ITT: Reddit-tier manga

I'll start with an obvious one.

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your favorite manga

Can you actually explain what this term means?

Shit, I posted the wrong picture

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I dont use reddit. What is quintessential reddit behaviour.

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we did it jojochads

Lol so basically manga popular on Yea Forums too.

>way of the house husband
Pretty good taste, aside from that there's almost no difference between Yea Forums and r*ddit

>"if I don't like it then its reddit"

Why is that gook shit solo leveling so high?

>the way of the house husband

>A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman
what is this trend of really long descriptive titles

Poor writing, overly pushy sense of either self-righteousness or edginess, tendencies to try to appeal as deep and philosophical within its themes, but over exaggerates to the point where it becomes forced and unnecessary, etc.

What the fuck are you talking about. These series are more popular on Yea Forums than reddit. I dont' understand this reddit meme. Everything you guys bash and call reddit tier, applies MORE to Yea Forums. This place is a fucking shit dump, so much that no one here even likes each other.

How is that any different from here?

jojobros, where you at?

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Yea Forums bassically tsundere to reddit

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same as here then

Didn't know about that 5. Picked up.

Look, when it's reddit, you can just tell

What? This user is right. reddit series are just cookie cutter, don't do anything new, boring series. Kind of like heroaca .maybe JoJo too

I expected that to be higher. What the hell is Solo Leveling?

>cookie cutter, don't do anything new

>all these fags came here thinking they were going see another ass-blasting of Dr. Stone but instead came here to see their favorite overrated manga be put on the pedestal.
Face it jojofags, it’s basically Rick and Morty 2.0

You do know that JoJo was (and still is) one of the favorites of most Yea Forums boards (long before the anime and it became popular among those who aren't into nerd stuff).

>dont do anything new
>invented half the tropes and cliches in shounen

prove it

Boring still applies though. Especially Part 3, which was where it tried something new.

Can any of you niggers refute this?

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So Madoka?

they were the original jojoniggers, all they cared about was ZA WARUDO and WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. finding people who cared enough to read through it, endure shitscans, have read multiple parts were rare.

its gook shit

Nagatoro is a reddit manga. Is that why I dont see as many threads here?

>doctor stone
No surprise there

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Flop x Axe

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>simplify a manga so that it seems like its 1 dimensional
you could do this with basically any manga out there

>Is that why I dont see as many threads here?
the stalker dumps literally hit bump limit in like 40 minutes

That bunny girl shit from last year

I don't have to prove something anyone who has been in this website for more than 9 years knows.
Most fandoms are like that, filled with shitty people with shitty thoughts and shitty attitudes. Not much can be done about it.

neck yourself oldfag larper

If I don't like it but can't be bothered to list specific criticisms.

He just forgot the raep. There's nothing especial about berserk

Interesting seeing Kaguya that low considering the autism when the anime aired.

>especial about berserk
You're especial my friend

Why am I not surprised that Sp*cs like Berserk?

Yea Forums said it was good, and they're smart, totally not pretentious, wholesome anons.


So Sp*cs both like and hate Berserk?

Must be a pretty divisive issue among DBZ fans.

Redditor forcing Reddit meme and ruining the site. Nice try.

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I think you might actually be retarded.

Why 4channelers like to think about Reddit so much?

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rent free

Jojo part 5, 6, 7, and 8 are not boring. If you disagree then you might just have shit taste

I've literally never seen or heard 2/3 of the shows on the list. And I'm Yea Forums

Based. Wojakposters deserve the rope.

Jojo is more popular on Yea Forums. In fact, we have at least 3 threads up at any given time.

Because despite hating on it so much we all know 90% of us post on both, the people posting >reddit are guaranteed to do so.

>not boring
Plot's pretty bad as well, desu.

heavily overestimating. The reason being that you probably post there and should fuck off.

same desu, decent premise and cute execution

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