her to be gay. But at this point in the story there is no indication that Tomoko's relationship with Yuri isn't just that of a best friend. They don't see any yuri Yuri developments but they would be very open to the idea, still it would validate their yuri fantasies.


Would someone be willing to translate?

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Asuka only seems to be so divisive here, she isn't that talked about on 2ch. Roughly half the content that gets posted there is about Yuri and there is plenty of yuri stuff in it.

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Post yfw the last panel of the manga is a title drop by fang

Who do i feel that if yuri ever offers you a blowjob she will probably bite it off

user, don't project. And I mean that sincerely, you're talking about yuri fanartists, not people discussing things on Yea Forums. You can bet your bottom dollar most of them are sincere. They aren't far removed from fujoshi, seriously. You may not be aware of this, but Japanese fandoms aren't the same as Western ones. I am not trying to be patronizing, they just have very different ways. A lot of them take fanon more seriously due to, well I don't know to be honest. Maybe due to doujin culture? But the fact is that the belief level is overall stronger in Japan. This is why, unlike in the West, when something betrays fans' belief in Japan you get completely radical overreactions like trashing of merchandise and volumes.

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I feel like Yuri would be autistic enough to think blowing on a penis is what a blowjob is.

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The waiting thread yesterday on 5ch had a ton of Asuka pics and comments tho

yuri >>> asuka
yuri >>> asuka
yuri >>> asuka
yuri >>> asuka
yuri >>> asuka
yuri >>> asuka
yuri >>> asuka

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Asuka is more hated here but she is still talked about a lot on 2ch. Though until recently she was talked about because of her 'sexy class mom' behaviour.

Sorry, I can't say anything about 5ch, I only lurk 2ch regularly.

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...you just need to look at the links posted in the OP

She's talked about a lot. If you've been looking for "Asuka", you need to know that's not what most Japanese fans call her. Most Japanese fans refer to her as "Katou-san", like Tomoko.

>kill off Yuri
>kill off Asuka
There I solved the problem of Watamote threads being shit. I accept payment in cash Nico.

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Those nips on 5ch are brilliant. They actually found an IRL Itou

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Of course she gets talked about, but she isn't really close to the amount that Yuri gets talked about.
Yeah, google translates it as Mr. Kato for me. It's pretty funny.

Mako's wife Minami is cute

more like just boot shitposters once and for all

>main Watagirls are now Tomoko, Yuri, Nemo and Yoshida
I did something better

Yes. Get rid of any self-insert fags and retarded yuri shippers. Keep UcchiChads because no one denies that Ucchi is gay.

>Fang in the center of the page

What are they trying to tell us ?

Why do they blur the dudes faces ? Is that an AV film ?

>We only see the back of Yuri's head

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That's not even a brass instrument.

That's not what shitposting means

Pretty sure they're all girls

That would be hilarious! It's possible that I would enjoy that even more than an actual blowjob. Of course, can't say for sure until I find out what a blowjob actually feels like. Someone needs to draw this.

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trust no one else, this is the only true answer

Here, start with this.

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If she started doing that I wouldn't have the courage to tell her she's doing it wrong, I'd be worried she'd punch my balls.

I feel like Yuri would 404 error before she figured out how to do lewd things

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It's the foreshadowing of the Fang arc. I can't wait it.

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>Fang arc
What would that entail? Her class shoving her feet-first into a woodchipper?

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Yuri may be a little autistic but she's not Yoshida-tier innocent, I'm sure she has some idea.

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Clever girl!

>the origin of Fang's deep rooted fear of pineapples
>scheming about shit-talking Tomoko specifically
>her fantasies of the entire class worshiping her
>the reality of the entire class shunning her
>Ogino-sensei making things even worse
>her hiding spot being the same as Tomoki's
Honestly, there is a lot of potential in a Fang arc.

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Damn and I thought the vixen was dangerous..

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Fuuka's the epitome of a forced character. She's basically just what would happen if Miyazaki and Ucchi got combined into one character but lacks any od the charm. All she's got going for her is being hot but even then it's just really generically hot compared to someone like Miho who has both an attractive design and a personality that seems more unique.

Christ, you people can't shut up

Fuuka is meh, HOWEVER
>whatsherface who likes Tomoki
>whatsherface's friend
oh no, Tanigawa Nico made a joke character. Oh man

>but she STEALS panel and page time!
Calm down, girls, literally everyone gets screentime eventually, and more importantly why does a few pages enrage you so much
>it adds up!
These are the arguments I see constantly. Honestly, again, I don't really give a toss about Fuuka, but you don't see me repeating how much she does or doesn't bother me simply because she dared appear on a page of a chapter. I don't complain about Komi either even though I honestly hate all of her appearances (baseball baseball baseball baseball OH MY GOD IS THAT TOMOKI? TIME TO ACT LIKE A TOTAL BITCH). And Komi gets entire CHAPTERS dedicated to her BS at times. But the whole thing about Watamote is "nobody's perfect". Even Tomoko is an unlikable shit for over half of the manga.

Seeing Fuuka fuming really gets me going so I hope her gag continues for a long time.

>hating on Tomoki's harem

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>hating on penis jokes
user stop

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did I say anything about hating?

My point is singling out any particular character for traits exhibited by several others, as per the author's obvious preference, is inane.

That user has been throwing temper tantrums regularly when someone posts something she doesn't like. Just ignore it. Anons are allowed to complain, no matter how much it triggers that user.
You have fine taste in harem girls, though. The dick sisters are amazing.

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this is actually a pretty good point.

Silly user, you don't marry your pets

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Anons are allowed to respond to user's complaints as well.

Anyone got the link to the last translation they did?

>Am I not allowed to whine like a child?
You're allowed to, and I'm allowed to call it repetitive and annoying.

Is Asuka autist now Fuuka autist?

This isn't a response, it's a tirade from an anti-Komi fag

Of course, just don't try to censor complaints you don't like.

What part of that is censoring, me telling you to shut up?

jesus fuck off with your -fag bullshit

As if Komi is some splendid and lovely aspect of the series and not explicitly a character designed to be largely annoying, but with some heart to her. That's literally the joke with her: she's an annoying weirdo who Tomoko hates. But no, it's all x and y-fags to you insane newfags of the fanbase

That's nothing. Yet. That's how it started with the Asuka complaints "always being the same". Let's not repeat that.

You stopped having a valid opinion when you insulted this angel. I'm just pulling your leg you easily agitated faggot. Also we're all sick of your belittling attitude. You don't need to explain the purpose of Komi's character, it's been apparent for years. You're not the only person that has been posting in Watamote threads since Tomoko was a first year. Don't think it makes you special either, asswipe.

Attached: KomiSkipsDownTheHall.png (540x349, 165K)

No, pretty much all of the complaints against this series and some characters are always the same. If you've ever been annoyed by
-Ugh, Tomoko is popular now
-Ugh, they abandoned the original fanbase
-Ugh, it's a generic slice of life
you're a hypocrite, basically, because that's the issue. Repeating yourself ad nauseam. Nauseating.

The fuck are you even on about? I'm not even sure what this is. Preach somewhere else.

Annoying? Yes. Censor worthy? No.

I don't know why you're talking about censoring

Objective tier list of all the Watagirls (or at least as many of the most relevant named ones I can recall)




>Asuka (almost B-Rank)


Because ultimately you want to stop those comments, because you find them annoying. How long before they are labeled "off-topic"?

>Make it so the gross people don't bring in any more grossness this Tanabata
What did Ucchi mean by this?

Wanting shitposting to end isn't censorship, as it is only that: a want. As with any thread if you post bullshit that has nothing to do with the topic, you'll have some sort of consequence. It's not hard.

You forgot Yuu-chan, but so did everyone else so it's ok.

Oops. I accidentally deleted her name when I made the Wada joke. She's borderline B-Rank

Doesn't seem objective. Yoshida is S rank despite not having much of a character, Minami is only A despite having a lot of peculiar development and a fairly steadfast personality not subject to tropes. Ucchi is A rank although most of her character is only a joke (she's high B at best for rare moments of seriousness, and for her development), Futaki doesn't belong anywhere above C, Komi should be a D or C, honestly most of your B rank is a mess. Why isn't Shizuku in A? Asuka isn't in S or A despite being written quite well, Mako's only in C for some reason even though she has a neat dynamic with her two most notable friends (she's more of a handler than a forgiving friend), and there's obvious other personal bias like Anna being in B although we don't actually know much about her even after all this time. That goes double for Akane. Top of A for a minor character who only recently gained more prominence, and her traits are basically "is pretty chill". Like Anna

Alright. Complain about the Fuuka complainers being annoying? That's perfectly fine. Report them for off-topic? Not fine. Do you agree with this?

Do you literally see any posts deleted?

That's not what I asked. Do you agree with that?

>Asuka isn't in S or A despite being written quite well
>written quite well
Oh you. As for saying Akane doesn't deserve to be A-Rank, you can drop fucking dead. Also Yoshida is S-Rank for second year alone. She's been neglected recently but she was a solid and well-developed character before Asuka stole the spotlight (in the sense that Nico prioritised Tomoko's relationship with Yuri, Nemo and Asuka in third year) and the suspension arc certainly didn't help develop Yoshida character (and especially not her relationship with Tomoko) much more than was already done aside from give her more direction for her future.

I actually hate the lack of variety in BDSM fang art. It's just the same ball and gag over and over again. I want some originality

>Oh you.
Nico is a bad writer according to your objectivity? He's written her entirely subtly. If we're talking objectively, objectively speaking most of the details of her character are implied and gathered, never stated. If you're biased, then you're not being objective.
>As for saying Akane doesn't deserve to be A-Rank, you can drop fucking dead
Wasn't this objective? That sounds like a very charged statement. I didn't give my opinion on her character, I said what I said. If you don't agree, tell me why you think she's amazing.
>she was a solid and well-developed character
Care to explain how? I like Yoshida but I really, really don't agree. If anything her appeal is that she's incredibly simple and didn't change much. The only "development" I could argue is that she "developed" a relationship with Tomoko, except it wasn't until very, very recently that she didn't terrify Tomoko simply by being around. Yoshida's traits (cute, aggressive, innocent, protective) have always been her traits, and we don't know things like... what she might want to do in the future, how she generally feels about her friends, her concerns if she has any. This doesn't make her bad, because simplicity IMO is her appeal, but objectively it doesn't make her deserving of a top spot.

>taking an user calling a tier list of his 'objective' at face value then proceeding to methodically critique a number of his choice placements instead taking it as a lighthearted joke and offering your own adjustments
How typical of you.

Fuck is the matter with you? I never even mentioned reporting. What bug crawled up your ass


It's a yes or no question. Do you agree with that, or not?

Obviously yes, why aren't you answering MY questions? I never brought up reporting, so why are you? Why not answer that? Again, where is this coming from?

>and we don't know things like... what she might want to do in the future
I thought the point they made recently was that she doesn't know herself.

That's all I wanted to hear. Let's stop being off-topic.

Yeah, it's not like it's a bad thing, but it makes her somewhat generic of a delinquent type character.

You're one paranoid user.

Holy shit, a correct opinion in a watamote thread

>she's more of a handler than a forgiving friend
She's a bit of a shit one though. She just keeps enabling Minami instead of telling her to stop talking shit about everyone.

Read the chapter with Imae and Yoshida walking home with Tomoko. Their interactions afterwards are few and far between but Imae's influence had a lot of impact on how Yoshida interacted with Tomoko later on. Yoshida even repaid the favour by allowing Imae the chance to have a proper farewell with Tomoko. I also suspect that it was because of Imae that Yoshida was so willing to go to the christmas party after Yuri discussed it with her. Overall I'm incredibly disappointment that Nico has now placed far less emphasis on Tomoko's growing friendship with Yoshida over time. And this whole buddy buddy friendship with Mako is even worse.

As for Akane. I like her character (she pulls off the outgoing friendly girl archetype far better than Mako does) and the chemistry she has with Nemo and Tomoko is excellent too. Their chapter in the college trip arc was my favourite and the jokes about Akane being easily disturbed by lewd things always gets a laugh out of me.

>she pulls off the outgoing friendly girl archetype far better than Mako does
Probably because that's not really the archetype Mako is, she's a people pleaser, the sort of nice girl who never makes any enemies but ends up never getting particularly close to anyone either.

>Read the chapter with Imae and Yoshida walking home with home. Their interactions afterwards are few and far between but Imae's influence had a lot of impact on how Yoshida interacted with Tomoko later on. Yoshida even repaid the favour by allowing Imae the chance to have a proper farewell with Tomoko.
I have read it but what does that have to do with development? In the Kyoto trip we already saw that Yoshida can and will go to great lengths to help people, when she literally carried Tomoko up a mountain because she might have sprained her ankle. The rain chapter was basically showing more of that sort of behavior, which is one of the traits I listed (protective).
>I also suspect that it was because of Imae that Yoshida was so willing to go to the christmas party after Yuri discussed it with her.
Eh, I really don't think so. It was because of her new friends, which is a much better way of interpreting it I think. A lot more heartwarming. She goes even though she wasn't going to, just because she knows Yuri and Tomoko are going. And, about Tomoko, well, it wasn't exactly growing is the thing. It really wasn't until... god I don't even know. That time Tomoko stumbles on Yoshida and Anna waiting with the dog for Rena? Until then, Tomoko is barely able to even truly accept Yoshida, which honestly was annoying. Overall, she thinks in stereotypes and she thinks stubbornly, so even though she was a friendLY acquaintance of Yoshida's, she felt too afraid to really call herself a friend. This changed when Yoshida told her that Tomoko could call her to hang out whenever. Since then they're completely chill with one another, like Tomoko finally realized Yoshida considers her a friend. I mean seriously, just look at how Tomoko reacts when Yoshida grabs her into that arcade many, many, many chapters ago.

Akane later

Well that's kind of why I "like" her. I don't love Mako or anything but she has a unique sort of portrayal overall

I like Akane and really like how she bounces off of Tomoko in particular, but I wouldn't put her at a tier adjacent to the multi-faceted and multi-layered, almost developed since the start of the series Nemo, or the looooooooong developed and fascinating Yuri, or Asuka who's got character details out the ass if you really want look for them.

Akane is "normal", and nice, but that isn't how I rank characters myself if I'm thinking "how well done is this character". If I was just listing who I liked most, would it surprise you if I told you Asuka wouldn't even be on top? It's Nemo, of course. Who else?

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I hope that Mako keeps hanging out with Yoshida and her delinquent friends and it toughens Mako up.

>Overall I'm incredibly disappointment that Nico has now placed far less emphasis on Tomoko's growing friendship with Yoshida over time.
We just had a suspension arc that reinforced it.

Yep, what a fat fuck.

There's nothing normal about being a lesbo

Kii-chan B-rank while you put Shitaki on A-rank.

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Man why are you guys such faggots, let's get back to posting your fav watagirl

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It actually seemed to reinforced her other friendships more since they were all prevented from seeing Tomoko till recently, especially because of the whole message during suspension thing. It was nice to see them converse more often but it's over now and Tomoko has reverted back to talking mainly to Yuri, Asuka and Nemo. The suspension wasn't really about Yoshida so much as it was about Tomoko (and boosting her grades a little to make her going to Aoyama more believable)

trip faggot is an attention-whore just ignore him

Futaki is obviously too meta to be in B-Rank. Kii-chan is a seasonal character, good in small doses. Futaki is the same but I just like her presence a little bit more. She brings something unique to the table

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>trip faggot
The fuck you on about? I've never been a trip fag because I'm not Ruri

Does't have like 2 lines only? i don't remember her talking besides the i not good a luck games or something

Most of those characters are actually funny especially Akari and Sayaka. Itou's shit because she got changed from Komishit's tardwrangler to her fangirl.

Fuuka's joke isn't all that funny and encroaches right on Akari/Sayaka's which is done way better. She winds up getting page time over other more established characters. Outside of like one chapter she got about equal attention to Yoshida in an arc that was theoretically about her. People bitch about Asuka but she'd been showing up for a while before being put in the main cast. Fuuka had one nothing appearance, then got brought back out of nowhere and immediately bumped up in status and focus to most of the other main characters. That's why I hate her.

>joined a group with Yuri, Yoshida and Mako in the sports meet
>freaks Tomoko out with her athletics
>gives Itou the shooting badge
>shared a chapter with Yoshida Group
>featured prominently in the ping pong tournament (raped Shizuku in the first round), had her biggest moment at the end during the after-party
It's not much but she has solid room to grow.

Completely agree. I think Fuuka being confused and a bit flustered by Asuka's behaviour was an interesting concept but it was handled in the complete opposite way it should have been. It should have been taken from Asuka's perspective with her friends as opposed to Fuuka's where she awkwardly drifts around the school looking for Asuka and Tomoko to find out the truth. It felt like Nico was trying to use the plotline to develop Fuuka, who should by all rights deserves to be as prominent as Mike, instead of it being used to develop Asuka.

It's really just your opinion, and I really don't agree with it.

Overall there are too many not-funny characters in Watamote who may have been funny once, but they have one or two jokes and those are repeated forever. You SAY it's funny, but that means you're telling me
>Yes, it's the same joke for the 10th time and it's still HILARIOUS
And while that CAN be true, it's usually true of one recurring joke for maybe one character, not 2-3 recurring jokes for 6. That edges on gag manga territory, and gag manga are almost universally shit.

As it stands these elements just kind of balance for me, being maybe chuckle worthy at times, but no user. "Fuuka's joke bad, Penis joke good!" just falls on deaf ears to me. It really is just the same brand, and whether or not you like it, hating it is so pointless when it matters so little in the grand scheme of things. Start complaining when Fuuka gets 3+ chapters to her name all about her single joke, like the other ones. Mercy am I glad Kii barely shows up. At least they did something kind of interesting with her last appearance rather than retreading "she treats Tomoko like a pet" again.

Kaho should've been the main of that trio because her being non-chalant and resigned to Asuka's weirdness while Miho thinks it's funny and Fuuka's weirded out to the point of obsession is a way better balance than Fuuka just being a lesser combination of like three or four other characters with all of the focus.

Attention: The best characters in this manga are located in this picture. This is an undeniable fact. That's all.

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>gag manga are almost universally shit.
Jesus, get a sense of humour or read more manga instead of being so judgemental just because a few bad eggs in the genre have left a foul taste in your mouth. I can name 10 very good gag manga just off the top of my head.
I'm going to squint my eyes and pretend I see Nemo in there. Otherwise, I agree.

You're missing the point. Akari and Sayaka's joke comes from the characters bouncing off of one another and they've had like parts of three chapters over however many years and go volumes without significant appearances. Same with Kii whose appearances are very spread out.

Meanwhile Fuuka's proper introduction was maybe 10 chapters ago and she's had a prominent role in all but like 1 chapter since with the same joke in every single one. That's the issue. It's not just that she's lame but that she's getting constant attention despite only having just been introduced. More than characters like Yoshida, Mako and Akane get.

>get a sense of humour
Because I don't tend to like gag manga, which tend to be extremely repetitive and simplistic, focusing on the easiest means of "humor", I have no sense of humor?
>I can name 10 very good gag manga just off the top of my head.
Then do it.

Keep in mind that not all comedy series are gag manga. I mean like Gintama, Sket Dance, or Komi-san. I don't mean Hinamatsuri, Mitsuboshi Colors, or I dunno, Jigokuren; comedy manga I've greatly enjoyed.

Is Mako still on the lesbian massage parlour?

Yoshida, Mako, and Akane have never had much focus, including over characters like Komi or whoever.

And there's not really a bounce off, that would imply there's some sort of actual dynamic, as in there isn't a predictability. Instead it's always
-I like Tomoki.
-You should say that.
-But dick

of if she's on her own
-I like Tomoki.
-WHAT (Komi)
Komi proceeds to be a bitch

ha ha ha
Anyway I really must repeat that your complaint is pretty shortsighted. inb4 something like "They COULD have more appearances if not for Fuuka!" No they couldn't. Yoshida is used sparingly because there isn't a lot to her, so using her too much would get old. Mako could be more complicated but, as a fairly ordinary character on the whole she just isn't interesting to work with. Akane is still a minor character in the end, she just has slightly more of an appearance now.
>If that's the case, Fuuka shouldn't show up much because she's simple too!
I guess. It's really obvious that she's being used to prod at Asuka and Tomoko's dynamic, though. Asuka has had an increased focus to the point that we've actually gotten to see what she thinks of something, and we've been introduced to friends of hers (though the most interesting one, Kayo, is sadly not given focus. At the same time it's neat that you can tell how close they are from her few appearances and how she acts in them). Fuuka's there to provoke change, that's all. And really, given it's usually one or two pages I couldn't care less.
>one or two pages out of 7 or 8 is too many
honestly, whatever, I just don't have the vitriol

Dammit. I didn't want to but ok.
>Sket Dance
>Saint Young Men
>Azumanga Daioh
>Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (can't believe I put off reading this for so long)
>Saiki K
>Sekai de Ichiban Oppai ga Suki
>Shonan Junaigumi (although it did drift away from the gag genre later on)
>Cromartie High School
>Sgt. Frog

And that other user was right, you do have a terrible personality. How can you be so fucking obnoxious as to think I need the gag sub-genre of comedy manga explained to me?!

Do you take Zoloft or Prozac?

A little extra weight is good for Tomoki's baby

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Funny way of spelling 'old Japanese businessman'

>How can you be so fucking obnoxious as to think I need the gag sub-genre of comedy manga explained to me?!
How can you be so obnoxious that you'd suggest not liking gag manga, most of which are for kids, is some indication of a lack of a sense of humor? Like that's not me being patronizing, I think of the ones you listed I recognize that only three are NOT aimed at little boys (Saint Young Men, Nichibros, Cromartie). I could be wrong, even.

By the way, Saint Young Men and Nichibros aren't gag manga. Well, Saint Young Men could be, but as I recall it was really more of a sitcom. Nichibros is purely comedy, not about rapidfire "jokes" but setup comedy.

I enjoyed Sket Dance not as a comedy. Azumanga Daioh isn't a gag manga, it's just a 4-koma. It's honestly really down to earth. Bobobo sucks. I hear good things about Saiki. Cromartie's great. Keroro is good. So, for me, that's just two that I know about and call good gag manga personally. I can at least check the other ones out. You realize in the first place I said they're almost universally shit, not all shit right? The reason was I've not read many that are any good. Hell, the quintessential gag manga (Gintama), is like 80% miss, 20% hit. It does hit really hard though

Can't wait to see the first bitch Tomoko gonn' bang.

>Nichibros, Cromartie
looking it up, these are also shounen

They have much less energy though, so I would say they're probably for young adults as well as younger boys. The thing that kills my interest in most gag manga is spastic, excessive energy. They also tend to lolsorandom, which is the goddamn worst. Cromartie is random, but makes it work from deadpan and excellent execution.

these sexy itous dont make any sense but im not complaining

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I wasn't seriously insulting you when I said get a sense of humour. It was simply a lighthearted retort. You seem to be very confrontational when it comes to these things.

Saint Young Men is a gag manga, but I won't deny that it has a strong emphasis on situational comedy as well. Nichibros shares enough resemblance with the gag genre for it to be classified as such, especially since it relies heavily on a number of core jokes that are very much in common with typical gag comedy. Ringo being an idiot, basically all of lit girls scenes, Habara's backstory and her relationship with Karasawa, Motoharu looking like a scary delinquent but being bullied by his sister. I'll accept that you dislike Bobobo because the effectiveness its humour is very divisive. Azumanga Daioh is a gag manga. It involves a great deal of puns, recurring jokes and references to Japanese culture and society (Osaka's Osaka idiosyncrasies and general airhead behaviour, Yomi's repeated entrance exam fails (and weight gain jokes), Sakaki and cats). Also I don't like Gintama anymore so I left it out. I used to love the series but I've become very critical of Sorachi's style and the direction of the manga in its last few arcs.

I'd NTR her boyfriend tbdesu

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The joke with Sayaka is not dicks lol it's that she's an overly invested wingman whose enthusiasm ends up backfiring on the person she's supposed to be helping. The big punchline at the end seems to be that she's going to get a boyfriend before Akari, without even trying or receiving any help.

If she's friends with only boys and her boyfriend goes to another school then the important question is this, do those poor bastards even know she has a boyfriend?

>It involves a great deal of puns, recurring jokes and references to Japanese culture and society (Osaka's Osaka idiosyncrasies and general airhead behaviour, Yomi's repeated entrance exam fails (and weight gain jokes), Sakaki and cats).
I think you're confusing what a "gag" is, because a "gag" isn't really any of those things. I mean really, it's definitely semantic, but I'd generally mark it as "Is it surface level only?" and "Does it rely on the moment, instead of the character (assuming the character isn't one-note)?" For Azumanga, a load of the humor isn't just some simple ha ha, x happened funny face, but instead a load of unique situational things, wordplay, or, honestly, a kind of atmospheric humor. Azumanga really is "just funny".

And honestly Ringo was more than just an idiot, lit girl's scenes evolved which was the real entertainment of them, Haibara and her relationship wasn't actually fully detailed at once and played with a lot more than just "she's scary and he's scared": it isn't simple in the slightest. She scarred him, he's no-nonsense, her friends are nonsensical, she's still frightening, she wants to not be, she loves him, he's disgusted by her.

This is a FAAAARRRR cry from "You like his dick, right!?" "Please stop saying dick" (and no I really wish I WAS simplifying it, it's that simple). Honestly Watamote isn't like top tier comedy or anything anyway. I don't hate its comedy, but it's definitely never made me guffaw or anything. That's fine. It's funny, but comedy might be its weakest strength.

I was obviously simplifying. It doesn't change that she's one-note.

I did appreciate the switch and bitterness whatever her name is had when she realized the other one would get what she wanted first. I didn't like her, once again, devolving into shouting about dicks though. Kinda funny she was talking about dick size, but that's about it.

>and no I really wish I WAS simplifying it, it's that simple).
>I was obviously simplifying

You know what? Fuck you.

And you, is me. Disregard everything regarding this, I'm a FUCKING idiot


In my mind a 'gag' isn't inherently tied to only situational zany irrelevant humour but can also be derived from a basic character trait. When the gag relates to a character the elements that form part of the gag are usually simplified and exaggerated for comedic effect. I used the example of puns but I probably should have been more specific in that the puns I was referring to were the repeated jokes relating to Osaka. The recurring gag being that Osaka is actually a nickname given by her classmates to her which also serves to reinforce another gag about Osakan stereotypes and people from there being loud energetic people which is subverted by Osaka's quiet slow personality.

You're right about it being a surface level form of humour but at the same time very much depends on establishing certain patterns of behaviour. Take Akane's aversion to eroge. It's a rather simple joke about a character being freaked out by something shocking but it is expanded into an easily standardised comedic routine when the joke is used in predictable but effective manner based how certain other characters are employed in build up to the joke.

I would also agree somewhat that this topic borders on semantics because true gag comedy is more often than not incorporated into more generic comedic techniques.

Remember when this was about a depressed girl?

Yes, and?

Tomoko wasn't depressed.

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Did Asuka short circuit?

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Better they take the time to do it right than copy the rough tl verbatim.

>Asuka reaching for Tomoko from bed
Automatic shit. This isn't Tadokoro-san, no matter how much /u/ fags dream of it. Sick of these god awful Asuka doujins. Only like 1 in every 4 is actually good.

It's out, unlike that closet homo Ucchi

Am I the only one sick of Yoshida and Mako's forced ship? This shit doesn't even make any sense and Nico still had to feed his fucking gayass fans and put it in the manga itself.

I wonder if Sachi or Nori bullied Yuri like Fang did. If so, then they're evil faceless bitches.
I don't even think they're actually shipping them. Mostly it's delusional /u/ tards. I don't like the idea that Nico thought Yoshida and Mako should become better friends than Yoshida is with Tomoko and Yuri

>I don't like the idea that Nico thought Yoshida and Mako should become better friends than Yoshida is with Tomoko and Yuri.
Same here. Wish Yoshida got more screentime instead of Asuka.


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That's Ucchi. And it's fucking hilarious considering this scene from an earlier chapter. I think (and hope) that Ucchi believes that kouhai is her rival.

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New thread?

What a slut.

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This was really wholesome.

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fuckin whore

>Yuri tries to hide Tomoko's wish
Yuri is a good friend. I didn't appreciate this chapter as much in this thread but it was an all round great chapter. I liked seeing everyone's wishes. My favourite ones being Yoshida's and Itou's. Could have done without the Fuuka pandering but still great

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Nothing is forced in their relationship you seething faggot

What a nice gesture from Yuri to try and play wingman to Tomoko and Asuka.

>n-no this manga is now a yuri harem
>what do you mean it's a coming of age story about a high school loner that slowly becomes a more developed and mature person?

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The yuri-baiting shit is tolerable but this level of insipid fluff isn't. This manga needs to wrap the fuck up soon unless it finds something new to say.

She just doesn't want Asuka to try and kidnap her, we know what she does when Tomoko isn't truthful with her.

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I miss autistic possessive Yuri. She's so mature now.

She only really lost her cool with Tomoko because of the name thing. She's only mildly autism when she's in front of people she isn't comfortable being around.

The cutest observer

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I was thinking about that time Yuri met Yuu-chan and Mako had to take her away because her autism was getting out of control.

Which one was Yoshida's?

>I want to live my life my way
Hopefully that's a small fuck you to Mako. And it's definitely Yoshida in the raws since the name is not obscured

>Nothing is forced in their relationship
Everything was forced you dumbass /u/ tard.

Itou likes observing people. I like observing Itou

>everything I don't like is forced
Calm your ass and realize how much of a shit eater you sound like right now

I agreed with him. It's a poor writing decision to suddenly make Mako so eager to be best friends with Yoshida as well as for Yoshida to actually care more about a friendship with Mako than Yuri, especially considering all that happened after the Kyoto trip

But that's something Nico has been gradually progressing in the background for literally years now, the only thing that is sudden is it being pushed more into the foreground that last few chapters. Mako has been getting closer to Yoshida while Yuri was getting closer to Tomoko, but that didn't affect Yuri and Yoshida's friendship as they still care about each other and are good friends though we don't see much of it since there's too much shit to focus on now.

The manga is nothing but yuri baiting now to appeal to the yurifags nips and boost sales

I am strongly against YoshiMako and, the way I see it, the only genuine yuribait is with Asuka. Ucchi is a canon dyke. Shizuku is obviously class s for Tomoko. And Yuri and Nemo aren't gay for Tomoko, they are strictly her friends. And did you even fucking read the chapter (or any recent chapter for that matter) there so much more going on in this manga that isn't superficial yuri pandering.

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Yuri is a really good friend, I feel she's the only one who truly understand Tomoko. The whole chapter was very wholesome and unusually long, I liked it.

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>Fang no longer welcome at 3-4
>Eats at the hiding spot
>Tomoki goes there to avoid all the girls after his dick
>They bond over badmouthing Tomoko

>Komi finds out and starts freaking out
>They explain how they met and bring up complaining about Tomoko
>A harem starts developing specifically around people complaining about Tomoko

My favourite part was Yuri being a good enough friend to know she should cover for Tomoko I also liked Nemo brushing off any concerns not being a virgin would have on her seiyuu career

That harem would have a lot of overlap with the main one. Ucchi, Nemo, Yuri, Yoshida and even Kii could all join in on the Tomoko roast.

>the anti-Tomoko faction
So we're adding Fuuka-shit right?

>when you realise Yuri's wish was probably to make new friends
That doesn't sound like Yuri at all.

Yeah her wish was probably for Fang to accidentally bite through her own tongue or something.

I think that's the only reason she reached out to Tomoko (especially considering Ogino's actions during the trip). She wanted friends but she accepted how difficult that was since she was essentially a loner then she learns that Tomoko was also seemingly introverted like her so she thought she had a chance to bond with someone similar to her. Their relationship has had it's ups and downs but I believe Yuri got her wish. Even if she didn't add her real wish to the tree.