Anyway, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Now THAT was an Anime!

Anyway, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Now THAT was an Anime!

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You nigs got no taste?

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Reinhard's so cute.


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yup *sip* they dont make moe sol like they used to

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Empire is gay
Yang gang is where it's at

Why watch cute girls doing cute things when you can watch cute Reinhard doing cute military things?

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That was the funniest arc of logh

Yangs a drunk and dont know shit except strategy.

Hell, Even He can admit that to himself, can you, Earth Illuminati bitch?

>be me
>watch LotGH
>expect the empire to be the bad
>mfw i'm rooting for reinhard
I'm legit one stepstone away from becoming a monarchist

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Oberstein did nothing wrong.

Its because the Empire were in the Right and it showed how, even though both sides had bad points, the Democratic side were unstable and corrupt.

Basically, you can boil it down to that old saying that the world would be best run by a benevolent dictator (which Reinhardt is meant to represent, except not fully.)

I mean for fucks sake look at Phezzan.

The initial leaders of both sides were both pretty bad. You gotta thank Reinhard for making a difference.

I'm watching the gaidens right now and the storytelling gets me more invested in the main characters than the main story did. Was making them separate stories just autism?

what like ninja gaiden?

Where can I watch this shit? None of my usual sites have it

Yes the ones where Kircheis does the rasengans

KA or 9ani


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I dunno man, i only watch old stuff like Fist of the North Star and City Hunter.

Speaking of City Hunter, anyone seen that french live action version? Its called 'NickyLarson' over there. is it any good and can i watch it anywhere???

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Why is YangxJulian such an underrated ship? They're so cute together.

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Because Julian can do better than that Drunk.

I bet Julian tried to jack him off once whilst he slept but Yangs dicks so pickled by booze it couldnt get hard.

Poor Julian.

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I love all the openings in LOGH.

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LoGH threads are the only things on Yea Forums that make me happy

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You damn Right Mecklinger.

Just Don't mention...THAT though, it never happened.

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If I were at my desktop I would post his artwork

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Julian needs a real man like Schenkopp.

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For all its greatness, what does Yea Forums think some of LotGH's flaws are?
>Terrans being cartoon villains in a series that emphasizes nuance
>Quite a few underused characters
Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

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Mittermeyer and Reuenthal taking nearly 30 episodes to get fleshed out. LOGH is great but I think a lot can be fixed with a rewrite.

I've watched the series and My Conquest is the Sea of Stars. Are the prequel OVA's good?

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The fucking design change in those remade episodes what the fuck were they thinking

it wasn't even animated

It's a true irony that Reinhard would be more effective serving under Yang.
Yang is a superior tactician, Reinhard is superior strategist.

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Yes they are. Be prepared for Yang's voice actor dying and being replaced though

Fuckin OP stop self-bumping.

Why did Hilda recommend a promotion for Bittenfeld to fleet admiral despite his two major catastrophic defeats?
Was he fucking Hilda behind Reinhard's back

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>Phezzan being cartoon villians in a series that emphasized nuance

That is the epitome of nuance though. It would be less nuance to have a show that argues "there is no good and evil everything is grey."

There are people in the world who do evil for evils sake. Demons do exist.

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Both the Alliance Military Dictatorship and High Noble Rebels being satirically incompetent.
I get that it was supposed to convey how far above contemporary politicians both Yang and Reinhard are, but come on

But Strategy is above Tactics
Strategy is how you distribute your resources and Tactics how you utilize them

>cute military things
Did he dock the Brunhild?

I like LOGH as much as the next user, but cmon the 4th OP is objectively trash

He was promoted because Reinhard has a fetish for red haired men

If you like LotGH, you're probably gay.

Tonight for you I pray to the blightest star on the heavenry scream.

I am at the exact same point but the Empire was right from the beginning. Even with absolute retards running it the (((Alliance))) had always been much worse. Alliance is current America.

What's the watch order again?

wasn't there recently some remake of this? did that turn out allright or what happened

Watch it if you want more. I don't like it as much.

Moive 1&3, OVA, Gaiden, Fanfiction of Kircheis

>Moive 1&3, OVA, Gaiden, Fanfiction of Kircheis

implying there's a movie 2 that should be skipped?

I didn't watch it yet but the watchguide I have followed so far described it as a "bad shoujo fanfiction not relevant to the plot".

>For all its greatness, what does Yea Forums think some of LotGH's flaws are?
The directing/narrative is too dry and not engaging enough
The narrator was mostly unnecessary

They're all good. The only bad part of 4th OP is the vocalist's pronunciation but you can ignore it if you pretend she's not singing in English.

Where are the Alliance's forced labor camps? Where is the Alliance's secret police who read your mail, listen to your phone calls and watch your every move? Where are the Alliance's executions of anybody who dares criticize the government? Empirefags are delusional if they think life in the Alliance was worse for the common citizens than life in the Empire.

Even the worst part of the FPA, the PKC, was actually a bunch of infiltrators from Phezzan instead of being part of the FPA itself.

The endings song by that dude were much superior to the openings by that shrill woman with her broken english.

The ending songs make me stand up and salute my television.

But the openings have different vocalists. I didn't enjoy the endings personally, they remind me of enka.

>forced labour camps
Seemed to be most prominent at the beginning of the Empire. Before Reinharto-sama fucks everything up most people seem to be poor farmers and shit.
>secret police
You get your head kicked in for criticising God Trunith. Besides by the time Yang becomes admiral this shit gets a lot worse whereas the Empires dismantles its Secret Police Bureau (just to rename it later on).

>Alliance executions
Yeah, they just send your fleet to die against the Empire. They burned most of their fleet for nothing.

The Alliance is a corrupt shithole and this gets pointed out since the beginning of the series. The High Coucil even pulled Yang from the frontlines and endangered Alliane space because they feared for their pensions. They are just like the nobles from the Empire.

Oh no, the FPA gave Yang a stern verbal condemnation. Totally equivalent to the Empire approach, which would be either exiling him to a penal colony or torturing him to death.

I see there are some men of taste among the rabble.

lel the Alliance got played by the Empire and Phezzan and was lucky that Kempf is a fucking retard. Great government you got there. Just like the time when the Empire coup'd the Alliance just for the lols.

>Not laying your down heart onto the sea of the stars

Yes, the Empire had more citizens producing more troops to crew more ships. The larger military defeated the smaller military. Big whoop.

But no matter how corrupt politicians like Trunicht became, the citizens of the FPA were still treated better than the citizens of the Empire.

Boot-licking Empirefags only care about space battles, lasers and PEW PEW PEW. They have lost their sense of empathy for their common man, and it matters to them not how the government treats the people.

Basically no other ideologies get explored apart from Monarchy Vs. Republicanism. You could argue that the Terrans are Theocracy, but the series doesn't explore their administration with the same depth.

It always felt to me like the FPA faction revolved around Yang. Whereas the Empire had a variety of characters who each had their own unique relationship with one another. It reminds me of The Sopranos, whereas the FPA's story feels more to me like a traditional "Great Man of History" tale.

Kircheis doesn't get nearly as fleshed out as he should have been. Apart from his romance with Annerose that doesn't really get explored before his death, he isn't really seen doing anything other than carrying out Reinhard's will. It would have been interesting if the series depicted how he felt being second fiddle all the time.

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They common man who had to pay 30% of the GDP for pew pew ships.
Guess starving on the streets is ok as long you only get your head bashed in by hockey mask wearing dudes

Where did you see FPA citizens starving in the streets?

Standing in front of the Social Welfare Office GDR style

Can you post a screencap?

Yeah, I can later on. Was around episodes 30-40

Thanks, I'll wait.

His defeats were tactical losses but strategic victories. Unironucally the 3rd best commander in the show.

best opening

a man of fine taste i see

It's episode 41

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>His defeats were tactical losses but strategic victories. Unironucally the 3rd best commander in the show.
His defeats were monumental fuckups
Even with a Bittenfeld draw at Amlitzer then LoGH would have been like 50 episodes long
His defeat at the Iserlohn Corridor resulted in two Imperial admirals dying

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The 30% GDP is also from one of these episodes

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Thank you.

Now comparing it to the Empire: Do we know the food situation over there?

It's not known. But another problem is that the populations seems to be a lot more spread out. Obviously the nobles in the city are not starving. When the Alliance waged a genocidal war against the poor farmers plundering their villages they seems to be doing ok.

>It's not known.
Then what's your point? I'm trying to make direct 1:1 comparisons.

Will the Alliance government kill you if you criticize the Alliance government? No.
Will the Imperial government kill you if you criticize the Imperial government? Yes.

In Gaiden, they explain that being killed by the Imperial government is the common punishment, and merely being imprisoned in a labor camp for the rest of your life happens when you're shown exceptional mercy.

Jessia got killed twice. The point is that the Alliance government offers more freedom but the whole administration and system is utter dog shit and doesn't work out. The Empire's system is autocratic but for the most part the people are doing fine.

I'd rather pick the Empire than the Alliance. And the post civil war Empire is even better

Look mate, that dude is saying he doesn't mind doing exactly as he's told and conforming his views to fit under the thought-police if it means he can live a bit more comfortably. Under those directives he's totally right that the empire is better, so y'all and your differing priorities will have to agree to disagree.

But it's also the same for people in the Alliance. Once someone becomes an oppositional force they are disposed of. The Alliance is pure brainwashing. It's like socialism vs capitalism. In socialism a lot of people see through the propaganda but in capitalism nobody cares as long as there is food on the table. The people in the Alliance get tricked into wars just as easily as the Empire peasants.

>but for the most part the people are doing fine.
Except that they live their entire lives in constant fear of the government, since the secret police is always watching and always willing to arrest you and kill you for nothing.

But what is the bit more comfort that the Empire has but which the Alliance doesn't?

The problem with arguing for the good of the common man is that too many posters don't think of themselves as the common man.

They believe that if truck-kun ever hits them and they get isekai'd into LoGH, they'll be incarnating as a member of the aristocratic nobility. And as for why they aren't already a noble aristocrat in this life, well... It's democracy's fault, somehow.

Could you be any more passive aggressive?
Every single system ever implemented has been for the "Good of the common man".
Delusions that you know better or see the world clearer than others is what leads to Dictatorships and Totalitarianism in the first place.
Please stop advocating for democracy where all man are equal regardless of birth by treating your opponents as someone who is intellectually beneath you because of their views.

Given my luck, If I got isekai'd into LoGH I'd probably have been nuked at Westerland.

I feel like the narrator is there to enhance the sense that this is a story being told from the reference point of the future looking back on a historical sequence of events. It also helps keep track of the passage of time. In the books there is less of a sense of narration so much as it is an occasional reminder that no one could imagine how much worse things would get.

That said, I think the main flaw of the anime is the passage of time can not be intuited easily during a battle. Until I got used to it I was constantly asking myself why it took them so long to react to changes in fortune during battles. Time seemed to speed up or slow down from a narrative standpoint with little explanation.

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>making a difference
The dude wanted to keep playing Alexander the Great when he already won when he should have been doing his job as emperor.

>Terrans being cartoon villains in a series that emphasizes nuance
I was actually OK with this because the terraists were fanatic religious zealots who resorted to terrorism once they became weakened by the loss of the Earth base. They had terribly stupid ideas and goals and did horrific things to achieve those goals because they were obsessed with making Earth the center of political power for no reason except for it fitting with their religious beliefs.

Terrans were cartoon villains BECAUSE religious fanatics are cartoon villains.

I legit lost my shit when he lowered the bouquet and was blushing like a little girl.

On the topic of the narrator, you guys forget this took ten years to make and was fucking mailed to people physically. The narrator probably was a huge help for those lucky few back then when it came to keeping up.

Superior anime incoming.

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Looks like a nerve was struck.

>YOU are the one who's going to lead us into a totalitarian dictatorship, because you advocate for republican democracy with a rude tone! Not me, the guy who actually wants to be ruled by a totalitarian dictator!
A bloo bloo bloo.

As an introductory work it serves its purpose. Had it not been for Die Neue These I likely never would have watched the original show. Nor would I have read the books. It skips over a few things I wish it hadn't but so did the original compared to the books. It doesn't individualize some characters hairstyles like the original which was a mistake and probably done to bring it more into the current style. Basically the character design is shit compared to the original. But if it manages to introduce the story to a new generation and even 10% of the new audience goes on to watch the original I say it's worth it. Plus the OP is glorious. Binary Star sums up the entire theme of the show and I didn't fully appreciate it till I watched the original series.

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Absolutism can be terrible or great. Democracy is always corrupted

Only the sith deal in absolutes.


Neither am I the guy you were arguing with nor am I monarchist.
It is not that you advocate for republican democracy, but the way how you advocate for it is hypocritical.
For democracy to work to its fullest potential each and every citizen must be the best they can be, and acting passive aggressive against an opposing view is neither very democratic nor upstanding and acting the victim doesn't help your case either.
it is not the system but the people operating within in it that make or brake it, and for it to work it must cultivate and reward good statesmanship. It doesn't matter if the name of the game is money or your birth, as long as meritocracy is not impeded and "the common man" is heard, the people will be overjoyed with living in the system.
You come of as someone who believes Republican Democracy is more civilized than the "primitive" Monarchism, then act the part of the civilized one in the discussion and not like a colonialist talking down to some backwards tribesmen.

That's pretty absolute statement


From my point of view, it's the Jedi who are evil.

But even in real life most people are entirely divorced to the political processes. Especially if you're on some backwater, frontier planet far from the capital. Aside from posting on an Rastafarian goatherding forum, how much do you play a part in local and federal politics. The thing is that the majority of humans spent their whole lives accomplishing little (that affects the society outside of their loved ones) just being regular farmers, capenters, mailman, fishermen, etc. Not everyone's going to be a Voltaire, naturally rebelling against the order of things. Most people would be trying to make the best of the situation that they are in: the case in most democracries and autocracies.
That being said I can't say that I would be content not being able too levy any criticism at a government (even in jest) but for someone who is apolitical and couldn't give a fuck who's sitting on the throne/cabinet/parliament/oval office it would be worlds better than living in some FPA ghetto where you have to wait in line for bread and milk.
>"But at least we get a say in who's going to fuck in the ass"

But this comparison relies on the assumption that you won't be living in an Imperial ghetto where you have to wait in line for bread and milk. Does anyone believe that the Empire doesn't have any of those?

I wouldn't say it's superior, but I do think that it's just as good as LoGH

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Then you are lost

>Reinhard will never break into your house and offer you ice cream

>Reinhard will never float downriver inside a huge peach and kill oni for you

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If only Kircheis was here to taste that delicious icu creemu

Me too, I laughed so hard

>that little dance Reinhard does when Kircheis shows up

Better than DNT.

what does the narrator actually says at the end of every episode?

Thank you.

Yang inquiry episode was terrific.

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Ginga no rekishi ga mata ichi peji.

Do ye? Do ye really, lad? Don't make me post it. I don't want to post it, lad.

I think EDs really blow the fuck out of OPs, though. Kei Ogura is a master class talent.

>there are viewers who didn't re-discover feelings after watching ED4 one last time when the show was over

He was based as fuck, still surprised he didn't lose his job right after that.

basically, because you need a crazy cavalry guy for the suicidal charges. if you haven't realized it yet logh is napoleonic wars in space as far as combat is concerned.




hard to fire a guy keeping your ass safe. basically yang was right when he said that governments need people and not the other way around.

The first ED is the greatest ED of all time.

>That fucking gutpunch when he just says Yang dies next episode

What is that based on?

The fuck are you talking about?
It's everywhere, look harder.

Something along the lines of
>wow this was fucking trash, let's fix it

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Just go series chronological. First gaidens then movies the the series. Keep in mind that one of the movies is a recap.

You can guess from episodes where the alliance occupied planets. You can also estimate based on medieval times since it's basically space feudalism.

>Before democracy can we get a bit of food?

>You can guess
>You can also estimate
I'm going to close my eyes and count to 10. When I open my eyes, this post had better be gone.

>muh constant fear
Literally not true, just dont be a criminal or tell everyone how much you hate the kaiser and nothing will happen. Normal people live the same way.

Since they never outright give any source or hard statistics, guessing is the best you can do.

>neighbor's dog poops on your lawn
>they don't like it when you ask them to clean up after their dog
>they tell the police that they heard you say something bad about the Kaiser
>you die

Imperial citizen, did you just say something bad about the secret police?

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Bitten in every feld

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Wait, thats...

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>people actually believe this
Surely you don't think that random reports have any weight? They might be overly jumpy, but this is no u tier. Especially out in nowhere where having to conduct investigations is more of a bother.

The writer denocrat guy who Kirchies met only got jailed because he joined a rebel group. There are no examples in the show to support where you be just accused of shit and get executed, given you didn't piss off a noble, but then it's the same in the alliance.

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Does Kircheis make Rein hard?

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>Surely you don't think that random reports have any weight?
Dreams of the Morning, Songs of the Night

A woman is sentenced to death because a neighbor told the police that she stepped on the Kaiser's portrait.

And she confessed to it.

I do not recall this, and looking over the episode now, I am not finding it. Are you sure?

Yep, it happened, do not remember the episode though. The Secret Police did see through it

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You might be thinking of something else.

The full extent of this story is that she's arrested based on the neighbor's report, and the punishment is, of course, torture until death. However, Ulrich Kessler intervenes, and he's able to get her sentence commuted to life imprisonment. There is no confession though.

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I've checked it and it's not said, but the way it is shown it is taken as a fact that she did it. It might not be a confession but the point still stands that she committed a crime.
Stepping the portrait is akin to stepping on or burning the flag of a country and is generally consideded a crime.

Yes, she's a criminal, and criminals should all be tortured to death.

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Whats the penalty for pic related?

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It was explained that she was unpatriotic during a war. It's not like unpatriotic people fared better in the alliance when the patriotic knights beat them to death.

>It's not like unpatriotic people fared better in the alliance when the patriotic knights beat them to death.
At least the FPA has the excuse that the PKC aren't part of the FPA government. They're agent provocateurs from Phezzan who are trying to create instability in the FPA.

I think Yang would actually enjoy K-on! while Julian would be the shounenfag.

There's no question as to who his favorite idol would be.

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>at least they aren't doing it in the open
>Yang literally ask turnith to call them off
I prefer them doing it openly, that way everyone knows what's up, and it not "you are allowed to say what you want", fine print:"as long as you agree with us".
It makes it worse that they are not official.

Meanwhile, Oberstein is a huge Dog Days fanboy.

But it's not the FPA itself doing this, it's just one guy who's colluding with his nation's enemies for personal gain.

There isnt?

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That episode is probably my single favorite in the series. I loved how it went from serious to comical so easily.

This is the pretended to be retarded for 30 years show right?
How many episodes is it

>show written by imperialist leaning Japanese.
>shows empire to be better than alliance.

>Gee, I wonder how this could happen...?

Japanese are still but hurt over the second world war, and completely blind to how pathetically weak their own side was, I see.


>Democracy is always corrupted.

Found the Euro

>implying colonialism didn't civilized the world.
Monarchies are backwards morons stuck in an uncivilized system. This is simply true. We do not have to give them respect because they are tyrants, and no respect should be afforded their ideals.

I have no time for your cultural and ideological relativism, and neither did the people who provided the world the freedoms it currently enjoys. They were won by the sword and rude words, not by banal politeness but by the fiery wills of men yearning for freedom.

>brainwashed mutt finds thread
>replies to day old posts while sperging out about muh freedums

>literal terrorist spies are the only thing in the alliance close to imperial standard operating procedure.

>empirefags still think this is somehow equivalent.

Look dude, we know the man has good hair, but you're still an idiot.

>brainwashed Euro thinks everyone who likes civil rights is a mutt.

>goes back to sucking Jihadi cocks for mama Merkel.

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>The Imperial Force gives notice to Mr. Yang Wenli, whose position has now changed from the greatest commander of the former Alliance Force to the only commander of the remnant republicans. Your resistance to peace and unification is not only morally meaningless, but also tactically most difficult, as well as strategically impossible. A sage like yourself must surely understand this.

>Thus, I advise you most sincerely. If you wish to protect your life and humble honor, you should put down your banner of rebellion and beg for the Kaiser's mercy. I will be happy to be a mediator for that purpose.

>I hope to receive your rational response.

To the Admiral Bittenfeld!

O Admiral, Imperial devil and damned devil’s kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of admiral are thou, that canst not slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil shits, and your army eats. Thou shalt not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of sons of Democracy; we have no fear of your army, by land and by space we will battle with thee, fuck thy mother.

Thou Reinhard’s scullion, Kaiser’s wheelwright, brewer of Odin, tiger-fucker of Empire, swineherd of Iserlohn and Phezzan Corridors, pig of Rudolph, Amritsar thief, catamite of Oberstein, hangman of Black Lancers, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before the whole Galaxy, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig’s snout, tigers’s arse, slaughterhouse cur, autocratic brow, screw thine own mother!

So the Iserlohn Republic declare, you lowlife. You won’t even be herding pigs for the Republicans. Now we’ll conclude, for we don’t know the date and don’t own a calendar; the Iserlohn’s in the sky, the year with the Liberty, the day’s the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!

Admiral Dusty Attenborough, with the whole Iserlohn Fleet.

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Assuming your american. You don't think aristocracy and dictatorship still works in this country


Why was the banter on this show so good? Was the writer on the JSDF or something?

Is that image supposed to convince me because I still stand by what I said

>aristocracy and dictatorship
I presume you mean democracy and Republicanism?

They seem to be working fine, the United States is undeniably the current global hegemon, with military presence in more than half of the world's countries and an extreme amount of power.

I'm not sure how you think it is not working when it is doing better than the Empire ever did. Or any other real civilization for that matter.

It has issues certainly, but the United States current situation is "already won the game." Despite how heavily memed it is at times.

>already won the game
>drowning in debts
The USA is like any other empire, it's bound to fail, the good times will stop, all things not cleansed or cleaned needs to be washed eventually or gets thrown away, that even applies to the USA

This is still by far the best anime ever made and it’s sad nothing will come close to it in terms of depth since ovas are dead

Well yeah of course it will fail eventually.

This does not indicate that it is dysfunctional when with its current inroads in Africa it is at the height of its power.

It eventually grows on you

Well If you don't like earth so much then maybe you should go and live elsewhere.

Yeah. The ONE democracy.
>nice spacing


>asked about America

>Talks about America

>"Reeeee why are you talking about American politics like it's all that exists?"


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>democracy is synonymous with America
Sasuga Treyvon.
Arguing that democracy is good by using the best possible example (modern-day America) is just as flimsy as arguing the opposite because Germany was good under the Second Reich. Hell, why not argue that monarchies are good because it established Rome as the hegemon of antiquity? Or that constitutional monarchy is best because the British created the largest empire known to man?
You also don't take into account countries like: Haiti,Peru, Trinidad, Nigeria, Cameroon, Turkey, Romania, Italy and the phillipines are all democracies, so why don't they see the same level of prosperity?
Must be because TRUE democracy hasn't been tried yet.

>left unscathed in both world wars
>geographical barriers preventing invasions
>able to expand territory with marginal resistance
>large population
>expansive, arable lands

>implying America hasn't been coasting on "easy mode" from the very beginning.

>had already been spoiled on all the major plot points by browsing Yea Forums.
>watched DNT.
>picked up the books that were translated.
>watch the original anime.

Holy fuck did it hit me like a ton of bricks. After finishing I almost started crying. I don't think any anime will come close to making me feel this way again.

Why is Fahrenheit's hair white? Isn't he supposed to be under 30?

How do you think it got that way?

Isn't Yang's hair kind of blue? Why is that?

Rome was established as hegemonic during the mid-late Republican period, and Britain became the worlds largest empire by becoming progressively more democratic.

>Constitutional monarchy isn't just republicanism with more lip service.

If you want actual arguments for authoritarianism you need to talk about China, Imperial Spain, the Ottoman Empire, and the Islamic Caliphates.

I thought blue hair was used as a substitute for black hair in old anime/cartoons

I am scared to start LOGH because it's a bazillion episodes long

Good goy.

>They seem to be working fine

>Largest prison population on earth.

>Has known fewer years of peace than I have been alive.

>Half the population cannot afford healthcare and often die from diseases, the cures for which were developed centuries ago.

>Education system so appallingly bad they do worse than some third-world nations and their universities would have to close if all the rich foreigners left.

>Corporations literally pumping carcinogens into the drinking water.

>Essentially bankrupt since the 30s and has since been on the military-industrial complex life support requiring constant war.

>Current financial situation so tenuous they must destroy entire nations that refuse to sell crude oil in dollars and thus threaten the petro-dollar and is reserve currency status (Iraq, Libya and almost Syria.)

99% of all human progress happened under tyranny. Complaining about the failings of kings is one thing, but to suggest that replacing a monarch with a swarm of oligarchs and plutocrats with the camouflage of suffrage and the convenience of a divided population fighting amongst themselves as any kind of improvement is insanity.

Democracy is a lie.

Attached: Rear-Admiral_George_Cockburn_(1772-1853),_by_John_James_Halls.jpg (789x1280, 949K)

Worst OP.

Would a system work as proposed in LOTGH where a democracy gets replaced by a dictatorship when changes cannot be agreed upon but democracy itself will come back in power if the individual exerts too much power and becomes corrupt? Or is that just a fantasy

One episode per day, and you'll be done in under 4 months.