Man, hes just like me

Man, hes just like me

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tell me, how do you erase time ?

why are you so obsessed with arrows?

I want to be as attractive as him

We are both intelligent, nihilistic, have a calculating personality with hints of schizophrenia, easy to anger and with a dark past buried deep behind them.

You're a big oof

you got a twink alter ego?

But Diavolo actually had sex. Take your meds nigger

Literally me

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I was diagnosed with a personality disorder at 13, my other side is sort of submissive and quirky whereas my true self is actually mad narcissistic, violent and racist

Sounds like you're highly fucking autistic bro

More like highly radical

Ok, that's enough boss. Give me back the arrow. Go to your room and think what you've done.

Nah you're straight fucked mate, hope you're larping for your sake lmao

I'm not him my lord, that was my first post in this thread.

This but with Doppio. I'm submissive and weak and i look like a child at 24 but i would love to have someone who support and protect me !

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Apologies brother, keep it radical

Start loving yourself mate

You're inside a twink most of the time?

But the whole plot of part 5 is that Diavolo regrets having sex.

That would be really hard

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believe in the anons who believe in you cunt

T-thanks user, I will try !

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Take your mental illness attention thread here


Shut the fuck up boomer

>part 6 anime never

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No he is literally ME I've already been saying this for years you get your own character to relate to you shitstain