is the fate franchise a meme?
Is the fate franchise a meme?
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>rakes in $2bn annually through some gacha game
I wish I was a meme.
This along with the "People die when they are killed" are the biggest Pleb filters there are
>So the Archer class really is made up of Archers
The more I think about it the more i'm starting to think they are putting in bits of script like that as a running joke
its funny how people
1. dont understand what the original lines meant. (most likely because this site is filled with ESLs)
and 2. dont realize type moon does this as a meme now
Is Milhouse a meme?
Its one of the most powerful, multi-platform anime franchises there is. It's not a meme, just normie tier
In the Dawkins sense.
>an eroge
>for normalfags
All VNs with H-Scenes are memes
>implying any modern fate fans have read the VN
Im Korean and I know that meme is Mistranlation
Stupid USA
Good thing no one in their right minds respects Koreans
God Bless the USA
This line makes perfect sense if you actually understood the conversation.
>Just because you're (logically) correct doesn't mean you're (morally) right.
no its literally one of the best anime ever created
if nobody read the vn it wouldn't spawn so many adaptations
No. That's for Jojo.
Only difference is that Jojo is watched by zoomer homophobic fags while Fate is by nips and neets.
korean women are the hottest women on earth
but this line makes sense.
just because youre correct(illogically) doesn't mean youre right(morally)
I'd argue that very much so. There can be no moral value attached to something that's not real.
so... what about loli porn?
I think this line became a meme because most people on Yea Forums actually can't differentiate facts from opinions, so they can't comprehend what shirou meant
To be fair the archer joke is pretty old already and TM already used it a bunch of times already
Pretty sure people was talking about how the line was poorly worded the same day the chapter was released and how easy was to use it out of context the same way that "people die when they are killed" line is used
any more cringe dialogue?
I think it makes more sense to simply say: there is a big difference between what appears more logical and what instead appears more "right".
the point of the line is that, depending on the circumstances, they are not necessarily the same thing.
The loli isn't real, but the porn is. There can only be a moral importance if attached to the drawing itself. Claims like "it encourages pedophilia" or "it's used to groom children". But to say, "Is it moral to rape a 2D loli with the severed head of a unicorn", is to be speaking gibberish.
Im Korean and I know that meme is Mistranlation
Stupid USA
Here you go.
Brutal. One image BTFO's literally any fatefag. Thank you user.
5 isn't stupid in itself but calling out the stupid.
8, 9 and 10 are fine.
The original lines were very much played straight, "Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right!" contrasts Utilitarianism against Morality. The "archers" one is just pure, sarcastic snark. And the "The people die when they are killed" points out that MC survived several absolutely fatal injuries and repeatedly cheated death thanks to McGuffin. And now that he's giving it away since, his waifu needs it more than he does at the moment - if he dies, then he dies; no near-resurrections this time, and he doesn't mind because he's one of he greatest autists known in anime.
The out-of-context lines were memed so hard, that Type Moon just went along with it and memed back.
I'm not sure how you count. Is 5 for you a Lancer one or Rider one?
I just started watching it, loving it so far.
where can I get the VN? Should I play that too or just stick to the anime
Left - right - next row
I unironically believe Shirou is a shit character. Any scene this faggot is on becomes unwatchable. I dropped UBW after episode 3 and watched a clip of shitrou vs gilgamesh just to see what would happen, and it was as shitty as I imagined. How do you go from someone like Kiritsugu to shirou
anything with a trap in it is a meme
This always made sense because the two main archers in the series don't use ranged weapons in the VN.
He becomes good in HF.
>How do you go from someone like Kiritsugu to shirou
By being an ignorant animeonly dipshit
After FGO? Yes.
Don't shoot up a garlic festival incel-kun
Statistically speaking, nobody has female Thor; but yet
gacha was a mistake, fucking secondary fags
Definitely VN. It has 3 routes which are meant to be read only in certain order. First route has no good anime adaptation, 2006 anime mostly covers this route, but also adds shit it shouldn't from other routes and spoils them, and it's also shit in general. Second route is UBW anime which is pretty decent adaptation. Last route is covered by Heaven's Feel movies and there're only 2 out of 3 of them out.
Your fault for watching it instead of reading VN.
>muh gritty adult cynical mc.
You are the perfect portrait of the manchildren
You're bigger cancer than him, even if ironic.
Imagine being Dawkins. You coin memes as the thought-based counterpart to genes because you realise how similar ideas and genetics behaviour is.
Then people use memes to describe images with half-line zingers.
Just grab the links from /rs/ :^)
Fate is stupid and people dob’t watch it or play it because of the lore and concept - at least not anymore. They watch it for the waifus.
Kiri's not actually cynical. He puts his remaining sanity in the hope he can turn his wife into a magical cup that makes everyone happy.
The post FS/N stuff yes, maybe HA too but I havent played that yet
I don't give a fuck about those.
But how the fuck does someone beat his future self?
It's literally you but stronger and wiser, you can't learn hundreds of years of training in some minutes.
explain this shit to me
Because Archer wasn't really trying to kill him, he was trying to break his spirit and admit he's wrong, but he couldn't and gave up. See bad end where they have no Lancer's help and Archer can't hold back because Caster is watching, Shirou get murdered in less than a second.
Fate is only good for the hentai.
it isn't an anime franchise
Only Heaven's Feel.
I started playing FGO and writing is so fucking bad it's hilarious. No wonder Fate became a joke.
It's Japanese Marvel. Mass produced shiny trash for retards.
seriously, don't spoil anything else. i wish i would have took the advice of the user who told me to play the VN and experience it blind how it should be, then watch zero, and the adaptations of the VN.
all the spinoffs are better watched after the VN because you understand all the worldbuilding and magic.
>Just because you're (logically) correct doesn't mean you're (morally) right.
How are you guys this retarded?
i don't think anyone is stupid enough to watch case files without reading the VN and understanding the world building.
anime doesn't show how much of a chad emiya really is
it hasn't actually produced a single good work
obviously it's a meme
You'd be surprised when you visit Case Files threads then. There're even people who have it as their first entry in Fate.
person who made this image didn't even read the vn.
shirou is a sword autist and he wants a world where no one needs to dies.
he wants to become a super hero since he thinks kiritsugu was one since he saved him in the fire.
below that is because servants are placed into classes, she doesn't know anything about archers history so doesn't know if he really is an archer.
below that is saber using her luck to dodge gaebolg, since the effect of piercing the heart came first she dodged it and it hit her chest.
yikes, imagine when stange fake get's in the spotlight and people have no idea what these "vampires" are.
Well said.
cool, I just didn't like Archer losing to his dumb ginger self
it has to pander to your regular ironic weeb