How dedicated are you to your waifu?

How dedicated are you to your waifu?

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Other urls found in this thread:>[Rem: Say “I love you”…]/

Like $400 in commissions at this point

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I jerk off my feelings for other girls for her.

Imagine what that bike seat smells like

My waifu's source material needs a translation. No one else will do it so that is now my #1 priority, no matter how long it takes me to learn Japanese.

Is it the elf loli?

so much that it hurts

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how pathetic

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My idea of heaven is me being isekaied to her hell to be her pet and slave forever.

same but only the first 11 words

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Enough to not use her as part of a retarded internet dick-measuring contest.


Explain this why do people make rem/Emelia wars if Subaru wants them both anyway why????

How much did the 1:1 statue cost?

>Has the 1:1 scale model
Is this dude a CEO?

What is it?

Were you the one who got her from BB?

I honestly hope you die you disgusting waste of flesh and air

Attached: MoreRem2.jpg (900x1273, 348K)


>Short hair
>Long hair
Disgusting demon

Attached: Rem (1514).jpg (850x1142, 185K)

what a tool.

Imagine being that dedicated to such a shitty waifu.

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>[Rem: Say “I love you”…]
>Rem spilled these words out with a faint, frail voice while looking up at Subaru.
>In her vision which had become blurred by the swell of tears that gushed up, she saw Subaru shake his head. After that, Subaru brought his face close to her and said,
>[Subaru: I love you(suki da)]
>[Subaru: I love you(daisuki da). Isn’t that obvious…If you aren’t with me, I can’t live on…]
>It was his true feelings. If you were to say that this was when he spilled everything out, that wouldn’t be an exaggeration and would be an accurate statement. If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t come this far. >If she were to disappear, he would not be able to live on.
>[Rem: Ahhh…I’m happy…]
>Accepting Subaru’s confession, Rem felt a tear alongside her closed eyes. Taking in Subaru’s words happily, her face quickly blushed. Soon after, it now really did seem that all power within her body had departed.
>[Subaru: Wait…]
>[Rem: I love you(aishiteimasu), Subaru-kun]
>[Subaru:Don’t fuck with me, stay by my side. You’re going to leave me with regrets again!?]
>Subaru could not bear to live in a near future where Rem would cease to exist. Along with knowing this fact since long ago, her existence still has become sooo much more important to him, compared to long ago. So,
>[Subaru: In the future where I talk while smiling, I need you…I don’t want this]
>[Rem: In that future, is it okay if I stay by your side?]
>[Subaru: ….Isn’t the answer obvious? I won’t let you go to anyone else’s side.]
>Wiping off her tears that were suspended on her eyelids, Subaru looked straight at Rem and said:
>[Subaru: You are mine. I won’t let anyone have you.]
>[Rem: Proposal accepted!]
>[Subaru: Heh?]
Raw Version
WN Eng Version
LN Yen Press Version

shes gorgeous in any way she comes. Shes always gonna be my Rem

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No other waifu has swayed me yet. My love for Holo is never ending.

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Uncensored where

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Is that the rich Oculus Rift's' rich developer room who's an outspoken Remfag? There's no way a starving otaku could pay for that Rem 1:1 statue, it costs 20,000 dollars.

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>Is that the rich Oculus Rift's' rich developer room who's an outspoken Remfag?
No. I followed the guy on twitter for a while, he's Japanese.


I wish, would be much easier to do

I still prefer Emilia

keep it to yourself monkey

based frolabro

but I like Emilia

I said keep it to yourself monkey.

rent free

I wish I could get more items of her but she's not very popular and is in a now dead series sadly

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isnt that statue like 15 thousand dollars?

No. I do have a Holo related username and I've had people tell me "You're not the real one." So idk what that even means.

Collect the whole set. Have any of you even gone to Japan for your waifu?

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>Rem has a face like a loli but a dynamite body with nice tits
is this the formula to print money?

It's not that simple. It's not actually her appearance that made her so popular.

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it definitely helped

She's really cute but lots of anime girls are cute.

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>pay 400$ for comission
>don't literally learn how to draw just to draw your waifu
3DPD tier faggotry

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Absolutely Heretic.

Why are people so devoted to her anyway?
I get it, she's a cute docile moeblob but there's something about her and only her that awakens an almost Saber-tier cult
Ram was 10x better personality wise

I only found my waifu a month ago, but once I move into my new flat it will be a worship base.

>I get it, she's a cute docile moeblob
This is one of the biggest issues with how the anime has handled Rem. They left out a lot of her personality outside of being super deredere for Subaru.
She's madly in love with Subaru in the most literal sense of the word mad, where she'll smell his clothes when she gets the chances and violently murder anything that threatens him. If I were to fully describe her, I would say that she's very cute and affectionate, but also pretty creepy and obsessive. And while I can't explain it, there's something endearing about that creepy side of Rem. It adds more to her whole character and I feel the anime not emphasizing that side of her did a major disservice to her.

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>not getting a girl of the right size from the morgue and entombing her in plastic

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Well damn it's been years and I don't even consider other girls

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I found pretty ridiculous that this life size Rem has such horrible quality. Especially because of price. Like what the fuck?

imagine wasting that much money on a normie-tier waifu

>normie-tier waifu
All animes are reddit and for normies

Based MANGAchad

imagine being a fuckin normalfaggot from twitter or Facebook or something.

Somehow, the long hair enhances the loliness of her face.

One of those is obviously facetious.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

That's a translation of a fucking Japanese fanfiction you fucking mentally ill piece of shit. Stop posting it. You are literally insane.>[Rem: Say “I love you”…]/

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>being poor

She is popular because she appeals to all those losers who never had a girlfriend yet want one to just come out of nowhere and start sucking their dick without reason.


seething poorfag

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We'll see about that, emiliacuck.

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tfw there's basically zero merch of you're waifu, life isn't fair bros

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Ueno is cute! Cute!!


I'm practicing drawing and will become a pro artist for her.

>without reason.
When will this meme die?


I prefer to draw her myself but commissioning artwork is also certainly worthy of respect. Godspeed user.


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dont give them any ideas, we need less drawfags and more people spending wagebux on comms

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>measuring your love for your waifu based on money
You niggas need to know about love.

Same here user

I've ranked 1st place for her before. The little merch she's had is hard as fuck to get, though.

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It just doesn't feel the same

>liking Rem
Lmao literal cuck

shit bait also she got recently another 1:1 scale

> The figure is 62.5 inches tall and costs 3,520,000 yen (US$32,350) before shipping. Shipping fees are an additional US$2,300-4,600 depending on the buyer's location. Pre-order requests will be accepted until August 30. Orders are expected to ship in March 2020.

>You’re not the real one
u/Holofan4life is a highly active moderator of r/Animemes.

Do you want to translate it and make it public so that others can read it or do you want to read it yourself? If it's the former why is it important to you?


>It's not actually her appearance that made her so popular.

I change my waifu like I change my socks

Imagine spending all of that in some fotm isekai

My waifu owns my heart

I like to watch bigger men filling her with hot cum when she needs BIG


I've read about ~10000000 words of fanfiction about my waifu. That is roughly eighty 500 page books.

Same, i self insert as the guy in the corner jacking off to her getting railed and after she's done I'm on the floor slobbering on her foot

Post the real WN if you do not believe me



So this decade's token yandere?

what is, if I don't have one?

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Post the real WN

Please contact a renowned hentai artist.

I bought some doujinshi and I even considered, for some moments, to spend 65000yen into another one.

Oh. Well not sure if he plays Battlefield 4 but that's where I was accused.

I think you are entirely misunderstanding their post.
Fight Crab
I'm happy you've never changed your waifu, friend.

over 5 grand

who is it?

so like 2 then that's not a very big collection

Remfags are rich chads

He's posted part of his collection.

>amount spent on stuff = how dedicated you are
How much would you say this is true?

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is this the same guy as this?

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user, that is clearly a cat.


Imagine waifuing beato before 7th game

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how do you feel about being cucked by another man in her own show? also you weebs need to be gassed. go get a real women

She’s really not a yandere even though she has those tendencies, she doesn’t really fit into a archetype which is probably why people like her so much

I'm mentally ill, but not to the point of collecting figurines and posters of anime girls.

Yeah you just think you are a girl and crossdress while fingering your asshole in the mirror thinking about cock you disgusting fuck

cute cat

Is that your room in OP?

There's literally nothing wrong with doing that though.

No this is mine

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I'm waiting for her to come back

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wew, didn't expect this one.

Stay mad

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How delusional do you have to be to say the Published LN and the WN written by Tappei is fanfiction?
Learn to nip pajeet.

>I might get killed by this waifufag
>but I can pet the cat

this is a risk worth taking tfw you will never waifu yourself.

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She struck me as creepy in the show. Honestly, she and her sister would turn me off IRL if I was in Subaru's position, though all the characters in that show strike me as crazy at some level.

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tfw she dies no matter what because they cant recharge her batteries because reasons.

cumming in waifu excessively to try and get her barren womb pregnant

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>can afford a 1:1 scale statue
>buys detolfs for display cases
All around pleb.

I haven't found anyone I love enough to call a waifu

>woke up today to artist's sketch of waifu commission
She's so beautiful!

maybe he cheaped out to get the statue. true dedication

How much time and effort would it take to sculpt a 1:1 statue of waifu with your own hands? I'm seriously considering doing it/training for it.

I think about her everyday.


Post a link to the web novel then

>waufism isn't a probl-

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>Having a waifu that loves another man

I knew waifufags were a bunch of cucks.

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I love Chihiro Fushimi with all my heart!

I may not have the merch for it (becuase she doesn't have merch herself) but I got the heart! 8 years of Love and Justice, and still going strong!

I haven't commissioned her and draw her a lot.

It's really not, but it's not like I'm gonna let that stop me!

What's this Giant Enemy Crab simulator?

It isn't. Toxic people like you that judge other people's harmless happiness on the other hand...

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Remfags are insane and mentally ill people.

I’ll kill you dead nigger

Chris is 100x the waifu Rem is.

More like Bestevez. Especially compared to the AIDS that is his brother.

Got a whole lot of figures.

gb2 /reddit/

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>tfw greek gods are dead so no aphrodite to bring your statue to life
T-thanks, jesus.

Heard he lost his account for a while because of their shitty "nothing that looks remotely like a child" policy. Thank fuck for 4channel.

What if you scanned a pre-existing figurine of her, scaled it up to 1:1, then 3D-printed her in parts? Granted, it could take a couple of years to finish, but it should cost less than 30k, right? The lawsuit might cost more, unless you don't sell the item or use it for advertising, but doing that would mean literally whoring out your waifu.

ily kevin-kun

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thx, bby

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how have you been today

Tired! How about you?

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me too i haven't really slept in the last three days outside of an hour or two long naps, i hope you feel better soon lovelove

>waifu's only figurine is of her adjusting her underpants

Nah. Besides sculpting a figure of her would be far more rewarding.

Ah! So it was you! You really need to mind your health!

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I'd love to get more for her, though there isn't much and there sadly never will be with what happened to her show. Thankfully love isn't just simply money

i've actually made a lot of improvements to my health lately but sleep is very important i agree, do you eat any certain kind of diet kevin-kun?

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How the fuck do you fall in love with somebody if you can't understand what they are saying

Is pizza a diet?

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Not him but my waifu is from something only a fraction translated, so I'm learning Japanese for her.

I'll probably make it public out of principle, there may still be a handful of people who might care.

Because it had anime and manga adaptations that did get translations. But the original light novel never got one, and there was a lot of content that was not adapted.

for sure

Ganbare, user.

I learn Japanese for her & eventually become a translator. It actually gives me some good sources of income.

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>though all the characters in that show strike me as crazy at some level.
I think that's kinda the point. Everyone in that world, Subaru included, have quite a few issues.

It takes waaay more time and effort to translate something (especially translating it well, doubly so if you are editing it yourself) vs getting the gist of the text you're reading.
Good luck either way!


This is deeply unsettling.

r*ddit is that way

God I want a season 2 so much, but it'll never happen.

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What's going on with r/waifuism?

>going to r/waifuism
sure if you want to see casual waifufags who think they're true waifufags and get shit on by Kiwis all the time


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i'm not rich enough to whale on waifus...

fuck off

I would say that I've done a lot in the name of my wife Yuuri.
I wish I could tell Yuuri how much she means to me.

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all I can say is that your taste in raifus sucks

it was a joke numbnuts

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Waifuism is a literal joke.

completely dedicated heart, soul and body

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user, the main reason I am on Yea Forums is to share the greatness that is my Waifu.

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That seems exceptionally difficult to find anything.

You start to memorize the number of a particular one you like to post but once you go past 100 it becomes quite a handful

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just look how many repeats I have from resizes jesus christ I never noticed

People marry foreign brides all the time.

I just give mine meaningful names based on the image

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try that when you hit 200, 400, 1000, 2000...

I've hit 400, but Chihiro sadly doesn't have enough images to go beyond 600 (not counting single individual frames, which are not uniquely named)

here's hoping for a P3 remake to bring in a surge of Chihiros!

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Is it bad that I'm conflicted with 2 girls from the same VN? One is the best girl to ever exist and the other is a super autistic child who I just adore. I know Tomoyo is best girl but I relate with Kotomi more and like her shyness and autism stuff.

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>he didn't get the tits&ass
Hehe I watched the superior show.

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>Is it bad

God damn it user I have files for both and I'm so torn. I just don't know if I should go with my heart and Kotomi or with my mind with Tomoyo?

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I mean Tomoyo is perfect but she's so perfect it's kinda boring. Kotomi is more unique in that she might literally have autism.

>look mom i posted it again

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What would you rather have?

Well it's less that she's perfect and more that she is trying her best to be the girl Tomoya want's. She never really understood what it meant to be a girl and really took EVERYTHING tomoya said and tried to be that. She want's to be girly yet there's this tomboyish nature which makes her have none of the negative effects being a female has.

It's kinda why in Tomoyo after she just lets him go after his lustful desires, she thinks being super submissive is what he want's and she want's to be the perfect girl for Tomoya. And this REALLY plays into the bad ending where Tomoyo ask if he was annoyed they couldn't have sex right there. If you answer yes then you have a sex scene and tomoyo simply becomes a sex object. She has gotten so deep in the idea of submission that she kinda forgot to look at the bigger picture. She was taken advantage of and now she think's she is being loved but Tomoya is only serving his lust. He no longer loves her but enjoyes fucking her quite much, even that will get old though.

She's not perfect by any means but what actually makes her special is what she will do for people she cares about. She mainly has her family and tomoyo and that's about it. Hell, even before Tomoya and Tomoyo were going out, she was getting them up in the morning because she wanted to help 2 dweebs she had fun being with. She cares about people and will go to the world's end to make sure they are alright. She wanted to save the trees because her brother, who nearly took his own life, liked them.

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Tomoyo posting, actually Kotomi posting should REALLY become a thing because she is the opitimy of Yea Forumsutism and suprised she isn't the darling of this board.

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I also got that, but still though, we'll never get another season.

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I’d say I’m very dedicated

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>just the bust
You, at best, are only half dedicated.

If the full scale was available to the public I would’ve bought it in a heartbeat


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I've bought a few books and a movie related to her, bought a few figurines, started playing gacha, took a Christian Theology class because I thought she might be relevant at some point she was talked about briefly in one of our textbooks, started French, pray every night for her, and talk about her whenever I get the chance.

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>tfw waifu will never get new merch since her series ended years ago
Feels horrible

15 YEARS user

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I wish I had that much money

Only 4 years for mine, but it does feel like an eternity

>waifu will never get merch because she's a "side character"
a blessing and a curse

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