Why does everyone love JCs?

Why does everyone love JCs?

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Their Cs are very J

their naked aggression

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They're good but I think JS is best.

Nobody likes JC

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They’re very cute and funny

I've never seen monoononnonogatari
Is that MC's sister? He has to survive not mating pressing her?

Because they all love dicks

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Araragi is a fag for not destroying her pussy that time.

that's his sister, right?

But not all JCs love JCs.

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Rararagi has twin little sisters, but only pic related is sexy.

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Karen is a goddess, you fag.

it's when they're most sexiest

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I was wrong. They weren't twins and Karen is too old, no wonder she isn't sexy.

I suppose it's only natural for retards to want to mate with other retards.

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Shit taste. Even if you're a pedo, Mayoi and Shinobu exist.

We're hebes

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They're not twins, they're a year apart.

The best!

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Yeah that's why Karen isn't sexy.

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How'd you know my name's Nobody?

Underrated FPBP

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Her doujin was hot

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remember that one episode some group did an uncensor of?

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JCs are probably the maximum level I can like. JKs and mommies are only special cases.

What can a JK do that a JC can't?

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>special cases

Yes, I believe some of the Yamas have special dispensation.

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Nothing I can't do without.

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JC are the best because they are the best of both worlds: the petiteness and innocence of a JS, but also the developing secondary sexual characteristics, and sexual curiosity/appetite of a JK.

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Nothing really, it's just JK's do everything a JC does better.

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Goddamit Abe, there needs to be more anime/manga of JC/JK kids hooking up, teenage pregnancies and all that.

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What do these terms JC and JK mean.

t. sorry not a pedo

But JCfags and JKfags aren't pedos either. They are hebephiles and ephebophiles respectively.

JS = elementary schoolgirl
JC = middleschool girls
JK = highschool sluts
JD = college used goods


im not gonna spoonfeed you directly, so here, image search this.

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You don't need to be Xphile to lurk 2 years before posting user.

ok thanks. What's the etymology though?

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Let me FUCKING GOOGLE it for you.

the etymology is Japanese you dumbass

Whether JC or JS, 12 year olds are the best.

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Except JK aren't sexy.

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idolm@ster has such good JC girls

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even JS girls like Kaoru (age 9)

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Normalfags don't.


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>googling pedo terms

I'll take a hard pass nigger.

That's not what etymology means.

nice user

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>pedo terms
Its fucking anime weeaboo terms nigger.

Scholarly post.

You only need to read this thread to realize that's not the extent of it, nigger.

Too late user, you are already on some list that is being handled right now to your mom.

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> >googling pedo terms
shitty bait, not worth a (You)

The existence of a supremely sexy loli in her general vicinity doesn't make Tsukihi herself any less sexy.

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Rika is definitely best

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I like her partner in crime too.

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rika's precociousness is so erotic
thats also part of the appeal of JC: girls who at a young age know how the cards fall

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>girls that don't exist in real life

You'd be surprised. Poor kids start fucking pretty early.

they do

pregnant JC when

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What would you wife Say if you told her that you want to fuck JCs?

>Yea Forumsnons

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Now that's just plain false.

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If I had one she'd know because she'd be one.

>Eh, nandette?

was Nadeko wearing panties in this scene?
this is CRUCIAL

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we'll never know

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO there is no greater than Mikan